
Ushna Shah wants a stop to 'YouTube visas' after Rosie Gabrielle pointed out our trash problem

Ushna Shah wants a stop to 'YouTube visas' after Rosie Gabrielle pointed out our trash problem

"You know what we don't appreciate? Judgemental, condescending, 'white saviour' wannabes," she posted.
Updated 20 Jun, 2021

Canadian travel vlogger Rosie Gabrielle has been on a mission to motorbike around the world and is currently in Hunza. After some locals reached out to her with concerns over tourists littering, she used her platform to help raise their concerns. Unfortunately, actor Ushna Shah didn't like what Gabrielle said and claimed that a white person has no right to comment on Pakistan.

Gabrielle's post featured a picture of her holding a bag full of trash and pointed out the entitlement of tourists who visit scenic areas and leave a trail of trash behind. While there are problems with people gatekeeping entire areas, especially if those people aren't from the areas in question, the Balaa actor believed a better option would be to ban her from visiting altogether.

"You know what we don't appreciate? Judgemental, condescending, 'white saviour' wannabes," she posted, adding that the government of Pakistan should stop handing out "YouTube visas".

While the concept of a white saviour complex is indeed problematic, Gabrielle claims to be speaking on behalf of locals who reached out to her. She spoke about trash being dumped in the region as well as a rave that was held there. Setting aside the rave and the debate about culture versus freedom, the trash issue is real.

Instead of feeling attacked, Shah could have instead directed the same energy towards acknowledging the actual issue — the fact that there are few to no waste disposal systems in our country and people don't care about littering. This is a serious issue that needs to be talked about.

People should know that littering is not okay and something to be ashamed of rather than defensive about. Perhaps Gabrielle isn't the best person to highlight the issue — it would have been great if it was coming from locals instead — but the issue remains. The one way to avoid something like this in the future is to keep our country clean so that no bloggers, white or otherwise, get a chance to point it out.


