
21 Jun, 2019

Osman Khalid Butt is one man in the entertainment industry who consistently stands up against sexism and harassment - and he's done it again.

Last night a social media user tagged actress Mehwish Hayat in a tweet about her dance number 'Gangster Guriya' in the upcoming film Baaji. The social media user used abusive language against Mehwish Hayat and criticised her for her performance.

Osman Khalid Butt quickly jumped in to defend the actress, saying: "This is the language used by a 'social media influencer' for a contemporary actress while criticizing her performance in a dance number. He has the nerve to bring religion into the mix. Pehlay apni zabaan saaf karen phir deen ka dars dijiye."

When the social media user began deleting tweets OKB posted screenshots, saying he had receipts. Savage!

Osman Khalid Butt continued: "Please. It's not too much to ask that you be civil in your criticism. No one is taking away your freedom of speech or your right to call out something you feel strongly against. But that doesn't give you the right to tag someone and hurl obscenities & vicious abuse their way."

Osman Khalid Butt has been a vocal defender of women in the industry; he was one of the few people to speak up after popstar Meesha Shafi accused Ali Zafar of sexual harassment.

Looks like he's trying to change the system from within, and we can't help but salute that.


M. Saeed Jun 21, 2019 04:43pm
Anyone who enters film industry to work and anyone who opts to see the films, already accepts what to do and see, generally. If an actor is doing something, he or she is following the instructions of the director and not his or her own free will. For film watchers, it is their own discretion which should guide their actions.
Newborn Jun 21, 2019 05:27pm
I think it's about time we all stop bullying Mehwish.
Hasan Jun 21, 2019 05:31pm
The critics of Ms Mahwish seem to be oblivious of the fact that the entertainment industry is a business, where even top tier actors, if they're paid enough, gleefully do ads on cleaning toilets. Also, while the criticism may be called for, the disrespectful name-calling certainly isn't.
Abraham D Haque Jun 21, 2019 05:47pm
what Islam has to do with dances and if one does not like what is happening please walk away
Zufar Jun 21, 2019 06:14pm
I think as an Islamic Republic of Pakistan representing Islam as our religion we must have a duty to reflect who we are in reality on tv/movies drama, these movies are an opposite reflection to our society. Our movie makers are so desperately trying to imitate our neighbours that it's embarrassing: let's keep our moral duties in line with our faith please and if anyone wants to watch soft mujra they can watch a Indian movie.
Ali Sabir Jun 21, 2019 06:23pm
I was not too fond of her dance performance either.
N_Saq Jun 21, 2019 06:35pm
This holier than thou attitude is destroying Pak. This is Mullah and Mullah mindset, for them it is their way or the highway. OKB is right, Pak has a habit of mixing religion in everything i.e. sports, education, etc. If Pak wants to move forward then Pak needs to eliminate the 3 isms from the society i.e. Feudalism, Mullahism and VIPism and establish the supremacy of the law by bringing everyone under the purview of the law plus carry out severe punishments if anyone dare breaks a law (i.e. people should be even afraid of hitting someone or uttering obscene language at someone because the law should come down hard on such people). Also, depoliticize the police force so it protects law and order instead of rich and powerful. Additionally, introduce the same education system in public and private schools (i.e. English Medium), so tomorrow the kids of a poor man can also dream of becoming PM etc. If you keep giving Madrassa education to the kids then what you keep reaping is Mullahs.
Ali Jun 21, 2019 06:44pm
Why are people so concerned about her. Remember Pakistan is among the highest number of people who watch adult films. Non of anyone’s business
HAA (UK) Jun 21, 2019 07:32pm
@ M. Saeed "If an actor is doing something, he or she is following the instructions of the director and not his or her own free will." All of us are responsible for our own actions.
Aasma Jun 21, 2019 08:18pm
@M. Saeed “ If actor is doing something, he or she is following instructions of director and not his or her free will”. I think you are misinformed about how film industry works. The actress/actor do things out of free will, they are not forced. Actors are offered script that has detail scenes and requirement. If they sign contract to do the film means they are doing it out of free will.
Abbasi Tribune Jun 21, 2019 08:51pm
Although, people shouldn't abuse the artists. Instead, they should approach the court to ban such songs from telecasting on the media. Such songs are never true depiction of our culture. Movies and Dramas promote the culture and soft image of any country. Therefore, national culture should be promoted instead of copying the neighbors. If they are interested in copying them then they should be casted there to promote their culture. Please support Pakistani culture with Pakistani style.
NADEEM S TAHIR Jun 21, 2019 08:58pm
I saw the ganster gurya video and it is fantastic. The Pakistani movie industry is doing such high level artistic work. It appears that the quality of the movies is quickly becoming second to none. Great work, great song and great item number. The movie should be very successful.
sarvat Jun 21, 2019 09:13pm
She is the best
Tahir Jun 22, 2019 12:15am
