
Celebrities are speaking up in support of the University of Lahore couple

Celebrities are speaking up in support of the University of Lahore couple

People are angry the couple were expelled for a proposal and a hug.
Updated 15 Mar, 2021

A young woman bent down on one knee and handed a young man roses and a card. He then pulled her in for a hug. As the crowd of students cheered them on, University of Lahore issued an expulsion letter to the duo. What followed was social media chaos.

According to a statement issued by the registrar of the varsity, a special disciplinary committee meeting was held on March 12 at 10:30am and the two students were called in but failed to appear. The committee then decided to expel the two students and ban them from entering any of the university's campuses.

Many, including local celebrities were furious that an act of love was punished while harassment complaints were rarely taken notice of.

Sharmila Faruqi thought the proposal was powerful

Fawad Chaudhry asked the administration to review their decision

To consider women as property is against religion, he claimed, saying that marrying by choice was a woman's basic right.

Yasir Hussain pointed out the hypocrisy

"In this country anyone who harasses a woman on the streets is a man, and anyone who showers her with love and respect, is shameless. The guy who keeps a woman hanging is still inside the uni, but anyone who proposes marriage is out."

Shehzad Roy was just done with the double standards

No one bats an eye when a woman is beaten up in public, but to hug her out of love is considered a punishable crime, the Laga Reh singer stated.

