
Mohsin Abbas Haider accused of domestic abuse by wife Fatema

Mohsin Abbas Haider accused of domestic abuse by wife Fatema

Fatema alleges the actor beat her during her pregnancy and again recently.
Updated 22 Jul, 2019

Actor Mohsin Abbas Haider's wife has alleged that she has suffered domestic abuse at the hands of the actor.

On Saturday night, Fatema Sohail posted on Facebook saying the incidents started from November last year when she claims she found out the NMA actor to be cheating on her.

"On 26th Nov 2018, I caught my husband cheating. When I confronted him, instead of being embarrassed he started Beating me. I was pregnant at that time," said Sohail.

Fatema said she had to go to a doctor to make sure the baby is okay. She further said that she decided to try and make the relationship work for the sake of the child, although she pointed out there may have been some 'Societal pressure' involved as well.

According to Fatema, after she had the baby, Mohsin "did not bother to check on his son".

Fatema goes on to say that she is speaking about the alleged abuse following a violent incident that took place last Wednesday.

"On 17th July, I went to Mohsin's home and asked him to take our son's responsibility where he started beating me again! He refused to do anything for his son!"

"Now I've had enough... I had enough of verbal & physical abuse. I had enough of divorce threats."

Fatema said she was putting up her story to let women know, "Societal Pressure or not but there is a limit to put a full stop. No one else will do it except us for ourselves."

At the end of her post, she added a note about taking the actor to court and also attached pictures from the violence allegedly carried out by her husband.

Mohsin Abbas Haider has not responded to the allegations as of yet. Images has reached out to the actor for a comment.


