
France wants to ban the hijab and Twitter is rightfully outraged

France wants to ban the hijab and Twitter is rightfully outraged

Users said the ban was inciting Islamophobia and adding to a larger problem of policing women's bodies.
05 Apr, 2021

In the past year or two, France has doubled down on anti-Muslim policies and the latest is a ban on Muslim women below the age of 18 wearing the hijab.

The government seems to see the hijab as a threat to all the things the Republic stands for.

Believing this to be oppressive, restrictive and misogynistic, many have taken to Twitter to express their outrage.

This isn't the first time France has tried to police Muslim women's clothes. It previously banned full-body swimwear and niqabs. It also banned the slaughter of poultry for religious sacrifice but is okay with the poultry industry in general. All these things have led to people calling out Islamophobia in the country.

Many Muslim women felt they were at the receiving end of racism and hate.

Some users pointed out how the ban was not just inciting Islamophobia, but added to a larger problem of bodily autonomy and governing women's bodies to declare what they can or cannot wear.

It added to systematic oppression where patriarchy and internalised misogyny made it okay for anyone other than a woman herself to determine what she would be comfortable in, and thus should, be wearing or not wearing — when the choice should have been hers alone.

Women pointed out that despite the fact that the hijab was an obligatory part of their religion, it was also a choice that Muslim women made before hitting puberty. They reiterated that the practice was neither forced nor part of a culture to oppress their rights.

They added that the bill was not only oppressive but also restrictive in choice for young girls who would opt to dress modestly and wanted to wear the hijab as a service to their religion and devotion to God. They felt violated.

Many also collectively protested how peacefully practicing or representing their religion through any garment does not in any way harm anyone else.

Not discrediting the experiences of those who were forced to wear the hijab when they weren't ready to, Muslim women said the personal experiences of some was not the benchmark by which to judge an entire religion, nor does it speak for all women and represent their feelings.

Regardless of the bill becoming a law or not, one thing was pretty clear — France has an Islamophobia problem.

France's national motto is "liberté, égalité, fraternité", French for "liberty, equality, fraternity", but it doesn't want to give Muslim women the liberty to dress as they please. By banning the hijab, or any other items of clothing, the French aren't being liberal, they're being sexist and not letting women wear what they want.