Mira Sethi thought this was brutalisation of society

Activist Jibran Nasir said our morals were a joke

Bakhtawar Zardari thought it was simply ridiculous

Shaniera Akram was all for love


Teddy Mar 15, 2021 04:50pm
Now comes the fatwas.
Browngirl Mar 15, 2021 04:58pm
Except Shaneira - she's an Aussie and such stuff is common there - all local Pakistani celebs should be ashamed of themselves for promoting such behavior. Especially Fawad Chaudhary.
Champions of the Champion Mar 15, 2021 05:08pm
There are bigger and broader issues our society is struggling with. Let work towards resolving them and supporting the much-needed poor and underprivileged group instead of wasting time and energy on these petty useless issues.
Iqbal Bhai Mar 15, 2021 05:13pm
I am not against a girl or a boy loving and showing it. However, there is a place to everything. A university is a place for education - not proposals and romance. The students along with others, came to university to study and excel. They should maintain the sanctity of the place. They can love and marry each other, no eyebrows for that.
Asim Mar 15, 2021 05:44pm
Now, these so-called celebrities teach us morals, what a joke!
well-wisher Mar 15, 2021 05:44pm
Expelling is too harsh. Re-instate them with a warning.
Jaan-Bhittani Mar 15, 2021 05:45pm
This is not a tradition way for a proposal. Seems that it is done only for cheap publicity.
Marquis de Sade Mar 15, 2021 05:48pm
The University is a just reflection of Pakistan society, isn't it?
It's me Mar 15, 2021 06:06pm
Islam permits everyone a choice but doesn't promote PDA especially with a non-mahram. This was a proposal in a Western style, this was not a meet up of already wed couple. Western influence, social media and online activities have led our younger generation to attempt to fit in where they don't belong. We are in fact creating Pakistani born confused westies i.e. PBCW's, quite contrary to the well known ABCD's. Presenting flowers was fine. Accepting them was okay. Hug accompanied with a smooch is definitely a no. Islam doesn't limit love, it doesn't stop choice and happiness but promotes decency and modesty which in itself is more charming and appreciated. It's a good thing this happened since this provides us ample opportunities to discuss and understand what is that we need to follow. The sane ones will benefit but the ones who are doomed will not comprehend. FC missed the last part of video and commented. Wish he had done a thorough analysis. Get your parents on board, kiddos.
Captain Mar 15, 2021 06:06pm
Such acts in public are disgusting in an Islamic country. Celebrities know nothing and why are they called celebrities by the way? Merely coming on TV as actors doesn’t make anyone celebrity! Edhi and people of such Caliber are celebrities Infact !!!
It's me Mar 15, 2021 06:07pm
Shaneira the shameful can't comprehend the true essence of modesty. It is understandable.
David M Mar 15, 2021 06:19pm
Merasi response is as expected
JustSaying Mar 15, 2021 06:20pm
Pakistan is a Joke...
Zeeshan Mar 15, 2021 06:21pm
What about Sharam /Haya in society? No one expels on marriage proposal only but on such public display of hugging & kissing
Fast comment Mar 15, 2021 06:38pm
The couple should be readmitted once they produce a marriage certificate.
Zulfiqar Mar 15, 2021 06:59pm
The university acted in haste. Their reaction can only be described as over the top high handedness. The two students are obviously unaware of social norms. That says more about the university they study at than the two of them.
za Mar 15, 2021 07:04pm
Parents send their children to learn education and skills so that they can be successful in future but not to search for love . Even husband and wife in our society maintain a privacy in front of their children, parents, brothers and sisters and don't hug or kiss each other.
Hanif Mar 15, 2021 07:04pm
yes love is good, but please don't make it public, its not part of our religion or culture, this is not something we should be proud of.
Haseeb Mar 15, 2021 08:20pm
Two elite kiddos were taken to task for breaking university rules, and what hoopla is conjured up. It is an administrative issue, end of story. Now let’s talk about inflation, economy, endemic corruption and a host of real issues.
MM Mar 15, 2021 09:22pm
I really dont get how the entire conversation was changed to women rights. Both the boy and girl were expelled so how come its against women. The reason for expulsion is PDA and that is decided by societal norms and could be different based on collective values. If its a democratic country then collective societal norms have to be respected. it doesn't matter what you do in your private life and that your choice. But we have to respect institutional rules and regulations.
Adnan Mar 15, 2021 09:36pm
We hate "Love" and we love "Hate". I am not going to talk about religion, but culture "Evolves". It doesn't stay the same.
Sadia Mar 15, 2021 11:01pm
@Iqbal Bhai agreed
ajay Mar 15, 2021 11:36pm
what a conservative society
Asim Mar 16, 2021 12:09am
It’s the uni code of conduct. I think they shud have a freedom implementing their code of conduct
M. Saeed Mar 16, 2021 12:16am
@Browngirl , I fully agree. Give them an inch of such freedom, they will make it a mile. Such sentiments cannot be 10% durable. For a second, let us assume it a norm induced from the West but, do we remember such marriages generally result in divorce, in over 70% of cases there?
Sanity 101 Mar 16, 2021 12:47am
this was all a publicity stunt to go viral. They took social media advertisement too seriously
Usman Khan Mar 16, 2021 03:50am
Misery loves company.
Brijender Mudgil Mar 16, 2021 05:48am
What is wrong in this act?
Baloch Mar 16, 2021 07:33am
