
'Never is the victim responsible,' says PM Imran when asked about his controversial comments on rape

'Never is the victim responsible,' says PM Imran when asked about his controversial comments on rape

While appearing on PBS NewsHour, premier says he wouldn't "say such a stupid thing" that the person raped is responsible.
28 Jul, 2021

Another Prime Minister Imran Khan interview, another journalist asking him about his controversial remarks on rape which drew wide criticism.

Not once, but twice this year, the prime minister of this country articulated deeply problematic views about rape.

The first time he oversimplified the reasons leading to the rise of rape and sexual abuse by linking such cases to the rise of "vulgarity".

The second time, he made it worse.

This time, however, he got it right and said that never, ever is the victim to be blamed.

"Anyone who commits rape, solely and solely, that person is responsible. So let's be clear about that," said the premier during his appearance on PBS NewsHour.

"No matter whatever — how much ever a woman is provocative or whatever she wears, the person who commits rape, he is fully responsible. Never is the victim responsible."

Finally. But we hope that in the next interview, the word provocative will be omitted completely.

Imran Khan's most recent comments came in reply to a question by journalist Judy Woodruff who asked him about this earlier views and if he believes women bear a large part of the responsibility for the rise in the number of rape cases in Pakistan.

"My comments were completely taken out of context. They were simply talking about Pakistan society, where we are having a rise, a sharp rise in sex crimes. And sex crime does not include just women. More than rape are child abuse, which is going through the roof.

"So my comments were in that context. And it was — I used the word purdah. In Islam, purdah does not mean just clothes. And purdah is not restricted to women only, but that is for men as well. It means bringing the temptation down in a society."

He went on to say that his remarks were taken out of context deliberately. "Never would I say such a stupid thing where a person who's raped is responsible for somehow — it's always the rapist that is responsible."

Woodruff then asked if the importance in Pakistan of Islam complicates his ability to do something, to take a stronger stand against violence against women. To this, the premier said absolutely not.

"Islam gives dignity, respect to women. In fact, let me say, having traveled all over the world, I find that, in Muslim countries, in Pakistan, even in other Muslim countries I have seen, women having — far more treated with respect and given more dignity.

"You have odd cases everywhere in the world, but you look at the situation in Pakistan even now, I mean, look at the rape cases here. Compare it to Western countries. They are minuscule compared to them.

"Yes, we have our issues. We have some cultural problems. Every nation has that. But that comes with cultural evolution, with education. But, as far as a woman's dignity goes, respect, I can say, after going all over the world, this society gives more respect and dignity to women."

Here, we have something to say to our prime minister (yes, again).

What is happening in Pakistan are not "odd cases" — cases of violence against children and women are rampant in our country. They are reported daily in Pakistan and not even those present the full picture because so many go unreported because of fear, stigma and difficult legal processes.

Only when we fully recognise that Pakistan has a very real and recurring problem of violence against women, the deep-rooted issues which have led to such a sorry state of affairs and the factors which continue to enable men to carry out such horrendous acts, will we be able to do something about it.


