
Singer Jawad Ahmad on why his 'anti-PM remarks' cost him his speech at the Faisalabad Arts Council

Singer Jawad Ahmad on why his 'anti-PM remarks' cost him his speech at the Faisalabad Arts Council

Ahmad was barred from speaking at the event following his blatant criticism of Imran Khan's government.
29 Mar, 2019

Singer Jawad Ahmad's criticism of Prime Minister Imran Khan may have cost him his speech at Faisalabad Arts Council yesterday, but that didn't stop him from sharing his thoughts on social media.

Taking to Twitter, the singer said he was invited in his capacity as chairman of his political party the Barabari Party Pakistan, and was meant to make a political speech, not participate in a talk about social media.

Also read: Singer Jawad barred from speaking ‘against PM’

He said his words were received well by the youth in the audience and added that he will soon release the full video of what he said.

Jawad said he was critiquing the current and previous governments and that the audience was clapping and chanting slogans in support of what he was saying. He said "perhaps that upset some people, there were some PTI people there. Their culture has also become like that, Imran Khan has made it like that".

According to a report in Dawn, Ahmad had criticised the governments of both Prime Minister Imran Khan and former PM Nawaz Sharif in Faisalabad yesterday for their mudslinging against each other.

He said both Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan had been terming each other’s governments corrupt, adding that democratic governments had been dubbing martial law regimes corrupt and vice versa. The singer said this meant that so far the country had not been under an honest and fair government.

As soon as he uttered these words, one of the event organisers came to the stage and stopped Jawad, the guest speaker, from speaking further.

After that, the organiser instructed other speakers not to speak against the incumbent government and chanted slogans in favour of Imran Khan.