So many other critical issues that the country is facing right now, let us not focus on this ...
Shahid ali Mar 16, 2021 07:52am
Expressing love is never forbidden but in private and not in public places and between husband and wife. We need to promote our own values in our society instead of western ones.
Ramesj Mar 16, 2021 08:28am
@za FYI they are not children .. they are adults , men and Women ..
Iqbal Hussain Pathan Mar 16, 2021 09:07am
We have to decide where to stand . There are cultural and religious perspective as well as morality issues.
Zartaj Gul Mar 16, 2021 09:31am
Right decision by the University Management.
Zartaj Gul Mar 16, 2021 09:31am
The girl was expelled for her poor choice !!
Shaby Mar 16, 2021 10:03am
Should have done this in a private place instead.
Asad Mar 16, 2021 10:19am
Long time back something is said by Waseem Akhtar (Mayer Karachi) now it seems to be proven by such acts in Punjab in special.
Vijay B. Mar 16, 2021 10:53am
Brings to mind the most popular and most quoted song ever, from the film Mughal-e-Azam, which will always remain so; "Pyar kiya to darna kya... Purdah nahin jab koi khudda se , bando se purdah karna kya, pyar kiya to darna kya."
ThinkRational Mar 16, 2021 11:06am
Would you still support if they start kissing and smooching in public, and even go beyond that ???
True Mar 16, 2021 11:38am
There parents should come forward and make them engaged....ASAP...that is the best solution to stop these rumors......
Aurangzeb Alamgir Mar 16, 2021 12:50pm
Signs of time
Parvez Mar 16, 2021 02:21pm
There are times when " the authority " needs to deal with a situation with tact and understanding.......this was one of those times.........and " the authority " failed. It's action was a irresponsible knee-jerk reaction more to display its authority than to address this minor incident . It is the likes of those who on this site have commented on the lack of morals and values who are part of the problem of the intolerance we in Pakistan face today.
Jahan Ara Mar 16, 2021 03:35pm
Kids??? Who is calling them kids. They are mature adult man and a woman. There is no harm in love marriage. But university is a place to study for intellectual growth not a place for public display of immorality. It’s a normal thing in western society but our society & culture supports modesty. Celebrities are supporting this act as they themselves don’t have high moral values. Educational institutions have their code of conduct which they should follow. If university has expelled them than it’s fine because this act is against the their rules which should be abide by all students. Again this couple was not standing in a garden but in a university where they were supposed to be studying not hugging.
Shahana Mar 16, 2021 04:39pm
@ThinkRational Yes although I myself don’t support PDA I will still tolerate it because they are not causing harm or killing others.
Shahana Mar 16, 2021 04:49pm
@M. Saeed What is the success rate of forced, arranged, child or cousin marriages which are decided by parents or elders in family? Almost 90% are unsuccessful but the reason for fewer divorces among such couples is family and societal pressure.
Shahana Mar 16, 2021 04:52pm
@Jahan Ara It has become normal in western society because culture and society evolves over the years and does not remain in dark ages forever.
Dawud Ahmed Mar 16, 2021 06:12pm
In this entire episode the most appalling thing is people are calling it more power to youth !!! Really. Showing off lust in public where strangers are making videos is a power? Power is education, knowledge is power. Love marriages should not be a problem. Every human has a right to choose a life partner of his/her choice but with modesty. Those who are promoting vulgarity and supporting this obscenity are the ones with low moral values. I think university has taken a right step by expelling them. In order to maintain discipline some extreme measures are required otherwise the entire youth will become more powerful by practicing different kinds of obscenity. Lets help youth to gain real power through education.
Jahan Ara Mar 16, 2021 07:25pm
@Shahana so modesty represents dark ages. That’s what you are trying to say.
Zahera Mar 16, 2021 07:31pm
@Shahana sorry to say but modesty is not an expression of backwardness. On the contrary, vulgarity, and supporting acts of vulgarity is a sign that you are still in dark ages.
Truth be told Mar 17, 2021 05:45am
Some people are of the opinion that certain prior happenings must have compelled the girl to resort to this in public so that the person cannot deny her importance and connects with her "in public and not only in private" as well, else she will be doomed.
Khawar Mar 17, 2021 11:28am
The main culprit here is the news outlet that publicise it.
MA Mar 18, 2021 09:11am
The most disgusting thing EVER. I live abroad (west) and attend universities and colleges and never see such things there. English leftovers
Gary Mar 18, 2021 12:03pm
@MA Then either you are blind or you are a liar or both.
Shagufta Mar 19, 2021 10:19am
The thing is they have their rights but you are showing this proposal drama to our youth is are doing this purposely . In few months we are going to watch this trend everywhere.
Syed Ahmed Mar 19, 2021 12:34pm
Fazlur Rahman will claim the expulsion as a PDM victory!
Mutahhar Mar 20, 2021 12:12am
@Champions of the Champion Instead of wasting your time by commenting on such "petty issues" go and "help those poors" you are so concerned about
Tauqir Mar 20, 2021 08:26pm
Its a cmpaign against our believes like in 1910 _24 in turkey against khilafate usmania and our oponents are using our youth and funding these libral aunties who are encouraging these youth. Now its parents/ govt , policy that what they do against this compaign.