
Amir Khan and Faryal Makhdoom's reality series lets us into their crazy lives

Amir Khan and Faryal Makhdoom's reality series lets us into their crazy lives

They're dropping truth bombs like Khan saying he stopped cheating on his wife and Makhdoom saying she never watched his fights.
29 Mar, 2021

Amir Khan and Faryal Makhdoom have been through a lot. They've broken up and made up, dealt with leaked sexually explicit videos, the birth of their children and drama with the in-laws. The Khans had all the makings of a reality TV show and the stars have finally aligned!

The Pakistani-British boxer and his influencer wife's new BBC Three documentary called Meet The Khans is finally on air and it seems like the couple are going head to head with the Kardashians.

They've spoken about juggling their relationship, career pressures and a young family, all under the glare of modern media. They're also dropping some bombs about the dynamics of their relationship, which has been at a crossroads (and on the news) for almost seven years.

Khan spoke fondly about his hometown of Bolton, where the show was shot, and said his marriage was rocky during the peak of his career, as a lot of attention from women and fame came with it. While the couple's relationship was plagued by cheating scandals in the past, the boxer insisted that he's a 'changed man' now.

Another rather strange revelation from the show was that Makhdoom hasn't ever watched any of her husband's matches. She said it's because she doesn't like to see him get hit.

What's your favourite revelation from the new show? Let us know in the comments below.


Parvez Mar 29, 2021 01:56pm
Reality TV.......should be called by its real name " The Ratings Game "
Zahid Khan Mar 29, 2021 02:02pm
Dont care.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 29, 2021 02:25pm
Believe in what a Pakistani says?
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 29, 2021 02:46pm
Finally, the real truth prevails with a big bang.
A Bostonian Mar 29, 2021 02:49pm
Yeah right, as if that was something to be proud of.
Amin Arab Mar 29, 2021 02:53pm
They have got everything yet seem unhappy
truth Mar 29, 2021 04:38pm
so much of plastic..yuck
branna Mar 29, 2021 04:44pm
Don't think its necessary to mention his racial heritage. If he wasa white Brit would the whiteness have been highlighted. The "Pakistani" bit is completely irrelevant
Wahid Anwar Mar 29, 2021 05:50pm
You can have the millions. Happy where I am.
Browngirl Mar 29, 2021 06:50pm
The public aren't fools. They both tolerate each other, probably because of their children and that a divorce would be very costly for Amir. No one seriously believes, they're happy together.
Din Mar 29, 2021 06:57pm
Nothing new. He can have four wives.
Humza Mar 29, 2021 07:08pm
All I can say is that there are some strange types in the Pakistani diaspora in the UK. They both seem so clueless and confused about life. I wish them well and it seems that only the kids hold them together because both of them are very different. Faryal sounds more like an displaced airhead who would be more at home in the US but Amir seems to be your typical decent Pakistani Punjabi guy who is straight forward and hard working.
El Cid Mar 29, 2021 09:28pm
Good to know that. Now the obvious question: What about his wife?
El Cid Mar 30, 2021 07:25am
Next the wifey will come forth with her bare all tell all and the ratings will sky rocket.
Pancake Mar 30, 2021 09:23am
@Amin Arab if they were happy you would still find a fault in them!
NYS Mar 30, 2021 11:46pm
Are they exploring couple goals