
Meet New Zealand's first policewoman to wear a hijab as part of uniform

Meet New Zealand's first policewoman to wear a hijab as part of uniform

Zeena Ali believes that the move will encourage other women to apply to the force as well.
18 Nov, 2020

Constable Zeena Ali is New Zealand Police’s first member to wear a specially designed hijab as part of her uniform.

"It feels great to be able to go out and show the New Zealand Police uniform hijab because I was able to take part in the design process," said Ali.

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

During training for her wing, according to the New Zealand Police’s social media, the Royal New Zealand Police College staff organised halal meals and made a prayer room available.

"When I had to go swimming I was able to wear long sleeves — a full swim suit."

"It was when I was just training to get into police, that the Christchurch terror attack happened and if I was a fully-fledged constable then I would have gone down to support the victims and their families."

Ali believes that the move will encourage other women to apply to the force as well. “Having a police-branded hijab means women, who may not have previously considered policing, can do so now. It’s great how the police incorporated my religion and culture."

According to BBC, other forces such as the Metropolitan Police in London and Scotland Police offer the option of a uniform hijab.


Raja Nov 18, 2020 11:00am
There goes New Zealand!
Surya Kant Nov 18, 2020 11:02am
What kind of Hijab is this? I can see whole face.
Pplaris Nov 18, 2020 11:14am
Best wishes for your sucessful career in the New Zealand Police Force.
GK Nov 18, 2020 11:18am
Wowww!! what a country and what a PM. That is what is the respect for Muslims and religion. Way to show the west how to treat people.... Love from all.
SATT Nov 18, 2020 11:43am
No mask during corona period is dangerous.
NK Nov 18, 2020 11:49am
@Surya Kant It is hijab not a veil.
Marquis de Sade Nov 18, 2020 11:51am
Since when is a head scarf a hijab?
Marquis de Sade Nov 18, 2020 11:52am
@Raja: thin end of the wedge, you think? I agree.
hm Nov 18, 2020 12:21pm
@GK Also points to ponder upon for Muslims....they need to learn how to respect other faiths as well, regardless of whether they agree with them or not.
Asim Nov 18, 2020 12:29pm
@Surya Kant this hijab is according to Sharia law where hair and ears must be covered but face is not mandatory. However, according to some religious schools, covering the face is also mandatory.
RAja Raman Nov 18, 2020 12:43pm
Credit goes to the New Zealand PM.
usman Nov 18, 2020 12:46pm
@Surya Kant Hijab is not limited to cover the face only but to cap the Head & Hairs( mandatory) is also comes under Hijab .
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Nov 18, 2020 01:05pm
Sooner than later, it will be replicated, emulated and imitated in all tolerant, open-minded, fair and free democratic countries like New Zealand.
shahid zaman Nov 18, 2020 01:40pm
Is that really important? Her job is to intervene when some people break the law. Is she good at that? That's all I am interested in. SZ
bhaRAT© Nov 18, 2020 01:50pm
@Surya Kant Her body, her choice!
Truth Nov 18, 2020 02:25pm
good for nz. Still waiting for any muslim country to allow non hijab for women.
Wolf Nov 18, 2020 02:41pm
Is there any update on when Muslim majority country will reciprocate same to their religious minorities?
Iqbal Aswani Nov 18, 2020 04:20pm
@Surya Kant This is Hijab which covers as it is shown. The one that covers face is called "Naqaab". Hijab and Naqaab are two different things.
Iqbal Aswani Nov 18, 2020 04:21pm
@Marquis de Sade It is Hijab. If you are referring to face cover, that is "Naqaab".
RationalBabu Nov 18, 2020 04:23pm
@Asim only for the women?
RationalBabu Nov 18, 2020 04:24pm
@bhaRAT© Only if that was true!
RationalBabu Nov 18, 2020 04:25pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad so why can’t Muslim countries be like that?
Dr. Doctor PhD? Nov 18, 2020 04:38pm
@GK how do u treat people.? In the UK people are free to wear what they want. So your point is what exactly? Please expand.
tammanna Nov 18, 2020 05:06pm
is she muslim or what
Imtiaz Ali Khan Nov 18, 2020 05:38pm
New Zealand is as secular as a Sindhi. Proud of you New Zealand under leadership of PM Jacinda Ardern it's even more humanist than NZ already was. What a beautiful country and such lovely humanist people you just simply makes us all proud to be a human being. I don't personally like Muslim/Jewish/Christian head gear or scarf, Jew Kippa or Christian Cross etc., but someone likes I respect their faith be it any faith. New Zealand Zindabad!
