
Sanam Saeed, Mohib Mirza appeal to Pakistani authorities to bring them back home

Sanam Saeed, Mohib Mirza appeal to Pakistani authorities to bring them back home

A team of 21 shooting for Ishrat Made In China is stranded in Thailand since February due to the coronavirus outbreak
Updated 03 Apr, 2020

A team of 21 people who flew to Thailand for Mohib Mirza's directorial debut is stuck in Thailand post pack-up since February.

The cast and crew members of Ishrat Made in China which include actors Sanam Saeed, Sarah Loren, Mohib Mirza, Shamoon Abbasi and Imam Said have not been able to get back to Pakistan due to the rapid outbreak of coronavirus.

The government did announce that they would start a week-long repatriation flight programme from Saturday for bringing back nationals stranded overseas because of disruption of flights and tightening of travel restrictions. However, the list of countries mentioned did not include Thailand.

"From the flights on April 3-11, Bangkok is not on the list so we are officially stuck here until the embassy sorts out a flight. We're in touch with the ambassador," explained Sanam. "They are collecting a list of all Pakistanis stuck in Thailand and when the number is significant enough, they will fly us all back home. Apparently, the number has reached 100 or so already."

"Meanwhile, the cast and crew are safe and in self-isolation at our hotel. But resources are running out," she continued.

In a video sent to Images, Shamoon Abbasi explained the tremulous situation, assuring the audience that the team is willing to take all necessary precautions as soon as they land back.

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"We request the Foreign Ministry Office, Prime Minister Imran Khan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Asad Umer to please focus on bringing us back home, or create a way through which we can travel safely."

"We want to come back. Regardless of what the situation is, it is our country - our families are there.”

“I speak on behalf of the other 100 Pakistani's stuck here too. Please help us out," he appealed.

"The actors and crew are extremely worried about their families; people in our homes are also worried about us. If they close airports in Thailand, we will be stuck here for an infinite amount of uncertain time."

"I request Mr. Imran Khan that we are assets of your country, we work for the country. Please be kind enough to help us in this troubling situation," he said.

Mohib also shared a message on Instagram, requesting the authorities to take note and prioritise their case.

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He revealed, "My location right now is Kanchanaburi, which is three and a half hours away from Bangkok. Ever since we've wrapped up the shooting, we've been waiting to return home but due to the coronavirus situation, we're stranded at a hotel just waiting. This is my appeal to the civil aviation, government of Pakistan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs..."

"After a certain point, accommodating 21 people at a hotel for so long and surviving has become difficult. Please make some special arrangements and get us out of here. We've taken the necessary precautionary protocols here and whatever is required after coming back to Pakistan, we'll obviously do that as well."

Here's hoping these guys too make it back safe and sound sooner rather than later!


M. Saeed Apr 03, 2020 02:47pm
Corona horror, is everywhere. Wish them safe and early return home.
Mrs Shahista Shah Apr 03, 2020 03:08pm
Please stay safe, you are well to do family in position to bear the expenses of your stay at Thailand, I hope Govt is completely looking local poor people, unable to bring back, you people can chartered plane and come back on your own expenses.
Nh Apr 03, 2020 03:09pm
There was a pia flight last month to bring home stranded pakistanis, why didn't they took that flight. Why appealing now, are they asking for prefential services.
SMI Apr 03, 2020 03:41pm
There are many stuck in different countries and I think authority knew about it.
Aziz Apr 03, 2020 04:29pm
If you have the means to stay where you are. Please stay,plan for months not in terms of weeks. May be start a Vlog about how u r couping up. You can be motivational for a lot of people like you. Ask your friends and family for help and funds
LgbtqX Apr 03, 2020 05:19pm
Enjoy the vacation a little longer guys.
Jawwad Apr 03, 2020 06:27pm
The assets of country has not donated a single dollar yet to date.
Ali da Malanga Apr 03, 2020 07:54pm
The government should pick them up but charge them as well.
Tariq Apr 03, 2020 08:08pm
Please stay put Pakistani authorties are working hard and soon will repatriate you all.
Jawwad Apr 03, 2020 10:40pm
It is very irresponsible from the actors as they flew for the shooting very late in February. By that time it was well established how the disease is spreading around the world and air travel may soon be affected with flight cancellations. Nevertheless they chose to travel. I think the actors are well paid to arrange for chartered flight back to home.
fairplay Apr 04, 2020 04:31am
be patient. Thailand has a lot of infected people. bringing you back is risky. you will be quarantined for two weeks upon return.
Asad Apr 04, 2020 04:38am
Stay put where you are for a few more weeks.
Anon Apr 04, 2020 05:57am
They should film more songs while there.