
Is Shah Rukh Khan making a Bollywood remake of Money Heist?

Is Shah Rukh Khan making a Bollywood remake of Money Heist?

Sources claim the actor has bought the rights to the show
Updated 04 Aug, 2019

Remember when Shah Rukh Khan said that he's taking a break from films? Well, turns out that the actor is interested in adapting popular Spanish series, Money Heist into a Hindi feature film.

Mumbai Mirror reports, that Khan's production house, Red Chillis Entertainment has bagged the rights for the Netflix original, which is currently in its third season.

"Shah Rukh Khan was introduced to Money Heist by one of his partners. He loves the show and believes it can be adapted in the Indian context as a feature film," revealed a source close to the development.

Seems like you really can't keep the King of Bollywood away from making films. Apparently, a team of writers is currently working on developing the script of his film.

According to the source, "There is no clarity on Shah Rukh Khan's involvement as an actor. At this point in time, he is only producing it."

They added added that the cast will be decided based upon the script, saying, "SRK has always been open to involving other actors in his production ventures."

Shah Rukh Khan has not confirmed the news himself but until he does, we'll be listening to 'Bella ciao' on repeat.


Bhaijan Aug 03, 2019 04:37pm
Firdous Jamal please say something about KK, like you earlier said about Mahira Khan.
Zara Aug 03, 2019 04:45pm
What is so original about adapting a hit foreign show into a Hindi film? Why not spend all that money into producing original material?
Rana Aug 03, 2019 05:00pm
The days of cheap acting and entertainment is gone.Indian have more diverse taste of cinema now.
imran Aug 03, 2019 06:28pm
Bollywood had run out of original ideas long ago. All they do is copy Hollywood movie's.
AXH Aug 03, 2019 08:26pm
@Zara - "..Why not spend all that money into producing original material?.." What can you expect from an industry that couldn't even come up with an original name. They should rename themselves "chapawood".
Mahmood Aug 03, 2019 11:12pm
So what's new? An Indian version of a Spanish series or a copy of 'The Italian Job'? Nothing original.
kashif Aug 04, 2019 07:27am
@Zara For that one need talent.
Mb Aug 04, 2019 07:56am
Even if it is an yes, why is Pakistan so concerned about it???
Ema Aug 04, 2019 10:19am
@imran yes..but you still love those movies
Imteyaz ahamad Aug 04, 2019 04:13pm