Jehanzeb Anwer Jun 18, 2021 05:25pm
What better could you expect from her anyway. We don't own the problems we create, we turn a blind eye towards it and then if someone else points out our problems to us, we attack them.
Osama Jun 18, 2021 05:32pm
We are not short of people who don't want to improve. It is the truth and we have to accept.
Sunny Jun 18, 2021 05:37pm
The illogical actress with dumb comment
Badtameez Kudi Jun 18, 2021 05:38pm
Well the White Savior thing is 100% correct. There's an implicit bias in the "liberal left-wing white community," which believes they're doing the right thing, but deep inside, it's about them believing they're superior to colored races. Miss Shah makes a strong case here.
Im Raan Jun 18, 2021 05:46pm
Why bother; the whole nation is a toilet bowl.
Khan Jun 18, 2021 05:49pm
Atleast that white vlogger is doing some thing constructive not like our so called useless celebrities who do nothing except negative tweets...
NN Jun 18, 2021 06:20pm
White Savior ??? Very Racist comment indeed. What has Shah done to keep homeland clean??
zuhaib Jun 18, 2021 06:23pm
I don't think Rosie said anything insulting or demeaning. Ushna is simply over-reacting!
Ali Mehdi Jun 18, 2021 06:35pm
It would have shown more social sense on Ushna’s part if she hadn’t gone against the Vlogger. There’s a problem what u r gonna do about it. Silence those that want to bring it to fore. And I’m not too sure what background she’s to pass such racist comments on the colour of a person’s skin. She’s gone high perhaps.
Ali Jun 18, 2021 06:37pm
Ushna Shah is the "new generation" talented, hard working, outspoken and like many of her generation; entitled. As you have stated in the article she should acknowledge the issue. But instead she is upset because Ushna and only Ushna can raise issues. Nobody else. That is entitlement. Only last week she was complaining about women being treated differently than men. Thanks to this paper we will soon have a new column titled "Ushna's weekly complaints.
M. Saeed Jun 18, 2021 06:51pm
Anyone making us wise, is a welcome move. Look at the British High Commissioner's showing us where we were failing the task. Now, even CDA has become vigilant and active to do their job for which they are paying heavily their staff, without even caring to supervise.
Zulfiqar Jun 18, 2021 06:53pm
Don’t look at the messenger but the message. People have become desensitized to the issue of garbage and filth on our streets. To anyone who travels the world, garbage on the streets is the first thing they notice, not the air, not the trees, not the clothes, not the shops, but garbage! Not even in the poorest countries of the world do they accumulate filth on the streets like in Pakistan. It’s a unique phenomena.
AH Jun 18, 2021 06:53pm
It's Pakistanis who asked her to raise this issue. People of Hunza don't want drugs, alcohol and dance parties maybe this has upset Shah.
Zulfiqar Jun 18, 2021 06:54pm
Ms Shah should use her voice to urge people to clean up so foreigners can change their opinion about Pakistan instead of being defensive
Sakastani Jun 18, 2021 07:08pm
So White saviours are fine as far as they praise us but when they point out our faults we lose our minds. Wonderful attitude for a country that serious criticism.
Malick Jun 18, 2021 07:16pm
Someone is trying to help you! Accept the fact that there are problems and require some extra attention and need to be fixed. No "GOVT" can do anything till the people of the country especially the "......" class are ready to be fixed. don't blame others accept we "Pakistani'" have problems. you cant hide your mess anymore
Aurat March Jun 18, 2021 07:18pm
Did you know that Ushna hwrself uses a "whitening cream" ? This is ridiculous.
Solomon The King Jun 18, 2021 07:20pm
she wasnt judging but showing us our reality
Hashmat Jun 18, 2021 07:26pm
Ushna shah needs to adopt cleanliness without prejudice for race or colour. Not everything is up for grabs as a pretence to secure own attention points
Sach Jun 18, 2021 07:28pm
That’s why Pakistan is in current situation. We Pakistanis don’t introspect our behavior and take criticism well so how will we improve.
Amir Jun 18, 2021 07:28pm
Apparently Ms Shah wants the whole of Pakistan to become a garbage dump like Karachi and the rest of Sindh, thanks to 'you know who'!
Usman Jun 18, 2021 07:33pm
What has this stupid actress done for Pakistan? Nothing. What has Rosie done for Pakistan? Alot. We don't need actresses who are such hypocritical wannabe patriots. She is pathetic
Chrís Dăn Jun 18, 2021 07:35pm
