
Pakistani celebs give their two cents on the upcoming local version of Netflix

Pakistani celebs give their two cents on the upcoming local version of Netflix

"Can literally anyone else prepare the guidelines?" Osman Khalid Butt asks, raising concerns regarding PEMRA's involvement.
24 Oct, 2020

Recently, the Federal Minister of Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry announced via social media that a Pakistani version of Netflix was in the works.

"We are all set to launch Pakistan’s first OTT TV (Pak version of #Netflix). Technology part is complete, have asked PEMRA to prepare a guideline on content and we will be all set to launch in PPP mode, it'll be just another humble contribution," he wrote.

While netizens had reservations about the content that would be allowed for streaming, industry celebrities too, took to social media to share their two cents regarding the matter.

Osman Khalid Butt has content concerns with PEMRA

"Can literally anyone else prepare the guidelines?" he exclaimed.

Humayun saeed thinks doors to opportunities have opened for new talent

"Thank you for the much needed initiative," he thanked the authorities.

Hareem Farooq is chanting bravo

Ahmed Jahanzaib thinks its a step in the right direction

"This can be huge for our entertainment industry," he hopes.

Waiting to see how this turns out.


Drone Oct 24, 2020 04:28pm
What is the internet penetration like in Pakistan?
Fahad Syed Oct 24, 2020 05:27pm
@Drone its around 15 per cent of the total population.
Ali Azmat Oct 24, 2020 05:52pm
@Drone Our country should focus on providing food and water...then comes electricity and internet.
Ayaz Munir Oct 24, 2020 08:09pm
@Drone Sources differ from 35% to 60% which with a population of over 220 million is huge
Adeel Oct 24, 2020 08:41pm
Wow when did F.C. became information and media minister again? Technology always existed and available it’s the content, regulation, framework, mindset that was missing to build something even half as good as Netflix. And in case even it’s done and goes live after passing through the red tape, it will still show the PTV style limited scale content otherwise government will impose a ban! Announcements are great but it’s the openness of mind and heart that will drive technology, content, anything and everything!
Adeel Oct 24, 2020 08:41pm
@Drone 76million
well-wisher Oct 24, 2020 08:44pm
Good for PK TALENTS.
Hamid Oct 24, 2020 10:04pm
Why is the government doing such a project with taxpayer money? Who mandated the ministry to develop a platform to compete with netflix
Shahzad Oct 25, 2020 12:01am
This is great. Don't forget there are millions of Pakistanis living abroad who'd happily subscribe to it! It'll definitely open up huge opportunities for the entertainment industry in Pakistan.
Bk Oct 25, 2020 12:43am
Even 10% of the population doesn't whats a Netflix or an OTT platform is... Wasting money on useless things for useless people.
Irfan ul Huq Oct 25, 2020 07:16am
Pakistan is already at the lowest of the list of countries where freedom of expression is constrained. Asking pemra to set up the guidelines is the wrong way to go. Should set up an independent group to develop a guideline which clearly set what could and what could not be done. No one will spend or invest his/her money and time in a lost cause. This proposal is dead on arrival.
No-man Oct 25, 2020 10:33am
@Drone Deep. Very deep.
Ivan Karamazov Oct 26, 2020 09:43am
My guess is that it would be a propaganda streaming service.
Memon Abdul Oct 26, 2020 11:26am
There must be sufficient credit-card base in Pakistan for government to have figured out how to roll out special subscriptions and online purchases, three months after whose launch government will tag on a special kind of online subscription tax. Good for online economy, good for government tax collection but wait... Where is the content? Lollywood makes one barely digestible movie per year, the entire barrage of dramas coming out rarely if they do deviate from the stencil story lines... I don't mean to say "who is watching?" because clearly I am, if only to switch the chanel or if the movie is available on public TV ... But since the industry is ballooning they must have an's not like there is a shortage of themes, issues, or political analyses in Pakistan... Perhaps via the internet they can dig out the potential goldmine of themes and debates we have yet to uncover... Not really against the idea but don't see it succeeding in near future... All the best!
Drone Oct 26, 2020 01:20pm
Over hyped.