
What did Wikipedia do to annoy Hania Aamir?

What did Wikipedia do to annoy Hania Aamir?

Hint: It doesn't know her as well as it should.
Updated 12 Feb, 2021

If you want to know Hania Aamir's birthday you'd be better off not checking Wikipedia.

Aamir's birthday is February 12, 1997, which means she turned 24 years old today. But Wikipedia had listed her birthday as February 11. That has now been corrected but it still has misspelt her last name (it's Aamir with two As).

This annoyed Aamir enough to post a series of Instagram stories about it.

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

"I need to make a small announcement ladies and gentlemen," she said in her video, explaining that her birthday was on Feb 12, not Feb 11 as Wikipedia claimed.

"Wikipedia has written the incorrect date for my birthday and one day, God willing, you will have to answer to Him about that," she said.

She warned people not to say anything "off" about her birthday on February 11, like ruining a surprise or telling her they couldn't make it. "I'll be very upset," she said.

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

She also reminded everyone that her last name was spelt with two As. It's Aamir not Amir.

Wikipedia got that wrong too and still hasn't corrected it.

Put some respect on her name, Wikipedia!


Iqbal Zaman Feb 12, 2021 03:40pm
Does she not know that she can amend this herself?
Mani Feb 12, 2021 04:39pm
Why is this newsworthy?
Wajahat Ali Khan Feb 12, 2021 04:46pm
I personally didn't know she existed. why blame Wikipedia? she's irrelevant
Adnan Amjad Feb 12, 2021 04:48pm
Any body can edit stuff on wiki isn't it?
sk9595 Feb 12, 2021 05:48pm
A new low in standard of news reporting by Dawn
Abdul Moiz Abbasi Feb 12, 2021 06:07pm
What a stupid article.
M. Saeed Feb 12, 2021 06:08pm
She is making an issue out of nothing. Wikipedia is an open page for correction buy anyone and always invite corrections from those who know.
Hussam Mehboob Feb 12, 2021 06:21pm
Hardly something which should be considered news but what the heck its a celebrity so why not?
well-wisher Feb 12, 2021 06:41pm
Hania, Wikipedia has nothing to gain by your wrong DOB and spelling of your name with one A. BTW, a proper name is not bound by AAs. BE a little generous on your birthday. Have a happy one and keep smiling.
Mubashir Feb 12, 2021 09:07pm
People write on Wikipedia, and not the other way round. By making her unawareness about this basic fact, the news is reinforcing the misconception. Perhaps time to educate people about Wikipedia by informing them about editing entries in it to straighten the facts.
N_Saq Feb 12, 2021 09:25pm
Anybody can make changes on Wiki, so she can fix it
Sofia Feb 13, 2021 01:16am
Yes it's very difficult to edit things of Wikipedia, changes will cross-checked by publishers and being verified before publishing. If it was that easy so she have done it long gone ago.
Captain Feb 13, 2021 08:16am
What’s important there??? What does she want to prove herself to be????? Ridiculous
Vengeance Feb 13, 2021 09:56am
@Sofia Either that or she’s too stuck up to realize and learn how to do it.
Abdur Rahim Feb 13, 2021 10:27am
Who is she and what is she whining about? Never heard of her name... once. And I'm Pakistani.
ING_DU Feb 14, 2021 01:48am
If it is 11. Feb or 12. Feb, who cares? I dont even know this woman...
Sami Feb 14, 2021 07:34am
Sha has no problem with year?She should also get the year corrected. No way 1997!!