Exactly with the same reasons, nowadays,whole Pakistan behind pure IK is running after"West" with all kinds of stones&sticks in hand as definitely(1)Westerns don'throw garbage outside their homes/roads/from cars(2)Westerns make queues while on bus-stand/paying bills(3) Westerns ensure clean streets(I m not mentioning their ethics to civic life overall here). So yes,no western person should never be allowed to vlog/blog about our"pure""habits/cultural traits. The German blogger Christian has suffered enough in our hands on pointing out filth in Orangi Town.
Amir Nawaz Jun 18, 2021 07:35pm
In my humble opinion, Ushana should return back to where she came from. Having nothing better to do these days, she is only looking for cheap publicity....
Chrís Dăn Jun 18, 2021 07:39pm
@Badtameez Kudi Westerns are superior to Pakistanis because of their acquired habits to keep their streets,roads,countries clean & to keep their systems functional where civic organs keep infrastructure clean and they are superior in keeping human rights too. This superiority is self achieved. Not from color.
siddiq karim Jun 18, 2021 07:42pm
I wish more pakistanis were like the white lady pakistanis should be ashamed we should be more for cleanliness as muslims Ushna should support her
Chrís Dăn Jun 18, 2021 07:42pm
Why some mentally illiterates can not call Rosie ,simply a Canadian vlogger/blogger and why to call her with a racist connotation?
Gujjar Jun 18, 2021 07:58pm
@Zulfiqar well said
babar Jun 18, 2021 07:59pm
Issue has been brought up and its valid. Lets now focus our energies on working out the potential solutions and making things better so the hosts and next travelers enjoy an improved environment and get a positive experience.
Erum Aziz Jun 18, 2021 08:12pm
Ushna shah must give-up her Canadian Nationality at once.
Erum Aziz Jun 18, 2021 08:13pm
Canadian are very dirty people Ushna shah must giveup her Canadian nationality..
naeem zubair Jun 18, 2021 08:16pm
As a nation we are very careless group of people. We will built ten million Rupees house but will fill our backyard or front street with filth and not ashamed of our behavior. Its pity. Disappointed by illogical comments of Ushna Shah.
Chrís Dăn Jun 18, 2021 08:41pm
@Badtameez Kudi "white" is a racist term .
SadFan Jun 18, 2021 09:24pm
This just proves that we are not serious about taking out the trash especially when are not in our homes.
TruthMatters Jun 18, 2021 10:16pm
The entitlement knows no bounds. Instead of appreciating the effort by the Canadian, the Pakistani actress maligns her for raising an important issue, that’s known to all Pakistanis, expats and their children— all over the globe. It’s time Ms. Shah got her priorities straight; She should Work to resolve the garbage issue so that no tourists, whether local or foreign are forced to ever raise it again (at the risk of being labeled too Pakistani or too white), much less being forced to deal with the environmental consequences.
Ehtesham Asad Jun 18, 2021 10:29pm
Shame on PPP for bringing Pakistan’s name in disrepute
Omer Jun 18, 2021 11:09pm
I went to kalam and malamjabba last week. I did not find a single dustbin in these areas. Not only the people, the govt is also to be blamed for not facilitating nor educating the masses.
Zulfiqar Jun 18, 2021 11:26pm
@Chrís Dăn they use it themselves. So it’s not
Imran Jun 18, 2021 11:40pm
Trash, poverty and loss of hope.
Gurji Adam Jun 18, 2021 11:40pm
@Ehtesham Asad please kindly clean up the trash problem in all the cities , specially where the Tourists foreign or local visit. If any Pakistani has visited the Parks in the USA, knows the standards of clean up. Specially the bathrooms for women and men. Pakistanis can do it. Inshallah. A clean Pakistan is a better Pakistan.
Yusuf Jun 18, 2021 11:48pm
@Ali spot on!
Yusuf Jun 18, 2021 11:49pm
@AH spot on!
Saima Eman Jun 19, 2021 01:24am
@Jehanzeb Anwer yes!
Saima Eman Jun 19, 2021 01:24am
@Osama exactly!
Saima Eman Jun 19, 2021 01:27am
Pollution is a REAL problem! In counselling psychology healing begins with revealing ! We need to reveal, accept, acknowledge, and take action! Not suppress or ban those who are helping us realise our problem!
oldhabibian Jun 19, 2021 02:19am
Grow up Ushna.
Mobasher Khan Jun 19, 2021 02:20am
Ushna Shah should keep her narrow-minded thinking to herself and keep her mouth shut - these issues are by far beyond her intellect. Later she'll claim that only celebrities should have a right to visit Hunza or maybe to drive - who knows! Local tourists are spoiling the scenic beauty of our country regardless of where they visit - Kumrat, Hunza, Skardu, Deosai, SWAT, Naran and even Murree are examples where littering is found in abundance. You have to create awareness otherwise these places will turn into a huge dumpster. The problem is lack of education by parents, schools, and our culture in some way. We expect someone to clean after us be it our home or when we dine out. Parents should give more time to their kids on such topics during their foundation years and later on schools should emphasize on such matters too. Take a look at how elementary school lunch is served in Japan!
