
Updated 12 Apr, 2021

Journalist and human rights advocate Ibn Abdur Rehman, known as I.A. Rehman, passed away in Lahore at the age of 90 on Monday morning.

Several journalists and other public figures took to Twitter to remember the human rights defender, who was also a regular columnist for Dawn.

Rehman started working at a young age, according to human rights activist and former chairperson of the HRCP Zohra Yusuf. She told Images that Rehman worked as editor of the Pakistan Times before joining the HRCP in the early 90s, first as director and later as secretary general.

We always looked to him for guidance and though he was not as active in the past few years, he was always available for help, she said. "He will be deeply missed. He was a rare kind of individual, not just because of his professional capabilities but as a human being."

Paying tribute to one of Pakistan's most renowned intellectuals, Senator Sherry Rehman called him an icon of integrity, "standing steadfast for every single fundamental right, every single democratic value in the worst of times".

Salman Sufi, founder of the Salman Sufi Foundation, remembered him as "a voice of reason and intellect who never shied away from stating facts".

Academic Adil Najam thanked him for his wisdom.

ANP leader Bushra Gohar said it was a very sad day for human rights activists in the country.

Senator Sehar Kamran called Rehman a "legendary human rights icon, a courageous voice, [and] a veteran journalist".

Abid Qaiyum Suleri, a member of the Economic Advisory Council, said Pakistan has lost a legend.

Journalist Nasim Zehra said Rehman was "in the vanguard of Pakistan’s democratic struggle".

Journalist Raza Rumi said Rehman was a mentor to countless rights activist, journalists and civil society leaders.

Activist Gulalai Ismail said she can't imagine a Pakistan without him.

Journalist Ahmed Noorani said there are "rare examples where people have struggled for the rights of others, rights of underprivileged communities through out their lives. IA Rehman was one such example."

Jehan Ara, president of P@SHA, said Rehman stood up for all those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. "We owe you a debt of gratitude," she wrote.

More to follow


PEW Apr 12, 2021 11:35am
Does anyone in Pakistan know what their rights are?
Chotu Apr 12, 2021 11:36am
Rehman sahab ki aatma ko shanti mile.
BK Apr 12, 2021 11:37am
One of the few sane voices gone forever! RIP.
Majid Apr 12, 2021 11:38am
Huge loss for Dawn readers. His contributions will be missed dearly for a long time to come.
vinjhraj Apr 12, 2021 11:38am
tragic news for hearing.such a giant of human rights is no more.he was ray of hope for the oppressed.
Asif A. Shah Apr 12, 2021 11:40am
I remember meeting him when he used to write for the " Viewpoint" under Mazhar Ali Khan's editorial stewardship. He continued to speak the voice of his conscience all his life. May his soul rest in peace!
Paul from India Apr 12, 2021 11:42am
Sad to hear. He shall be missed by many Indians who respected him and looked forward to read his articles on Dawn.
Ahmad Apr 12, 2021 12:18pm
Not a single tweet from government mouthpieces who are usually too quick to share their wisdom to support radical elements.
Zak Apr 12, 2021 12:30pm
Prayers for IA Rehman and his family. RIP
JustSaying Apr 12, 2021 12:33pm
R. I. P Sir.... ( Rare People...)
Khaled Apr 12, 2021 12:45pm
He was great will miss him. May his soul rest in eternal peace and give strength to the family to bear this irrepareable loss. Ameen.
Khaled Apr 12, 2021 12:46pm
He was great will miss him. May his soul rest in eternal peace and give strength to the family to bear this irrepareable loss. Ameen.
Najam Apr 12, 2021 12:46pm
Rehman sb was my mentor. You could not hope to find a more generous, fair or kind human being. Countless people owe so much to him. Farewell sir.
Iftikhar Khan Apr 12, 2021 12:50pm
Very sad to hear the passing away of very noble gentleman, I A Rehman. We will miss reading his weekly op-ed here at Dawn.
zahid Apr 12, 2021 01:09pm
A huge loss for all the Humanists. A great Warrior for the human rights. May he rest in eternal peace. A'ameen.
Shreyyas Apr 12, 2021 01:36pm
RIP Rahman sb
Tariq Khosa Apr 12, 2021 01:52pm
We looked up to I.A. Rehman as an icon of courage and integrity. Great journalist and human rights activist. He was my mentor and a source of inspiration. His would be a legacy of struggle for the rule of law and democracy. RIP. Tariq Khosa
AZAM AKBAR Apr 12, 2021 01:58pm
Rest In Peace.
Tariq Khosa Apr 12, 2021 02:00pm
We have lost an icon of integrity and courage. He was my mentor as a journalist and a great human rights activist. A colossal national loss. Rest in peace. Tariq Khosa, Former IG Police and Author.
AZAM AKBAR Apr 12, 2021 03:03pm
@Tariq Khosa Mr. Tariq Khosa, Rest In Peace. Prayers for Mr. (late) I. A. Rehman and his family members. He is no more amongst the people but he never wrote about the criminal, corrupt and brutal rulers of Pakistan and also not about the people who are responsible for the break-up of country, unfortunately.
aijaz gul Apr 12, 2021 03:14pm
Rehman Sahab was jewel of a person. He shall live through his commitment to liberty, freedom and respect to human rights. He also cared about lighter side of life-films. He was part of NAFDEC magazine Cinema : the World Over . My heart joins family,colleagues and friends of Rehman Sahab in thoughts and prayers. RIP Rehman Sahab. We would always miss you.
AGHA PASHA Apr 12, 2021 04:36pm
Rest in peace. Dedicated soldier from journalists battalion.
Ashok K Apr 12, 2021 05:04pm
He will be missed by many. May his soul Rest In Peace!
Rafi Apr 12, 2021 05:22pm
Huge loss of one of the sanest voices of the subcontinent...may he Rest In Peace..
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 12, 2021 05:35pm
What a grave, grim, gross and great tragedy? Inna Lilla Hay Waa Inna Illehey Rajayoon.
Reader Apr 12, 2021 05:45pm
Pakistan has lost a wonderful soul, a beacon of light and hope, compassion, empathy, love and sacrifice for fellow humans. A true giant of a man with a heart of gold. He set an example for us all. Grateful to him and Dawn together they contributed immeasurably to our inner conscious. He was an amazing writer with a fantastic vocabulary, epitomized what a good human being should be, kind, noble, broadminded, loving, compassionate towards all, malice towards none. Rest in eternal peace. We are indebted to almighty that he sent you our way.
Mariam Tariq Apr 12, 2021 06:47pm
Such a sad day indeed!
Arshad Siraj Apr 12, 2021 09:36pm
Great Human being and a great human right activist.
Kaspar Apr 12, 2021 11:53pm
A sane voice, speaking for the oppressed and down-trodden, gone for ever. The country has lost a defender of human rights.
BRR Apr 13, 2021 03:55am
He was a good man!
Syed Irfan Ali Apr 13, 2021 10:39am
Rest in peace. Amen.