Amer Jul 28, 2021 11:42am
She need to check the data for her country of birth as well.
Justice Jul 28, 2021 11:43am
In this interview by Judy W., IK did the "damage control" on his past comments on rape. But too little, too late.
ali Jul 28, 2021 11:49am
well said, why dont they see rapes in their own country serial killers, rapists. Why they are very concern for Pakistan in first place ?
Kris Jul 28, 2021 11:50am
He is a confused soul. When your leader is confused, it has consequences for the nation.
tbone steak Jul 28, 2021 11:56am
Imran Khan is making such sweeping statements using his decayed brain..can he explain women being murdered by their husbands, honor killings, domestic violence and madrassa rapes by the same logic? The problem is men
usman Jul 28, 2021 11:59am
Somehow, people still blame IK. The statement has many ifs and buts. As a man and an educated man, IK and I, understand his statement well which is connected to being a liberal and to be a liberal for vulgarity only. Islam teaches about being liberal without being vulgar, being liberal means women have equal rights as men. Furthermore, men must respect women and care for and protect them. Additionally, its parents responsibility to teach their kids about equality as well as being liberal without being ostentatious (displaying yourself liberal without portraying liberalism under the term of vulgarity).
Saroosh Danish Jul 28, 2021 12:01pm
Imran Khan's statement is correct. Men and Women both constitute the society and both are equally responsible for maintaining social fabric of such society, where they live in. Therefore, both act responsibly.
Mustafa Shah Jul 28, 2021 12:05pm
Well done Mr. Prime Minister. But please acknowledge that this issue is much bigger than you stated in the interview and it begs to be taken much much more seriously and strong action is required promptly.
Thinking Jul 28, 2021 12:19pm
Dawn moving such an important topic into images. How really important this topic is to you
Shad Jul 28, 2021 12:21pm
Hang few in public and you will see the difference but I am sure HRW will have problem with that as well. By the way, why these questions are reserved for our PM why nobody is asking the same to Western Leaders which has much worst record in violence against women.
Qamar Ahmed Jul 28, 2021 12:31pm
Lata Haya, a famed indian poetess has said that women too responsible. The attire they wear, the lifestyle all matters. So the victim is too in many incidents is responsible.
Zak Jul 28, 2021 12:37pm
Stop faulting the pm for every statement.
Khan Jul 28, 2021 12:39pm
Another U-turn
Inquisitor Jul 28, 2021 12:50pm
IK in full damage control. And another thing. He is drawing a long bow when he says purdah applies to men. Maybe it is written but in actuality, I have never seen this apply to men, hence the problem of rape, incest and paederasty.
Badtameez Kudi Jul 28, 2021 12:52pm
He's hiding behind the bush. Everyone in his inner circle knows he's a hardcore misogynist.
Art Jul 28, 2021 01:10pm
Niazi with 3 marriages is obviously a hypocrite!
Mano Jul 28, 2021 01:12pm
US talking about Human Rights that itself is funny. Ask Blacklivesmatters, ask Native Americans, ask HispanicAmerican, ask StopAsianHate. Rapist should get capital punishment.
Ahmad Jul 28, 2021 01:23pm
Islamic scholars are ok to lightly beat women. How does that not hamper creating laws against domestic violence especially when IK sends this law to Islamic scholars for review.
Ramay. Jul 28, 2021 01:38pm
PM IK is cent percent correct men should not raise their sights for non mahram ladies & so is the ladies,to keeps their modesty. As the police & judiciary has been helpless in controlling, such rapes & murders of ladies & children. A lesson,if men keep their vision away from non mahram ladies,it is observed that non mahram men also don't gaze their mahram ladies.And a full loose dress does play vital role in keeping temptations away in public.
Don Keraja Jul 28, 2021 01:42pm
Imran Khan, the gift that keeps on giving!!
Laila Jul 28, 2021 01:44pm
@Amer no she doesn't. This coverage is abouut our PMIK in Pakistan. Nob her country or her PM. Sweuoual stop with the "what about so and so". Shifting focus is a type f denial and endemic in Pakistan and why we fail to address serious issues and why they continue and why they garner media coverage. Let's use our focus and energy on how to solve these issues so the next generations doesn't have to go through them. First step is admitting we have these issues here in and across Pakistan from remote villages to major cities.
Tamza Jul 28, 2021 01:54pm
@Ahmad The US has not yet passed the Equal Rights Amendment. First passed by the house October 1971, and the Senate March 1972. BUT still NOT ratified. So EXPLICITLY women DO NOT have equal rights in the US. Spousal abuse is RAMPANT in the US; even in the so-called liberal states. That does NOT MAKE it right, but it weakens the argument when people compare with the 'west'. [Even today the Norwegian Gymnastics team was fined for not wearing the skimpy 'bikinis' as a protest]
