
Stop asking Shaniera Akram and everyone else why they aren't fasting

Stop asking Shaniera Akram and everyone else why they aren't fasting

Let her eat her hummus and vitawheats at 8pm in peace!
15 Apr, 2021

Shaniera Akram had no idea what she was signing up for while devouring hummus and vitawheats, watching Australian reality TV show Married at First Sight on Wednesday. All she had to do was post a picture, and bam, all of Pakistan had their noses in her business.

Akram's photo featured herself, lying on a couch with a tub of hummus — we've all been there — with a caption reading, "as bad as it gets". She had, as she later realised herself, never been more wrong. The worst was yet to come.

People rushed to her DMs in great numbers, deeply concerned. Their concern: Was Shaniera not fasting?

They bothered her so much that she had to take another break from her lazy couch day watching reality TV to provide a clarification — one which she owes to nobody but herself — that she's in Australia, where the local time was 8:45pm, so...

The point here isn't whether she was bothered or not, the point is why ask? Religion is something very personal and faith and practice are private matters between God and His subject. Where do we get the right to question whether someone is practicing a certain aspect of religion?

If curiosity was actually the point of those questions, a simple Google search would've revealed the local time in Australia, and explain why Akram was lying on her couch eating. It would also have saved her the effort of explanation.

And honestly, why ask? What will knowledge of another's faith and loyalty to worship do for one's own? Absolutely nothing. Even if she wasn't fasting, there are any number of reasons why a person wouldn't be fasting — she could be sick, on her period, travelling or on medication — and we are no one to judge anyone else, especially on matters of religion.

This Ramazan, let's practice tolerance and look inward rather than nitpicking what others are doing.