Aslam Khan Nov 18, 2020 05:55pm
@Surya Kant Hijab doesn't cover the face.
M Nov 18, 2020 05:57pm
When does Muslim countries will do the same? Respecting individual choices of dressing? And why not merge with a society where you live? Why show religious perspective?
khalid iqbal Nov 18, 2020 06:09pm
Very good , others should learn from it .
LgbtqX Nov 18, 2020 06:38pm
A step in the wrong direction.
Tayyab ali Shah Nov 18, 2020 06:45pm
@Surya Kant .You are mixing up Niqab and HIjab. Niqab covers the whole face, Hijab does not.
Zak Nov 18, 2020 07:15pm
Salute to Ms Ali, another awesome achievement.
Algoritmi Nov 18, 2020 07:44pm
@shahid zaman Yes this is important to follow her religious belief if she wants to and yes she must be good in her responsibilities that's why she is selected in the force.
well-wisher Nov 18, 2020 08:22pm
Be reasonable in your demands and respect the laws of NZ. The PM is very accommodative and respectful. Don't abuse that. Just remember you are in NZ.
B.Patel USA Nov 18, 2020 08:46pm
@bhaRAT© , sir. Great comment. Now give the same freedom to women in Pakistan. That is only they decide weather to wear Hijab or not.
Pratik Bagchi Nov 18, 2020 09:26pm
Pakistani should learn from This small Christian country, how every religion is respectful
Ds Nov 18, 2020 10:01pm
So the cap doesn’t cover the hair.
Programmingdrone Nov 18, 2020 10:03pm
Excellent news
bhaRAT© Nov 18, 2020 10:50pm
@B.Patel USA "Now give the same freedom to women in Pakistan." Why not start with your own India. "India most dangerous country for women with sexual violence rife."
Rizwan Nov 18, 2020 11:33pm
@Surya Kant Educate yourself ! Whole face cover is called Naqab and she is wearing a Hijab which covers her hair!!!
skb Nov 18, 2020 11:43pm
Why this is a news, There was no word Hijab, until 1998, this is now a new trend, designer making good money, promoting and politicly used. On the other hand, right winger took this to extreme . It's better stop politicizing and keep the modesty, grace and beauty of covering head and other part of body .
ambreen Nov 19, 2020 12:29am
@Surya Kant She doesn't need to cover her entire face .
D’Souza Nov 19, 2020 12:51am
“It feels great to be able to go out and show the New Zealand Police uniform hijab because I was able to take part in the design process," said Ali. Is this part of her job? Designing clothes? It’s seems this is just a gimmick.
Sami khan Nov 19, 2020 02:54am
A slap for Macrons of the world. They should learn from NZ.
Roshan Nov 19, 2020 04:04am
Now, after a year or two she will demand a prayer room and to wear a burkha
Danish Nov 19, 2020 04:38am
Thats a huge thing for muslims residing there this move will surely fill the gap between the people and government...
Sri1 Nov 19, 2020 05:17am
Deja Vu. Multicultural accepting France phase 1. Phase 3 will come soon, just like France
Tamilselvan Nov 19, 2020 07:20am
Will she arrest men with Hijab? Or is she just a token representation?
Asim Nov 19, 2020 07:33am
@Truth hijab is obligatory in Islam. Do you know a religion where keeping a bare head is obligatory?
Asim Nov 19, 2020 07:35am
@RationalBabu yes, covering the head like that police woman is doing in the picture is a requirement for women. While for men, sporting a beard is mandatory.
Asim Nov 19, 2020 07:38am
@D’Souza she means they consulted her to tell the requirements. Nothing complexing..
Ramesh Nov 19, 2020 07:40am
@Marquis de Sade More demands will crop up soon!
Asim Nov 19, 2020 07:42am
@well-wisher yes, and all NZ citizens are equal. So no citizen needs to remember that he/she is in NZ. They have all the right to demand as any other New Zealander.
Asim Nov 19, 2020 07:44am
@Roshan Her department has already given her a prayer room. Sorry to disappoint you.
T Nov 19, 2020 08:03am
Why is hijab not compulsory is Islamic republic of Pakistan?
T Nov 19, 2020 08:05am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad “ Sooner than later, it will be replicated, emulated and imitated in all tolerant, open-minded, fair and free democratic countries like New Zealand.” Why not in Pakistan?
NK Nov 19, 2020 08:45am
@RationalBabu For what?
Abida Nov 20, 2020 10:23am
@B.Patel USA who told you women are not free in Pakistan?freedom doesn't only mean to remove clothes ???? We are respected, loved and cared in Pakistan and that is the true freedom