
Amir Khan offers his four-storey building to treat coronavirus patients

Amir Khan offers his four-storey building to treat coronavirus patients

The 60,000 square-foot venue was set to be a wedding hall and retail outlet but the boxer is offering it to NHS.
27 Mar, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us that there are two types of celebrities in the world.

There's the group that virtually bands together to sing an unnecessary cover of 'Imagine' by John Lennon - still not over that - and there are those actively playing their part in not only raising awareness but making contributions to those fighting against the virus. Shout-out to Rihanna and Angelina Jolie!

Amir Khan joins the roster of helpful celebrities by offering his property in Bolton UK as a space to help people affected by the coronavirus.

Said the boxer, "I am aware of how difficult it is for the public to get a hospital bed in this tragic time. I am prepared to give my 60,000 square-foot, four-storey building which is due to be a wedding hall and retail outlet to NHS [the National Health Service] to help people affected by the coronavirus. Please keep safe."

He went on to address the NHS in Bolton - his hometown, where the building is - and said, "We are looking down the barrel of bed shortages and people not getting vital treatment."

"[NHS has] thanked me, however currently they have not reached capacity. NHS Bolton will bear this in mind. The offer is there. Please keep safe everyone."

Previously Amir Khan was also sharing online workout routines for those in lockdown. It's good to see public figures using their wealth and privilege for the better in a practical manner. In the UK, over 9,000 have tested positive for Covid-19.


Fastrack Mar 27, 2020 01:18pm
More and more beautiful stories. Love you Pakistanis everywhere.
Thomas Mar 27, 2020 01:19pm
Haters be like: Why do we keep reading Pakistan news?
M. Saeed Mar 27, 2020 01:28pm
Highly commendable. Serving humanity is one of the best prayers.
RationalBabu Mar 27, 2020 01:58pm
@Fastrack he is born and bred British!
Ali Mar 27, 2020 02:58pm
@RationalBabu No he was born in Pakistan and is a dual citizen and he always says he represents both UK and Pakistan when he fights.His brother only represents Pakistan.Also he is heavily involved in philanthropic work in Pakistan and whenever theres a natural disaster etc in Pakistan, he is the first to help out...
Mr Kahn Mar 27, 2020 03:17pm
For every good deed like Amir’s, sadly there is also a Maria B. Keep safe everyone.
Fastrack Mar 27, 2020 04:06pm
@RationalBabu Knew some bright Indian will say that the moment I posted the comment. You think I didn't know the fact? How do you guys live with such perpetual inferiority complex? What obsession since 14 August 1947.
Cris Dan Mar 27, 2020 05:01pm
@RationalBabu Ethnically he is from Pakistan.
Amjad Mar 27, 2020 08:46pm
@RationalBabu we can understand how hard it is on you and your like-mindset, even to accept a small fact, like Amir considers himself as a Pakistani :) Pakistan Zindabad!
Cris Dan Mar 27, 2020 09:50pm
@RationalBabu ethnically he is from Pakistan.
Laila Mar 27, 2020 09:53pm
@RationalBabu true but I think he also identifies as a patriotic Pakistani considering his visits to Pakistan in recent times..
Gulfraz Mar 27, 2020 10:01pm
@RationalBabu And he is Pakistani, like all us Pakistanis living in UK
ratan bhai Mar 28, 2020 01:12am
hats off bhai
Ahsan gul Mar 28, 2020 04:32am
@RationalBabu - his parents came from Pakistan. So, he is special.
surinder Mar 28, 2020 08:11am
excellent gift
Bhaijan Mar 28, 2020 08:12am
Good job Amir Khan. Keep it up. Others please follow.
Bye_Bye Mar 28, 2020 09:37am
Because he is khan, he is Pakistan.
Daskalos Mar 28, 2020 11:02am
Good show Mr Khan.
Aslam66 Mar 28, 2020 01:56pm
Unless he is giving his space for free....
Steve lomas Mar 29, 2020 11:55am
@Ali we all know how it goes. If a person of Pakistani origin, abroad does something bad then it's the fault and problem of the country it happened in. But if a person of Pakistani origin, abroad does something good it's due the greatness of Pakistan. In other words, highly selective judgements. As we all know, there is good and bad everywhere. Stop the petty, ignorant Nationalism!
Babar Hussain Mar 30, 2020 04:06pm
Well Done.... come out and support the government in whatever way possible. Save a life.