shayx from las vegas Mar 29, 2019 11:47am
shame on this guy.. give IK sometime , whats he's done so far is commendable
Sadaf Mar 29, 2019 11:53am
I agree with Jawad Ahmed completely. It's a culture of intolerance that is being created
Adil Jadoon Mar 29, 2019 12:09pm
If this was meant to be a political speech then he should have been allowed to continue. Why can't the govt or the military be criticized for their wrong doings.
AAN Mar 29, 2019 12:18pm
We severely lack the capacity to endure a different opinion.
Texas Ranger Mar 29, 2019 12:19pm
You should speak about ARTS not Politics , keep in view the context of the event you were invited at
Naveed Mar 29, 2019 12:23pm
Jawad sahib no doubt you should have been allowed to speak your mind but you were factually wrong when you said PMLN blames PTI govt of corruption. Just to keep the record straight.
Zak Mar 29, 2019 12:30pm
While he is wrong in saying IK government is corrupt, but he should have been allowed to speak. Free speech is important. Unfortunately, PML- N used to pay people to critisice PTI, hence some may have mistaken it as a put up job.
Tari Mar 29, 2019 12:33pm
It is regretable that for cheap popularity one political worker was sharing is opinion which is a fundamental right but was stopped by narrow minded people who r reported as PTI worker. I strongly believe that they r doing wrong things against the vision of PM IK, infact they r harming the noble cause of PTI.
Robin Mitha Mar 29, 2019 12:35pm
So much for tolerance and free speech ....... the selected govt cant seem to take flak while it likes to pull punches at all and sundry ...
Fastrack Mar 29, 2019 12:46pm
Totally disagree with him. That was not the forum for taking cheap political jibes. That too against our beloved PMIK.
Nazir Mar 29, 2019 12:53pm
This culture of intolerance has been created over the past 50 years and has seeped into every corner of life. Moreover corruption, both financial and moral, has also ruined the very core of every institution in the country. Will take much more than a few months or years for a turn around.
RIAZ ULLAH BAIG Mar 29, 2019 01:03pm
IK alone is not responsible for this trend but all other parties as well. Can someone think of NS in an open gathering? Can anyone imagine of criticize Molvi Fazal ur Rehman in an open gathering?
Jimmy Mar 29, 2019 01:19pm
Met this guy once. So full of himself. Doesn't seemed to have matured. Although I do like his political party's ideology. However, its very similar to PTI's.
ammar zehri Mar 29, 2019 01:20pm
Brave Speech By Jawwad Ahmad Sahaib.Total Selected Govt i just saw a Tarbiyat of youth which they learned from Imran khan.
Justicefirst Mar 29, 2019 01:35pm
Jawad Ahmad is very correct.The government must listen to what other people are saying.You may not be corrupt money wise but in tolerance PTI seem to be corrupt.
Imran Mar 29, 2019 01:53pm
With so much corruption where do you go? At least Imran Khan is the lesser of the 2 evils.
AWt Mar 29, 2019 01:54pm
Until we are willing to listen to the opposing points of view and have rational debate., no solutions can be found
Aleem Mar 29, 2019 02:13pm
Not necessary to agree with this gentleman who is unknown to me but he has the right to express his opinion as long as he comes up with some rationale evidence. No harm in criticising the sitting government as long as you come up with some helpful suggestions.
Akram Mar 29, 2019 02:20pm
Has any major corruption scandal surfaced in PTI government so far? On the contrary they have banned some of their own party members for corruption, this is unprecedented in Pakistani history. Jawad clearly belongs to the school of thought who want IK to wave his magic wand and cure society of all ills. That's not reality. Give him time. Things and our culture will improve.
Maha Mar 29, 2019 02:27pm
freedom of speech should be there because we are living in democartic state.we all are mature enough to understand all aspects whether it is related to present government are past.Imran Khan is doing his best as PM ..such type of views cannot effect his work.proud to have him
Safir Ahmad Siddiqui Mar 29, 2019 03:04pm
In democratic dispensation Jawad Ahmad should not have been stopped from criticizing the government.Here freedom of speech has been gagged.Liberty has been trampled.PTI is not an angel’s party.It is full of mediocrity who make mckery of their position.Some have embarrassed and let down the government.Mr.Buzdar is a case in point.Amir Liaqat is another stooge whiling away time in PTI.Unless PTI delivers in real terms it will keep on facing criticism and postmortem of their poor performance.Getting vindictive is no answer to genuine criticism.
citizen Mar 29, 2019 04:30pm
arts and politics should not be mixed
Insafpasand Mar 29, 2019 05:54pm
@shayx from las vegas He had 5 years in KPK, results already seen. Malanjabba mega corruption. ghosts schools and enrolemnts, and funnig metro project to name a few.
saeeds Mar 29, 2019 06:04pm
You can say anything to NS and PPP. But PTI is the party of bullies and Jamat Islami Mentality people who are few in numbers but have street power and intimation against decent people. Fascist and dictator loving people.
ghazanavi Mar 29, 2019 06:30pm
Taking tough decisions is not intolerant. Tough actions have to be taken to put Pakistan right. For Jawad to accuse IK of corruption is absurd. He is the most honest caring and considerate leader we have after Jinnah.
Imran Mar 29, 2019 06:36pm
Sometimes the supports of a particular party become 'more royal than the king'. Everyone has a right to express their views as long as they do it in a civil manner.
shahzad Mar 29, 2019 06:43pm
Fully Agree - Freedom of Speech
Ahsan Gul Mar 29, 2019 07:58pm
One cannot count him as a singer. But he definitely deserved kicked out treatment. He has no business criticizing PM without having knowledge and wisdom.
Salvi Mar 29, 2019 07:59pm
Absolute truth by Jawad.
Junaid Imran Mahmood Mar 29, 2019 08:01pm
Im ll for free speech. Say what you want, but when its lies, you need to be accountable.
N abidai Mar 29, 2019 08:01pm
