
Alizeh Shah's tank-top has triggered people and she's over it

Alizeh Shah's tank-top has triggered people and she's over it

There are more pressing matters to talk about, she said after shaming her became a Twitter trend.
18 May, 2021

Upbeat music, a plethora of instruments and debut vocals — Alizeh Shah's new music video for Badnamiyan alongside Sahir Ali Bagga was a treat for the pair's fans as it crossed one million views on YouTube shortly after its release. However, despite all that the release had to offer, the topic of discussion for the nation was none other than Shah's clothes.

As Shah trended on Twitter, she was subjected to harsh criticism and foul language by people triggered by a black tank-top. They claimed it was both obscene and offensive.

Mind you, wearing a sleeveless top is neither new nor outrageous when it comes to clothes in Pakistan. But people still made sure to remind the Mera Dil Mera Dushman star how she was "crossing all boundaries of modesty", all while cursing her with words that no 'good Muslim' would use.

At a time when humanitarian issues such as the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians require attention, people in Pakistan decided to redirect the conversation towards moral policing a woman's clothes. An adult woman who is free to make her own choices of what to wear. A woman who also believed the world had greater issues to be discussed.

"I find all memes and criticism amusing. However, the fact that a trivial topic to discuss is now the most trending issue in our country instead of becoming a voice for Palestine. What's wrong with our people?" Shah exclaimed. Most, if not all, of the criticism she received is too laden with expletives to even share.

Many then flocked to defend the Ehd-e-Wafa actor, pointing out the hypocrisy in people's words and making sure to remind them that what she wears is none of her business.

Women in Pakistan are perceived by many to be the guardians of culture and honour without actually being given a choice in the matter. This puts celebrities like Shah in the spotlight for something out of their control. They are thrust into the absurd role of representing the country and our entire society with their wardrobes. This is a burden that they neither asked for nor one that they should be made to shoulder.

This regulation and surveillance of women’s bodies and wardrobes needs to stop. You can choose what you want to wear and let others choose what they want to wear. One cannot justify cruelty by calling it an opinion. If you want to become the moral police, start with policing yourself from using profanities and hurtful words against others.