Corrution fighter Jun 19, 2021 02:27am
@Chrís Dăn: And Lahore. But people in Uk, NZ, Canada, Oz, also do "fly Tipping",which is taking loads of garbage and tipping them in rural areas! We all need to mind that our Fast food trash does not fly around from streets to yards, Cigarette butts everywhere, Trash on camp grounds and picnic spots, and finally in the SEA, etc.
Corrution fighter Jun 19, 2021 02:37am
@Chrís Dăn : Westerners spend MONEY to pay for clean up of public places.. Recycling and better trash collection has made great difference and continuing! Start garbage-to-gas processing to make trash collection economical--in the bigger cities.
Corrution fighter Jun 19, 2021 02:49am
@Erum Aziz :Ushna Shah is a Canadian? She should write her piece with her thoughts in Canadian media--about our trash problems. Being stuck in country of origin while living in new country is not healthy psychologically!
Aamir Jun 19, 2021 02:57am
So she is ok with trash all over the place..?
Corrution fighter Jun 19, 2021 03:03am
@Ehtesham Asad : This is PTI time. One thing Mr. IK and provinces can do is create a national programme to clean up municipalities and road side ditches and maintain clean waste management facilities. Start with Lahore!
Tariq Shah Jun 19, 2021 03:44am
As a Pakistani visiting from abroad, the biggest problem I see facing Pakistan other than the lack of basics like education, healthcare, water, sanitation, jobs, etc is the litter problem, children at a young age should be taught not to do that, this should be taught to every child, it's your country, take care of it. Compulsory training in pre school...
Tariq Shah Jun 19, 2021 03:45am
@Badtameez Kudi I don't feel like I am inferior to them, sorry if you do.
A Jun 19, 2021 04:23am
This is so wrong tourist spend their time and money to visit. It’s like you going to a hotel to stay and hotel says you have no rights to point out issues only our staff can.
Food_for_thought Jun 19, 2021 04:40am
Not so long ago, Wasim Akram and his wife Shaniera also spoke about trash on Karachi roads and Karachi beaches. I remember Shaniera also twitted about it. Incidentally, Shaniera is white. Would Ushna will say same thing about her?
Tahir A Jun 19, 2021 04:54am
This is one of the most blatantly racist rant I have observed in a long time. Ushna Shah should know that attacking someone simply based on the color of one’s skin is equally wrong regardless if victim is a white, brown or a black person. Rossie is a Pakistani and a Muslim by choice which is much more than what I can say both about myself and Ushna. Additionally, she has done more to build a kinder, softer (and truer) image of Pakistan than Ushna and myself combined. Rossie deserves our respect and appreciation.
faisal Jun 19, 2021 05:49am
its reality govt need to improve dumping of solid waste.
nk Jun 19, 2021 07:27am
Ushna Shah who is she? It seems she is getting ready to pick our trash.
Sami Jun 19, 2021 07:46am
What a dumb reaction Ms. Shah!
Stargazer Jun 19, 2021 08:31am
Yes Ushna and others like her wish to stay living in the trash we have produced for ourselves
ST Jun 19, 2021 08:51am
Just to stay in the limelight, some people like ushna shah have to say something no matter how stupid' and illogical.
Tariq Suhail Jun 19, 2021 09:25am
We got degree in the nsme of education but lack any mannerism at home and at school. What vlogger pointed out is a problem we dont wantes to adrress.
Qadir Jun 19, 2021 09:34am
@Im Raan couldn’t have said better myself
Bareerah Fatima Jun 19, 2021 11:23am
wow....the indifference of these plastic people towards this waste issue has dragged us here. I am with GB people, they are right to reach out to any opportunity they get to voice this concern.
Glen A. Bayat Jun 19, 2021 12:52pm
@Badtameez Kudi... Nothing to do with race and colour. Everything to do with the reality of the fact that we can't take criticism where it applies.
Parvez Jun 19, 2021 12:57pm
Ushna Shah is short sighted in her vision for the country and absolutely WRONG in wanting to ban those who point out our failings.
Abbas Ali Jun 19, 2021 01:00pm
People like Ushna Shah are the cause of litter, dirt, vulgarity and ...... in Pakistan. Their mission is to sabotage the cultural values of mountain people through their dirty mindset and talibanized culture. White people have due right to raise their voice against such people who know nothing but comment.