Laila Jul 28, 2021 01:55pm
It is clear PMIK speaks with two tongues. One for the international media and one for our local Pakistani media. He is also incorrect of course when we consider his original comments and their context. It's convenient how he and others are happy to include women as fellow citizens who constitute (more than) half of our society, yet in other topics women are assumed to be invisible silent subjects and unequal, not even deemed worthy to read their own nikkah contracts and rights, with many people still arguing women should not be on streets protesting, but preferably at home, veiled prefrably not out working or go out, be loud, be dominating, be assertive etc Sadly we have no other option but PMIK right now. I don't want the looters Sharifs or Bhutto-Zardaris back. So PMIK and his rape apologetic patriarchal socially regressive views are tolerated. When you talk about victims responsibility in rape/harassment then you are blaming the victim thus freeing the rapists of their crime
Roshan Chaudhry Jul 28, 2021 01:57pm
There's a feminist argument within the Islamic world view and we don't need 4th wave feminist perspective with limited social research put on us.
Shahan Jul 28, 2021 02:07pm
To all those who are saying "Look in your own country first", there is a limit to being dumb. The whole point is if any action is taken or not, if some trend is on the rise or not. In Pakistan, such crimes are on the rise, and no action is being taken! In other countries, severe action is taken, and laws are made to reduce such crime. Where is it happening in Pakistan? Everywhere, the male CII takes decision for women, perhaps they are women in disguise sitting there. Pathetic decision, male dominance everywhere.
Chrís Dăn Jul 28, 2021 02:17pm
Regarding women status in Pakistan vis a vis Europe he is entirely& wrong. Cases look big from Europe as all cases are reported here. This is what IK is exploiting here. He must be knowing that n Pakistan 90% cases of child molestation & rapes of women are hushed up because of medieval family values -so it is less reporting not actual incidence. Furthermore,I'm sure he never lived in civic set up of Europe& lived a life of seasonal tourist in West/UK& doesnt know how much rights a European woman has.And unconditional rights. IK intentionally tries to de-mean European civilization which may be a negative impact by First Lady. He can just talk about his country without condemning west&that would bring respect to him.
HashBrown® Jul 28, 2021 02:45pm
@Qamar Ahmed "Lata Haya, a famed indian poetess has said that women too responsible." Yes, let's be guided by a poet from the rape epicentre of the world. Hindustan is one of the few places in the world that makes Pakistan look progressive.
Shahid Jul 28, 2021 02:50pm
If any one person anywhere anyhow had power to eliminate social, moral and cultural evils, this world, let alone country or nation, would have been free of all evil. Problem, however, is the social norms, foreign cultural, morals and social onslaught and copy cats wrongly thinking, blaming, even believing that evil is from, due to and b/c of just one person, one party or one government. People need to look at themselves first, what drives them, and how committed to their own self and society at large are they 'locally', purely of their own volition, to eradicate real evil from its root. No one man, woman, let alone child has the power to manifest such a miracle on societies full of 'free-willed' human beings. Like it or not, it is all of you, en masse. It is unfair, actually wickedly wrong, to blame, target or hold any one person responsible. You have to know, listen to and be sincere to your 'inner' sense w/o being driven by anybody else for any brownie point. Go ahead and good luck.
ABU TALIB Jul 28, 2021 03:03pm
Why don't IK counter such question to the interviewer also, happens in her country of origin. Then given the suitable reply to her/interviewer after getting their opinion also.
Syed Irfan Ali Jul 28, 2021 03:15pm
Kudos to you for writing the following: "Finally. But we hope that in the next interview, the word provocative will be omitted completely."
MA Jul 28, 2021 03:30pm
Where oh where do men like Imran Khan see women being treated with dignity and respect in Pakistan? I would like to know. None of my women friends feel safe in Pakistan, I don't feel safe and treated with dignity and respect as a woman here but when I studied abroad, I could move freely without being stared at. Pakistan is on the bottom of lists for how we treat women. Women are killed every single day, some are pretty heinous crimes (Quratulain murder, Noor Mukaddam murder, Saima's murder) and we do not even have recourse to justice here. Pray tell me where is this fabled land? Or does it only exist in the minds of the men??? Stop this whataboutism everyone keeps s living in denial and is part of the problembecause Pakistan has a gender based violence problem and a patriarchy problem. I disagree that Imran Khan's words are better. He's still trapped in his patriarchal mindset which plagues many here.