He was riasing money to build hospitals in schools, the last time he was in USA ! Where has he done this ?
M Naqvi Mar 29, 2019 08:21pm
@Sadaf May be we can understand critical verdict on PML-N, at least even with smallest amount of honesty, we all know what PML-N governments did and how PML-N people looted the country, but to start criticising IK so soon, I know the government is bit slow to get going, but at least we have not seen much dishonesty corruption and nepotism and cronyism so rampant and unfettered during entire tenure of PML-N. Simply no comparison.
Ahsan Gul Mar 29, 2019 08:53pm
He is another opportunist, wants to gain popularity but has no brains. Where was he when PPP and PML-N has the government?
UJ Mar 29, 2019 09:26pm
Yes IK more time ....long promises he has made he needs at leat 1 Million years ...
Babur-I-Azam Mar 29, 2019 10:07pm
@Sadaf - Jawad is a political animal, he knows what he’s doing and acting naive after the event. To equate PTI with the corruption of PMLN ( last 30 yrs), will stir plenty of reaction and view Jawad is tacitly supporting or defending the previous regime...
Concerned Mar 29, 2019 10:21pm
Well said Jawad u can beat the odds
Jeena Mar 29, 2019 11:06pm
@Sadaf intolerance from his part aswell to come and speak whatever he pleases.
Sebastian Lyall Mar 29, 2019 11:19pm
@Sadaf . What do you mean by being created??? it has always been there, just gotten worse in the last twenty years especially the last 10. Jawad himself is no Saint.
Naxalite Mar 29, 2019 11:35pm
Nobody is v interested
Jawad Mar 30, 2019 12:05am
The guy is an opputinitist. I mean ur hired to sing, not do ur political rally for upcoming election. U lost in 2018 , time to move on from that hurt.
Star Mar 30, 2019 01:37am
PTI is full of thugs and opportunist,, do not expect anything good from them. They consider themselves self rightest which most of them are not.
Star Mar 30, 2019 02:02am
@Zak Do u have proof of that that PMLN use to pay and PTI does not?
Star Mar 30, 2019 02:04am
@Zak That is his opinion and it should be respected.!
Abid Hafeez Mar 30, 2019 02:07am
I would suggest you that if you want to criticise any government, you should speak about their flaws with some solid proof. You should analytically prove their policies wrong, otherwise your criticism would be worthless and turn upon yourself.
Star Mar 30, 2019 02:22am
No time should be given to thieves.
Star Mar 30, 2019 03:00am
Shame on the organizer !
Nadeem Chaudhry Mar 30, 2019 03:07am
“Dissent is the highest form of democracy”. If there were PTI workers who had issues with the statements made by the speaker, they should have walked out, instead of creating a scene. Not to make comparisons between Donald Trump and his supporters, but that’s what has been happening here in US and for that matter in our neighboring country India. Being a populist leader, brings additional responsibility, of restraining ones supporters. This is reminder of the early 1930’s and ‘40’s, of how fascist regimes are born.
Star Mar 30, 2019 04:13am
PTI, if you do not like the heat then get of the kitchen. People will throw you out of the kitchen sooner you can think.
Ahsan Gul Mar 30, 2019 04:25am
Leave Jawad alone. Poor guy is an opportunist and wants to make quick bucks.
riz1 Mar 30, 2019 05:33am
@shayx from las vegas "shame on this guy.. give IK sometime , whats he's done so far is commendable" A true democracy must allow criticism, debate and alternative viewpoints. Otherwise, we will be stuck with puppets however good a job one thinks that they are doing.
A Mar 30, 2019 07:28am
Even though I have never heard single good word coming out of his mouth including his songs (hoo haa) I believe he should be allowed to say whatever he wants to. If there is any youth following him then let them. This is part of democracy.
Shahzad Khalil Mar 30, 2019 09:07am
He was invited in the capacity of an artist and not a politician. He did very wrong by politicizing the event.
Shahzad Khalil Mar 30, 2019 09:09am
@Tari why would an art council invite a person to talk about politics anyway.
Abid Hafeez Mar 30, 2019 10:08am
I would suggest one should first critically analyse the government and its working then criticise, and come up with the viable solution which he deems would be the perfect solution which the government should have adopted rather then just criticising the incumbent for the sake of criticism or to get public attention.
Preface Mar 30, 2019 10:13am
This guy wants to be in the news and the best way to achieve this is to bad mouth IK.
Preface Mar 30, 2019 10:15am
@Sadaf So you want tolerance towards corruption?
Raza Mar 30, 2019 10:20am
Arts council isn't a platform for the political speaches. He can arrange a jalsa and do the politics there. Arts councils need to work harder today to support the artists and resolve their problems.
Akil Akhtar Mar 30, 2019 11:00am
Did he ever criticise NS or Zardari govt which were openly corrupt...
Kashif Ajaz Mar 30, 2019 01:03pm
Arts council(s) should not be used as a political platform.
SHAHID SATTAR Mar 30, 2019 01:30pm
Nobody should be criticized for speaking for or against any government or group of people. In our country, unfortunately, any words uttered against any one in power are taken to be against the country. In their zeal to show off their loyalties for the rulers, some people fell to the lowest level of humanity possible by denying any one their right to speak out their thoughts openly. It is a sad state of affairs. Some have to try and prove themselves to be more loyal to the king than the king himself.
Waheed Khan Mar 30, 2019 06:07pm
Jawad Ahmed is a petty person. He has it against abrar ul haq and PTI now.
Star Mar 31, 2019 06:32pm
@Insafpasand PTI and it’s followers cannot fathom their own wrong doings. They will once they were thrown out of power and NAB start hunting them.
Star Mar 31, 2019 06:36pm
@M Naqvi Lies, lies , and lies about PMLN. Definitely, PMLN delivered.
Irfan Ul huq Apr 01, 2019 07:03am
@Ahsan Gul The only thing he has is right and he is a good singer you probably has a judgmental problem