bhaRAT© Apr 15, 2021 03:16pm
Quite right. It's her choice how she wants to live.
Abbasshah Apr 15, 2021 03:22pm
Pakistani characteristic to poke nose in everything!!!!!
Asma Sayeed Apr 15, 2021 03:28pm
Why even come up with suggested reasons?
Rizwan Apr 15, 2021 03:29pm
Also, one shouldn't ask such question from the ladies.
Asim Apr 15, 2021 03:30pm
Totally agree, we should not ask such a silly question. But please check the excuses you listed “ on her period” don’t apply to fasting..
M. Saeed Apr 15, 2021 03:32pm
Even diabetics or other people in illness, are allowed not to fast for their routines of taking of medicines and injections on time. Therefore, they are allowed Fidiya, which is making arrangement of food/payment, for a destitute to fast .
Atif Apr 15, 2021 03:39pm
Stop following these people, dont make them ideal,
Hasnain Haque Apr 15, 2021 03:50pm
Totally agree, religion is personal, no need to ram it down other people's throat. If you fast, good for you, you will be rewarded. Let others get on with their lives, their religion.
TK Apr 15, 2021 03:51pm
Pseudo Woke Writer
Parvez Apr 15, 2021 03:53pm
We wear our religion on our sleeve .... to show the world how pious we are and it boomerangs back on us painting us in a negative light.
Uzair Apr 15, 2021 03:55pm
Well it is our national favorite pastime to be more concerned with others rather than ourselves. Because you know, when we'll be asked about our deeds in the end, we'll answer with deeds of others instead, because we're that smart to out wit the almighty.
Jaredlee007 Apr 15, 2021 04:02pm
She's an attention seeker. Who cares what she eats. DAWN should give more coverage to local women than to foreigners.
Chrís Dăn Apr 15, 2021 04:22pm
Fasting or no fasting-is her personal matter. Why we Pakisranis are so noisy and keep on condemning someone on his/her personal choices?!
AGHA PASHA Apr 15, 2021 04:54pm
She is basically self centered human and wants to remain in news without rhyme or reason.
Shah Alam Khan Apr 15, 2021 05:07pm
It is definitely her own choice. But, the way she pokes her nose in every matter of affairs. She should face the fire. It is not very easy to be a celebrity.
Sea Apr 15, 2021 05:11pm
She her self letting people to invade her personal space by posting her pics to whole world, then wat is personal here, nice joke
AJ Apr 15, 2021 05:11pm
Fasting has nothing to do with anyone else. I don’t fast for others!
AJ Apr 15, 2021 05:12pm
@Parvez because we don’t practice what we preach!!!
sz Apr 15, 2021 05:12pm
If you are religious doesn't make you a good person...look around us there are so many so called religious people in the Muslim world but they are the most hypocrite. Corruption is very common in the Muslims world as compare to non Muslims...the list goes on. So keep your religion to yourself...if you are fasting good for you because you know you will be rewarded do good deed were you don't get anything in return.
lion Apr 15, 2021 05:30pm
because they think they are responsible for others faith. They have read not nor understand.
lion Apr 15, 2021 05:32pm
@Jaredlee007 totally unnecessary comment . So surprised it was not edited!
Hasnain Haque Apr 15, 2021 05:45pm
@Jaredlee007 What a silly comment, she has done more for Pakistan then a lot of Pakistani women have, stop criticising some simply because of the colour of their skin and nationality.
AMBER GUL RASHID Apr 15, 2021 06:07pm
@Asim Of course it does. You are not meant to fast while on your periods!
Zulfiqar Apr 15, 2021 06:13pm
@AGHA PASHA she has not sent in a request for dawn to write this article. Millions of people around the world post their pictures everyday on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. It’s the newspaper that publishes what people want to read/see.
Truth be told Apr 15, 2021 06:14pm
Google search wouldn't have provided her whereabouts and hence people were correct to point this out.
Truth be told Apr 15, 2021 06:18pm
Even if she was on period she had to refrain from public display of food and actions depicting its eating. Moreover, it was her responsibility to tell people where she was so people could ascertain she was indulging in food post-iftar. Additionally simple google search wouldn't give people her whereabouts, it was her responsibility to update that should she be forthcoming. The point being the article is supporting her without making solid arguments. Immature reasoning, lacks credence. You don't make write religion in your drawing room. Objecting to someone eating during Ramadan is justified. She is not a minor who is not aware of how to behave. Even ladies on period will not eat in front of public so as not to reveal this personal information. Social media is a bane and a boon.
Truth be told Apr 15, 2021 06:20pm
@M. Saeed is that right?!!!! They should still refrain from posting food items online especially at times when majority of their followers are fasting, akin to someone who is sick and can't fast then that person doesn't go about flouting food in everyone's face.
Truth be told Apr 15, 2021 06:20pm
@Hasnain Haque WRONG.
Truth be told Apr 15, 2021 06:21pm
@Chrís Dăn because she claims to be a Muslim and caring Bhabhi (my foot)
Truth be told Apr 15, 2021 06:21pm
@Shah Alam Khan AGREED!!!!!!
Truth be told Apr 15, 2021 06:22pm
@Sea absolutely!!!!
Truth be told Apr 15, 2021 06:22pm
@Hasnain Haque you are wrong.
Sindu Apr 15, 2021 06:28pm
