
02 Sep, 2019

In today's bizarre celebrity feuds, Amir Liaquat and Adnan Sami are going off on each other on Twitter.

It all started when Adnan Sami tweeted a cheeky remark about Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot, Abhinandan Varthaman, who became the face of the tense military confrontation between India and Pakistan back in February.

And Amir Liaquat couldn't resist quipping back:

Then the situation went up a notch with Sami replying back, calling the television host "a pimple of an existence":

So of course, Liaquat said Sami's an "abscess filled with the pus of hatred and narcissism":

Amidst strained tensions between the two countries, sentiments are at an all-time high and a number of celebrities from both nations have taken on their positions. In such times, all it takes is one tweet to aggravate everyone and that's exactly what these guys seem to be doing. Wish we could decipher this for you but we're also just as confused.


Sameer Sep 02, 2019 02:21pm
Darn it. This is good comedy. Hope this continues for a while
Fastrack Sep 02, 2019 05:39pm
Adnan's son chose to live and work in Pakistan. Enough said.
Maaz Raza Sep 02, 2019 06:15pm
Aam khilao dono ko!
imran Sep 02, 2019 06:16pm
HAHAHAHAHA !!! I needed a good laugh.
Babaji Sep 02, 2019 07:50pm
This is terrible
Rizwan Sep 03, 2019 04:33am
Respect for Aamir Liaquat.
Raja Sep 03, 2019 06:07am
This is the first time I really like Amir Liaquat’s befitting comment.
Zak Sep 03, 2019 07:00am
We support Adnan Sami