
Hamza Ali Abbasi is quitting acting to devote his life to religion

Hamza Ali Abbasi is quitting acting to devote his life to religion

"I will produce content as long as they further the message of God," says the now former actor.
Updated 15 Nov, 2019

Remember when Hamza Ali Abbasi said he had a big announcement to make for us all at the end of October?

And then October went by but there was no update?

Well, it finally happened as Hamza Ali Abbasi returned to social media to make his important statement: he's leaving the entertainment industry (except not exactly).

In a 23 minute video titled 'From Atheism to Islam', Abbasi explained his various reasons for stepping away from acting and his future plans.

"I'm very grateful for all love I've received from people," said the actor." But I've been thinking about my purpose in life a lot."

"Whatever purpose of life I kept thinking of, be it in politics or showbiz, I saw it end with my death... So what if I win an Academy Award someday? I'll still die... we all will."

He added, "I look at all my trophies, that mattered a lot to me because it was the symbol of my hard work being rewarded, and I wonder about what these awards will mean after I die. To my children and grandchildren, these will mean nothing, they're just pieces of metal."

"There were only two things I saw continue after my death; serving humanity with charity and what not - which is compulsory anyway - and devoting my life to God. I want to spend the rest of my life talking about God and spreading His message. Call it religious activistism, call it a declaration or whatever, but now I want to talk about God."

Abbasi made sure to clarify he isn't moving away from the field because of any moral conflict of the medium itself.

"[I'm] moving away from acting not because it is haraam in Islam because it isn't but that is an entirely different subject matter and I see myself talking about how many forms of art aren't forbidden in Islam. I'm leaving acting because the kind of work I want to do now does not happen often. Also, I don't want people asking me about my films or projects when I'll be talking about God."

Hamza also mentioned politics, claiming it to be an important part in a person's life but clarifying that he "won't take part in electoral politics" because "that demands lying and being corrupt since it's all a popularity game."

Read: Not going to lie, Hamza Ali Abbasi's marriage announcement is a little bizarre

Returning to the subject of leaving the entertainment industry he said, "There are elements of acting that are non-serious and commercial. I don't want to be talking about such serious matters at one point and look silly the next. I also don't want anyone to think I'm acting for fame and attention. Everything I've done so far have been appreciated by you all and I am grateful for that, but that means I don't have the desire to work for fame."

"I only did Alif becuase of the message it had about God or else Maula Jutt would've been my last project."

He added, "I will continue to make things though; dramas and films that will be for my country and my religion. I will try to use this medium to further the kind of message that I think need to be given."

Hamza let everyone know that he will be making numerous videos for his YouTube account, all discussing various topics related to religion and faith.

"You can agree or disagree with what I have to say but please don't doubt my intentions or try to make up an agenda for me," said the now ex actor. "Whatever I'll be saying will be from my heart."


wajihullahbaig Nov 15, 2019 01:20pm
The reluctant fundamentalist!!!!
SN Nov 15, 2019 01:21pm basically he's not quitting...
Fakhir Nov 15, 2019 01:23pm
Looking forward
SM Nov 15, 2019 01:24pm
Another JJ in the making
sarfraz malik Nov 15, 2019 01:43pm
the most confused person ever..
Ayesha Khan Nov 15, 2019 01:43pm
This is called a U Turn.
David Nov 15, 2019 01:47pm
Best of luck Bro.
Nit Nov 15, 2019 01:50pm
Who cares.
Surya Kant Nov 15, 2019 01:59pm
I ask my self the very purpose or goal of religion.
ABE Nov 15, 2019 02:12pm
A publcity stunt. A man devoting his life to religion, philanthropy or social causes - like Edhi - does not seek publicity, makes statemets on social media or using other tacticts to seek attention. A life of simplicity does not need to be advertised to the rest of the world. Live by example.
Liberal Nov 15, 2019 02:27pm
This guy. Always looking for attention. Keep your thoughts to yours yourself for once.
Irfan Nov 15, 2019 02:41pm
Great decision at the top of his fame .. takes a lot of courage and guts
Zak Nov 15, 2019 02:50pm
That is the power of Islam. Through a person's journey of fame, fortune coupled with hardships, the ultimate truth dawns and life's purpose is found. Much admiration and full support to Hamza Abbasi.
Hasnain Haque Nov 15, 2019 03:06pm
Why people go from one extreme to another, why cant people be good human beings and good citizens first, why does it have to resort to devoting to religion, why not devoting to humanity.
Sameer Nov 15, 2019 03:34pm
so his next character to play is a pious religious tv anchor?!??
Compulsive Nov 15, 2019 04:13pm
Best decision sir
Anon Nov 15, 2019 05:15pm
Good for him.
Zahid Latif Nov 15, 2019 05:35pm
It's his decision.. We shd support him..not mock him because again that would make us hypocrites. Best of Luck Hamza in whatever you do. May you achieve success in this life and more importantly in the next one too.
Adnan Nov 15, 2019 05:55pm
A very dangerous person, putting everyone down in the name of religion. Well, glad that he is quitting showbiz cause he was in it and slapping everyone with his religious beliefs. Also, good riddance.
Jhakki Nov 15, 2019 06:05pm
Full support ! Powerful
ali Nov 15, 2019 06:10pm
you should do what your heart desires and don't worry about the people's negative reactions. Good luck in your future endeavours.
Muba Nov 15, 2019 08:34pm
one should keep a fine balance between worldly and religious matters. that's also the beautiful teaching of Islam.
Syed Nazim Nov 15, 2019 11:04pm
Anxious to see him in new role and how it will benefit umma and humanity at large.
Anwar Sheikh Nov 16, 2019 02:41am
Good riddance.
Wahid Nov 16, 2019 06:23am
Good luck in your futur endeavours and wish you and others succeed when moving in the right path........,,anything that enhances and provides real meanings to our lives here and the hereafter is worth doing!
Bin_Batori Nov 16, 2019 06:38am
Good riddance
Tariq Nov 16, 2019 06:45am
You don’t need to announce it , do it and let people notice it. This sounds so dramatic. I think there is a space after JJ shahadat and people trying to be JJ.
Zulfiqar Nov 16, 2019 07:37am
Power to you bro! Just please don’t make these announcements. Do your work quietly. That is the best way.
Niazi Nov 16, 2019 08:38am
So he is quitting and not quitting at the same time. Sure its an era of massive confusion.
Mateen Nov 16, 2019 10:10am
One who goes for spirituality does not believe in publicizing on social media.
adnan farid Nov 16, 2019 10:16am
This guy loves the sound of his own voice.
Asad Nov 16, 2019 12:06pm
Nothing better than pondering upon yourself. We all need to assess ourselves on continuous basis and stop judging people. All the best boy!
Omar Nov 18, 2019 06:19am
Such a small-minded individual - as if you can't pursue your vocation as well as your religion!