
Wasim Akram, Shaniera Akram lament the state of Karachi’s Seaview beach

Wasim Akram, Shaniera Akram lament the state of Karachi’s Seaview beach

"I've made a huge mistake bringing my wife," said the former cricketer. "It’s embarrassing."
06 Oct, 2020

If you live in Karachi, you would often be able to spot the Akram family enjoying their evening walks near the sea.

While one would assume the experience would be a pleasurable one, it is no surprise that the stink of garbage and heaps of trash around the beach makes it feel otherwise.

Taking to Instagram, Wasim Akram addressed the issue which he believes needs urgent looking into.

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

"It was Monday morning, and I thought its a fresh start, first day of the week, but I've made a huge mistake bringing my wife to Seaview," said the former cricketer.

Pointing to the piles of garbage behind him, Akram said no one else is to blame but the nation collectively. "It’s embarrassing. She chants to the entire world that Pakistan is beautiful, its people are beautiful - yes people might be beautiful, but they're also dirty."

Addressing the keyboard warriors who love to comment on social media, the star also advised them to step up.

"Now is the time to advise, think of ways on how to change this mindset of the people. This entire filth has come from the sea - whatever you throw in it comes back to you with the high tide."

Taking to Twitter, Shaniera too, posted pictures and videos grieving the state of the beach.

"Our city is in pain and it’s telling us every day. We are crying out for help but no body can hear us. This has got to stop! This has bought shame on our city, our people and on our culture. This is not who we are," she lamented.

"All I see is rubbish and people breaking the law. Shops with piles of rubbish, sewerage tankers offloading in the ocean, Housing blocks looking like they are falling apart because no one wants to paint or fix them. There is no pride anymore, Karachi. It’s like we have given up caring."

The activist also brought to light how the issue was much bigger than restricted to the Seaview beach.

"It’s not just the beach, there is garbage everywhere. It’s on our street corners, our lanes, outside our shops, in front of our offices, next to our schools, dumped on vacant land, outside our homes, on our only beach and its in our ocean. We are literally swimming in it!" she exclaimed.

While both Wasim and Sheniera are absolutely correct, we hope their voice reaches the people and authorities, and is amplified enough to head-start multiple cleaning projects for the city of the lights.