Haider Jul 21, 2019 03:29pm
Media outlets should take responsibility and ban this actor. Plenty of yalent out there. I m sure no one will misd him.
Khawar Rahim Jul 21, 2019 03:32pm
It’s unfortunate that a bad marital conflict is becoming daily gossip via social media. The wife needs help to fix her marriage how will putting her personal stuff online going to help her do that ? Where are the elders from both families ? It’s their job to resolve these conflicts that often develop in marriages. A family affair should never become a headline .
M. Saeed Jul 21, 2019 03:36pm
One thing is confusing. Who snapped the pictures of abuse and beating? Obviously, it could not be Mohsin, or his wife being tortured.
Halfis Jul 21, 2019 03:38pm
Sick society
Shahid Jul 21, 2019 03:57pm
Another sad story like Meesha and Ali Zafar. I request all to please try to resolve all personal issues amicably amongst themselves rather than going public in the media. I hope the elders on both sides get involved and resolve the matter. Otherwise both sides are losers and the children suffer the most.
SyedChaudhryGangaDinKhan Jul 21, 2019 03:58pm
Let's see how this is investigated and how media responds.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 21, 2019 04:02pm
Unfortunately, this is a common sociocultural practice in South Asia and the Middle East, ongoing since last many centuries and can't be easily curtailed or terminated.
Navaid Jul 21, 2019 04:03pm
I can't believe not a single comment has been posted on this report in a male chauvinistic society. Enough of this culture of expecting women to make sure the relationship work in a marriage and put up with various domestic abuses. There should be an immediate ban on this guy from his acting activities and also he should be arrested right away until further proceedings. Islam doesn't give anybody the liberty to execute abuses and this woman at least has 1 avenue to expose the atrocities what about the others who don't have any voice? Wake up! Please bring about a change......
Helping Hands Jul 21, 2019 04:09pm
If the news is true, then fame has certainly gone up to the bloke's head!
Asad Jul 21, 2019 04:09pm
I hope Hamza Ali Abbasi will not defend Mohsin by posting "wives has to even worship their husbands" not complaint about their husbands.
Sha Jul 21, 2019 04:16pm
Great courage shown by Fatema highlighting her ordeal and exposing the menace of domestic violence.... In all Western and law abiding countries, state takes action and prosecute regardless of who the accused is. Nobody stands with abuser.... TV channel needs to drop Mohsin or public should stop watching that channel in protest.
Kamran Khan Jul 21, 2019 04:21pm
Very brave if you . You did the right thing.
Abdullah Jul 21, 2019 04:27pm
this is the tesult of love mariage
Farhan Jul 21, 2019 04:42pm
These people will not change, they belong to Stone Age times, they believe in women suppression. I don’t think there is any change sooner. It will take centuries probably.
Khurrum Rasheed Jul 21, 2019 04:44pm
very shameful act. he should publicly admit and apologize asap. further Dunya Channel should ban him immediately in program Mazaq Raat.
Truth Bites Jul 21, 2019 04:58pm
Must be punished exemplary if convicted.
Sukhera Jul 21, 2019 05:04pm
If you caught him cheating and having extra marital affair with another female. Its time to end the marriage and move on with your life. You are still young, there are lot of fish in the sea. Next time don,t go by the looks, focus on the character of the person and don,t rush. Check the person thoroughly before you tie the knot. There are lot of conmen and suckers in the world, you have to be very careful.
Omar Jul 21, 2019 05:10pm
Sort your PRiVATE life in private .
M. Emad Jul 21, 2019 05:20pm
According to a survey, 30% Pakistanis said that “a man beating his wife” is justifiable.
NB Jul 21, 2019 05:23pm
Never liked this jerk.
Tommy Jul 21, 2019 05:27pm
Get a life, Mohsin!!
M. Siddique Jul 21, 2019 05:45pm
Jail him.
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Jul 21, 2019 05:48pm
This is a serious allegation that should be thoroughly investigated and concluded according to the findings. Our religion doesn't allow disrespect towards our spouses or weaker members of our society.
Mirror Guy Jul 21, 2019 05:49pm
when men do bad, all media and everyone on social media starts screaming about it including men. When a woman does wrong no one stand and says anything including those people on social media, in fact all says 22caror mai aik case. Where is the justice in Pakistan and Pakistan as a nation?
Talha Jul 21, 2019 05:57pm
Mohsin is innocent until proven otherwise.
Omair Jul 21, 2019 05:58pm