Glen A. Bayat Jun 19, 2021 01:29pm
@faisal... Is the government responsible for the litter that we ourselves generate? We have to stop throwing out our garbage in the streets and dispose of it properly.
Kiwi Jun 19, 2021 05:01pm
Our actors are embarrassing to us.
Zulfiqar Jun 19, 2021 05:10pm
Usma shah instead of feeling already threatened by Gabrielle focus on doing something useful for a change like Gabrielle is doing. And see a shrink first.
Shahzad Jun 19, 2021 06:34pm
It seems Ushna Shah herself likes trash that's why she doesn't want to get it cleaned.
Fast comment Jun 19, 2021 08:26pm
Ma’am Rosie deserves thanks for drawing attention towards trash mismanagement. There’s immediate need to introduce big trash Toto outside each house. One for recycling, other for general trash, like we see in west.
John Doe Jun 19, 2021 09:26pm
The party that Gabrielle pointed out was organized by some of Ushna Shah's closest friends. Obviously she's going to defend them instead of using her T Rex sized brain for once.
Erum Aziz Jun 20, 2021 12:40am
@Corrution fighter Ushna Shah raised in Canada. Are these information correct? than she must have dual nationalities too... It further means her family enjoyed all benifits Canada gave to their nationals.. She went to Canadian schools, university, Child benifits.. Taste Canadian salt. She hates Canadian too much, so she should give-up her nationality too.. Such sick people pretend to be Pakistani, but the reality is quite horrible. Sorry! They came to Pakistan in search of their career, for their bread, not because they miss Pakistan.. If She got a chance in Canada, she wouldn't return here... It is seem to be as if she couldn't find a job in Canada, so she joined her family's career... Corruption starts when we seek short cut in our life. She should'nt pretent to be a Pakistani, but practical makes a man perfect and that where she fails. I suggest that she must start swipping her home front garden, before pointing out other's mistake. She would definitely find peace..
Erum Aziz Jun 20, 2021 12:57am
@Corrution fighter pretending to be a Pakistani is not enough, is this not your country? Modi ji and Indians started cleaning India. People, meida, flim stars, drama, show, theater personality, everyone joined him. Than why Pakistanis are too shy to do that? Do some cleaning action and represent our country "Pakistan". Unhna shah is against cleanliness, may be parent forget to teach her about importance of cleanliness. although Canada is quite a clean country.. But I hope you are different. Why always watching towards Pakistani Government, why not taing a bloom in hands and starts cleaning streets.. With Slogan "Lets Clean Pakistan lets make Pakistan Green again"
Zurara Jun 20, 2021 01:53pm
Apno ki to baat hum ne nahi sunani, kehne do gori ko hum log uss ki baat pe ziada amal kerein ge
sher Jun 21, 2021 01:17am
We don't see the problem to choose to ignore it, When reminded by others we get offended!! Rosie you are always welcome to Pakistan! Ignore the the negative feedback you get from the people who thing everything is perfect!
Sarah Gandapur Jun 21, 2021 10:13am
@Osama exactly thats what we do.
Shazzad Jun 21, 2021 12:43pm
@Badtameez Kudi Rosie is just trying to help. Why don't Pakistani girls go assist and cleaning the land up then?
Masood Mir Jun 21, 2021 01:09pm
اسلام آباد میں 80 ایمبیسیاں ہیں، لیکن صرف برطانیہ اور جرمنی کے دو سفیر اسلام آباد کی صفائی کرتے نظر آتے ہیں۔ باقی 78 سفیر مفت کی روٹیاں توڑ رہے ہیں۔ حکومت کو چاہئے کہ فردوس عاشق اعوان کی ڈیوٹی لگائیں کہ پابندی کے ساتھ روزانہ صبح سب سفیروں سے اسلام آباد کی صفائی کروائیں۔
Aamir Jun 21, 2021 01:45pm
Instead of stopping YouTube visas we must not throw trash as many of our own u tubers on their visits in northern areas pointed out this thing. Apart from this these outsiders are promoting your cultures and exploring the beauty of your country which is inviting other tourists from abroad undoubtedly that is good for our country.
Salam Jun 22, 2021 03:10pm
An actress who thinks she knows it all and at least sister Rosie met every kind of people on a bike almost penniless. She looked for the good in people surrounding life. She fell in love with Pakistan and you Ushna Shah all you think about is your hair and lipstick you come from a family of performers so do your performance on the screen and away from reality thankyou
Saba ghani Jun 24, 2021 05:50pm
Ehsaan faramosh qoum, reminds me of an Urdu, saying: Metha Metha Hup Hup, Karwa Karwa Thoo Thoo we should accept the fact that English vloggers be it Christian Betzmann, or Rosie Gabrielle presents the true picture of Pakistan around the world..