GM Oct 06, 2020 12:12pm
Appreciated Wasim. I also wish you to highlight the pathetic situation in other cities of interior Sindh. Hyderabad is so dirty and situation in other cities of interior Sindh is so pathetic that I have no words to explain.
Jill Oct 06, 2020 12:20pm
It's not the beach alone Akram....
Chrís Dăn Oct 06, 2020 12:36pm
My favourite most couple in Pakistan.
SMI Oct 06, 2020 12:41pm
Only new province can solve all this issues
Chris Roberts Oct 06, 2020 12:56pm
Shaniera and Wasim are absolutely right. They do very much care about the city and the environment. Karachi was once very clean and well kept, and it's sad to see that Karachiites seem to no longer take pride in their city, giving a very poor impression. As mentioned in the article, hopefully the authorities will take action and citizens themselves will do their part.
White Noise Oct 06, 2020 01:21pm
Sindh government, do you listen what the duo is saying?
TrueFace Oct 06, 2020 01:23pm
CBC have been not been seen cleaning but more fixated on taking money for parking.
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Oct 06, 2020 01:29pm
Undoubtedly, both Waseem Akram and Shaniera have highlighted major problems relating to excessive use of plastic bags and garbage thrown on the roads and seasides. But will anything positive happen in the future or the issue will also be left under the carpets like other issues? (Note: I have been advocating my impartial views for over 4 years against injustice, inequality, oppression and nepotism without supporting any of the political parties. My family, country and people's well-being are far more important to me than anything else. Please be aware of fake ID!).
Zia Oct 06, 2020 01:48pm
This is good, he has highlighted a big problem. Everyone knows this issue, now as a legendary star we are expecting Wasim Akram to put his efforts in changing the mind set and awareness; or he can start a drive along with his comrades in cleaning the beaches. I bet if all cricketers and stars gather there, and start cleaning, all those dirty people will follow them and will be part of them in this noble cause. And in the mean time, these dirty people will transform to cleaner ones. Lets move one Akram, we are with you in cleaning this country.
haider shaikh Oct 06, 2020 01:54pm
Just lamenting is not the solution. Akram can use his star power with any brand or multinational company to clean the beach.
Akhtar Oct 06, 2020 02:05pm
The point is right ; we have become callous. And it will only get uglier if we don’t act , both individually and collectively. For example, We can start by owning up our litter, reducing it to the extent possible and then disposing it in the best way possible. If we cannot be responsible for our own litter, then filth is our destiny . Collectively, we can do a lot; e.g. resist Bundal Island which will eat up our much needed and least respected mangroves . Choice is ours Karachites; use it while it is still available. Til tok; we are running against time .
BN Anand Oct 06, 2020 02:13pm
Why not citizen of Karachi take initiative in launching this clean up? No use depending on civic authorities for them to come and clean up. At least Pakistan , irrespective of politics, can adopt Modi's plan of " swachh Karachi" i.e. Clean Karachi
Programmingdrone Oct 06, 2020 02:25pm
Where is Mr Bilawal Zardari? Basically he is busy keeping his personal interests safe. Doesn’t care about that trash.
Abc Oct 06, 2020 02:26pm
Oh Pakistanis please keep clean and letus respect what is ours..
Angel Oct 06, 2020 02:27pm
@GM he will highlight where he is living bro
Abc Oct 06, 2020 02:31pm
Islamabad is of international standard and relatively clean but the capital authorities, our indiscipline habits and political chaos has slowly ruined the best city of this country.. We must keep up the standard of Islamabad as it was and try to make other cities as beautiful and clean .. Letus work together..
M Irfan Oct 06, 2020 02:47pm
It makes my blood boil when I see so much dirt everywhere in Karachi. Its so easy for the leaders to sort this issue out but they just have to embarrass us. Well done Waseem bahi for highlighting this issue.
Parvez Oct 06, 2020 02:51pm
I suppose this falls under CBC/ DHA ...... a setup that has proved a disaster. Their priorities are not people orientated. They simply don't have the capacity to think in the right direction. Its a shame that those in charge have a narrow vision that only brings them discredit.
Fast comment Oct 06, 2020 03:31pm
All blames goes to PPP lead Sindh Govt. Not releasing LG funds, not allowing LG to work. The potholes, broken roads,no security,no medicines at civil hospital,no lifting of garbage, no water, no sewage system, only few streets and roads around CM House are kept clean, the whole of Rest Karachi is rotting. Wasim Akram should file a complaint at SC Karachi Registry for necessary action.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Oct 06, 2020 04:35pm
Tip of the iceberg.
RationalBabu Oct 06, 2020 05:04pm
Is that a beach?
Kash Oct 06, 2020 05:08pm
Its the carrier bags that is the issue. Its about time bag for life are used and all shopkeepers must charge minimum 15rs per bag. Government should also stop limit the use of all single use plastic. Put special recycling pods (rather than bins) in streets in busy bazaar areas
Vikram Malhotra Oct 06, 2020 05:49pm
Same situation in india and Bangladesh too. Ppl need to change.
Tariq Oct 06, 2020 06:20pm
where is Bilawal zardari, he is governing Karachi and Sindh?
Aam Aadmi Oct 06, 2020 06:46pm
Thank you Wasim bhai. You have taken up a burning issue on both side of the border. Modi took personal initiative to take up the broom and clean a street in Delhi. This galvanized the youth to take up cleaning in their own cities. I have seen about 50% improvement in cleanliness in Mumbai during my last visit to India. Of course lot more is desired. Mumbai and Karachi are historically considered as sister cities. It will be nice if municipal authorities of both cities share ideas or some sort of friendly contest in cleaning their cities. It will serve South Asia better.
Pak Patriot Oct 06, 2020 06:59pm
Wasim Akram, with your "P ublic / Media Influence ", please create a short video clip of " Keeping our beaches clean and safe ", get a few Business House Sponsors and rope in ALL TV Channels to do their bit by sponsoring this clip. Do run a scroll message below your clip, listing the sponsors of this Public Message. It would also be a good idea, to add a few Star Powered Cricketers to join the Clip.
Tarif Khan Oct 06, 2020 07:02pm