FAZ May 18, 2021 02:16pm
Where do men walk around in banyan? A labour might wear that. But that's not his choice. Its his nature of work.
Chrís Dăn May 18, 2021 02:17pm
Yes it indeed is a very trivial issue. The lady can wear how she likes to. This is her life and her human right also.
shehriyar May 18, 2021 02:22pm
perhaps its the only way trolls and lowlife what nots can connect to higher levels of life and civilization. you insult someone and you are a part of their life in your mind. or perhaps its desire and jealousy. many people want to be like her or know and associate with someone like her but they cannot. that makes them angry.
Brownflower May 18, 2021 02:24pm
Most wedding dresses nowadays show more skin than her tank-top.
M. Saeed May 18, 2021 02:33pm
Bugga is the big spoiler. First he spoiled the decent image of Ayima Baig and now has repeated the same on, so far very simple, soft imaged and very young Alizeh Shah.
Chrís Dăn May 18, 2021 03:14pm
@FAZ banyan is an undergarment. The lady is wearing a sleeveless blouse- a top(technical name which excludes it from an undergarment namely banyan).
(DM) May 18, 2021 03:14pm
Wait, What? how is this even a conversation topic?
Ali May 18, 2021 03:27pm
Fake secular people …
Ali May 18, 2021 03:39pm
Alizeh Sometime being silent is a more severe and a bitter slap. Can you do anything about the perverts ??
Kafil Qureshi May 18, 2021 03:57pm
@Chrís Dăn You are right but unfortunately, we live in societies where we must follow societies norm and rules. What you do in your homes and bedrooms is none of our business but what you try to spread in societies in our business. It’s like it’s my car (Lamborghini) which I can drive as fast as I want but then again, I can get speeding ticket if I drive over speed limits.
NYS May 18, 2021 04:27pm
@Kafil Qureshi agree
Abdullah May 18, 2021 04:31pm
Well i think when you have become a public figure by your own choice no one forced you then you will be criticized by people for your each and every thing and if according to her the issue of Palestine is more important than trolls then again she herself comes under the radar that Palestinians are bleeding and she is busy making songs.
Uddin May 18, 2021 04:32pm
Abdullah May 18, 2021 04:34pm
Well i think when you have become a public figure by your own choice no one forced you then you will be criticized by people for your each and every thing and if according to herself the issue of Palestine is more important than trolls then again she herself comes under the radar that Palestinians are bleeding and she is busy making songs
Daredevil May 18, 2021 04:42pm
Whatever she is looking damn beautiful. Agree with it.
MA May 18, 2021 05:37pm
@Kafil Qureshi Nobody is trying to spread anything! She's wearing what she wants which is her right. Stop moral policing women's clothes. If you have such a problem, don't watch her video? Why does everyone (read:misogynists) feel the need to criticise everything any Pakistani woman wears but will not show modesty themselves by lowering their gaze/not watching if it bothers them so much? How about you focus on main problems in Pakistani society and leave us women and what we wear, alone? Okay.
Hawk May 18, 2021 05:48pm
Lady has right what to where, but an honorable dress is the most suitable one. See West is turning to scarf and Sub-continent is going after shorts. Amazing.
Khan Yaraan May 18, 2021 06:05pm
A woman is diffferent from man mentally and physically cannot compare fish and eagle ...they both have different grounds so woman cannot wear a shirt like man ...she should to use her own ground to run ....she can wear full dress but not like this
bobby May 18, 2021 06:06pm
I can only shake my head..Things were far better in the 60's. Now, every aspect is radicalized. Insecurity is through the roof, the race to prove one's religion superior to all others is relentless. She must be worried of the backlash. Idiocy needs no introduction in such a conservative society.
M. Saeed May 18, 2021 07:13pm
@MA she is just a kid born in 21st century.
asif May 18, 2021 08:14pm
If some one don't like it then why he or she is watching the video dont watch it if u consider it offensive but please dont impose your thoughts on other adult people its none of ur business
Tariq May 18, 2021 08:23pm
I think immature production as they cannot foresee things instead seems to impress with western musical video.
Ash May 18, 2021 08:26pm
Do we have a choice of what we can wear? Who decides what is modest and what is not? Can we really wear what we want in public? Can I go out topless and no one has the right to object?
Jondon May 18, 2021 08:37pm
@asif When it is in public, it is by definition everyone's business!
John May 18, 2021 09:45pm
@MA Agreed.every adult has the choice to wear what so ever thy wish to expedite.
Alisohail May 19, 2021 12:06am
These type of things especially if done by celabs urge girls to do the same, as we simply don't want our society to be changed
Chrís Dăn May 19, 2021 12:14am
@Jondon nup!!! Dress s a personal choice.
Chrís Dăn May 19, 2021 12:19am
@Kafil Qureshi overspeed is legally a crime. The constitution of Pakistan however does not intervene in dress choice,life choices,attitudes as these are human rights and not crimes legally speaking.