ANS Apr 05, 2021 04:27pm
France is right and others should follow suit.
Hamed Apr 05, 2021 04:54pm
In France women are regarded as sex object. In the 19th century 50% of children in Paris were disowned by the parents.
A shah Apr 05, 2021 05:05pm
Their country, their rules
M. Saeed Apr 05, 2021 05:29pm
Face mask is already a hijab for all.
Chrís Dăn Apr 05, 2021 05:50pm
A woman should have freedom of choice about her dress. Whether she is walking in skirt/blouse or in a head-scarf,is her personal choice and her personal right.
Ehsan Apr 05, 2021 06:54pm
Their country their rule just like Muslim countries want their values enforced. Also Muslims need to understand what led to such an action.
Shahid Mahmood Apr 05, 2021 07:31pm
They need to go to the European court of human rights.
paul Apr 05, 2021 07:50pm
Their country their rule - if rules do not suit then migrate to another country. Simple as that.
raheel Apr 05, 2021 08:17pm
Macron is the new Modi of France
Shah Alam Khan Apr 05, 2021 08:23pm
Why do not you live in Islamic countries, if you like the hijab so much? I feel sick when kids/ teenage girls are covered with the idea that it protects against the male gaze. I stand with France. This should be implemented in Pakistan as well.
Bilal Apr 05, 2021 08:34pm
I live in U.K. so no more vacations to France or buying any French products. I will vote with my wallet.
Ali Apr 05, 2021 08:35pm
Muslim women should not make it an issue. They can design masks to cover their faces instead of hijab.
T-man Apr 05, 2021 08:45pm
On the other hand, women marching around naked is not allowed but encouraged.
Saeed Apr 05, 2021 09:00pm
Are these same woman on Twitter against Saudi and Iranian government for imposing law veil
Honor Apr 05, 2021 10:16pm
The face is visible in a hijab, but with a mask the face is NOT visible, therefore, it should be totally banned. Motorcycle helmets should not have dark face shields.
Haris Apr 05, 2021 10:43pm
First Naqaab and now Hijab... Huh! France should issue a set of wardrobe (like school uniform) for women. Its seems politicians has nothing else to do there. Amidst Pandemic, only health workers are doing their job. We need Aurat March in Paris with play card "Mera jism meri marzi"
Haris Apr 05, 2021 10:45pm
@paul Then don't call yourself a democratic society. This is totally against the democratic principles which France claims herself to be the champion.
Vish Apr 05, 2021 10:46pm
All hijab lovers must immediately leave France to mark their protest.
Haris Apr 05, 2021 10:50pm
@Shah Alam Khan, Bro, it's not about protecting oneself about gaze and harassment. Its about persons own choice. Let's assume, Islamic countries ban Bikin clad women tourist on their beaches. The same country you in support of right now will make such Hue and Cry of this matter.
Gt Apr 05, 2021 10:59pm
@Hamed So what it has go to do with ban of Burka ,Hijab or Niqabs.
Gt Apr 05, 2021 11:03pm
@raheel Both are very good leaders. Modi has not banned yet which he is going to do.
Amjad Apr 05, 2021 11:03pm
@Ehsan What are you on about? Nobody is trying to enforce their values on the French. It's about having free choice to dress the way you wish. Most of the Muslims on France are from countries such as Algeria where these French have ruled and killed millions of Muslims. So they have a right to live there.
AH Apr 05, 2021 11:16pm
France should get out of Muslims countries in North Africa. It is using CFA Franc to economically trap north and central African countries.
Shah Alam Khan Apr 05, 2021 11:29pm
@Haris What's the idea behind hijab or burqa? It is basically associated with purity and pollution. Those wear hijab are considered pure. Dear denying the facts behind covering a woman doesn't serve any purpose. It's time to question the basic idea behind hijab and burqa.
SHAW S Apr 05, 2021 11:33pm
@ANS .. I agree with you only if them Frenchies also take off the Hijab Virgin Mary Mother of Jesus is wearing .. see all pictures and statues of her; Then it is fine to take off the Hijab; I am against the burka and ninja face cover; Yes, that should be off the streets .. No Ninja look Burkas;
Laila Apr 05, 2021 11:37pm
@T-man no, because no country allows people women or men walking around naked. It is illegal and a breach of public decency. That's why you will get arrested. In France too. The opposite of wearing headscarf is not being naked in public. Kindly stop this insane contrasting. The opposite would be to show your head and hair. What are your thoughts on Iran forcing girls and women to wear headcover since 1980s?
Laila Apr 05, 2021 11:39pm
@raheel then you must undoubtedly also feel that Iran's 40 years of the Ayatollah regimes and Ayatollahs, Khomeini, Khameini are all like Modi. Unless, you hold double standards, of course.
Laila Apr 05, 2021 11:43pm
