
Islamabad residents to renew calls of justice for Noor Mukadam on the eve of her murder trial

Islamabad residents to renew calls of justice for Noor Mukadam on the eve of her murder trial

Celebrities and netizens are going to gather in front of the Islamabad Press Club on Wednesday.
21 Sep, 2021

Netizens are set to renew calls for justice for the late Noor Mukadam on the eve of her murder trial. Many plan to attend a peaceful gathering that will be organised by Noor's loved ones outside the Islamabad Press Club on Wednesday (September 22).

The victim's family have been struggling to get justice after Noor was brutally murdered in Islamabad in July. The 27-year-old's murder had sent shockwaves throughout the nation and calls for justice have resounded across the country. Zahir Jaffer is currently in custody and being investigated for the murder, while his parents Zakir Jaffer and Asmat Jaffer are being investigated for abetting him.

Justice for Noor, a social media platform run by Noor's friends in her memory, recently announced that a peaceful gathering will be held on September 22 to show support for her. "On the eve of Noor Mukadam's murder trial, please join her family and loved ones to renew your pledge for justice for Noor. This peaceful gathering will serve as a reminder that the world will be watching her trial unfold. We hope that her murderer and his accomplices are brought to swift justice and are given exemplary punishment," the Instagram post read.

The gathering will be held outside the Islamabad Press Club, from 4:30pm till 7pm on Wednesday. The occasion will also be marked with a vigil in Noor's memory.

Organisers also published a list of dos and don'ts to keep in mind while attending the gathering, such as following Covid-19 safety precautions and refraining from physical violence.

The platform also shared a video message from Noor's sister Sarah Mukadam who said that steps need to be taken to make sure no family goes through the suffering her family is enduring. She urged everyone to attend the gathering on Wednesday.

The gathering has been endorsed by various celebrities and public figures who've urged their fans and followers to show up in support alongside them. Actors Omair Rana, Mawra Hocane, Sohai Ali Abro and others shared Sarah's message and details of the gathering on their Instagram Stories.

Noor's friends previously protested outside the Islamabad High Court when the court took up the post-arrest bail petitions of Zahir's parents. The protesters urged the court not to grant them bail.


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 21, 2021 03:32pm
Justice delayed is akin to justice denied.
M. Saeed Sep 21, 2021 03:34pm
The name of the killer's family lawyer is enough to believe that, this matter is going to take ages in court proceedings, without any conclusion.
JUR USA Sep 21, 2021 03:52pm
Imran khan is committed to punish, let see what court does. It appears to be simple case but if govt wants overseas Pakistanis to return to country, this case is key to provide surety that justified and unbiased law exist in Pakistan.
M. Emad Sep 21, 2021 04:10pm
Mr. Zahir Jaffer is a Psychiatric patient ---- he needs Hospital treatment.
Anika Sep 21, 2021 08:44pm
@M. Emad definitely but after he pays for his crime!