
Pakistani-American Ali Zaidi named in Biden’s climate team, says is 'deeply honoured'

Pakistani-American Ali Zaidi named in Biden’s climate team, says is 'deeply honoured'

Press release issued by Biden’s team describes Zaidi as “a leading climate expert and longtime advisor to the president-elect".
18 Dec, 2020

US President-elect Joe Biden has announced appointments of key members of his climate team, which includes Pakistan-born Ali Zaidi who will serve as deputy White House Climate Coordinator.

Zaidi, 33, currently New York’s deputy secretary for energy and environment, is the is the highest ranking Pakistani-American in the Biden administration.

"We need a whole-of-government approach to take on the climate crisis — in a way that spurs jobs and advances justice," tweeted Zaidi.

"I was floored when President-elect Joe Biden called. I still am — profoundly humbled, deeply honoured, and so ready to get to work!"

He will work under Gina McCarthy, who ran the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under former President Barack Obama and now leads a major advocacy group, to coordinate the new administration’s domestic climate agenda.

“This brilliant, tested, trailblazing team will be ready on day one to confront the existential threat of climate change with a unified national response rooted in science and equity. They share my belief that we have no time to waste to confront the climate crisis, protect our air and drinking water, and deliver justice to communities that have long shouldered the burdens of environmental harms,” Biden said in a statement.

A press release issued by Biden’s transition team described Zaidi as “a leading climate expert and longtime advisor to the president-elect”, noting that he helped draft and implement the Obama-Biden Administration’s Climate Action Plan and negotiate the Paris Climate Agreement.

Zaidi, who immigrated from Pakistan, grew up in the Rust Belt outside Erie, Pennsylvania. He studied at Harvard and Georgetown Universities.

“Zaidi brings the cross-sector and multi-disciplinary experience needed to deliver a whole-of-government response to the climate crisis,” the press release said.