@Bilal the same UK, which illegally invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and left them in anarchy and complete destruction with millions of refugees even today? When will you give up your comfortable life of luxury in that UK and relinquish your British citizenship and come back home to Pakistan to show your opposition to their warfare?
Laila Apr 05, 2021 11:45pm
@Hamed women are objectified in Pakistan and the Muslim world too. Wake up. What world do you live in? Also I will need a source for your baseless claim that 50% of children in Paris were disowned by their parents in 19th century. I won't hold my breath.
PEW Apr 05, 2021 11:54pm
Will you allow European women to wear skirts in Pakistan? If no, then why do u expect France to allow hijab?
Sana Apr 06, 2021 12:15am
@ANS you are right Girls under eighteen should not be put in hijab they can make an informed choice once they are eighteen some may be eager to embrace the hijab others may not this is a matter of choice for women
Sana Apr 06, 2021 12:16am
@Hamed yet we don't live in the 19th century we are in the 21st and its time to stop objectifying women
Sana Apr 06, 2021 12:16am
@M. Saeed Face mask is temporary for medical reasons plus face mask is for MALE and FEMALE Hijab is not for males please don't compare apples to oranges
Sana Apr 06, 2021 12:17am
@Bilal yes Bilal please don't buy anything from France just make sure that your daughters, wives and sisters have option of choosing to wear or not wear the hijab
Sana Apr 06, 2021 12:18am
@Haris dont live in France if you don' t like their rules
Aslam Sukhera Apr 06, 2021 12:31am
Simply leave France if you are not happy.
Gamer Apr 06, 2021 12:53am
@Haris democratic countries not meant for Muslims so move to Islam countries and happy
Abid Khan Apr 06, 2021 01:04am
Do in Rome as Romans do! If this is not possible for those French/North African Muslims, then it is their religious duty to move to countries where they can practice their religion in their own terms (Dar ul Aman). Why should France give up her secular ideology for a bunch of Muslim refugees?
Igloo Apr 06, 2021 01:04am
France shames itself with rules that are designed to simply deliver pain to its Muslim citizens. The irony is that by humiliating law abiding French Muslims you alienate them and actively build resentment - the opposite of what their intended aims are.
Palakkadan Apr 06, 2021 01:31am
@raheel Yes, both are great statesmen
Cyz Apr 06, 2021 01:35am
@Saeed they are
pakOne Apr 06, 2021 02:56am
All the Pakistani momins should be forced to lower their gaze when they approach a namehran female instead on oogling and always adjusting their nuts. Then the mualim femals won't have need for wearing a burqa.
Afia Apr 06, 2021 04:37am
@Haris , Saudia should also issue a set of wardrobe (like school uniform) for women.
Roger Apr 06, 2021 05:01am
@Bilal You have the right to boycott French goods but must understand that it is a thin bridge between religious freedom for non-christians and national security
Roger Apr 06, 2021 05:06am
@Chrís Dăn That freedom of choice is never there in a male chauvinist society especially in the immigrant population
Roger Apr 06, 2021 05:10am
@Haris If any of women relatives at your home choose to wear a transparent T-shirt with your slogan, will that be acceptable to you?
Aftab Apr 06, 2021 05:59am
@paul You nailed it Sir. Thise who wish to immigrate to France should first consider this.
Aftab Apr 06, 2021 06:01am
Is bikini allowed in Islamic nation? Is pork consumption is allowed? Is non Halal food allowed? Is free speech allowed? Is sculptures, paintings, music allowed in many Muslim nations? Similarly, France have their own laws. Why to complain!
Aftab Apr 06, 2021 06:02am
@raheel Then dont go to France and call back the Pakistanis who went there.
Aftab Apr 06, 2021 06:04am
Recently in many terror attacks the terrorists used Burqa to hide. When it comes to safety and security such measures are important.
Harry Jam Apr 06, 2021 06:09am
France should also ban women in mini skirts which attracts predators.
Asif Akbar Apr 06, 2021 06:31am
@raheel And Pakistan still accepted grant from them
7up Apr 06, 2021 07:24am
Liberte. Egalite . Fraternite. (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - the French national motto) @ss.
BK Apr 06, 2021 07:28am
Display of all religious symbols in public places need to be banned.
Atiya sami Apr 06, 2021 08:03am
Frace(christians) r doing according to their law & constitution.
Dev Apr 06, 2021 08:13am
Recently, in Jammu kashmir, 1 male terrorist dressed in burqa knocked on door faking woman voice . When the local govt persons security opened door, they shot him dead and ran.
sam Apr 06, 2021 08:15am
@A shah so bombing other countries (Mali) and killing innocents is also their rule???? They should be brought it international court of justice.
Malik Apr 06, 2021 09:22am
What if France ban Indian married Women wearing red paint In hair And red dot on forehead and also ban Saari.