If it was done by some religious people then you (all film industry) would standup and start cursing them. Simple thing is what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. Don't defend those who are doing wrong on the name of women rights.
Daskalos Jun 22, 2019 12:47am
@N_Saq , I fully agree.
Jon Malik Jun 22, 2019 01:59am
I think there’s room for everyone in this country. We must do whatever to prevent import of hostile foreign propaganda under the garb of entertainment. Therefore we must support local artists even if it’s against ones personal values. Entertainment industry also need to make an effort to produce real art not just a cheap knock off of an already cheap knockoff industry aka Bollywood. We must raise the intellectual and artistic taste of our fellow countrymen.
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Jun 22, 2019 02:49am
President Arif Alvi and Naeem Ul Haq will certainly not appreciate these comments. May be a another National Award for Mehwish Hayyat will motivate her to present such performances.
RIHAAB FAREED DHARIWAL Jun 22, 2019 02:54am
Mehwish Hayat opted to do item numbers to make money. What's the big deal? Let her do whatever. She never claimed to be a practicing Muslim.
Laila Jun 22, 2019 05:55am
@Zufar You clearly don't understand how showbiz works. It's about entertainment. They won't make this if there wasn't a market for it. Did you know, Pakistan the Islamic Republic, is the number 1country in the world with the highest amount of porn download? Should we shut down the internet for all then? What about the black market? There are channels that show religious programmes 24/7. Nobody forces to watch song videos or movies. You do it by your own choice. So dont do it. But the rest of Pakistan is not obliged to follow your likes or dislikes. Also there are live mujra shows happening in Pakistan for male audience only. There is prostitution and human trafficking including child abuse. We don't have basic right or protection for our women. Our justice system is bankrupt. How about you Remember Islam in these matters instead of the fictional world of entertainment?
Laila Jun 22, 2019 05:59am
@Aasma So what are you trying to say? That it's alright to verbally demean and abuse our female actors and artists because you morally object to their work? Can you tell me which part of Islam, which ayat, which hadith l says we should refer to our women as g....i and other slurs? I missed that when studying Islam. Also they wouldn't make films like this if there wasn't a market for it. You can't control what 200 million Pakistanis watch. You can control what you watch.
Laila Jun 22, 2019 06:04am
@HAA (UK) Yes you are responsible for walking into a cinema house and paying to see a movie which is fiction and entertainment and may contain nudity, bold scenes, dancing or genders mixing. Did anybody force you? Just like many Pakistanis are responsible for logging online to watch porn. After all we are the #1 country in the world with the most porn download. Yes indeed we are all responsible for our own actions, not that of others. It's much nicer watching the 24/7 dramas on all channels promoting misogyny and women being abused and deprived of their rights. Very nice and at to indoctrinate our future generations to treat women's as subhumans. Thank you for the reminder.
N abidai Jun 22, 2019 07:38am
This guys insults other artists, or makes scarstic comments ,recently ,said meera persence on screen is better then all the other actresses! Really, then comes defends meera 's contemporary actress?
RogerKhan Jun 22, 2019 09:54am
@Newborn There is no "WE" in bullying Mehwish, only a bunch of juvenile trolls who spout anything that pops in their heads.
RogerKhan Jun 22, 2019 10:07am
People who criticise Mehwish are the one's who have nothing good going on in their own petty lives and they must vent frustration at her success as a feel-good retort. However, that all said, nasty comments are n't exactly alien to fame, but it's only indigenous to Pakistani populace that the celebrities would snap back at trolls and highlight their trash talk. Pakistani celebrities need to learn to deal with criticism be it harsh or lenient. Either develop a thick skin or let any loser Joe ruin your day for you with a single tweet.
Raza Jun 22, 2019 11:43am
It is not about mehwish but those who ask her to do anything indecent thought that might be appealing for youth.
Anonymouseee Jun 22, 2019 11:47am
She definitely has been an embarrassment to all of us. How in the world did we start copying vulgar item songs from India.
Babu Jun 22, 2019 12:03pm
They are not aware that all Muslim rulers had hundreds Courtesan Dancers and Musicians in their royal court, Muslim rulers also kept many wives and concubines in their Harams. Even Emperor Akbar was so much into music that he bestowed Navratna Medal to Tansen (Navratna were supposed to be 9 jewels of Akbar's court, and only Tansen was allowed to stay in his Mahal in Agra). One should not use offensive and abusive language.
Laila Jun 23, 2019 12:53am
@Anonymouseee She hasn't been "an embarrassment to all of us". She is doing her job. She is not responsible for any adjectives you may attach to her work. Because you have the option to not watch it. And not read this article. Stop this inane attachment of honour, izzat, shame to women. It's not fair. Putting entire Pakistans moral burden on us.
Aslam cheema Jun 23, 2019 11:30am
well if someone wants to give comments can do so by advising them not abusing them, it will be in better picture.