
PM Imran Khan called Bilawal Bhutto 'sahiba' and people are slamming him for sexism

PM Imran Khan called Bilawal Bhutto 'sahiba' and people are slamming him for sexism

Was it yet another slip of tongue? Or is Khan trying to imply that being a woman is an insult?
24 Apr, 2019

Prime Minister Imran Khan and Pakistan People's Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari are fierce political opponents but things between the two just got seriously heated.

After Bilawal pointed fingers at IK's Oxford education post his 'Germany and Japan sharing a border' snafu, the PTI founder hit back at BBZ during a recent speech in Wana in which he referred to him as "Bilawal Bhutto sahiba".

The PM joins a host of other public figures who appear to associate femaleness with weakness. In politics especially, those in positions of authority often seek demean opponents by calling them 'women' - as if belonging to that gender is a flaw or insult.

Public figures should carefully consider the words they use in their speeches and statements, but every few weeks we are served a reminder that this is not the case.

Such misogynistic comments coming from a PM are alarming and distasteful. Was it another slip of tongue? Or does Khan really believe being a woman is an insult? Either way, Twitter isn't here for this display of toxic masculinity:

People agreed that such language is unbecoming of a PM

And that it was a very petty statement to make

Also, why is womanhood being made synonymous with inferiority?

Some people are giving him the benefit of the doubt

Even if it was an honest mistake, it's time for some self-reflection perhaps?

Bilawal doesn't seem to be too bothered by it though...


Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Apr 24, 2019 06:15pm
May be it was a slip of tongue. Give IK benefit of doubt.
Shahbaz Ahmed Tarrar Apr 24, 2019 06:18pm
I am supporter of IK and PTI, but using such language by PM is not appropriate and PM IK should appologize
Fastrack Apr 24, 2019 06:20pm
Yeah catch him for obvious slip of tongue. But insulting everyone's vote by calling him PMSelect is okay. #notolooters.
Fastrack Apr 24, 2019 06:23pm
Love my PM. The slip provided trolls their tiny moment in the sun.
Rahul Apr 24, 2019 06:24pm
The prime minister of a nation should choose his word carefully.
Fastrack Apr 24, 2019 06:24pm
Not people, only those who already hate him. Pakistanis loved him again today for his great announcements.
Javed Apr 24, 2019 06:26pm
So sad that PM is using such language, he used abusive language while in opposition but being a prime minister he has disgraced himself.
Nasir Apr 24, 2019 06:27pm
Pakistani mentality being shown from the highest office of power - SHAMEFUL!
Noman Apr 24, 2019 06:29pm
This is exactly what opposition wants to do. Make him agitate. IK and his ministers should keep their cool and focus on their work. Let opposition make noise thats their job.
Dr. Doctor Apr 24, 2019 06:31pm
This confirms what we read about the language used by him and his party members during meetings at his residence as highlighted in the book by Reham. Hence I am not surprised.
Ajr Apr 24, 2019 06:38pm
My worry is that PMIK will still find some people to defend him!!!!how shameful
enam Apr 24, 2019 06:38pm
bilawal will be ridiculed if he doesn't marry immediately.
Imran Ghumman Apr 24, 2019 06:40pm
Is it first time he stooped so low?
Amjad Durrani Engineer USA Apr 24, 2019 06:46pm
It was a highly inappropriate and misogynistic comments, not commensurate with choice of words to be used in public by those holding high office in the country.
Rabia Apr 24, 2019 06:50pm
Lack of dignity and sexism
Jamil Soomro, New York City Apr 24, 2019 06:51pm
The new Politicians showing their Political Immaturity by making a laughing stock of themselves around the world.
Rabia Apr 24, 2019 06:57pm
both inappropriate and sexist. As well as unprofessional
Bilal Apr 24, 2019 06:57pm
Bilalwal needs to learn respect. You cant call PM selected and be a son of Zardari
AXH Apr 24, 2019 06:58pm
Did all these people who are labeling IK's remarks as sexism call out BBZ with the same zeal for his corruption? Not they did not is the answer.
Naeem Apr 24, 2019 06:59pm
Dear Khan Sahib, you are way above than this name calling. We voted for you because your are different than the other politicians. Do not fall into their trap. They go low, you go high.
SRK Apr 24, 2019 07:06pm
So mean comment coming from PM of a country. He cannot tolerate criticisms but criticizes others freely.
sabmq Apr 24, 2019 07:09pm
this man can only go low and lower
SRK Apr 24, 2019 07:11pm
Is he cognizant of the fact he is a PM now and not a politician conducting dharna from container?
Neo Apr 24, 2019 07:17pm
To most of the critics here. I wish you spoke up more when our female members of parliament were actually verbally abused in parliament by past govt minister and cronies.
Hawk Apr 24, 2019 07:21pm
Bilalwals dad and his own party members have made the same mistake.... Ppl are just too jealous of ik
Rajeev Apr 24, 2019 07:24pm
Its a south asian culture. Here being woman IS inferior. Usage of phrases like 'humne chudiyan nahin pahni' is absoultely normal. No point in over reacting like that. We are not going to change over night.
bhaRAT© Apr 24, 2019 07:31pm
Many misunderstand.
My words Apr 24, 2019 07:31pm
As calling Bilawal a Shaheed by his Aunt was a slip of tongue so is it.
Sadaf Apr 24, 2019 07:54pm
It's dishonourable for a PM to say that
Ali Abbas Apr 24, 2019 08:00pm
This is pretty shameful.. Imran Khan sir you are better than this don't stoop low.
Irfan Apr 24, 2019 08:14pm
It was a slip of tongue. Even at PM oath taking ,he struggled.
Dr. Sadaf Apr 24, 2019 08:15pm
Earn respect don’t demand it.
Umar Apr 24, 2019 08:16pm
Those word were neither mysogynist nor sexist. They were sure inappropriate, Khan Sahab should be careful. He is a statesman first a politician afterwards.
A. ALI Apr 24, 2019 08:29pm
Mere slip of tongue...
Millake Apr 24, 2019 08:29pm
Who selected Bilawal?