Kasif Jamal Apr 06, 2021 09:27am
@raheel and also your real daddy (abba)
NYS Apr 06, 2021 10:33am
France act as Islamphobia Earlier their artist did blasphamy act now on and off they have prob in wearing hijab Let all human free in their capacity don't police Muslim women ..
Adam Apr 06, 2021 10:35am
@Vish who is asking for your opinion. Let them live as they wish however they want.
ali Apr 06, 2021 10:57am
@Chrís Dăn it is not a choice if you link yourself with any specific religion. No religion allowed nudity or seductive dressing. Unless you declare yourself as athiest or non believer.
Irfan ul Huq Apr 06, 2021 11:23am
One should make distinction between niqab and hijab. Niqab is about covering face and that should be a no no for any country in public. We may not know who is behind those niqab. Do not compare the facial mask for health reason and to protect the community in this epidemic with the niqab for religious reason. It is my understanding that France being secular country prevents from using any religious symbol When a bill is presented to the house then it gives its reasons explains the reason for banning and it is debated let us wait for the full extent of explanation and context before we pass judgement.
Gamer Apr 06, 2021 02:01pm
@Bilal get out of uk too, don’t stay there
Gamer Apr 06, 2021 02:04pm
@Haris Muslims are not fit to live in democratic countries as most democratic countries are Christian and pork, alcohol is against Muslims
Gamer Apr 06, 2021 02:06pm
@BK make it in your Islamic countries first if u are so interested, take your talk in Islamic countries and see where u will land
Laila Apr 06, 2021 04:12pm
@Hamed women are objectified daily in Pakistan and other Muslim countries too. They are even objectified and compared to objects like pearls, pieces of meat, tissue paper, lollipops and candy by socalled Muslims. I would like a source for 50% of French 19ty century children's being disowned by their parents. After you fail to dig up such a source as you clearly made this up, you should look up why "disown" means in a dictionary.
Laila Apr 06, 2021 04:14pm
@raheel going by your logic then you also think the Ayatollahs both present and past of Iran are also like Modi with their theocratic dictatorship forcing women to veil (since 1980s) when many dont want to.
Laila Apr 06, 2021 04:17pm
@Bilal the same UK which with the US invaded and waged war, both illegally, on Afghanistan and Iraq causing mass destruction, mass civilian killings, torture, refugees and anarchy the consequences of which are seen even today? So when will you give up your UK citizenship or visa and move back home?
Laila Apr 06, 2021 04:19pm
@Haris a democratic society means a society based on the principle of majority vote. The majority can vote for or against anything from going to war, EU membership, to no religious symbols in public. So yes they remain a deomovracy even if you don't agree with the law of their land. Don't go to France. It's simple, really.
Laila Apr 06, 2021 04:23pm
@Haris France has women's rights groups and movements going back decades. They don't need Aurat March. They already have one. Every country has one on International women's day. Pakistan however needs Aurat March and the slogans won't make sense in Franceboth because it is in Urdu and because there women already own rights to their mind, bodies and personal life choices subject to local French law. In Pakistan they don't.
Laila Apr 06, 2021 04:32pm
@T-man I don't know where you see women marching naked? The opposite of head cover is not nakedness. Stop this insane utopic contrast. No country allows walking naked in public. Not even in France. If are naked in public it falls under public indecency laws and you will be fined 15,000 euros + up to 1 years of imprisonment. Where is your sympathy for millions women and girls being forced to cover their heads in Iran?
Laila Apr 06, 2021 04:33pm
@Shahid Mahmood what court can Iranian women go to for being forced to cover their heads?
Laila Apr 07, 2021 12:20am
@Harry Jam mini skirts don't attract predators. Clothing has nothing to do with predators. Predators are sick individuals who will pounce on their prey when they see an ocassion. That's why they do it when the victim is alone. Kindly understand the nature of sexual predators. Much literature is available on this issue written by experts like doctors, social workers, psychologists etc. The skirt is not a religious symbol. The head scarf is like the cross. It's very easy. Don't live in France if you dislike their laws. Or should foreigners, migrants also be allowed to change Pakistans laws and culture?
Laila Apr 07, 2021 12:22am
@Atiya sami France is not equal to Christians. If I can google this, why can't you? What is the purpose of spreading his misinformation? They are secular society. Like Turkey.
