
Akshay Kumar donates INR 10 million as India's Covid crisis worsens

Akshay Kumar donates INR 10 million as India's Covid crisis worsens

Sushmita Sen also extended her help by donating oxygen cylinders during India's Covid crisis.
26 Apr, 2021

Deeply disturbed by the surge in Covid-19 cases, scarce oxygen supply and short-staffed hospitals during India battle with Covid, Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has donated INR 10 million to the Gautam Gambhir foundation.

The news was shared on social media by former cricketer Gambhir, who thanked the De Dana Dan star for his generosity.

"Every help in this gloom comes as a ray of hope. Thanks a lot Akshay Kumar for committing Rs 1 crore to #GGF for food, meds and oxygen for the needy! God bless. #InThisTogether," he posted, informing fans and followers of the donation.

Acknowledging the mention, the star responded saying he was glad to help.

"These are really tough times, Gautam Gambhir. Glad I could help. Wish we all get out of this crisis soon. Stay Safe," he replied.

However, Kumar is not the only celebrity from Bollywood to lend a helping hand during such terrible times. Previously, Main Hoon Na star Sushmita Sen managed to arrange oxygen cylinders, asking for help transporting them to areas that needed urgent aid.

"This is deeply heartbreaking... oxygen crisis is everywhere. I have managed to organise a few oxygen cylinders for this hospital but have no way to transport it to Delhi from Mumbai... please help me find a way," she had written, sharing a video of a CEO at a hospital in Delhi who was explaining details of the crisis the country was going through.


Ali da Malanga Apr 26, 2021 02:09pm
He is only saving his own skin from criticism as people have already started criticizing these celebrities for lack of their role in helping the common Hindustani public in these tough times. He is one of those supporters of Adolf Modi who believe that Modi could do no wrong.
Changez Khan Apr 26, 2021 02:23pm
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 26, 2021 02:28pm
Too little, too late.
Fast comment Apr 26, 2021 02:41pm
Good job. All others @ Bollywood should follow. The alternate to Oxygen Cylinder is Oxygen Concentrators. These can be produced in India fast.
bhaRAT© Apr 26, 2021 03:09pm
The whole India is petrified, citizens are searching for emergency help, coordinating life support & trying to keep the government accountable, but the GOI, instead of saving lives, is bringing social media censorship. Condemnable!
Zahid Apr 26, 2021 03:47pm
Appreciate others should follow the goid man
Silent Observer Apr 26, 2021 04:00pm
Akshay is super crazy rich and could only afford 10M for a nation of 1.3B !! pathetic!!!
ajay Apr 26, 2021 06:39pm
All khans are hiding behind wall. never do any charity .
oldhabibian Apr 26, 2021 08:31pm
Very commendable. However, it must be noted that he will get a tax relief for the same amount, so it is free publicity.
Bs Apr 26, 2021 11:24pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad In first wave he donated beyond capacity.. And there are no or neglible earnings nowadays
Adeel Ahmed Apr 27, 2021 05:51am
@Ali da Malanga your response is thoughtless and pathetic
Gurcharan Apr 27, 2021 07:06am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad How much did you donate as percentage of your income. Akshay dobsted INR 250Million in 2020 for the same cause.
Gurcharan Apr 27, 2021 07:08am
@Ali da Malanga He dobsted IBR 250Million last year for same cause. How much did you donate to your country fir same? Learn to appreciate.
Venkat Apr 27, 2021 07:22am
This time industrialists like TATA , Jindal, Ambani and Adani have contributed much more than this film stars. Stars like Tendulkar, Gavaskar and Ravi Sastri are busy earning in IPL.
Cye Apr 30, 2021 06:20pm
Just trying to save whatever popularity left of him since he became a big supporter of racist modi like amitabh and ajay devgan.
Mahen Barbad May 01, 2021 06:06am
In certain countries, donations go to terrorists