
Haters can sit down because Mira Sethi doesn't dress for anyone but herself

Haters can sit down because Mira Sethi doesn't dress for anyone but herself

The actor had a thing or two to say to trolls who can't handle 'women in dresses or costumes' in public.
11 Oct, 2021

Actor and novelist Mira Sethi couldn't care less about your opinions on her clothes and recently made that loud and clear. In a message shared with fans on Instagram, she took on men "obsessed with policing women" and said she doesn't doesn't dress for anything other than her own "sense of joy".

Sethi recently posted a no-nonsense message on Instagram letting all the haters know exactly what she thinks about their opinions. Newsflash, she doesn't think highly of them. "It’s always fascinating to see trolls go nuts under photos of public-facing women in dresses or costumes or anything the trolls deem 'vulgar'," she said.

"Go home. I don’t dress for you," the actor said. "I don’t dress for anyone or anything other than my own sense of joy and play and expansion. The men of this country are obsessed with policing women, constantly defining their ‘honour’ in relation to women’s bodies and clothing and appearance. It is a small minded, decayed, hateful thing to do. You want to disempower us because a deep part of you is hurting and angry. I get it. It’s societal and it is ugly."

Sethi went on to tell women to keep their chins up. "To the women who continue to secularise public spaces with their words and clothes and defiance: you inspire me. On the face of it, it looks merely glitzy and silly, but only those subjected to the heat of abuse know that simply by being — by asserting with our voices and bodies — we are clawing back space from rotten hierarchies of power and control."

Sethi's message comes right after she and many other celebrities walked the red carpet at the 20th Lux Style awards on Saturday night. The actor wore an all-black "whimsical" dress to the event designed for her by Hussain Rehar.

What celebrities wear to public events such as the Lux Style Awards more often than not become the subject of controversy and critique on social media. While there's nothing wrong with a little chatter on how fashionable an outfit was, people discrediting women over 'morally unacceptable' clothes isn't okay. We're going to stand with Sethi on this matter. Like it or leave it, women can and should dress as they please.

Sethi's own dress at the Lux Style Awards may not have tickled our fancy when it comes to fashion, but in no way does that opinion take away from her autonomy to dress she pleases. Neither does it take away from the autonomy that other celebrities have when it comes to dressing the way they like.

This isn't the first time Sethi has spoken up about women having bodily autonomy. During an interview to Taimoor Salahuddin (Mooro) on his podcast, the actor highlighted how the controversial Aurat March slogan Mera Jism, Meri Marzi is misunderstood because the word jism (body) is perceived as sexual in many people's minds. "Mera Jism, Meri Marzi is women fundamentally saying you don’t get to set the terms of my life, my body, my decisions, my agency, you don’t get to dictate," she explained.

Well, there you have it folks, yet another reminder to let women be and dress as they please. We don't understand why there need to be so many reminders, but we're glad our stars don't stop talking about this.


Ch. S Oct 11, 2021 04:17pm
She's married but acting like she's ready to mingle.
thinking Oct 11, 2021 05:28pm
Miras dress just didnt suit her. It was badly stiched.
Babar Oct 11, 2021 06:02pm
Who is, and does anyone care? lol
ENGR Hamid Shafiq Oct 11, 2021 06:04pm
I think you live on moon
Jondon Oct 11, 2021 06:05pm
No person is free to do as they please, so this statement is abit silly. What are you promoting saying such things? There are rules for everyone. What you wear in puplic is dictated by society and society is dictated by its view on life. Who decides what is decent, is it peoples minds or is morality given to us by something higher? Why don't we all go around topless when we feel hot, if we are free to do as we please?
Malz Oct 11, 2021 06:07pm
A very big part of the problem though is that most women in the country do not have the independence to dresss as they wold like, and when celebrities dress this way- it’s a little bit frustrating, not because of lack of tolerance but because these women donot represent the society at large, they are just a very tiny fraction that actually lives at the fringe of rest of society and this would appear like rubbing their independence in the face of women who donot have it. Furthermore, these same women dress up very conservatively in their dramas and take up roles in which they cry and get beaten up. After promoting that, they dress up like they are western and all independent-so, what exactly are they trying to say ??
Asif Oct 11, 2021 06:13pm
Absolutely Right
nk Oct 11, 2021 07:05pm
If you dress for yourself then keep it away from the public eye and enjoy it in front of a mirror by keeping yourself in your home.
Kortu Oct 11, 2021 07:48pm
So no issues with the mod-scott sleeveless dress, but please get a better looking one.
Ali da Malanga Oct 11, 2021 07:48pm
When you dress for yourself only, you don't post pictures on social media.
FAZ Oct 11, 2021 09:13pm
You can achieve everything in Hijab. Stop promoting what is not ours in the name of women rights.
M.Emad Oct 11, 2021 09:45pm
ME too actors!
Imran Oct 11, 2021 11:00pm
Well said! Mira Sethi.
SSA Oct 11, 2021 11:59pm
The more ordinary looking they are the outrageous they try to be to get attention....its the oldest trick un the book
Zulfiqar Oct 12, 2021 12:02am
Ms Sethi you’re very simple if you can’t understand what people’s problem is with clothes that go against accepted cultural norms. You’re educated, well travelled and a writer. So it’s hard to believe you cannot understand social norms.
Fahad Oct 12, 2021 10:41am
who cares
Amir Shah Oct 12, 2021 11:35am
Utterly disgusting, no regard for their own bodies, happy to show it to the world.
NYS Oct 12, 2021 11:41am
We can't see Najam Sethi reflection in produce
M. Saeed Oct 12, 2021 12:17pm
@Jondon By this statement, she has lost what ever little fame she had in glamour, has gone down the drain.
Jahan Ara Oct 12, 2021 01:38pm
An average looking long dress with nothing tastefully created in it. The problem is when actresses start to age they start exposing themselves to gain more attention. It goes same for all of the ageing actresses.