
Veteran comedian Omer Sharif sets off to the US for medical treatment

Veteran comedian Omer Sharif sets off to the US for medical treatment

He has boarded an air ambulance in Karachi after receiving the green light from his doctors.
28 Sep, 2021

Veteran entertainer Omer Sharif has boarded an air ambulance and is finally on his way to the US for medical treatment.

The air ambulance will take him to Washington DC via Germany. He is accompanied by his wife Zareen Omer and a six-member medical team.

The air ambulance at the Karachi airport — Photo: Kazi Hasan
The air ambulance at the Karachi airport — Photo: Kazi Hasan

Earlier in the day, Sindh Government Spokesperson Murtaza Wahab had announced that Sharif was on his way to the airport.

Doctors in Karachi declared him fit to travel despite initial concerns on Monday that he was too unwell. According to his wife, his blood pressure had dropped and the air ambulance had threatened to leave.

The ambulance landed in Karachi Monday morning but Sharif was unable to board immediately as his doctors had advised against air travel. He underwent a series of tests before getting the green light from his medical team.

The veteran's medical condition became a subject of national concern after he made a video appeal to Prime Minister Imran Khan to help him secure a visa to travel abroad for medical treatment. The federal government assured him that it would help and the Sindh government also stepped in, sanctioning Rs40 million for his treatment.

Actor Reema Khan had also announced that her husband, cardiologist Dr Tariq Shahab, had agreed to perform the surgery on Sharif. Several other celebrities had called for prayers for Sharif.


M. Saeed Sep 28, 2021 01:55pm
Let us hope for the best for Omer Sharif to get well soon. Ameen.
Abdur Razzaque Sep 28, 2021 02:10pm
Wish your recovery . Also wish and pray for the nuclear scientist Dr. Khan.
Erum Aziz Sep 28, 2021 02:13pm
Too little and toooo late.. Brought an Airplane just for Show off.
john Sep 28, 2021 02:17pm
peoples money well spent
NYS Sep 28, 2021 03:54pm
Dr Tariq Shahab now take on
Babbar Sep 28, 2021 04:32pm
Pakistan is really rich to be able to afford foreign treatment for every celebrity.
Shabbir ali Sep 28, 2021 04:38pm
Should have taken him to India where the best cardiology hospitals available.
Good Neighbour Sep 28, 2021 04:42pm
India can give good treatment. At air ambulance rent he can get treatment and still save money.
Zak Sep 28, 2021 05:04pm
Good luck, come back soon all recovered.
pizzaman Sep 28, 2021 05:35pm
Why send to US, China is the best place.
Multani Sep 28, 2021 06:44pm
We have expertise here , why go to hated USA .
Syed j Qamer Sep 28, 2021 06:46pm
He couldnt be treated in Pakistani. Are Pakistani doctors so incompetent that they could not do the procedure which this comedian required I think this is something Pakistanis need to ponder why was 40 million rupees spent in sending this gentleman abroad.
Ravi Ramaswamy Sep 28, 2021 06:51pm
@john Exactly, and I wonder none of Pakistani wisdom overloaded dude raised this point.
nk Sep 28, 2021 07:01pm
And a six-member medical team. Hope there were no free rides.
well-wisher Sep 28, 2021 07:02pm
Best wishes and prayers for successful surgery and speedy recovery. Aameen.
nk Sep 28, 2021 07:02pm
Umer Sharif the comedy king will soon recover from his illness . Insha Allahl!
Shafiq Taraar Sep 28, 2021 07:37pm
Why not over to China?
Anil Sep 28, 2021 07:40pm
Please come to our country India, we treat you fre
J Sep 28, 2021 08:12pm
Why couldn't you treat him in China?
J Sep 28, 2021 08:56pm
Pakistan is a country for elites paid by common man
Asim Sep 28, 2021 09:02pm
@Erum Aziz No the airplane is not a show. This is the way to transport a critically ill patient if you can afford it.
Syed Hafeez Imran Sep 28, 2021 11:20pm
@Erum Aziz wgat a stupid comment. if it was just for show off, it should not have taken him and flown! Also why is too late. he is in a condition to travel and Inshallh with proper care will recover . Prayers of a multitude are with him
Zar Sep 28, 2021 11:39pm
@pizzaman Beta: USA is still No. 1: California; New York very advanced in medicine. Yesterday I had series of eye test: you cannot even dreaming about it Pakistan or China : I did live in China and went to Eye hospital: no match with USA.
Zar Sep 28, 2021 11:42pm
@Asim Lack of education: perhaps she never understood what air ambulance means and why so expensive:
Zaheer Khan Sep 29, 2021 12:10am
In US , he will be treated by Indian doctors. Should have gone to India.
AKhan_CA Sep 29, 2021 01:08am
I wish him speedy recovery but who is paying the bill?
Frankieman Sep 29, 2021 03:06am
Wish him the best. Must be an important man and a wealthy one. Only a small minuscule can afford the expenses.
M.Emad Sep 29, 2021 03:28am
@Anil first treat your own patients!
Khanm Sep 29, 2021 03:53am
Good I wish if our national hero Dr Qadeer Khan would have been treated in the same manner
rehan Sep 29, 2021 05:36am
does poor Pakistani can get the same service is this from state tax payer money . under which laws are this money is sanctioned .
Nitin Sep 29, 2021 05:38am
I wish him a fast recovery. Love from India, Umar Sharif Saheb
Akil Akhtar Sep 29, 2021 07:21am
@Erum Aziz What do you mean too little, too late. It is millions of dollars being spent on him in a poor country only because he is a celebrity. Gov tis not responsible for everyone getting sick. We need to come out of this negative mindset.
Fik Sep 29, 2021 07:22am
@Erum Aziz what kind of a comment is this
Akil Akhtar Sep 29, 2021 07:22am
What treatment does he need that cant be done in seems our elite expect the same as our leaders have done and shown to be sent abroad for treatment. They think it is somehow their right.
Mahmood MIR Sep 29, 2021 09:17am
Why he should be sent to US he should be treated in Pakistan wasting Government money for what for a Comedian, why not take care of Dr.Abdul Qadir a scientist and also spent money to get back Dr Afifa Siddiqi. It's a waste on this guy who had a lavish life marrying 3 wifes, what else he need.
Masood Sep 29, 2021 09:19am
Unclear what heart ailment he is suffering from? Karachi is loaded with interventional Cardiologist and cardiac surgeons of excellent reputation and outcome ! One of the heart surgeon is performing 1500 open heart surgeries a year with outcomes comparable to any western hospital Complex angioplasty and stents are quite common in Pakistan
Ahmed Sep 29, 2021 09:25am
Send him to India. He will be alright .
Riazullah Baig Sep 29, 2021 09:33am
@Asim I heard that Sindh government announced 4 crore rupees for his treatment. A big hospital could be built in rural Sindh for that money.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 29, 2021 11:41am
Wishing him speedy and full recovery, great health, long life, wonderful time and many more great opportunities to spread happiness and make his domestic and global audience laugh, laugh and laugh.
Abdullah Ali Oct 01, 2021 12:34am
@Erum Aziz What a disgusting and shameless attitude you have...
Mahmood MIR Oct 01, 2021 02:34am
No Good can be treated in Pakistan