
Ali Azmat, Jawad Ahmed share their fondest memories of Junaid Jamshed

Ali Azmat, Jawad Ahmed share their fondest memories of Junaid Jamshed

Despite my being a singer for another band, we were ​very close and there was no ​jealousy between us, recalls Ali Azmat
Updated 07 Dec, 2018

Singer-turned-preacher Junaid Jamshed lost his life in a plane crash incident on December 7, 2016.

Many of his friends and admirers from the music and showbiz industry are in shock.

Over the phone, rocker Ali Azmat and pop singer Jawad Ahmed shared their memories of Junaid Jamshed.

"Despite my being a singer for another band, we were ​very close and there was no ​jealousy between us," recalls Ali Azmat. "He was ​like an elder ​to us all and an example for our whole family."

Jawad Ahmed remembered him for his great generosity, "In our USA tour, which was his last tour and my first tour​, he treated me​ with a very welcoming attitude. ​When we​ were ​plan​ning​ ​the ​line-up, ​he said, ​"Yaar partner​,​ you're the it guy, you enter last​!​" This is a big thing because the artist​e​ who enters last is usually the biggest."

Watch the full tributes here:


TruthoNly Dec 08, 2016 11:31pm
Please respect the fact that he left singing !
Farrukh khan Dec 09, 2016 10:02am
JJ was loved left, right and center. In his death we have lost a memory of our childhood we could all relate to. Loss to the Nation in a lot of ways.
Pakistani Dec 09, 2016 02:44pm
But we will always have his voice. Loved Dil Dil Pakistan.
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