@bhaRAT© No eating during fasting time. That is what we all want.
Sindu Apr 15, 2021 06:29pm
@Truth be told You gotta be kidding. Satirical, right?
Ali Apr 15, 2021 06:33pm
Just because she is married to a cricketer shouldn't make her a celebrity but I guess being a gori does! We have not lost our colonial mentality.
Tahir malik Apr 15, 2021 06:53pm
Self righteous public
Feroze Khan Apr 15, 2021 06:55pm
@Shah Alam Khan She pokes her nose in matters of public interests and not at your religion, She talks about cleanliness and pollution on the beach and on the streets and not in politics or religious belief of others. Think before you write.
Arjun Apr 15, 2021 06:57pm
She may not really be Muslim and that is ok
Imran Apr 15, 2021 08:09pm
@Truth be told Looks like fasting is getting to you. I understand, we get a bit self-righteous during Ramadan.
Sana Apr 15, 2021 08:34pm
Why can’t a Muslim lead a normal life? Religion and fasting is a personal thing it shouldn’t be shoved down people’s throats. What is the point of fasting if you become a murderer or a terrorist?
Truth be told Apr 15, 2021 09:08pm
@Sindu nope!
Ram Babu Apr 15, 2021 09:08pm
Why should she be fasting and even if she is, it's no ones business.
Parvez Apr 15, 2021 10:56pm
@AJ Absolutely agree.
Jadoo Apr 15, 2021 11:04pm
In panjab province 70% people don't keep fast. What if shanira forgot to keep fasting..
Rabi Apr 15, 2021 11:42pm
@Asma Sayeed because these are valid reason as to why someone does not have to fast...and people should know...its nothing to hide.
Shahid Mahmood Apr 16, 2021 01:10am
Let's go a step further than your take on the problem. Shaniera has chosen this path of interacting with the general public through her social media plateforms. And she must be fully aware and mindful of the fact that a general public composes of masses with a very wide range of thoughts, beliefs, knowledge, perceptions, and expectations. Some of them (including me) don't even know her religion (if any) or where is she residing these days. In contrast, there may be some others who believe or expect her to follow the normal courtesy of non-liberal Muslim society and avoid eating publicly in Ramadan (of course believing she is in Karachi). So, I think there is nothing wrong with what has been written, said, and then replied. It is all part of a general public interaction.
Hasnain Haque Apr 16, 2021 03:10am
@Truth be told Simply saying I am wrong doesnt help, little explanation would help or is it that what you say is right and noone else matters. fantastic reasoning.
Khurram Sultan Apr 16, 2021 03:12am
I don't fast. My choice. And why are you on social media when you should be praying and refraining from "sin"? Live your life and let other live theirs
Shakeel Ahmed Apr 16, 2021 03:14am
Shameless people. Everyone knows that's a question you don't ask a lady. Who are these fools lacking in common courtesy? Besides whether she fasts or not is between her and her Rab.
Bilal Apr 16, 2021 03:14am
It’s in Pakistani blood. We want to know if everyone else is a good Muslim or not .... except ourselves.
Fastertrack Apr 16, 2021 03:19am
No vaccine during Ramzan
Imran Haq Apr 16, 2021 03:48am
There is definitely no justification for people to ask her if she is fasting or not , but then it really that important to put every little thing thing you do in your private life on social media?
Tamza Apr 16, 2021 06:58am
o! but when one posts on social media it is everyone's business.
Imran Khan Apr 16, 2021 08:53am
very nice article
AZ Apr 16, 2021 08:56am
@Asma Sayeed Right. I think they just wanted to highlight that particular reason.
MA Apr 16, 2021 09:22am
She should avoid such Instas which can irritate people where she lives 90% of times. Simple fact. It is RAMADAN month.
Zunaira Apr 16, 2021 09:44am
@Rizwan The only point being others should also be respectful of general community to not share pictures of eatables or fasting items in this Month.
Sean Jacozi Apr 16, 2021 10:28am
Maybe stop telling us what to ask and what not to ask .. if they share something on public platform people have every right to ask .. just chill a bit
fizzandleeb8 Apr 16, 2021 10:48am
Whether she has kept fast or not,that is another thing..she should at least respect the holy month & shouldn't post pics of eating food items on social media,whatever the time it was..!!
fizzandleeb8 Apr 16, 2021 10:51am
Whether she is fasting or not,it's none of our business,but she should at least respect others religions & shouldn't post pics of eating things in ramadhan.
AJ Apr 16, 2021 10:55am
We have collectively reached the apex of moral degradation, but we never fail to hammer others with our false sense of religiosity.
M. Saeed Apr 16, 2021 11:40am
@Fastertrack, even tasting of food while fasting after cooking, is allowed to the wives, if their husbands are very strict in the food tastes.
Shahbano Khan Apr 16, 2021 12:34pm
It is actually funny to ask a woman why is she not fasting. Doesn't everyone know that when a woman is on her period she does not fast! or even if she isn't on her period, its her own personal will / choice to fast or not. Also how did the ones commenting assume that Shaniera is a Muslim, might be that she is not.
Tenjee Apr 16, 2021 02:40pm