When so many people here are saying that this is a private issue and should be dealt with privately that tells you where the problem lies. Domestic violence is not considered a crime in this society. I wonder if these guys were beaten up by their wives would they ask their elders to intervene and resolve the issue amicably.
Alih Jul 21, 2019 06:00pm
@Dr Salaria, are you living on moon? If not, I guess you are not familiar with the abuse happening on daily basis in West. It’s not about East or West, it’s about the society as a whole.
Jamil Soomro, New York City Jul 21, 2019 06:01pm
Unheard of "hitting a pregnant wife"He should have been in jail by now? He is lucky her male relatives didn't fix him.
Faraz Jul 21, 2019 06:01pm
@Khawar Rahim fix her marriage??? Are u kidding me? She is right in filing for divorce. There is no need to go through torture at this guys hands. He is a bully; even it was some other situation that prompted conflict between husband and right, he has no right to physically abuse his wife. That is not allowed in Islam.
Wajib-Ul-Cuddle Jul 21, 2019 06:12pm
Fine. But there are also laws covering domestic abuse. File a legal report. Cheering online 'lynchers' and not pursuing available legal actions will only encourage those who are not famous and don't care being maligned on social media.
Riaz Jul 21, 2019 06:16pm
They are always two sides to every story ...i am sure she needs support mohsin who is busy actor may not be able to seems there is quite a bit of misunderstanding here and fatima is not trying to help herself by making sure her husband loses his job and is unable to provide for his child...i am sure this post will save her marriage now she is told the world world about her horrible husband ...i would there is lack of maturity on both their part
Suchbaath Jul 21, 2019 06:20pm
Media outlets and Movie industry should ban spouse , minor abusers. If relationship not works out divorce is an option NOT physical abuse.
Zak Jul 21, 2019 06:21pm
Oh, not him too. There goes the reputation of the 'Udi ja....' Singer. When will they live up to public expectations.
Mindshare Jul 21, 2019 06:28pm
@Helping Hands whether true or not true, fame has gone however character will be there if not true.
Sri Jul 21, 2019 06:30pm
@Sha judgement before enquiry?
Sophie Jul 21, 2019 06:46pm
Physical abuse is a crime. Whether it’s your wife or someone else. Men who are reporting to sort out the marriage issues clearly do not understand basic laws. Beating of your wife is a crime and is punishable by law.
Faisal Jul 21, 2019 07:00pm
It is sad to know but sadest to see the hon'ble fellows advising Fatima to make some kind of 'Adjustment' and not publicise it. He beats her, doesn't seem to take his son's responsibility. What is left there? Ethics, norms, religion gives her the freedom in these kind of affairs, to choose her way forward.
Rashid Khan the Afghan Jul 21, 2019 07:27pm
A very wicked and ignorant man!
aziz alam Jul 21, 2019 07:39pm
Mohsin Abbas should be immediately banned from all current and future programs till a fair and neutral investigation has been conducted !
Dawn Jul 21, 2019 07:40pm
This man should get no more roles.
aziz alam Jul 21, 2019 07:42pm
@Khawar Rahim This is not an internal. Family affair but a domestic torture and violence ! It is totally a very logical and legal issue that has been the core and imminent matter of concern to all of us ! If your sister is beaten by her husband , it is not an internal matter but an act of violence which needs to be addressed by law and society as a general !
Marlin US Jul 21, 2019 07:49pm
Men, when they start abusing their wives is 90% the case of "male deficiency", either the man has seen this with his own mother, aunt or cousin and saw that the female subjugated and took up the beating as their own fault. The other factor is the man is overwhelmed by his wife's present or past success, looks or manners. They like to conceal their deficiency.
Raza Jul 21, 2019 07:51pm
It’s good she decided to put her foot down these woman beaters are shameless cowards who take out their frustrations on women , he should be shunted out and made to realize his mistakes, own up his son.
M. Emad Jul 21, 2019 07:56pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Diverting topic with head in sand approach will not solve problem. Time to clean up the socio cultural practice intrinsic to Pakistan.
Syed A. Mateen Jul 21, 2019 07:59pm
