
Imran Abbas defends Meera against rumours of being institutionalised

Imran Abbas defends Meera against rumours of being institutionalised

Don't sensationalise the story, she's perfectly fine, he posted.
08 Apr, 2021

Rumours have been circulating at the speed of light that actor Meera has been institutionalised in the US but fellow actor Imran Abbas says they aren't true.

A video has also been circulating on Twitter of a woman who claimed to be Meera's mother who said her daughter has been admitted to a psychiatric facility in the US against her will. She appealed to the government to help her.

"She was protesting against the decision, pleading that she wasn't mental, but they said they are going to run some tests," the woman said. "I've been trying her personal number since morning but no one's picking up," she said.

She then appealed to Prime Minister Imran Khan to help her free her daughter.

Following this, actor Abbas said he had received a call from Meera herself, saying nothing is wrong with her. He said the public is being insensitive and that it is terrible to claim someone was mentally unstable.

"Meera called me this morning to clarify it to all of our media/social media that she is perfectly fine and there is nothing wrong with her mental health. Kindly don’t sensationalise the story and make fun of her. Calling someone mentally unstable is not a bloody joke," he wrote.

"A person loses his/her credibility in society and moreover it can actually push her to be a mental wreck and make her take any extreme action. It can really harm her career and affect her adversely in so many different ways."

Abbas, who was furious at people treating the sensitive news as a joke, told the public to be careful of the consequences that could follow such behaviour.

"No one of us is perfect and we all have imperfections one way or another. 'Perfection' is the word which only suits our Creator," he said.

"She doesn’t need your sympathies or prayers to be fine. Kindly don’t show this fake concern by putting statuses. Let’s pray for our sick society, news channels and social media which can actually push anyone to commit suicide by their petty jokes and flimsy humour."

Images has contacted Meera for a statement.


M. Saeed Apr 08, 2021 02:21pm
Smoke is not without some fire.
Parvez Apr 08, 2021 02:43pm
Meera institutionalized ???? .... rubbish. In fact Meera is an institution all by herself.
Solomon The King Apr 08, 2021 02:53pm
is she in a pyschotic department?
Laila Apr 08, 2021 03:30pm
What a gentleman. Bless him.
NYS Apr 08, 2021 04:21pm
Ambiguity till Meera press conference
White Noise Apr 08, 2021 04:21pm
why is she calling him? is her new brother? wait, he is too young, make that, son
Adam Apr 08, 2021 04:57pm
The question is simple. Is Meera institutionalized at the behest of a medical person she was in consultation with, or is it just a fabricated story? If the news is true, then did she not only malign her name but also drag down the good will of the country she represents? If the doctor misdiagnosed her condition or acted unprofessionally, and she did not pose a threat to herself or those around her, then don't apologize for wrong doing, but take him to court and get his license revoked. One can show support for ones peers, but not by covering the facts of the matter.
Browngirl Apr 08, 2021 05:15pm
Meera is a living legend.
NASEEM AHMAD DAR Apr 08, 2021 05:49pm
Before the stone age men and women lived without clothes. As civilisation developed they started covering their bodies. Just before the end of 2nd World War men and women in the world dressed in such a way that their bodies were completely covered in dress. Than in the name of freedom and civilisation they started uncovering the bodies. Unfortunately women took the lead and now they roam around in clothes which makes them semi naked. If that is not temptation for men than what can I say. Weather it leads them to rape is another matter.
It's me Apr 08, 2021 06:05pm
Making a mountain out of a molehill. First of all if this is her mom then she is so stupid. Why is she blurting out private information in the media, typical Pakistani innocence (for elderly and stupidity for the rest). For odd behaviour Meera might've been pink slipped i.e. kept for observation till they verify she is not a danger to herself and others. Our culture makes us feel like we are above the law. If she has acted out in this manner, she would possibly pay the price. If the purported mom refers to tests being conducted, that appears just right since they want to ensure she was not 'high' on something for her odd behaviour that she might've displayed. Still, without going into medical specifics, anyone, and I repeat anyone in a similar situation can be kept against their will in a Psychiatric ward without a label or a confirmed diagnosis when they appear not to be with it. Pakistanis should leave her alone and let her deal with it. Even if it turns out otherwise, who gives.
Tanvir Khan Apr 08, 2021 06:44pm
Jealousy is the best appreciation! Meera is a Heera!
Khurram Apr 08, 2021 07:24pm
All showbizz personalities should be tested when sober.
Laila Apr 09, 2021 01:37am
@White Noise why the ageism attack? I think Meera is in her mid 40s and Imran is more than 35 years old. So not sure why you want to make him her son. They are clearly friends s they are in the same field.
Hasan Apr 09, 2021 08:32am
Imran Abbas, you are a clown yourself
truth Apr 09, 2021 03:26pm
@White Noise so a son is younger to mother by 5 years ...wonderful
lungi bird Apr 11, 2021 05:09am
most pakistan is a mental asylum whats the big deal