There was an Algerian or Tunisian president in the 1960s whopulled do things like it off the hijab of women he saw in public, ignorethe azaan in gatherings with villagers , a militant secular guy. His crowning act of rebellion was when he appeared onTV in ramadhan and calmly drank hs orange juice to show he wasn't bothered. When he died some 40 years laterhis elite family could not find a single person who would lead his jinaza. The point is that even for people who do not fast in ramadhan there is appreciation perhap even reward sawaab if they respect that othes are and avoid public consumption of food. I was taught this lesson as a child. Pakistani people are sensitive to the mediapromoting irreligious lifestyles and reacted to this. Most people understand this is a personal matter but there IS a communal shared experience aspect to Islam . Its a part of culture that people want to protect . If the media promotes secular values why is it surprised at opposite reactions?
Reader Apr 16, 2021 05:00pm
Pakistani's are very myopic and even more myopic where religion is concerned. Myopic would be euphemism for the real word brainwashed. I am sure we all know that. Consider a person like Jinnah, considered by many to be a liberal converted his wife.
Fareed N Apr 16, 2021 05:27pm
Mrs. Akram , why this publicity stunt ? If you are not fasting so be it. You don't need to get on the top o roof and announce it.
Fareed N Apr 16, 2021 05:33pm
@Shah Alam Khan " celebrity " how gullible we are , a white woman married to a Pakistani cricketer instantaneously becomes a celebrity.
Fareed N Apr 16, 2021 05:35pm
@Hasnain Haque What did she do for Pakistan ? opened a school for orphaned children !
Farhan Apr 16, 2021 05:40pm
And this is the reason religion is doomed to perish , simply because we interfere in other people’s business. Intolerance of anything even perceived to be against our religion has already made us the most hated religious group in the world and yeh we show no signs of being tolerant even in the 21st century.
Reader Apr 16, 2021 05:41pm
Pakistan's female population is about 110 million, only one from that huge figure has picked for questioning, what kind of people are we.?
Ghani K Apr 16, 2021 05:52pm
So an Australian lady is not fasting , here we are so concerned . Will the sun rise tomorrow !
bruce Apr 16, 2021 07:14pm
انگرز اپنے بچوں کی ٹافیاں بھی دو نمبر نہین بننے دیتا ۔ مسلم دنیا میں مرتے ہوے انسان کو دوائی بھی ایک نمبر نہیں ملتی۔ وہ کافر ہوکر بھی ایماندار لیکن جہنم کا سزاوار۔ ادھر مسلمان ہیں مگر بے ایمان ہیں اور دعویٰ ہے کہ جنت ہمیں ملے گی۔ معاملات میں سچائی اور ایمانداری کی تعلیم بھی اسلام کی اصولی اور بنیادی تعلیمات میں سے ہے،قرآن سے اور رسول اللہؐ کی حدیثوں سے معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ اصلی مسلمان وہی ہے جو اپنے معاملات میں اور کاروبارمیں سچا اور ایماندارہو،عہدکاپکا اور وعدہ کا سچاہو،یعنی دھوکہ فریب اور امانت میں خیانت نہ کرتا ہو،کسی کاحق نہ مارتا ہو،ناپ تول میں کمی نہ کرتا ہو،جھوٹے مقدمے نہ لڑتا ہو اور نہ جھوٹی گواہی دیتا ہو،سودا اور رشوت جیسی تمام حرام کمائیوں سے بچتاہو اور جس میں یہ برائیاں موجود ہوں قرآن وحدیث سے معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ وہ خالص مومن اور اصلی مسلمان نہیں ہے بلکہ ایک طرح کا منافق ہے اور سخت درجہ کا فاسق ہے،اللہ تعالی ہم سب کو ان تمام بری باتوں سے بچائے، اس بارے میں
Sherry Malik Apr 17, 2021 12:23am
"Stop asking Shaniera Akram and everyone else why they aren't fasting" How about you stop telling people what to do Media person, the champion of free expression?
Harambe Apr 17, 2021 12:57am
Asking others to account for why they do or don't follow set patterns of Muslim behaviour is ingrained in Muslims worldwide. They can't resist the urge to herd the masses. It has been ever so--poking nose in others' business. Then flying off in all directions without a clue,b4 anything is confirmed.
Harambe Apr 17, 2021 01:02am
@Chrís Dăn: "Noisy" is right, too!
Harambe Apr 17, 2021 01:07am
@Sea: Meera is an entertainer by profession.First, she was harassed about her professional name b/c it did not appear Muslim. Then they doubted her Faith. Lastly. as an entertainer, she has to keep up a profile. Others have no call to be meddling in her life!
Harambe Apr 17, 2021 01:10am
@Uzair: Swell said!
Harambe Apr 17, 2021 01:13am
@Shah Alam Khan: Why should she"face the fire"? It's Meera's profession that requires her to comment on issues in the community! Do you plane to force her to 'face consequences"? Who appointed you?
Harambe Apr 17, 2021 01:15am
@TK: What that?Just a fad word!
Harambe Apr 17, 2021 01:18am
@sz So: What's the reward? The unending good life?
Laila Apr 17, 2021 01:20am
@Tenjee do you have a name for this Algerian or Tunesien president who you talk about? I never heard or came across such a case. So with Wikipedia available you should be able to find his name?
Harambe Apr 17, 2021 01:22am
@Sindu:Strictly for yourself--no eating during fasting--and no spitting in public! Leave others to their own devices!
Jamil Apr 17, 2021 11:31am
"This Ramazan, let's practice tolerance and look inward rather than nitpicking what others are doing."
Ibrahim S Apr 17, 2021 03:43pm
Yesterday’s favorite sister in-law us today’s outcast . Pakistani are good at pretending to be very nice but flip in a second to degrade you .
Munawar hussain Apr 18, 2021 01:33am
One should not ask such questions to anybody. As it is 100% personal.
Asim Apr 18, 2021 02:00am
@AMBER GUL RASHID I stand corrected.
Z Apr 18, 2021 01:03pm
@Rizwan should not ask from anybody*. If men don’t want to fast they don’t need to Give reason to anyone