A. ALI Apr 24, 2019 08:30pm
Those bashing PM IK should think twice .. they may not be seen in media as worthy people...
Pak-UK Apr 24, 2019 08:52pm
Why don’t people raise that much voice for bigger problems given by past governing parties..
Javed Apr 24, 2019 09:13pm
PM shouldn't have used such language .very sad.
NOONARI THUL Apr 24, 2019 09:25pm
Before the election, Moulana Fazul Rehman was said bad words against the Imran Khan, that time Imran Khan was saying its words are not suitable on Moulana, because he is a Moulana. now our PRIME MINISTER IMRAN KHAN is saying poor words about the Bilawal. Now tell me which is a difference between Imran Khan and Fazul Rehman?
Prateik Apr 24, 2019 09:49pm
PMIK shouldn't think that women are inferior.
Zeeshan Khan Apr 24, 2019 09:53pm
Its ok. Don't make fuss of everything.
Humanity Apr 24, 2019 09:57pm
Sahiba is a compliment.
K Maliks Apr 24, 2019 10:22pm
imran needs serious rethinking of his verbal speeches and tweets........sometimes it's better to have professionals assist you, filter content and select appropriate content........otherwise one will always get drawn into controversies and end up foul playing.
Patriot Apr 24, 2019 10:23pm
This is becoming childish. Bilawal started calling IK as "selected prime minister" since day one. IK returned the favour with interest. Both in bad taste.
haider Apr 24, 2019 10:26pm
Idot Liberals!!!!
Khalid Toronto Apr 24, 2019 10:52pm
Misogynist or not, I would still rather have IK as the PM.
Syed Apr 24, 2019 10:54pm
Bilawal Bhutto was very aggressive in NA and making personal attacks on IK, no body came was worried about that.. and now people see a disrespect to woman, they don't see a disrespect to countries PM...
M. Saeed Apr 24, 2019 10:58pm
At least, I was expecting Imran Khan to behave like a kaptaan. Had he said such an insult on a world cup opponent, he would have been banned from cricket for a few years.
Khalid Apr 24, 2019 10:59pm
IK is visibly scared of Bilawal and aware of his own incompetent leadership and government.
Akram Apr 24, 2019 11:13pm
Bilawajah Bhutto is getting mad as his family is about to go to prison for their money laundering
Dr. Sadaf Apr 24, 2019 11:13pm
All the politicians need to rest, they talk so much the whole day that now slip of tongue seems to be a new normal.
Rehmat Ali Apr 24, 2019 11:17pm
Similar tongue slipped by Mr.Zardari Khursheed Shah and Fariyal Talpur too, Just saw on media channel played video. So no surprise now ! leave this discussion.
aisha Apr 24, 2019 11:20pm
He was demonstrating what a slip of a tongue is.
Shahryar Shirazi Apr 24, 2019 11:43pm
give IK a break. This is slip of tongue.
Qasim Apr 24, 2019 11:49pm
Just a tongue of slip. We got bigger issues in Pakistan than looking at someone's tongue of slip. Fgs!
Dev Mehta Apr 25, 2019 12:17am
The head gear ... doesn't it look like it was done in a hurry at the very last moment? But, a great color choice!
UJ Apr 25, 2019 12:25am
People start knowing him now, I realised him a long ago.. decency and mannerism is far a part from PM
rafiq Apr 25, 2019 02:11am
There is difference of believe . Some people say he said This morning.
Fareedm Apr 25, 2019 02:12am
Now PTIs UTurn's are called "Slip of the tongue". Very convenient.
hussain Apr 25, 2019 02:36am
like many politicians Zardari junior has everything written down for him before he speaks, whereas the PM speaks not from a script and this may mean a an occasional gaff, I would rather see a leader who is human than a drone. Pakistan has many problems but today I feel that the PM has raised the status of Pakistan by his defence of the nation and candid replies to the likes of Trump. I am sure the likes of Zardari senior and junior as well as the Sharif clan would not have the backbone or the temerity to speak in defence of the nation with such confidence.
yussouf m mir Apr 25, 2019 02:47am
imran khan is unfit to be pm of--ISLAMIC REPUBLIC/HE IS INCOMPETENT AND has no manners
Azam Siddiqui Apr 25, 2019 03:00am
Sometimes phrases have more than one meaning.So some honorable give benefit of doubt and treat it as much ado for nothing.It is also possible the P.M. meant a brilliant son of a brilliant mother or a son who has the traits of his mother.Like mother like son.Also Bhutto Bilawal is angry with this remark he is quite capable of answering in similar terms.One time a commentator has said that Pakistanis are expert in spending 10% energy in creating a problem then spend 90% energy in solving the self- created problem.The Pakistanis should spend energy on creating jobs and create technology.
