
Shaniera Akram thinks rollerblading Karachi cops isn't a good idea

Shaniera Akram thinks rollerblading Karachi cops isn't a good idea

There are some problems that need to be addressed first.
26 Feb, 2021

Pakistan's most beloved bhabhi Shaniera Akram is protective of her city and the people living in it — and her opinions on all things Karachi are proof of that.

Recently, the activist spoke up about police in Karachi deploying an armed rollerblading unit to curb theft and harassment on the city's streets.

Gliding in a circle with their weapons pointed inwards, and lifting and lowering the guns in unison, the 20-member unit clad in black is currently undergoing rigorous training. However, Akram doesn't seem to think this is a wise idea.

"Wouldn’t it be wiser to fix the roads of Karachi first, then put our police on rollerblades?" she tweeted.

She has previously taken to social media to declare the beach in a state of emergency, upset at the trash dumped on the seashore. She was left shocked after seeing used syringes strewn across Seaview Beach.

"There is kilometres of medical waste, including open syringes, vials of blood, broken glass medical containers, that has come in from the ocean spread out over kilometres across the beach," she posted, appalled.

"Our beach is a bio-hazard zone and needs to be shut down immediately. I am so sorry to the people including myself who use and love our beach but this is beyond safe."

Akram, who protested on another occasion when Seaview Beach was littered with heaps of trash, had advised keyboard warriors who only commented on social media to wake up and play their part.

"Our city is in pain and it’s telling us every day. We are crying out for help but no body can hear us. This has got to stop! This has bought shame on our city, our people and on our culture. This is not who we are," she lamented.


Abbas Shah Feb 26, 2021 12:18pm
If someone want development work in Karachi , Please told Shaniera Akram , she appeal in social media then the work has done .
Mushahid Feb 26, 2021 12:22pm
Half-baked idea for PR! Why not give them bicycles!
GM Feb 26, 2021 12:25pm
She is correct as deployment of trained police with rollerblades on Karachi's dilapidated roads is not only an unwise decision but sheer wastage of meagre resources police have. This also shows poor management and ineffective policing. This also reveals how some officers visits European counties and inculcate ideas which is contrary to our geographical context.
AndYou! Feb 26, 2021 12:26pm
Don’t worry, it wouldn’t last long. Instead bicycle patrolling is the most effective solution in our congested streets and terrible roads condition. The Europeans have successfully combating street crimes on bicycles police patrolling.
Vijay B. Feb 26, 2021 12:32pm
Shaniera akram seemsto be one wonderful lady. I'd say Karachi, Pakistan and Wasim Akram are all blessed to have her amidst them. Good luck and best wishes to the lady.
Uzair Feb 26, 2021 12:38pm
They'll do everything short of important ones. Pakistani police only suffers from 2 big problems. Remove those, and the department will fix itself. 1) Budget. 2) Political interference.
saad ahmed moghul Feb 26, 2021 12:42pm
very true .
parveez shafi Feb 26, 2021 12:52pm
Agree completely with this lady. When I first heard about cops on Rollerblades, first thing came to my mind was our roads and the crumbling back streets. I mean what kind of people do we have in charge?
Zak Feb 26, 2021 01:07pm
"Our city is in pain and it’s telling us every day. We are crying out for help but no body can hear us. This has got to stop! This has bought shame on our city, our people and on our culture. This is not who we are," she lamented' That's a gift by PPP to Karachi and Bilawal wants to gift same to whole nation.
Zak Feb 26, 2021 01:09pm
@AndYou! The Europeans have successfully combating street crimes on bicycles police patrolling.' Under PPP governance, the bikes would also be stolen.
Solangi Feb 26, 2021 02:08pm
@Zak And everyone know where they will be taken!
Fareed Feb 26, 2021 02:41pm
Let them try then not - it’s not a big investment and skills can be used somewhere like shopping malls, sports ground and some good roads. Let’s encourage our police - well done keep up the good work.
Parvez Feb 26, 2021 03:22pm
It's a down right stupid idea ...... this is like the cheap plastic flower boxes only on certain roads, while others are full of pot holes, open man-holes, overflowing gutters and undisciplined traffic.
saqib Feb 26, 2021 03:28pm
@Abbas Shah She is a high profile individual and what she says does make a difference and people listen, so rather than burying your head in the sand like 90% of Pakistanis why don't do you try doing something conducive to her appeals and help clean up the city.
M. Saeed Feb 26, 2021 04:03pm
She is right. You can roller-blade in dilapidated alleys of Karachi.
Jude Allen Feb 26, 2021 04:20pm
@GM Totally agreed. The road network administration is a hub of high level corruption. Unless they fix this core issue, doing anything else will just be a cosmetic solution (rightly said by someone "PR Stunt")
Ibrahim S Feb 26, 2021 04:45pm
She is 100% right . Our roads and most parts of country do not have paved paths to chase criminals. Are they watching too much Hollywood movies. What’s next robo cops
Xavier B.J. Dsouza Feb 26, 2021 06:27pm
Thank you you for your MOD policy.
Chrís Dăn Feb 26, 2021 06:30pm
Mrs.Akram is correct in her point of view.
Ali Feb 26, 2021 07:05pm
Nothing from the Sindh government is a good idea.
Sayyar Khan Feb 26, 2021 07:46pm
@Zak don’t forget MQM. Just always asking for funds
NK Feb 26, 2021 08:16pm
The disasteous road of Karachi will bring only disaster to the roller blade force
Amir Feb 26, 2021 09:00pm
Isn't it obvious to everyone that someone powerful is set to supply the rollerblades at an exorbitant price to the Karachi police?
Abs Feb 26, 2021 09:22pm
Karachi's biggest problem is PPP. Get rid of them and soon everything will be fine.
Vijay B. Feb 26, 2021 09:50pm
Roller blade policemen are apt to cause many more accidents because roller blades do not have brakes like bicycles. Bicycled policemen would be a lot more practical and safer. this from someone who has been a roller blader since being a kid.
Khan White Feb 26, 2021 10:43pm
Is this a ‘let them eat cake’ moment? A country on brink of economic collapse!
kulbhushan Yadav Feb 26, 2021 10:51pm
There should be more digging of roads in Karachi. If roads are bad, thieves can not run away on bikes and then your police may be able to catch them.
Glen D'Abreo Feb 26, 2021 11:44pm
Who decided this? Pakistan's most beloved bhabhi ? This Bhabhi's last claim to fame was medical waste a good effort but with her online personality and desi infatuation from white people, why can she campaign to make Karachi cleaner regular waste pickup, more garbage huge dumpsters. Paintings off all buildings that have not been touched in 50 years? Spruce this great city with a much needed and due face life.
Naeem Husain Feb 27, 2021 01:03am
Good logical advice!
Shahid Khan Feb 27, 2021 05:39am
She is absolutely right. Respect for her! Thanks for highlighting such issues.
Shahid Mahmood Feb 28, 2021 12:40am
No hope for relief until PPP rules Sindh.