Kate Angel Dinara Dec 18, 2020 03:33pm
Many many congratulations.. Hope he will do his best efforts to keep United States in it's best...
CringeCop Dec 18, 2020 03:55pm
Lol y’all force the “Pakistani” label on anyone who actually doing smth for the world. Please stop being so cringe, this guy doesn’t care for your bs.
Ameen Dec 18, 2020 03:58pm
Pakistani who leave Pakistan do well
S. Jamil Mehdi Zaidi Dec 18, 2020 04:08pm
Congratulations on obtaining a high rank post in Biden Team. wish all the best for the time to come.
Patriot Dec 18, 2020 04:13pm
@Ameen he will have to take instructions from Indian origin Kamala
Dr. Salaria, aamir Ahmad Dec 18, 2020 04:14pm
Pakistanis are trying to find attention and they will do anything. Look at the Mayor of London.
Hard Hitter Dec 18, 2020 04:25pm
So many people of such high caliber and they had leave as there were no scope for them in home turf. We should think about how to stop further brain drain
Changez Khan Dec 18, 2020 04:34pm
Congratulates to Zaidi.
Gurpreet Dec 18, 2020 04:55pm
Hence vice president of USA is Kamla Aunty an Indian married to black Monkey, Nikey Randhwa is UN head from US, keep controlling climate.India will raise the temperature.
Pakistani Ahmad Dar Chodhary Dec 18, 2020 05:17pm
He reports to Indian American boss
LAHORI KID Dec 18, 2020 05:18pm
@Ameen what a statement, full of jealousy, full of of hate.
Ali (CA) Dec 18, 2020 05:20pm
Ans he womt be eligible even to apply for work in Pakistan.
LgbtqX Dec 18, 2020 05:26pm
What is a climate team!!
Chirag Patel Dec 18, 2020 05:52pm
"Zaidi"???? I bet his DNA test will reveal no linkage to zaidi tribe in Saudi...
Vikas Dec 18, 2020 06:22pm
Many congratulations. One induction at least. Doesn't matter if it just the climate team as a member only. At lease there is something and not a total blank. Well done Pakistan. Look in the comments how every Pakistani is so happy. I often say, Pakistanis are a lucky race, it does not take much to make them happy.
Vikas Dec 18, 2020 06:22pm
@Ameen "Pakistani who leave Pakistan do well" Maybe. But what happens to them when they come back as "imported special advisors"?
Chrís Dăn Dec 18, 2020 06:34pm
Harvard and Georgetown-both are highly presitigious institutions. The man must be simply brilliant. Heartfelt congrats.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Dec 18, 2020 06:37pm
Well done, keep it up and hang on tough.
Kate Angel Dinara Dec 18, 2020 06:54pm
@Ameen Yes, exactly right.. It's bitter truth..
Stargazer Dec 18, 2020 06:55pm
Great news ! Pakistanis around the world are proving themselves in their respective fields.
Stargazer Dec 18, 2020 06:56pm
@Ameen. Thanks for the sarcasm. Its a country of over 200million people, there are countless who are doing their part very well staying in the country as well.
Ravinder Singh Dec 18, 2020 06:58pm
Congrats Bro
TP LINK Dec 18, 2020 06:59pm
So humble man. I am sure he will do great job.
Arrowhead Dec 18, 2020 07:09pm
See everything is not so bad for Pakistan after all.
vivek wani Dec 18, 2020 07:11pm
My request to Pakistan is highlight such type of news &critisiez state sponsored terrorist activities.
Sirf Jatt Dec 18, 2020 07:15pm
Many many congratulations. It is so nice to hear that the diaspora from the Ahmadi community are doing so well everywhere.
well-wisher Dec 18, 2020 07:23pm
Congrats, Ali and best wishes in your new challenge to help USA and the world from neglect of DT.
joe Dec 18, 2020 07:26pm
@Ameen Pakistani who leave Pakistan do well" Correct me " Half of them would nor like to Call themselves as Pakistani,but Indian.
Murtuza Dec 18, 2020 07:30pm
Another ali zaidi Our proud
Ali Mehdi Dec 18, 2020 07:42pm
@Vikas please note that Pakistanis go out to study or to work n when they are coming back they are at least treated far better than the way Indians treat dalits, Muslims, sikhs n christians.
Ali Mehdi Dec 18, 2020 07:43pm
Wuhoo. Way to go Ali. It’s a big accomplishment. Hard work always pay. More success to you.
AbdulHaque Shaikh Dec 18, 2020 07:52pm
@Ameen That is not right. This is statement of inferiority complex. Many in Pakistan do well too. Just that when outsider recognize them we think they have do ne well. We should be thankful and should appreciate enormous talent which is already in Pakistan.
Chacha Jee Dec 18, 2020 07:56pm
Finally, Kashmir will be merged with Pakistan.
Nick Dec 18, 2020 07:57pm
Remarkable scholar. He also taught at Stanford and Columbia University