MA Jul 28, 2021 03:31pm
@Qamar Ahmed Women can be misogynists as well. She is a misogynist,
Khurram Iqbal Jul 28, 2021 03:39pm
Imran Khan Zindabad. This man is getting more & more popular amongst the masses day by day. Especially amongst the women.
Modern Mullah Jul 28, 2021 03:39pm
I accepted that Mr PM talk so correct. But sigh! There are only words. Looking back all these ruling years.
Kashif Baloch Jul 28, 2021 03:52pm
He will soon be relegated to dustbin of history, even though the damage he is causing will take decades to reverse. Keep that hope alive.
Uzair Jul 28, 2021 03:52pm
Don't know why its so hard to understand. The rapist is the only person responsible. But, there is a limitation to police and judicial systems. They are not omnipotent and omnipresent. Likewise the ability to investigate and gathering evidence can only be so much. That is why steps like watching what you wear, where and how go are important. The likelihood of not getting caught, or not getting sentenced is the primary consideration for most criminals. Not the morality of any act.
Abdullah Jul 28, 2021 03:55pm
well balnaced reply by charismatic khan ...visionary leader ...tons of love and respect from IOK ...Pakistan wakeup ,come forward and suppprt him
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 28, 2021 04:01pm
Once again, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is 100 percent right.
Fiaz Jul 28, 2021 04:51pm
Pakistan is very lucky to have leader like Imran Khan .
Jo Jul 28, 2021 04:56pm
Rape and associated crimes are not a competition between nations. Our prime minister made a statement and any journalist has the right to query this. She's just doing her job.
ShadowLugia Jul 28, 2021 05:11pm
He will now start blaming the goats also.
Jalal Jul 28, 2021 05:19pm
A country where women are safe only behind purdah in public and in private get murdered by their family should not boast about dignity of women . Look at the social indicators from crime against women ,education,employment, health care and you will know where our women stand compare to the rest of the world.
Akhtar Abbas Jul 28, 2021 06:21pm
Sometimes vocabulary does not translate well in other languages. What he meant was "Sexualization of women" and he should have used that word. Someone from the foreign service need to add this to the official lexicon.
NINO Jul 28, 2021 07:00pm
He often says stupid things and always seem to regret later. Is this leadership? Or perhaps he doesn’t know any better. Will be well advised to keep a chit in his hand.
NINO Jul 28, 2021 07:01pm
@usman Going to Oxford for playing cricket is not education.
usman Jul 28, 2021 07:22pm
@NINO If you need an explanation for every sentence then you may need to learn more.
usman Jul 28, 2021 07:32pm
@NINO Furthermore, he served as a chancellor of the University of Bradford for 10 years.
LgbtqX Jul 28, 2021 07:35pm
I thought he had better command over English language to get his point across.
Khalid iqbal Jul 28, 2021 08:45pm
@Justice , I think you are wrong completely, his statements were taken out of context , because he is the only PM who has openly spoken against crime and especially rape, yes he did give an advice to women to be vigilant about men who rape women , that did not mean he was blaming women for that .
Aziz Jul 28, 2021 08:57pm
Blaming women's clothes is as simplistic as blaming men's mentality. Pakistani society need to discuss the root cause(s) of this 'apparent' rise in rape cases. (N.B. The problem was always there, rise of social media just exposed the truth)
Pakistani Jul 28, 2021 11:45pm
@Kris he is a rough guy. He made the earlier statements very clear and were taken out of context. Confusion is circulating among those who are themselves confused. IK is a great leader and warrior.
Pathanoo Jul 29, 2021 12:09am
Imran Khan has no boundary between truth and lie. He goes back and forth according to his convenience.
Multani Jul 29, 2021 01:48am
Now IK cleared all misconceptions, now give him a break.
Jhandoo Khan Jul 29, 2021 03:47am
Another U turn?? :)
Javed Jul 29, 2021 05:29pm
@NINO And you have a wise head to call him stupid. Speaks volumes of your and other intellect. He presented a view that includes bringing back modesty to both women and man in how they present themselves in public. What part of his comments does not resonate with you. Do you want to convert Pakistan into Western country with Child Pornography and Adult nudity is considered progressive mindset and liberation for women.
Javed Jul 29, 2021 05:31pm
@Pathanoo And you are the only who knows the truth. He is the man of his words, salute his courage to take on biased westerm media and show them value and meaning of purdah for man and women. What part did you miss in that argument.
AbdulHaque Shaikh Jul 31, 2021 10:28pm
Imran Khan was impressive in the interview.