
No Frieha Altaf, making fun of Meera for being institutionalised is not funny

No Frieha Altaf, making fun of Meera for being institutionalised is not funny

Imran Abbas clarified that no such thing had happened after speaking to the Baaji actor himself.
09 Apr, 2021

Practicing yoga is supposed to bring peace and when someone is in the mountains on a yoga retreat, surrounded by nature, you would think they would be radiating positivity, but that isn't the case with Frieha Altaf. The model-turned-PR manager is doing the complete opposite — making a terrible joke on Meera being institutionalised and laughing about it.

Her "joke" came shortly after a video began circulating on Twitter of a woman who claimed to be Meera's mother. She said her daughter had been admitted to a psychiatric facility in the US against her will.

However, actor Imran Abbas then came forward to clarify that no such thing had happened and that he had personally spoken to the Baaji actor himself. He said making jokes on someone's 'mental instability' is not funny. Unfortunately, Altaf doesn't seem to be following this very sound advice.

"A person loses his/her credibility in society and moreover it can actually push her to be a mental wreck and make her take any extreme action. It can really harm her career and affect her adversely in so many different ways," he wrote in a lengthy social media post.

Actor Armeena Rana Khan echoed Abbas' sentiments when she reminded people of the importance of being kind.

"You don't know the battles the other people are fighting," she had said.

We don't know what's happening with Meera and her situation but even if she was institutionalised, it's not something to make fun of. You don't need to put others down to feel better about yourself. We hope our celebrities can learn a thing or two about respectful coexistence and lifting each other up. Its 2021, do better.


Parvez Apr 09, 2021 12:40pm
If Frieha Altaf's intention was to poke fun......then it only speaks poorly of Frieah Altaf and our so called " beautiful people ".
amina zahir Apr 09, 2021 12:44pm
Everything or everyone we laugh at tells more about who we are than the person or thing we are laughing at.
AJ Apr 09, 2021 01:00pm
Why focus on such charades and propagate such rumors about oneself? It is all a matter of being in limelight with cheap publicity.
M. Saeed Apr 09, 2021 02:47pm
Meera is a big joke for all seasons.
NoVoice Apr 09, 2021 02:53pm
Meera has made a career out of acting imbalanced, and always begging for sympathy and money. Don't waste articles on her.
Mani Apr 09, 2021 02:53pm
Well this proves yoga is not what it’s made out to be.
Ali da Malanga Apr 09, 2021 03:18pm
Now, where are those Aurat March aunties or those so-called female celebrities criticizing this comment from a fellow female? Now imagine if a male had made this comment, those women would be all over the place and labelled him "anti-feminist". This is hypocrisy.
truth Apr 09, 2021 03:22pm
True that images writers...follow that then You don't need to put others down to feel better about yourself.
Browngirl Apr 09, 2021 04:12pm
Shame on Frieha Altaf.
Chrís Dăn Apr 09, 2021 04:40pm
Something very unfair to Meera Jee.
Chrís Dăn Apr 09, 2021 04:43pm
@Ali da Malanga "aunties"?are these emancipated ladies,all in Aurat march are your relatives? You say them "aunties"-wow,all are your family. Very nice. You too must be very enlightened & mentally educated young boy with such a great family. I envy you.
Laila Apr 09, 2021 08:50pm
Mental health is a sensitive topic. It's a social taboo, yet ensationalized for comedic effect. It's normal in Pakistan to call people with psychiatric issues, be that trauma or depression, both, or even, bipolarism, psychosis, schizotypical disorders, as "crazy". Making fun of somebody who may be going through mental health issues is bullying and a disgusting low. You are messing with already vulnerable souls. This is like pushing them over the edge. I wonder if people really think they are so immune and untouchable that this can't happen to them? Educationwise so much work needs to be done when you have literate behaving as illiterates. Stop bullying others and have some compassion.
Laila Apr 10, 2021 01:34am
@Ali da Malanga why do you expect women rights marchers to turn up for every news involving a woman? I mean this has nothing to do with women's rights or feminism. It's one woman kicking another woman who is down. Its also known as bullying. Guys do it too. Women can be incredibly mean. But at least they don't go around calling random guys from jalsas or jalooses for uncles. Lets agree that bullying and taunting is wrong. Man or woman.
Truth be told Apr 10, 2021 07:49am
Altaf should switch places with Meera. Then we will see who has the last laugh.
Roomana Junaid Apr 11, 2021 09:10am
Shame on such sense of humour to just attract people's attention. Just put your self on her place and imagine people do this same???????
Rajabuddin Apr 11, 2021 12:10pm
Very unkind cut by Freiha Altaf and her likes. We do not have sense to treat people with civility and that is to ignore their failings and not to be judgmental.
kABEELAKHAN Apr 12, 2021 05:22pm
She needed to be institutionalized in Pakistan as well.