Hate ANS Apr 07, 2021 03:17am
@ANS shut up
Nada Apr 07, 2021 05:28am
@paul emm for ur information not every muslim in france is immigrant some french citizens are muslim so now what they should go back to their "country"
Laila Apr 07, 2021 05:50am
@PEW because we like our double standards
Sandeep C Apr 07, 2021 07:29am
@raheel It apears that you are in agreement with present remarkh of IK Niyazi on women.
Chris Roberts Apr 07, 2021 08:26am
@Laila Tell it like it is! Bravo!
Vengenace Apr 07, 2021 11:12am
@Shah Alam Khan First you said they should move to an Islamic country, then you said this law should be implemented in Pakistan (an Islamic country) too... contradicting yourself much?
Vengenace Apr 07, 2021 11:14am
@Saeed Did you read the article? One of them outright mentioned the Iranian government and said both France and Iran are wrong in this. Bina parhay comment karnay aja the hain.
Vengenace Apr 07, 2021 11:24am
@Laila The point they were trying to make was that Muslim women do not have right over their bodies anymore (to an extent). Wile you’re right that the matter is much worse in Pakistan your argument had a whole in it. Furthermore telling another poster to renounce their UK citizenship because of the acts of the govt. is like blaming modern-day Germans for the Nazi Holocaust or today’s Australians for the aboriginal genocide. They shouldn’t be held accountable for the actions of their ancestors and the poster you replied is not accountable for the actions of the leaders of his adopted country unless he endorsed them and voted for them.
Abu Bakar Apr 07, 2021 11:43am
Every week we read problem for muslims in france, where is UN why its not taking action againt it, france just want war its not any peace of world, We whole world Muslims stand with them . france has been terrorist now world saw them.
Abu Bakar Apr 07, 2021 11:46am
@A shah hello mr how their country their rules? Muslim should be follow Islam rules not any others. I think you are just name muslim
Imdad Apr 07, 2021 07:11pm
@ANS France and all other Western countries should remove Hindus for their 'CAST-SYSTEM' calling other human beings as 'UNTOUCHABLE', often killing them, and murdering other for eating beef, worshipping 'HAND-MADE' Gods.
Imdad Apr 07, 2021 07:22pm
@Ehsan <<< another TRAITOR among MUSLIMS. France has been taken part along with USA and other Western countries in bombing, murdering Muslims, in several countries, and slaughter in Africa, but to you, "Muslims need to understand what led to such an action."
Blank Apr 07, 2021 09:09pm
@ANS wow u r such a loser probably a white man who wants to tell women what they should and should not wear or cover. I feel sorry for you for having such stupid, misogynistic views.
Mel Apr 08, 2021 12:27am
Is France going to ban nuns head covering too?
Vijay B. Apr 08, 2021 03:29am
It would be interesting to see the reaction of Muslims if let's say the ICC hypothetically ruled that all players of first class matches had to be clean-shaven. I would think there is a dress code even at present or why else do we not see any players in Tee Shirts and Shorts?
Laila Apr 08, 2021 04:01am
@Vengenace I respectfully disagree with you. My analogy and the analogy you make with native Germans being shamed for their Nazi history is not comparable. Why would one adopt and stay in a country that waged wars on fellow Muslims (incl drones, Dr. Afia in Pakistan) and continues to wage wars, even if indirectly? There's Muslim countries to pick from to adopt as one's home. So renouncing such citizenship was an accurate analogy. A native person can not abandon their country as easily. But its easier to boycott goods then letting go of the very beneficial foreign nationality. Using aurat march slogan was misplaced. Especially the same people wont allow Pakistani women that right but French Muslim women in headcover are free to claim it.The hypocrisy. In France women do have rights over their bodies and life, sexual harassment/rape/discrimination is not condoned, no stigma with divorce or remarriage, no waiting for divorce, no need for male guardians permission. They have choice.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 04:03am
@Abu Bakar you just said Muslim. Should follow islms rules not other countries rues. Well then such Muslims should not migrate or flee to npn Muslim countries. Seems strange to go to a sovereign nation and demand they cater to out demands. France is a secular country not Islamic. Also Islam tells Muslims to follow the rules of the land they chose to settle in. I urge you to study this because by your logic Muslims can't live in France. UN is also not Islamic.
Nonracist Apr 12, 2021 12:30pm
@ANS what happened to freedom of choice? Is this how we want to teach our society? Think bigger picture not just acting like an islamophobic.... small minded people are usually the breeder of racists behaviour