The people need ethical education which it severely lacks. I've seen affluent families sitting in SUVs littering like the world is their garbage dump. The mindset of 'my home should be clean and to hell with others' need to be fixed. The parents, especially the mothers, and teachers play a vital role. There is a 'magical gutter hole' mentality also, which dictates anything thrown in the hole will disappear.
MBA Oct 06, 2020 07:16pm
She is doing a very good job. We are dong the same thing as always: we don't see, we don't listen and we don't act. But dear Ms. Shaniera Akram, don't give up. Keep shouting. Probably someone would wake up and join you.
Ehaan Oct 06, 2020 07:19pm
Absolutely correct, no city administration can keep a city clean unless the people keep themselves and their surroundings clean.
NK Oct 06, 2020 07:33pm
I have always dreaded this scenario where Mrs. Akram is standing on that dumped garbage. This is so pathetic. There should be some solution to this. But the choked city has no plan under this Sindh govt.
Sukumaran Oct 06, 2020 08:25pm
A non native Krachite showing so much concern about his adopted city is to be appreciated. Karachites are proud of there proximity to sea, enjoying a walk on SeaView or its cool evening breezes, though few see the filth and dirt on the beautiful shores. Sometimes it take an outsider look to bring us out of our myopic views. A better manifestation of patriotism should be preferably through keeping our motherland clean and less through words and decorations. Thank you Sheniera !
Masood A. Khan Oct 06, 2020 08:25pm
This is the outcome of the incompetent govt. of PPP and MQM. Karachi has buried itself and there is no outcome.
Sarkar Oct 06, 2020 09:11pm
What is the long term solution and how can we clean this mess? If we clean today then tomorrow it will be there again and again
Zak Oct 06, 2020 09:13pm
Very well said. Reflection on PPP governance. The parks entertainment minister was caught with millions in his house after selling government park properties.
St. Mercury Oct 06, 2020 09:22pm
That is horrific scene of the once beautiful beach. The nation should be ashamed of itself.
Gulshan Omar Oct 06, 2020 10:06pm
@Chrís Dăn , Your comment is absolutely absurd in this context, rather do something to clean the beach. Go and pick a few pieces of dirt and carry it to dump . It’s time we come out en mass and make a people’s movement to keep the beaches and cities clean. I had done my part when I visited Karachi.
NK Oct 06, 2020 10:17pm
The Nation or The Most Conscious in the nation has to take the first step. It seems that everything bad around us is happening but we are in a deep slumber.
AndYou! Oct 06, 2020 10:36pm
It can all be started by penalty and fines. Secondly, teach the people in schools, offices, parks and in fact everywhere how not to litter! Is that hard enough?
Mesotwisty Oct 06, 2020 10:48pm
Overall mindset is feeble and this state will go on until truly educated and civic minded people will take on these challenges. Maybe one day.
Pathanoo Oct 06, 2020 11:04pm
Dear Shaniera, I hate to do this to you. But, don't hold your breath. It's only going to get lot worse in the foreseeable future.
David Khan Oct 06, 2020 11:44pm
People of Karachi and Pakistan need to pay property taxes to take care of proper garbage disposal. People of Pakistan are to blame.
Zeeshan Ahmed Oct 07, 2020 12:20am
I sincerely feel if an influential personality like Shania Akram gives more voice to this issue, Pakistanis will listen. Karachi has a beautiful coastline which can serve as a magnet for both local and foreign tourism. It is also an opportunity to create jobs in the eco-friendly services sector.
Dawar Oct 07, 2020 01:14am
Thanks Shaniera. We luv you Wasim Akram, We are proud of you, thanks to choose Karachi for yourself and the family. From years, Karachi is going down , Karachi needs people like you !
Azhar Awan Oct 07, 2020 01:51am
Karachi used to a place to visit but anymore, NO!!! poverty, carelessness, irresponsibility, excessive use of plastics, oil, and poor enforcement of laws and al of these made a beautiful counted totally unsafe and it is not place to visit or raise your family, Thanks Wasim and we needed microorganism to chew this trash.
Kashif Oct 07, 2020 02:00am
Great Wasim Akram.
Issak Oct 07, 2020 02:18am
This wouldn't be the case in western countries where cities shorelines are well maintained and cleaned by a dedicated team of workers..seeing this in Karachi displays the lack of will by municipal authorities to take action on this issue...what seems the problem? it corruption? ..or infighting internally on who's responsible for removing garbage?
Toni Oct 07, 2020 05:02am
Ask Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari the hopeful Prime Minister of Pakistan he says Sindh Province is his and all these areas and islands are Sindh, there is no south or north Sindh, yet this is what he has to show; imagine what he may allow Pakistan to become if he takes charge, watch his bank account grow though!
Pakville Oct 07, 2020 06:51am
Where is So-called Sindh Government. Those corrupt politicians of PPPP have nothing else but to do politics all day long.... Totally worthless people, can't even clean a city. Extremely sad situation.
Kabir Oct 07, 2020 06:56am
Lahore is clean
Captain Oct 07, 2020 07:11am
Don’t get embarrassed ...... it’s not new for you ...... didn’t you see it in Lahore in some other shape ? ....... why getting pressurized ? Do some tangible measures to curb this ! Twitter and social media don’t work here in Pakistan ....
Umair Farooqi Oct 07, 2020 07:14am
This should be the headline news.
Dr.J.E.Ali Oct 07, 2020 07:15am
We are proud of you Shaneira Akram. Dr.Ali from Canada
DesiDesi Oct 07, 2020 07:23am
What did she expected when she came to pakistan that it will like Europe. Misplaced expectations Mrs Akram.
Ukasha Rajpoot Oct 07, 2020 07:59am
Great couple, reminds of IK and Jemima.
Jatin Iyer Oct 07, 2020 08:15am
Am from India. this is sad. no exception in india as well-its same.
AZAM AKBAR Oct 07, 2020 01:19pm
Most corrupt small regional political party PPP is responsible for the disaster of Karachi. It doesn't release the funds and fill the own pockets.
ANEES RAFIQ Oct 07, 2020 08:04pm
People need to take accountability simple as!!!
M.Mudassir Nazar Oct 07, 2020 08:07pm
Yes ma'am,i also visited to beach side of karachi and %100 you are right and one thing other bad smiling also there.
M.Mudassir Nazar Oct 07, 2020 08:08pm
I %100 agree with you
Say Oct 08, 2020 11:32am
We’re having the same problem in England too. Rubbish dumped everywhere
Such Bolta Hoon Oct 09, 2020 10:49pm
Need new leadership in Sindh. Get rid of MQM and you will see the difference