
Miftah Ismail has come up with something sweet to win the NA-249 seat

Miftah Ismail has come up with something sweet to win the NA-249 seat

He's handing out candy with his face on it as part of his election campaign.
31 Mar, 2021

When life gives you lemons, make candy with your face on it. At least, that's what PML-N leader Miftah Ismail is doing.

While campaigning for the by-election in Karachi's NA-249, Ismail, a former finance minister, decided to hand out candy with his face printed on the packaging. He gets 10/10 for creative marketing!

Of course it's easy to print your picture on candy wrappers when you own a candy factory — Ismail Industries owns Candyland.

People were amused at the creative way the politician was campaigning.

One Twitter user had a suggestion for theme music for the PML-N leader.

But while this is creative, Ismail can't come close to the comedic marketing of Ayaz Motiwala, whose campaign featured him posing in garbage and gutters. Of course, not everyone wants to go that far for an election.

Photo: AFP
Photo: AFP

Politicians are becoming more creative in their campaigning but it remains to be seen whether creativity can win people's hearts. Getting likes on Twitter and winning an election are two very different things and often have no co-relation.


Zulfiqar Ali Ansari Mar 31, 2021 04:06pm
I want this free Candy for my kids...
Tariq Mar 31, 2021 04:14pm
Vorting Miftah is useless as they are in power in any places. People might go for PTI or PPP as PPP had proven to be anti Karachi so the only glimpse of hope is PTI.
zahid Mar 31, 2021 04:14pm
Verrry Interesting concept!!
Hard Hitter Mar 31, 2021 04:19pm
@Zulfiqar Ali Ansari Do you live in NA-249
Bilal Badat Mar 31, 2021 04:33pm
Instead of candy it should be on lollipop
Fastrack Mar 31, 2021 04:46pm
That's called bribery. A poor candidate would be handicapped. And you appreciate it only because he is anti IK?
Arsalan FAROOQ Mar 31, 2021 04:48pm
Cause giving away biryani for the vote is just too expensive
Shujaat Mar 31, 2021 04:58pm
When its about seat, they will do all. I respect miftah but don’t understand what his role in politics, its sad see he act same like other. Lets wait and watch
NHM Mar 31, 2021 05:01pm
grassroot level .....corruption
Hassan Mar 31, 2021 05:03pm
I hope people are not going to be fooled by these acts of dynastic political parties!
M. Saeed Mar 31, 2021 05:12pm
So, Miftah is also deeply involved in sugar affairs?
YKZ Mar 31, 2021 05:55pm
Seeking vote from public to defend the Sharifs' ill gotten wealth? If not, Whether he can promises to help return the Avenfield apartments, CSM and other suspected wealth of Sharifs to Pakistan for which no money trail was provided ?
Hasnain Haque Mar 31, 2021 06:29pm
So buying votes with a candy, is a candy worth sacrificing their future for/ Same old tactics, keema naan, biryani to lure people and then loot, what a tactic.
Zak Mar 31, 2021 07:06pm
He looks like a clown. Halka 249 vote for PTI. Send these Nawaz chamcha corrupt back home with his poster.
Zak Mar 31, 2021 07:10pm
The candy represents the loot PML N wants from the public. He is just reminding everyone. However, candy is for kids and they don't vote.
Syed A. Mateen Mar 31, 2021 07:16pm
My experience about election campaign is very different and what I have experienced cannot change my mind. In every election candidates makes tall claims that after winning election they will do this and they will do that but once any candidate win election he or she does not do any thing in the constituency. During election campaign if voters ask for the cell numbers candidates don’t hesitate in giving out their cell numbers but after winning election the winning candidate does not respond to calls of any voter, except the calls of their near and dear ones. Candidates contest election to come into power and for the sake of promoting their own name and status. If any voter is successful in approaching the winning candidate and request him to do the required and legitimate job than the winning candidate simply turn the request of the voter by saying that the required job will be done if it is falling within his party’s policies. I really don’t believe in any party's hollow slogans.
Browngirl Mar 31, 2021 07:18pm
Miftah is a good man, but he can't possibly win if the selectors don't want him to.
Sheraz Ali Rizvi Mar 31, 2021 07:30pm
This seat will go to MQM-P
Zulfiqar Mar 31, 2021 07:31pm
@Hard Hitter No
Salman Mar 31, 2021 07:43pm
People of Karachi don't even get a biryani.
Parvez Mar 31, 2021 08:08pm
Miftah can only win .... if Mr. Zardari gives the nod.
Zak Mar 31, 2021 08:21pm
Why the goofy look, no one will vote for Scooby doo.
Fast comment Mar 31, 2021 08:59pm
Syed Mustafa Kamal most suitable for NA 249. He has a good performance record, he’s honest. Karachiiites knows him.
Mansur Ul Haque Mar 31, 2021 09:50pm
Miftah is finance guy and belongs to business community that is famous for its business acumen. He don't like to trade for loss. Definitely he is seeing profit in politics and will gain it.
MugalPrince Mar 31, 2021 10:34pm
@Bilal Badat Point to pounder
MugalPrince Mar 31, 2021 10:40pm
@YKZ Please refer this issue to IK
MugalPrince Mar 31, 2021 10:46pm
@Parvez PPP has no power in karachi
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Mar 31, 2021 10:50pm
A political joker distributing candies to win the election.
MugalPrince Mar 31, 2021 10:50pm
@Zak Look what happened when you voted for IK... Don't be fooled by the looks... Check the person
Ali Khan Mar 31, 2021 10:57pm
He might get 12 votes
Syed Hussain Mar 31, 2021 11:03pm
Trying to fool people again! Good try!
Sarsar Mar 31, 2021 11:06pm
It’s Mufta candy. What. else can you expect from these looters and thugs. This reflects their mind set of bribing innocent people with biryanis and now tofees. And sane people are appreciating it?? When this mindset will change?
Sid Apr 01, 2021 12:21am
Big deal!
AJ Apr 01, 2021 02:49am
I wish he would have applied this to running the economy....
Zak Apr 01, 2021 03:04am
@MugalPrince @Zak Look what happened when you voted for IK... Don't be fooled by the looks... Check the person What happened, trade surplus, sugar and land mafia broken, environment of corruption stopped, Kashmir an international issue, peace in Afghanistan, Pakistan most respected nation of South Asia, exports up, stock exchange hitting the skies, tourism, IT, New start ups on the rise, poor getting houses, foreign funded terrorism near ended. The untouchable Nawaz and Zardari families held accountable for corruption. Thats what happened. Next election don't vote for corruption vote for PTI.
NGH Apr 01, 2021 03:05am
Creativity at its best. InshaAllah it wl prove to be fruitful
Zak Apr 01, 2021 03:07am
@Ali Khan He might get 12 votes Remove the 2. Only his own vote.
JM Apr 01, 2021 08:03am
Make sure this seth factory owner doesn't win. Reason being, he's the royal servant of the corrupt Nawaz Sharif
MONIER Apr 01, 2021 08:03am
Voters will not forget Miftah's corruption during Khakani's rule
Uff yeh tabdeeli Apr 01, 2021 10:38am
@Zak how can you claim credit for imran on kashmir. Just one day ago he formally resumed trade ties with india that he claimed were severed over kashmir
ABU TALIB Apr 01, 2021 02:32pm
Gutter politics
Shakoor Apr 01, 2021 05:07pm
So Candyland is now into the business of politics by giving Muftah candies for Miftah!