
Nadia Hussain and Nabila take their fight over makeup palettes to Instagram

Nadia Hussain and Nabila take their fight over makeup palettes to Instagram

The concept of healthy competition seems to be lost on them.
25 May, 2021

When it comes to competition, it seems that senior members of our fashion industry don't believe in it being healthy. According to Nadia Hussain, Nabila doesn't believe in it at all.

Hussain shared a screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation with the makeup artist and was appalled at the unexpectedly catty response she received at the launch of her makeup palette.

"This is truly what being insecure means!" she posted on Instagram. "I am just shocked, speechless, appalled, confused and yet feel victorious at the same time!"

She then revealed how she was both upset and unable to tag Nabila since she had blocked her.

"For someone of Nabila's repute — I cannot tag her because she has blocked me — to stoop so low and send me such an underhanded message on the launch of my Go Makeup Palette is just beyond me," she said, revealing that the idea of the product might be similar, but isn't plagiarised.

Ironically, Hussain took the opportunity to market her own product as a better version available in the market, saying that it has much more to offer.

"My item may be similar but surely the concept is totally different, she has no copyright on such a design, many many international brands have such similar travel makeup kits and my product itself offers much, much more in comparison to her Zero Makeup kit!" she said, adding that after reading her reply, Nabila had blocked her from all social media platforms.

Hussain went on to prove that the conversation was real and even revealed a few digits of the makeup artist's phone number as proof of confirmation.

"I have attached a quick scroll through of my conversations with her since 2019 for people to know that yes it was her who sent me that ridiculous message, and also a screenshot of a few digits from her phone number for those who know her personally so no one can say these images are doctored or that it was sent from someone else's number whose name I had changed to hers!"

Ending on a salty note, she then claimed, "surely my Go Makeup Palette rocks and surely it has rocked her boat." She said she didn't understand Nabila's reaction at all.

This isn't the first time Nabila has made headlines for the wrong reasons. She faced backlash after she criticised a picture of Eman Suleman with 'constructive criticism' such as calling it "Ichhra". She also did her reputation no favours when she lashed out at people on social media who criticised her for reopening her salon during the pandemic.

This is why it came as no surprise when the makeup maestro took to social media to claim that her ZERO Makeup Palette, which was initially launched in 2015, was a "unique" concept that took extensive research and development in Germany over the course of "fifteen years before it hit the stores."

"There are talks about a recently launched local makeup product that has blatantly used similar communication as ZERO makeup. While we don't approve of plagiarism, we refuse to engage in desperate mudslinging efforts," she said. But while she said there would be no mudslinging, she then posted an unsubtle picture that showed us all what she's thinking.

While there is a fine line between inspiration and plagiarism, it is important to remember that both Nabila and Hussain are renowned names in Pakistan's fashion and makeup industries. For recognised icons to behave in such a manner online is quite below them. It also makes the industry look both catty and unprofessional.

Healthy competition, ladies. Perhaps it's time to embrace the concept.


M. Saeed May 25, 2021 02:19pm
Make conceals the authentic beauty. To be true to your self roots, be honest and show your real self without making up anything to cover the originality.
Riazullah Baig May 25, 2021 02:33pm
Who are these ladies, Dawn? How will this piece help our situation?
Spoof May 25, 2021 02:42pm
Guess the saying proves it right once again. Women shall be women! Clearly, all the fame, money and exposure didnt teach them a thing about how to be classy
Sami May 25, 2021 05:46pm
I'm enjoying this :)
Sae May 25, 2021 11:04pm
Nabila has no ethics at all it was much revealed when their chef was found with covid 19 last yrs, in stead of getting treatment for him they send him to his village. They don't care about their Reputational , I have stopped oped using their brands
Rizman May 26, 2021 06:27am
Over a makeup box ??
Zoobi May 26, 2021 07:24pm
@Sae it was Maria B
Sania May 26, 2021 08:05pm
@Sae it was Maria B
Mandiwala Mohsin Tariq May 26, 2021 10:10pm
Nadia is more capable to introduce innovations..keep bold nadia..we love you and your art.
Mandiwala Mohsin Tariq May 26, 2021 10:11pm
Great Great Nadia..
AJ May 27, 2021 01:14am
It is good that this 'fight' over make-up became public. Goes on to show the surface-level superficial nature of these 'celebrities' that we glorify and try to imitate.