HashBrown® May 19, 2021 04:09am
@Khan Yaraan "A woman is diffferent from man mentally and physically cannot compare fish and eagle....she can wear full dress but not like this" So in your own words, you are a fish and she is an eagle. Why is a fish deciding what an eagle can wear?
HashBrown® May 19, 2021 04:11am
@MA "How about you focus on main problems in Pakistani society and leave us women and what we wear, alone?" Please believe that there are still some men who stand 100% in support of you.
HashBrown® May 19, 2021 04:16am
@Kafil Qureshi "we live in societies where we must follow societies norm and rules." The rules you're referring to aren't set by society, they're set by men. Women don't even have a say in who makes the rules, that's the problem. If you're a woman (or a religious minority), then somebody else has already decided what is acceptable and unacceptable for you. Do you think that's fair?
Jahan Ara May 19, 2021 05:03am
Alizeh your comments reflect you are really concerned about Palestinians, then are you going to do something for them?
Imran May 19, 2021 06:17am
If you want to stir pak society don't talk about the poverty, corruption and lawlessness, just put on a skimpy top
Qasim May 19, 2021 06:43am
@FAZ “ Where do men walk around in banyan? A labour might wear that. But that's not his choice. Its his nature of work.” Maybe it’s the nature of entertainment-industry work too!
nope May 19, 2021 07:20am
let's put muzzles and chadars on the perverts who can't look at a pebble on the sidewalk without thinking about shaming it.
Talha May 19, 2021 08:23am
@Chrís Dăn its West values and we can respect that. Please respect ither cultures and values.
Amir Shah May 19, 2021 08:27am
Modesty comes with sensible upbringing, showing ones body just to compete with Western culture is not normal. Not teaching anyone how to dress but when you are a public figure then it comes with some responsibility and that includes being a good role model including modest dressing. Boxer Muhammaed Ali told his daughter "that showing your body is like forcing your self to be liked by others where as you don't need to be liked by others simply by shwoing your body".
Amir Shah May 19, 2021 08:27am
@Chrís Dăn Our religion has also given rights to women and that includes dressing modestly for very good reason.
Khanm May 19, 2021 08:54am
What do we revolve around ...women ... make up ... clothes...and religion ...we have far more grave issues than those ...take care of the priorities ...take care of the major problem your energy where it is needed the most ...
Akil Akhtar May 19, 2021 08:55am
Its her choice what to wear and its peoples choice how to react......she should not be surprised. She is loosing respect fast.....
Akil Akhtar May 19, 2021 08:56am
@Chrís Dăn Call it what you may it looks like a banyan....
Hrs May 19, 2021 09:18am
@FAZ Men walk around in shorts, would women be allowed to do the same? I find it funny that women legs are immodest while men's are fine while in reality they are the same legs Not a banyan but men do wear tank tops in summer as well u know.. Thing is with all the problems we have i find it funny people take offense on clothes, literally the most superficial of things
Syed Khan May 19, 2021 11:05am
Another look at me type! And then she defends as if she does not know it is inappropriate. It is the same for our men of show biz.....
Hyder Ali Baqri May 19, 2021 12:12pm
Since She is working in Drama her appearance and characters is very good and looks innocent and I though she would be second Marina Khan, but now after this song I change my mind and simply can say people can do everything to get cheap fame and popularity.
HashBrown® May 19, 2021 12:24pm
@Jondon "When it is in public, it is by definition everyone's business!" There is so much going on in the public eye - news, sport, politics, etc - and yet for you the most pressing of all is some girl's tanktop. with all due respect, what does that really say about your own life?
HashBrown® May 19, 2021 02:46pm
@MA "How about you focus on main problems in Pakistani society and leave us women and what we wear, alone?" 100% agreed.
AJ May 19, 2021 05:06pm
I think she got the attention by dressing the way she did. People barely knew her before this. If we collectively allow everything under the name of (pseudo-) 'liberalism' then why call ourselves an Islamic Republic. There has to be a clear distinction in our normative values.
Ahmed May 19, 2021 05:18pm
Please dont call this dress "bold". Let's save this beautiful word for women who wear uniform and protect us from threats from inside and out.
Mohsin Hanif Khan May 20, 2021 03:42am
This is when they don't have to do anything, Then these types of people start criticizing others.
Jahan Ara May 20, 2021 05:28am
@Ash in civilised societies, civilised people don’t behave like caves men.
M. Saeed May 20, 2021 01:44pm
@FAZ but, Salman Khan has it as his trade mark.
Hajira Zia. May 20, 2021 02:59pm
She is wearing a tank top on her body. Not yours. So care for your own body. However, has she asked for your clothing advice, anyways?. I heard rishta aunties/uncles. Clothing-critic uncles/aunties are new.