Mohsin Abbas and Fatema conflict is very painful for parents who have married daughters. After going through details I was browsing website of Family Courts and was shocked to read that there are considerable number of cases filed by the married girls to take Khula from their husbands. Now-a-days, marriage particularly of a daughter with the boy in a family not known to the girls parents earlier has become a total risk as one does not know how the son-in-law will behave with the girl that might goes upto the level of separation or Khula. Unfortunately, the trend of accepting any proposal without any background checks whether of a boy and of a girl have changed and parents instead of detailed investigations accept the proposal which create unhealthy atmosphere in the family. If one reads the classified ads of marriage proposals in local newspaper every second ad is published for a girl who already obtained Khula or of a boy who wants to get married again for one reason or the other.
MA Jul 21, 2019 08:04pm
This is what happens when you have many flavours in your life. Otherwise his wife is much beautiful than Nazish Jehangir.
Faisal Jul 21, 2019 08:10pm
@M. Emad Unjustifiable statement.
Art kp Jul 21, 2019 08:18pm
Shame on violent losers like him.
Jap Jul 21, 2019 08:20pm
Charges should be scrutinized under due process for veracity. Mohsin should be punished if the allegations are true. Lesson for all those who put celebrities on a pedestal and think that they are the moral voice of our society. Should tread with caution.
Bono Jul 21, 2019 08:24pm
Sorry, but I can't understand, these two pretty ladies were married and girlfriend to this man in the picture..... It can't be true.
Mus Jul 21, 2019 08:30pm
@Abdullah that is a totally unintelligent response from you. Domestic abuse has nothing to do with love or arranged marriages. It has to do with the terrible mentality that gives man the right to abuse his wife or any other female because he knows society will let him get away with this crime. This is a crime against humanity and shows the society 's double standards and immorality!!
H Jul 21, 2019 08:36pm
@Shahid Domestic violence is a crime. It's meant to be dealt with as such. Via law enforcement. Stop propagating the myth that this is a "ghar ka maamla". That's the kind of nonsense that allows this violence to continue in families, generation through generation. Amazing to me how men are so thoroughly convinced that THEY know what's good for a woman who has been beaten black and blue by another man.
Kumar(Varanasi) Jul 21, 2019 08:43pm
You should have beaten him black and blue instead of posting all this. A woman beaten by his man garners sympathy. A man beaten by his woman becomes a laughing stock and a thing of universal merriment.
Mutex Jul 21, 2019 08:55pm
He was always suspicious to mee. Never liked him.
Zara Jul 21, 2019 09:02pm
He should be jailed for the physical abuse and pain he caused to his wife. Domestic abuse should be a punishable crime.
AA Jul 21, 2019 09:05pm
@Abdullah , ?? Do you recommend hate marriages then?
Sarmad Jul 21, 2019 09:08pm
It is a one-sided story. I would request all that we should avoid ourselves from being the judges and passing verdicts. Let the truth be revealed from responsible authorities and then we can comment who is right or wrong.
Muni Jul 21, 2019 09:28pm
People who are saying "sort your private life in private" should know that public figures have no PRIVATE life. That is the life style said PUBLIC figure had chosen. Be Muslim in more than name. Stand by the victim, not the agressor.
Khurram Jul 21, 2019 09:36pm
That's really shameful behavior by Mohsin and he should be banned from acting and also given jail time for beating his wife.
Newborn Jul 21, 2019 09:36pm
Up to Dunya's Management to see what they'll do now.
Zahid Jul 21, 2019 09:46pm
such a jerk, never like him before
Mujtaba Jul 21, 2019 09:51pm
So unfortunate!
Madhu Jul 21, 2019 09:54pm
@Abdullah This is more common in arranged marriages where the wife is forced to compromise for the sake of the elders.
A true fact Jul 21, 2019 10:11pm
These people think that with such a scintilla of publicity they are above everyone else. Zero character and talent wise compared to proper benchmarks they are hardly mediocre. Major boycott needed for such people and even people who hire them. That’s how Kevin spacey was brought to his knees in Hollywood, and he was way bigger than any of them combined.
random Jul 21, 2019 10:20pm
@Khawar Rahim : elders mostly condone the actions of men and advise women to have patience and the violence continues. We all know that. Social media is the voice of the voiceless
Raj Hundal Jul 21, 2019 10:28pm
He looks like Afghanistan's Cricket Captain...
Shazia Jul 21, 2019 10:29pm
Just saw his press conference. OMG he is a monster and a liar.
Alib Jul 21, 2019 11:05pm
@M.Emad, I guess something like same happens in Bangladesh.
