
It's not just Khursheed Shah, these women in the national assembly encourage sexism too

It's not just Khursheed Shah, these women in the national assembly encourage sexism too

In a new video of the proceedings several women can be seen enjoying the snub, included former speaker Fahmida Mirza
14 Apr, 2017

During National Assembly proceedings this Thursday, Leader of the Opposition Khursheed Shah was criticised by Speaker Ayaz Sadiq when he made a sexist remark about his female peers. What wasn't immediately obvious is that Shah had the support of several female MNAs.

The issue arose when Speaker Ayaz Sadiq asked women lawmakers to quiet down or step outside to continue their conversation, after which Shah offered: "Do not ask these women to stop talking, speaker; they will fall ill if they don't talk continuously."

To this Ayaz Sadiq quickly replied: "This is not acceptable to me."

However, lawmakers in the National Assembly had already begun to laugh at Shah's comment despite it' patronising nature, and it wasn't only men who were laughing. In a new video of the proceedings several women present can be seen enjoying the snub, included former speaker Fahmida Mirza, who laughed heartily.

This highlights how prevalent sexism is - so prevalent that women who are lawmakers appear to have internalised sexism and now think it's funny when legislators belittle their peers based on their gender.

The video corrects the common assumption that gender bias is only displayed by men. In a patriarchal system, bias against women is so deep-rooted that it can be displayed by any gender. For prevailing attitudes to change, adopting more progressive values is a burden both men and women must bear.

Fortunately, MNA Nafisa Shah took a stand against Shah's inappropriate quip. She said she would stage a protest and asked why the speaker was only silencing women if men are also talking.

Later, in a conversation with the media, Khursheed Shah attempted to justify his comment by saying he was talking in a "lighter mood" and he wasn't only singling out female MNAs but also women in general, including his own family members.

Does that make it better? No, not at all.


sabmq Apr 14, 2017 09:29pm
of course they do! centuries of religious and cultural indoctrination is at play here and besides as politicians they play to their galleries as well
Waseem Apr 14, 2017 09:43pm
Bottom like is a dedicated politician male or female will have not time in assembly for indulging in unnecessary talk that does not help people and the country.
James Apr 15, 2017 07:35am
What else one expects from someone who only knows corruption and exploitation. Respect is one thing they do not understand . They never do wrong and have justification of everything.
AK Apr 15, 2017 10:40am
Female zombies! They know not what they do.
Fair opinions Apr 16, 2017 05:52am
Whatever Syed Khurshid Shah said was 100% on a lighter note. And tolerable.
Subir Paul Apr 16, 2017 06:59am
Women Empowerment policy is Complete Zero in Pakistan...Shame on male dominated Pakistani Society.