Armeena Khan's views about Pakistan's doctor brides rubbed people the wrong way
Armeena Rana Khan loves Twitter.
If you follow her on the social media platform, you're aware she's quite active on the micro-blogging site.
While it's refreshing to see a Pakistani celebrity who doesn't mince words, Khan does land herself in trouble sometimes like yesterday, when she tweeted about how 85,000 female doctors are not practicing after getting an qualification and it sounded like she was somehow blaming the women for it, like they've chosen to forgo their careers.
People were quick to explain to her that it's reductive to blame women for the shortage of doctors in the country as there are various structural and socio-cultural barriers to entry for them to begin with.
Like why don't we hold the families hunting for doctor bahus who don't let them practice after marriage accountable?
How about the insecure husbands who do the same?
Or should we take it all the way back and blame the family that forces their daughters to study medicine in the first place to secure those so-called rishtas?
So is she just not going to talk about the lack of day care facilities and flexible hours that drive women out of the workforce?
Nope, we just love blaming women.
Meanwhile no one will really point fingers at the male doctors who leave the country for greener pastures...
Armeena did post a clarification soon after stating that she meant the families should be held responsible but it was pretty pointless because even after that, she tweeted about how the medical profession is unlike any other so "don't choose medicine if you know the cultural barriers".
Yikes! Clearly, when people explained that choice is a privilege many women don't have in Pakistan, it seemed to go over her head.