saba Jul 21, 2019 11:16pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Exactly. The victim shaming that comes so naturally to Pakistani men is at display in the comments section!
Raza Abbas Zaidi Jul 21, 2019 11:18pm
A real man treats woman with respect. The media industry seems to have lost moral values. Beating woman is a shameful act. I thought this actor was a noble guy but the current look at this guy has really shattered his image among those who idealize these actors. Behind their innocent looks these actors are as ugly as the villains in the dramas. Other day Pakistan's version of Imran Hashmi crosses all limits on lux style awards and the lady also was so desperate. Where is this media industry headed? Every one seems to be fake. I fully sympathize with his wife especially in the scenario that she asked for the look after of the son who by all standards is the responsibility of this actor. He seems to be in a selfish state of mind. Sir look after your son and stop being a playboy.
Salman Jul 21, 2019 11:37pm
@Omar really! People like you are the reason that women's in Pakistan dont get justice.
Shakil Khan Jul 21, 2019 11:50pm
Fatema looks cute. Domestic abuse is reflection of emotional confidence inadequecy and chauvinistic male ego. I recommend social relation talk theraphy
Pakistani Jul 21, 2019 11:52pm
I think that we should also see the other side of the story as well. Was it really Mohsin who hit her or someone else? I respect women a lot, but to be honest women can't be truthful at all times. I do not care what other people think, but I have seen that in Western countries like USA, many women hit and harass men, and even then demand more rights for themselves. I think that this demand is valid in male dominant countries like Pakistan and India, but not in a country like USA, where women can do anything they want. As for this case, again I would say that we have to analyze both sides of the story, instead of bashing on a single person.
raj Jul 21, 2019 11:55pm
Mohsin will not get away in UK by law enforcement agencies and no employer would recruit him. The Pakistani media should do the same
Aniesa Jul 22, 2019 12:30am
@Khawar Rahim comments like this one is why more and more women need to open up and raise awareness to end domestic violence and change pakistani culture which turns a blind eye towards despicable men behaving like animals. Do you think women like to let the whole world know that they were abused in any way by their socalled husbands? This happens only after they have tried everything and only "seek publicity" as the last resort to end their abuse or to not let their oppressor get away with such behaviour without any repercussion or care in the world. No more! These cheating abusive narcissistic men will not get away with their evil acts.
Naveed Ahmed Jul 22, 2019 12:43am
Mohsin has also given reply to these accusations. Please also publish it.
Adil Jul 22, 2019 01:09am
@Khawar Rahim why does she need to fix this BS. She should get divorced and take the child with her. It is people like you who are responsible for such behaviour in this society. Perhaps such things happen in your family and are ignored but if a man beats a woman then that is shameful. If he is so strong then he should pick on someone his own size. But pakistani men are only brave when faced with a weaker opponent.
Adil Jul 22, 2019 01:11am
@Abdullah yeah right...what about the women who are beaten after an arranged marriage.
Adil Jul 22, 2019 01:12am
@Omar why are you reading this then????
MSAlvi (USA) Jul 22, 2019 01:16am
Evidently, Mohsin does not like Fatima any more. He should apply for divorce. There is no need to beat her. If true, his behavior towards his son is very wrong, for which he does not deserve any sympathy.
Sid Jul 22, 2019 01:18am
I do wonder - if she has a problem she should deal with it discreetly instead of publishing it to the whole world.
Sid Jul 22, 2019 01:19am
@M. Emad which means 70 percent didn’t - which in a society like Pakistan is a pretty good percentage- slowly thins are changing
Abdul Jabbar Jul 22, 2019 01:26am
He should be banned and prosecuted.
AK4PK Jul 22, 2019 01:28am
@Abdullah : your comment is the height of ignorance and stupidity. You are living in ‘stone age’. Snap out of your dilemma.
Muzamil Jul 22, 2019 01:30am
Get divorce and live a good life our society is a total mess and if you live caring of our society you wont be able to survive
AK4PK Jul 22, 2019 01:49am
@M. Emad : this happens in Bangladesh too, who knows to what extent compared to Pakistan. Would you care to investigate and report the percentage of your population that justifies such a barbaric behaviour? I for sure know it happens all over the world including the so called civilised world. I would condemn it point blank irrespective of people’s opinion.