Ahmed Apr 25, 2019 03:24am
The Germany-Japan comment was more a slip of the tongue than this consciously made unfortunate remark. An apology would be in order.
Laila Apr 25, 2019 03:29am
PM IK you must rise above this. STOP TAKING THE BAIT. Bilawal wants you to take that bait. Do not take the bait. Dont feed the trolls. Namecalling and personal attacks are uncalled for. Just behave like adults.
AXH Apr 25, 2019 03:34am
Gul Bokhari has criticized IK in a tweet on his choice of words against Bilawal; whether that was a slip of tongue or not is a different matter. I would like to ask Miss Bokhari if she has EVER called out Nawaz for his corruption that is known to everyone? It is people like Miss Bokhari who are desperately looking for anything to criticize Imran.
Azam Siddiqui Apr 25, 2019 03:41am
It is not the head-gear that counts. It is what under the head-gear that counts.
ahMAD Apr 25, 2019 03:49am
Shameless comment. Make a U-turn IK as u do 10 times a day
Newborn Apr 25, 2019 04:47am
It's less about what Imran thinks of Bilawal, but more about what he thinks about women as a whole. In his mind, they are inferior.
Handa Apr 25, 2019 04:47am
@Shahryar Shirazi -- What is left, slip of tongue and U-Turns! Anyway, Pakistan textile industry seems to be doing well for Imran Khan.
Handa Apr 25, 2019 04:49am
I liked Bilawal's comment - Small men ...offices.
Ibrahim Apr 25, 2019 04:58am
@Shahryar Shirazi .......... That was no slip of the tongue.
pakistani Apr 25, 2019 05:27am
what is wrong with the statement?
Mehkan Apr 25, 2019 05:37am
Morally speaking, personal attack of any kind depicts a very low human being. You can disagree on principles and argue and debate in logic and in the perimeter of the situation. However, personal remarks and personal attacks is a sign of weakness, incapability and sheer lack of solid argument/logic against the other party. I hate how many Pakistanis resort to personal attacks when they don't like what someone is saying. Move beyond this, be real in your debates, discussions, arguments and dialogs.
Rashid Apr 25, 2019 05:39am
This shows the depth of our PM. No general knowledge, no substance, master of U-Turn and demonizing people with derogatory sexist remarks half of their age, welcome to Naya Pakistan.
Harris M Apr 25, 2019 05:54am
Get a life!
waqas Apr 25, 2019 06:17am
Dev thats how Wazirs do their headgear.
N abidai Apr 25, 2019 06:18am
People that hyping about PM IK calling Bilwal sahiba ,still a respectful term for a woman ! Second ,when Sherri Rheman ,training Bilwal about poltics ,she told him to pardoy his grandfather ,so he was screaming ,like a mad man,then ,when that did not worked,she had him pardoy his mother ,he was trying to talk like her in his speeches ! Quite sick of Bilwal ,he is 31 yrs old , he really had no job, he wants some country to make him PM ? Why ? Plus, Bilwal you should be embrassed about raised on fake accounts ,that pays for your education , places, cars, and expensive foods,you do look over feed ,in sindh where there are stunt growth children ! PM IK ,slip of the togune was just that,because he had used the example of Germany and France ,100 's of times in many of his speeches abroads ! So,PPP ,and pmln , needs to find another thing, this will not give them nothing !
Asma Apr 25, 2019 06:20am
Now this will also become a slip of tongue. Anything he doesn't want to stand by and own up becomes that. I'm disappointed in IK.
Mak Apr 25, 2019 06:25am
Nothing surprising, He always used cheap words who can forget wat he said about foreign psl players(phateevhar, rayloo kattay). He never deserve this position, he is a selfish person remember wat he said in his speech as a captain of Pakistan I team after winning world cup in 1992 (finally I have one the world cup). Shame on u.
S.Qureshi Apr 25, 2019 06:54am
Imran Khan should apologise for this remarks of sahiba to balawal. Ahmed
Rp Apr 25, 2019 07:14am
@Sab Se Pehle Pakistan - why? Is he above scrutiny?
sahba a omair Apr 25, 2019 07:39am
I hope it was a slip of tongue bec that would be very immature of him!
