
Mira Sethi and Ayesha Omar talk what it is to be a bold woman in Pakistan

Mira Sethi and Ayesha Omar talk what it is to be a bold woman in Pakistan

"If a woman is bold, she is considered rebellious, going against the values, and is a bad example," says Omar.
14 Jan, 2021

Longtime acquaintances and former schoolmates Ayesha Omar and Mira Sethi got together for an interview for the latter's show Hello! Mira Sethi, where the formidable industry duo, draped in sarees, discussed the negative connotations with the word 'bold' and what it means in a desi society.

"For me, the word bold means self-sufficient," said host Sethi, as she asked the Karachi Se Lahore actor what she believes is the reason behind its problematic connotations.

"From what I see [...] observing the mindset growing up in Pakistan, women are expected to be subdued. They shouldn't be too outspoken, confident or feel self-assured. What we see in our content and even in our dramas — bold means you're brave, you're speaking your mind and that goes against that mindset. If a woman is bold, she is considered rebellious, going against the values, and is a bad example.

"So it's a stereotype and I would definitely want to be bold rather than scared," she added, revealing that after her father's death, she was raised by her mom.

"My mother had to be extremely hands on and self-sufficient, because she had to juggle finances, housework, career and children altogether," Omar said, adding that she is her biggest inspiration to date.

"Even till now, we've never had domestic help in my mother's house in Lahore. She thinks it's also a great way to stay in shape," she laughed, adding that she does everything herself too.

"My reflex action first thing in the morning is to make my own bed etc. It's been there in me since childhood, so even if I have domestic staff, I still do everything myself," she said.

Omar also said she was also a vivid supporter of women's rights having seen her own mother's situation growing up.

"When my father passed away, my mother was too traumatised to stand up for what shares were his from the business, and that's why we lost everything. She had no idea what to do, she couldn't fight with two small children, and that is why we had to move and start a new life."

"She was so young [...] she didn't fight for her rights. I think that stuck in my head," Omar said, saying that contributed to her being so vocal about women's rights today.

Salute to single mothers and more power to bold women, we say.


M. Saeed Jan 14, 2021 02:23pm
"Bold" in our desi society is another four letter world.
jaredlee007 Jan 14, 2021 02:27pm
They represent only a specific stratum of Pakistani society.
ali Jan 14, 2021 02:30pm
In pakistan there are different mindset for being bold. But revealing/short dresses are never sign of being bold.
hamid shafiq Jan 14, 2021 03:48pm
we do not need your lecture on boldness and what you explain meaning of boldness never ever acceptable related to your own activities. Islam is the religion of freedom and the freedom which give by Islam is enough for a woman to do work in society.
Browngirl Jan 14, 2021 04:13pm
Bold women of Pakistani origin. That is new.
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Jan 14, 2021 05:37pm
There should be a difference in being bold and shameless. People mixes these two concepts. An ideal example of being bold in our country's history was Fatima Jinnah sahiba.
Vijay B. Jan 14, 2021 05:49pm
In the mid 1940s before partition, when my wife's paternal grandfather died at a young age her grandmother in her thirties withjh teenage kids in Dera Ismail Khan, (Pakistan) went and put extra locks on their businesses demanding an honest wadera arbitrator to ensure she got her fair share. She did get her share, and then groomed her young sons to become good businessmen, and ruled the roost till the very end.. Whenever there is a mention of bold women, she comes to my mind.
Vijay B. Jan 14, 2021 05:57pm
I am proud to say, I have 4 sisters, each with at least a double MS or a Ph.D. or an MD etc. and with very successful careers behind them. Yes, through all their lives, they were all as bold as they come. I have always held the3m in high esteem and pay homage to their abilities and grit every time it is befitting to do so, without fail.
JustBecause Jan 14, 2021 07:10pm
Oh look. Ayesha Omar showing a shoulder and an arm! Dear lord, what behayaee!
Narissa Jan 14, 2021 07:31pm
Good luck
Chrís Dăn Jan 14, 2021 08:01pm
Elegent ladies.
Chrís Dăn Jan 14, 2021 08:04pm
@ali dress is a personal choice. Why "revealing"is a subject of objection for you? Many women like to wear nice elegent dresses. You need to learn to put up with 21st century as 21st century respects a personś choices of his/her life.
NK Jan 14, 2021 08:05pm
@M. Saeed If in desi society you mean deprivation then In the modern society or the modern world also women remain deprived there are many examples that open up on media here in the US but in the modern society of the western world women are bold when they loose what a woman should not. There is a particular agenda here in Pakistan fully funded to erase the left over morality we have.
Chrís Dăn Jan 14, 2021 08:06pm
@Browngirl I wish them best.
Chrís Dăn Jan 14, 2021 08:09pm
@JustBecause so what? Accept her as she is or modern pakistani women are. Probably these modern women are not keen to"show" -they just like to wear elegent and modern dresses and modern dresses are like this. So? What is your problem?who appointed you her judge?
Parvez Jan 14, 2021 10:59pm
" Bold " should have been substituted with " brave "...... because it is construed as " bad " as far as women are concerned by our patriarchal society.
Basharat ali Jan 15, 2021 12:10am
M. Saeed Jan 15, 2021 12:46am
@Chrís Dăn , yes, mera dress, meri marzi.
Chrís Dăn Jan 15, 2021 01:04am
@NK western woman is a gainer now. She is bold and has equal human rights.
Sid Jan 15, 2021 03:01am
Self sufficient? Standing up on your father's shoulder and being a groupie in the yoyo bandwagon is hardly self-sufficient. Only thing bold about these people is that they are a modern manifestation of tribalism and nepotism.
Bk Jan 15, 2021 10:22am
If a women in short dress makes you lose your control, then its not their problem. Such men should go and get treatment ( counseling).
Ali Jan 15, 2021 11:46am
Mainly boldness for Pakistanis is not about women roaming freely and doing some job. It's directly related to shedding your clothes. Else women are driving rickshaws, bikes and even handcarts to earn their livelihood. We respect those ladies rather than respecting other women who feel they can do anything in the name of boldness
Right Jan 15, 2021 01:49pm
@Sid This is the most correct description
Khalid Mahmud Jan 15, 2021 02:10pm
Completely oblivious of basic norms of Islamic values and moralities. These women, unfortunately are a stigma in our society!!!
Total Disctance Jan 15, 2021 06:29pm
@jaredlee007 .1% to be precise
JustBecause Jan 15, 2021 07:26pm
@Chrís Dăn kind sir, it is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that you should develop a sense of humour and learn what sarcasm is. My original comment was bathed in sarcasm - if you could not see that there was no judgment whatsoever, you should take a look in the mirror because that is exactly what you did in responding to my comment!
NK Jan 15, 2021 07:59pm
@Chrís Dăn That is why here they have been telling their rape stories in the court after years and years, that is why they are paid less than the men, that is why they have to work hard for a job position and that is why last not least they have always been projected as the object of desire to the masses.