Salman Jul 22, 2019 02:02am
Was never impressed by this guy. His depression story was an obvious drama. Anyone can become a ‘star’ in Pakistan it seems. What made him a star? He is average looking at best, not very funny but had the required connections to get the opportunites he had. I hope Pakistanis start being a little more careful in who they elevate as stars. One hit serial or song does not give you that status. It requires longevity and class - something seriously lacking in our industry..
Amir Jul 22, 2019 02:17am
I will not judge anybody on reading comments or accusations from one party. I will wait till Mohsin replies back to these accusations.
Zak Jul 22, 2019 02:39am
How can mohsin be singing spiritual songs, then going beating wife. Man needs help. Advice to wife, if he does not respect you and the kids, then he is not worth respecting or hanging around with. Get your alimony and support, then move on.
Huzaifa Jul 22, 2019 03:09am
Errr Mohsin HAS responded with an outrageous press conference. What's with the slow coverage?
N abidai Jul 22, 2019 03:10am
After the public plateform ,the best solution for both is to seek legal help set up funds by the father for his son up bringing, and both to get professional help !
Sukhera Jul 22, 2019 03:17am
@Haider . By looking at his eyes in the picture , he appears to be on drugs. May be Fatima can shed more light on his smoking habits or smoking weeds. He is definitely a loser and does not need a second chance. If he was in a western country, he has to pay for the child support untill the child turns 18 . I am not sure about family laws in Pakistan.
Vishal Jul 22, 2019 03:35am
@M. Emad only 30% ?
Akhtar Jul 22, 2019 04:23am
@Haider Totally agleed. So many unherd of gud actors with tlemendous yalent give chance today.
ZAB Jul 22, 2019 04:42am
Utterly disgusting. First cheating then beating. Mohsen Abbas you'er a brute and a savage... someone in the media should immediately look into this matter.
Imran Khan Jul 22, 2019 05:30am
Bycot all dramsa and movies of Mohsin....
Waqar Khan Jul 22, 2019 05:44am
Few days later they will be lovey dubby.... So what's this nonsense drama?
AXH Jul 22, 2019 06:32am
Don't jump the gun without listening to Mohsin's side of the story.
Faisal Naqvi Jul 22, 2019 06:35am
I have a gut feeling that every word written by Fatima is correct. Media personnel should at least suspend Mosin and stop offering any kind of roles till he comes out clean. I kow acting and singing is his lively hood but people like him should face some consequences..
Beiging China Jul 22, 2019 06:49am
He must be planning for second marriage
Hamza Jul 22, 2019 07:03am
Should listen to both sides and not be biased in favour of just females.Generally the society only sympathises with a female without knowing the facts.Thats why this feeling of favouring one gender just on the face value is absurd.No gender should assault the other one.
Jay Jul 22, 2019 07:09am
Can't say anything without knowing other side of the story. In case of Zafar Ali, the accuser was a woman and came out to be a liar. In this case if Fatima is telling the truth, Mohsin should be prosecuted and put in jail for beating his wife.
Shariq Jul 22, 2019 07:10am
Not just media industry but the society as a whole should have Zero tolerance for such an act by husband. No one, just no one has right to raise a hand to his spouse or vice versa. So disappointed to hear that Mohsin is such a abusive husband. He should be banned from media.
Jamila Jul 22, 2019 07:21am
cheebz Jul 22, 2019 07:44am
Image shouldve waited for Mohsin atleast reply before posting this.. waiting a day or two wouldnt have made this news late.
DIPANJALI Jul 22, 2019 07:45am
@M. Saeed about the abuse photo, she contacted her friend for assistance so the friend must have clicked for evidence.
N abidai Jul 22, 2019 08:10am
@Shahid please do not compare apple and oranges, Ali zafar and meesha had no violent activities ever!
Ali Jul 22, 2019 08:22am
@M. Emad This is sickening. Man beating his wife is not at all justified. Person who beats his wife is not a man and should be punished accordingly.Its a crime to beat anyone.
Abdul hameed Jul 22, 2019 08:33am
Leave him. Don't worry about your child. Your son doesn't need bad father.
joe Jul 22, 2019 08:42am
@Khawar Rahim she does not need help, Mohsin needs help so he can behave like a human being.
joe Jul 22, 2019 08:43am
@Abdullah Not really Abdullah, Seen it in arranged marriages as well.
Hassan Khan Jul 22, 2019 08:57am