Salim Apr 25, 2019 07:49am
Someone once tweeted "All my life I have come across small men occupying big offices". Well, of course, when you are yourself a small man occupying big office riding the jackboot of rogues. Well done Niazi!
Reality Bites Apr 25, 2019 07:50am
Zardari started it.
Abbas Naqvi Apr 25, 2019 08:17am
speak not what hurts others.
Neshi Apr 25, 2019 08:19am
Pakistan has is own Rahul Gandhi.
EAM Apr 25, 2019 09:00am
Bilawal is an effiminate individual, and calling him a woman was intended to be an insult. Any "traditional" or "normal" man would take this as an insult and would probably be offended. Just like calling a woman a man would be insulting to that woman. There was no reference of one being inferior to another. No misogyny here. All the offended hyper sensitive pseudo-intellectuals should look for it somewhere else. Maybe Bilawal prefers to be called a "sahiba".
hassan Apr 25, 2019 09:25am
If Ms Salma has a man voice and someone by taunt or by humor calls her Salma Sahib then it will be treated as insult to men. Not at all. Men and women are part of the society, which can not be run without either sex.
Syed irfan ali Apr 25, 2019 09:27am
Horrific. Didn't expect this from IK.
Arshad Javed Sandal Apr 25, 2019 09:29am
Might be Sheikh Rashid have the same comments about Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.
Maria Apr 25, 2019 10:04am
Bilawal should stop calling an elected pm a selected pm. IK has every right to call him what he wants to.
blunt Apr 25, 2019 10:10am
@Shahryar Shirazi : his tongue seems to be made of oil, slips all the time. Ask him to read a written statement.
Ammar Apr 25, 2019 10:33am
There is nothing wrong with the speech. IK was right. He got the leadership through will and tell me one thing how he become bhutto ?? ZAB is the maternal grand father of Ms. Bhutto Zardari. And lastly, we all know what happened under PPP government, only loss, corruption, parchiyan... They only play politics on dead people. Fraud Party.
AZAM AKBAR Apr 25, 2019 02:00pm
@Bilal Mr. Bilal, The main problem is that Mr. Bilawal Zardari doesn't know on which topic he is speaking. He gets script and reads. Unfortunately.
AZAM AKBAR Apr 25, 2019 02:01pm
@AXH Mr. AXH, You are right.
AZAM AKBAR Apr 25, 2019 02:03pm
@Millake Mr. Millake, Relevant question.
AZAM AKBAR Apr 25, 2019 02:05pm
@Hawk Mr. Hawk, Correct. Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, Ms. Faryal Talpur, Mr. Bilawal Zardari and others used and use immoral languages but no comments on this issue.
Aysha Apr 25, 2019 03:47pm
For those calling it a slip of tongue, it I can be easily rectified by apologising simply, only if you have some honour.
Khurram Apr 25, 2019 03:51pm
Pakistan had more serious issues to be worried than what PM IK said about good for nothing Bilawal who belongs to a family/party that is corrupt down to the core and have accumulated all this wealth at the expense of common people of Pakistan..
AZAM AKBAR Apr 25, 2019 03:59pm
@Shahbaz Ahmed Tarrar Mr. Shahbaz Ahmed Tarrar, I am not defending Mr. Imran Ahmad Khan Niazi but there is a question that when Mr. Bilawal Zardari used and uses dirty words and language have you given such comment?
LAHORI KID Apr 25, 2019 04:44pm
What? Heck majority of the people of Pakistan have been referring to him as that ever since he showed up in politics, and please save us the sermon on sexism, it has nothing to do with women, and you know it
Tamanna Apr 25, 2019 05:56pm
Bilawal should take it as an honor in favor of equality.
Awan Apr 25, 2019 07:32pm
You can be an Oxford graduate and still talk like this or you can be an uneducated (formally) and be more eloquent than Mr. Khan.
Tanveer Apr 25, 2019 08:20pm
@Shahbaz Ahmed Tarrar he should apologize to all the Women in the world for doing it to them and get bilo with them.
Ussi Apr 26, 2019 09:11am
I am a supporter of PTI but blunder after blunder and now this new low by IK himself makes me rethink if there's any more chances of light at the end of the tunnel for Pakistan!
Tiwana Apr 27, 2019 03:22pm
@Rahul what about modi??
Anonymous Apr 27, 2019 06:49pm
@Zeeshan Khan Maybe it's not an issue for you. You being a man in an extremely patriarchal country that is. But for the rest half of the popultion (women), it very much IS an issue.