Patriot Dec 18, 2020 08:03pm
Mrs Rajni Bector woman born in Karachi and studied at Lahore started business in India with Rs 20000 now having turnover of 1000 Crore. Today she has successfully completed Initial Public Offer for her company.
Abdul Baqi Dec 18, 2020 08:15pm
What will be be doing for Pakistan. Hope something useful.
Amer Dec 18, 2020 08:25pm
@CringeCop Do you apply the same to the Indian as well?
Sakthi Dec 18, 2020 09:09pm
Saira Dec 18, 2020 09:09pm
Ali Zaidi in US Administration and Ashiq H. Khan in European Union, well done Pakistan.
Hjk Dec 18, 2020 09:34pm
Lot of climate change aid coming to Pakistan
Salman Dec 18, 2020 09:36pm
Credit goes to the USA or other developed countries, whom have an eye to identify real talent, polish it and then put it to work.
Abba Dec 18, 2020 09:55pm
Congratulations!! talent has been appreciated ,this is how a country progresses.
Madan Dec 18, 2020 11:07pm
@Patriot Working with Kamala Harris will help other Pakistanis to respect and obey others in his country.
Khan Dec 19, 2020 01:47am
Congratulations Mr. Zaidi. Making to this high position in the White House is indeed honor for Zaidi as well as a motivation for all young Pakistani Americans in the USA that hard work and high ambitions has no limits. Good luck Mr Zaidi. Wishes you all the best and success. We (Pakistanis) in USA are proud of you.
RationalBabu Dec 19, 2020 02:02am
@Ameen ...and never return!
Gopinath Dec 19, 2020 02:03am
@Gurpreet Her husband is a Jew
RationalBabu Dec 19, 2020 02:06am
@Ali Mehdi if they ever come back!
RationalBabu Dec 19, 2020 02:08am
@Gurpreet this racist comment should not have got past the moderators!
Multani Dec 19, 2020 02:14am
@Ali Mehdi When Indian Dalits, Muslims,asamees or Christians leave for west they never return to settle in India because they know they will be treated like 2 nd class citizens after Brahmins.
Shanti-Baba Dec 19, 2020 02:16am
@vivek wani snap out of Modie's fake mantra
Multani Dec 19, 2020 02:22am
Good we have a Pakistani in key Biden team, he can influence and shape our poor relations with USA for better and keep us engaged positively with USA and counter Indian influence.
AZAM AKBAR Dec 19, 2020 02:44am
ambreen Dec 19, 2020 02:44am
So happy finally one Pakistani origin representation .Congrats
Abdur R. Talukder Dec 19, 2020 02:48am
Keep Pakistan in your heart!
Pplaris Dec 19, 2020 02:53am
@Ameen (Pakistani who leave Pakistan do well) Pakistanis do well in Pakistan and also everywhere they go,
Pplaris Dec 19, 2020 03:56am
@Chirag Patel The "kingmakers in Indian History" were also Zaidi and all originated from Arabia.
Laila Dec 19, 2020 04:41am
This comment section is depressing. Why Iisrh cimment section, even if the article not even on India, always spiral into a twisted never ending feud of India vs. Pakistan? Grow up, all of you. Be happy the guy made it. Congrats to him and I wish him much success and acclaim in future.
K D Khan Dec 19, 2020 04:50am
He got educated and worked hard, NOT like Pakistan's President or PM House type of job, real work, no one can meet him nor free tea or lunch, just work.
Ali Mehdi Dec 19, 2020 04:18pm
@RationalBabu I agree that those that leave Pakistan n get to see better places prefer to continue living a comfortable lives outside Pakistan but then the same goes for Indians as well. Millions of Indians in gulf never want to come back to India. In fact a friend of mine only recently lost his job in Dubai. He sold his property in Kerala n transferred the funds to Dubai to continue living there.
Laila Dec 19, 2020 05:14pm
@Pplaris the "kingmakers in Indian history" may call themselves Ziadi, but they did not orignate in Arabia or Saudi Arabia. Historical fact. Just like the millions of people calling themseles Sayid or Qureshi etc have absolutely no relation to Arabs, Saudis etc or the prophets lineage, Ahul Bayt.
Chrís Dăn Dec 19, 2020 11:02pm
@Laila I agree.
Shazia Ather Dec 20, 2020 08:12pm
Proud of Zaidi family and parentp efforts
Laila Dec 21, 2020 02:01am
@Chrís Dăn thank you
Laila Dec 21, 2020 02:03am
To all those saying whether Ali Zaidi is Pakistani or American or whatever. Leave that up to him. His prerogative. So stop speaking for him. He is what and how he identifies himself as and not how YOU perceive him as. Got it?
Aziza Dec 21, 2020 02:25pm
@CringeCop Look who is talking!
Aziza Dec 21, 2020 02:26pm
Well done, Pakistan is proud of you!