@Khawar Rahim I thought I would'nt be able to read anything more perturbing than the story published on this page, but I was wrong. I only needed to scroll down to see your atrocious comment here. Just to be clear, you are advocating that the wife remain silent? after seeing pictures of her bruises, you believe the elders in the family should step in? all this is just bad marital conflict? domestic abuse in this country will never get better as long as there are people of your ilk around who encourage muzzling these abused women. What is wrong with you? he beat her while she was pregnant! you think this can be settled through talks?! Hats off to Fatema Sohail! This husband and poor excuse for a human being should be jailed and penalized financially.
Sajid Jul 22, 2019 09:19am
Men who physically, sexually and emotionally abuse women have not made friends with the feminine side of their personalities. Moreover, the society that we dwell in, directly and indirectly promotes male chauvinism, and they do that by regarding women as treasures to be protected and sustained. Let common sense prevail, instead of viewing women as jewellery or 'meri ghairat' view them as human beings who need freedom to evolve --just as a man needs the same freedom to grow. Insecure men need a piece of jewellery, secure men need a loving and secure partner that helps them in their evolution.
Ivan Karamazov Jul 22, 2019 09:27am
Look at all the men preaching that domestic violence is a private matter and that it should stay private. Way to be a domestic violence apologist.
vijay sharma Jul 22, 2019 09:29am
@Khawar Rahim its not about her only .. there are several other women also who faces these things day and night but they refuse to raise their voice due to social and family pressure.. I hope those women must get inspired from this and raise their voices against the violence on them. On the other hand Men must take a lesson if the try forcing themselves would face consequences.
ABC Jul 22, 2019 09:37am
Seems like it has become a norm to convict any man without a proof and his career is over.
Helping Hands Jul 22, 2019 09:46am
@M. Saeed In domestic violence cases, victims or their loved ones generally snap photos of the parts of body that are bruised due to a violent act. These photos are used as evidence when prosecuting a partner for abuse. When it says that a victim "attached pictures from the violence", it doesn't mean that there was somebody filming or shooting pictures while the act of violence was taking place. It just means that pictures of affected body parts were taken after the act and shared for legal proceeding.
Midz Jul 22, 2019 09:57am
@M. Saeed no confusing at all . There are no snaps of beating or torture , but there are snaps of bruises taken by the victim or someone she trust. Mohsin got serious anger management issue he himself mentioned it in some interview but I know one thing for sure once you done it you are mostly likely to do it again. Shame at you man Mardangi agr dekhani hai to kisi Mard ko dekhao biwi par hath uthana sounds sissy to me .
rajkumar Jul 22, 2019 10:35am
" I was pregnant at that time! He pulled me from hair, dragged me on floor, kicked me several times, punched me on face & threw me on the wall." If this beast does not care about you when you are pregnant with your and his child,he is indeed a beast,you have taken the correct decision. Now my only request to you,be ruthless and take this man to cleaners in court,first demand and get a heft settlement and also make way to send him behind bars for some time. He is basically a criminal.
Chooran Man Jul 22, 2019 10:44am
Why is the wife taking social media? She is living in a metropolitan city with the support of the family and legal system.
rajkumar Jul 22, 2019 10:50am
@Jamila pls dont torcher yourself,go to court.
Pakistani Jul 22, 2019 11:39am
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!
Pakistani Jul 22, 2019 03:03pm
@Dawn you are intentionally publishing only those comments which are against Mohsin Abbas Haider. Shame on you.
Maheen Ali Jul 22, 2019 08:28pm
Any man who raises his hand to a woman is a kamzor and kam zaat human.
Charu Jul 23, 2019 06:08pm
@Khawar Rahim : fix her marriage...are you for real I can imagine if someone is questioning if her allegations are true...but to assume them to be true and say that she needs to work on her marriage is just unbelievable... If these are true, then marriage is already well beyond over, she needs to focus on her child and herself and he needs to be behind bars
imtiaz Faruqui Jul 24, 2019 08:09am
Look at his wife ,what's she look like before and how she look now. A broken down woman. This magic of show biz will not last very long for this guy , he will soon find out.