
Mathira and Sonya Hussyn clear up 'misunderstanding' after Mathira raises bullying concerns

Mathira and Sonya Hussyn clear up 'misunderstanding' after Mathira raises bullying concerns

She said Hussyn mocked her for the way she looked on the way to an award show in London.
Updated 23 Jun, 2021

Pakistani model, host and VJ Mathira has been a part of the entertainment industry for more than a decade, having carved a niche of her own as she hosted shows when she was a teenager. This is why it came as a surprise when the model opened up about being bullied by actor Sonya Hussyn for being "mistaken" for a "she-male".

Recently, the Young Malang star took to social media to reveal the ugly side of the industry, opening up about dealing with people conspiring to lobby against her when someone wants to offer her work. She mentioned going through a tough time after her divorce and celebrities like Hussyn mocking her when she was in a bad place.

"After my divorce dealing with depression, there was a time when I hated how I looked. I wanted to change myself to make myself feel better so I cut my hair and dyed it blonde," she recalled, saying it was around the same time she was invited to the IPPA Awards in London and was travelling on the bus with other stars.

"I had my headphones on minding my own business when I got to know from other celebrities that miss Sonya Hussyn thought I was [a] she-male. I was so belittled that she was commenting on me when I didn't say a word to anyone," she said, adding that despite being called names, she chose to help the Muhabbat Tujhe Alvida star since her "English was weak at the time".

"I was still kind but the woman didn't say a sorry or a thank you... girl you are fake," she said, revealing that the only person who was kind to her at the time was Azfar Rehman. "All I want to say is that some people are pretty faces but ugly souls."

Mathira then clarified that she doesn't mean this as a publicity stunt but to remind people that as actors, people often don't realise the damage they have done.

"You may be a superstar or a diva but I'm sorry if you have an ugly personality who bullies people and does not realise their mistake, sorry you are trash," she concluded, saying that she has grown into a person who will now stand up for herself.

After Mathira posted her story on Instagram, Hussyn called her up to discuss it.

"Just spoke to Mathira on call and glad that her misunderstandings have been cleared," she wrote, acknowledging that depression is a terrible disease and that she was heartbroken that Mathira had to go through it alone.

She then informed her friends that she was a call away if they ever needed anything, going on to call Mathira her sister and wishing her the best. She also said that a lack of communication only leads to negativity.

"My request to all, don't try to pass judgment without contextualising and sharing the other side," she said. Her post did not directly mention the bullying claims levied by Mathira.

Mathira later acknowledged the call and said she spoke up because she was hurt. "It's off my chest. I feel better," she wrote in an Instagram Story.

We might never find out what really happened but we're glad the matter got resolved. In her initial post, Hussyn mockingly mistook her for a "she-male", which is straight up ignorant and hateful. Since both of them have posted about the "misunderstanding" being cleared up, we assume this wasn't the case but for anyone who finds "jokes" comparing people to members of the transgender community funny — get an actual sense of humour. Putting down a marginalised community for the sake of a "joke" is disgusting.


M. Saeed Jun 23, 2021 01:49pm
Attention seekers the crude way.
Peace Jun 23, 2021 01:59pm
She Males are a creation too, just like the She and the Male. If someone have problem with this creation, then that someone is the problem. We have to respect all and be grateful of what we are.
Truth be told Jun 23, 2021 04:31pm
Obviously she called and told her that she wasn't talking about her and she (Sonya) was probably misunderstood for which she is sorry. As a result the depression prone lady felt better and all is kissy kissy and make up. Smart game played by Sonya. Very smart indeed.
well-wisher Jun 23, 2021 08:17pm
Sonya, a great and noble gesture by you in clearing the 'bad' air. Best to both. Even bad day s pass. Life has lots of bumps. Move on.
Truth be told Jun 23, 2021 10:21pm
@well-wisher that was not a good gesture it was pure for financial reasons!!! Can't you tell.