
08 Dec, 2020

It's Amir (king) Khan's birthday today and unlike the usual, where we'd get a dose of fun-filled pictures from a grand celebration, this year is a little different.

The boxer, who makes headlines both based on his professional achivements as well as his personal life, turned 34 today.

Here are some lesser known facts you might have not known about the father of two.

Khan has been banned from the road multiple times due to car accidents

On November 16, 2020 Amir Khan and his family were involved in a car crash on a UK motorway after the boxer lost control of his vehicle on the wet surface and crashed it into a barrier.

However, this is not the first time the boxer found himself in an accident. Previously, in 2007, he was convicted of careless driving and given a six-month ban including a fine of £1,000 after he accidentally mowed down and injured a pedestrian who was using a pelican crossing, according to the Daily Mail.

The next year, he was again fined and banned from the roads for 42 days after being accused of speeding at the motorway. In 2009, he was accused of being involved in a crash with a young cyclist. However, no action was taken as the police concluded no one was to blame.

The professional boxer has a namesake foundation

Working tirelessly as a philanthropist, his registered charity, Amir Khan Foundation aims to help disadvantaged children around the world, and is currently in the process of building an orphanage in Gambia.

In 2020, the foundation launched the Zohra Child Protection Fund, after 10-year-old Zohra Shah was beaten to death by her employers for releasing a set of expensive parrots from a cage in Pakistan. As the inhumane act sparked discourse on the failure of labour laws and its inability to protect children, the boxer promised to work towards eradicating child abuse in Pakistan.

The champ has landed himself a reality TV series

The break-up, the make-up. From leaked explicit videos to baby births and drama with the in-laws, there's nothing the Khans didn't have to make it to reality tv and seems like the stars have aligned!

The boxer with his influencer wife, Faryal Makhdoom will be starring in a reality series, Meet The Khans, with the show giving access into the young couple's dynamics in Amir's hometown of Bolton as they juggle their relationship, career pressures and a young family - all under the glare of modern media.

Amir expressed interest in joining politics

In a post on Facebook two months ago, the athlete, without taking names, mentioned he was offered the opportunity to join politics, multiple times during the course of his career. He mentioned sports, education and child labour as areas of interest which he would work to improve.

Saying he's been closely observing the work Manny Pacquiao had done in Philippines, the middleweight title holder was sure he could do the same for Pakistan. However, two days later, he refused his own offer, himself.

The boxer split with his family over financial disagreements

“With what I’ve gone through, if I told you everything, you would start crying. When money starts coming in, a lot of people change. When it stops, you see their true colours. And when I took a loss and everyone thought I was done, I saw everyone’s true colours. That is why I had to make these big changes,” Amir reportedly said.

His team, which included his father Shah Khan, uncle Taz Khan and best friend Saj Mohamed, left him after his big loss against Mexican boxer Canelo in May 2017.


Dr malaria Dec 08, 2020 06:12pm
who is he?
True Dec 08, 2020 10:23pm
@Dr Malaria Do you really exist in 2020 social media world or atleast digital news platforms?
TR Dec 09, 2020 12:00am
Happy Birthday Amir Khan.
Fawad Dec 09, 2020 08:14am
@Dr malaria - you can simply google his name. Do you know what google is?
AJ Dec 09, 2020 09:58am
Lost respect for him and his wife when they threw dirty allegations on each other publicly. Hard to regain credibility after that with 'fun facts'.
naim Dec 09, 2020 11:07am
@Dr malaria He is Amir Khan!!!
Saj Dec 09, 2020 11:09am
This guy doesn’t understand what to keep private and what not. He was a successful boxer, now he should just do his charity stuff in the background leave it that, get out of the limelight before undoing all the good work he’s done