
Juhi Chawla's advice to women in the entertainment industry is very problematic

Juhi Chawla's advice to women in the entertainment industry is very problematic

"God will protect you and you will find your way, I mean we all did," said the actor
28 Oct, 2018

Bollywood's MeToo stories have shocked many in the industry and Juhi Chawla is the latest to join the bandwagon, however her statements on the issue are quite problematic.

In a brief interview when asked about the current harassment allegations, Juhi said that “It’s sad and a little shocking because the people being named are who we have known and respected… to hear their names coming up in these matters is a little disturbing.”

But then she addressed women in the entertainment industry and... in short she victim blamed.

“At the same time I would like to tell all the girls out there trying to make careers: Please stay focused on what you are really there for. Stay focused on your work. God will protect you and you will find your way, I mean we all did. Don’t get distracted by the frills and fancies that come with the profession. They will come as a result of your work, but don’t make that your work.”

There are a number of reasons why Juhi's statements are damaging to MeTooIndia and the movement in general.

First, "Please stay focused on what you are really there for. Stay focused on your work. Don't get distracted by the frills and fancies that come with the profession" implies that women who enter the entertainment industry for the perks are basically "asking for it".

There is nothing wrong with wanting a certain lifestyle for yourself, some women enter the industry hoping to change their [and in some cases, their familys'] lifestyles and lead better lives, it's the sexual predators who pry on the vulnerable ones and use them to their advantage knowing that they are desperate in their situation. If a woman is interested in the benefits that come with showbiz, she is still not "asking for it" and should not be objectified or harassed or assaulted.

Second, "God will protect you and you will find your way," trivialises the issue altogether. Sexual predators are everywhere, on the streets, at the workplace, even homes. Again, women are not "asking for it", no matter where they are or whatever clothing they are wearing; a sexual predator will take any chance as an opportunity.

Third, "You will find your way, I mean we all did" is another way of saying that just because she and her peers did not go through sexual harassment, the women who have been through the ordeal probably didn't conduct themselves better to save themselves from it - victim blaming at its best.

Juhi would've been better off addressing harassers and telling them to conduct themselves in a civilised manner by respecting all individuals rather than putting the blame on women for being sexually harassed.


FIDA SAYANI Oct 29, 2018 08:13am
Manish Oct 29, 2018 09:55am
The problem with the Metoo moment is it ignores that their is always two sides of the story. All the sympathies and support to the ladies who have been the victims of harassment, but isn't their a chance that some of them maybe just used for cheap fame
Tariq Oct 29, 2018 10:06am
Juhi says many things which we are don't openly accept and i don't find her statement problematic at all.
bkt Oct 29, 2018 11:01am
She's telling women who enter the industry for the love of money rather than expression of the art, that life is tough and if you want to express your art, which is acting, then its a harder road ahead. Many people -- of both sexes -- try to take the quick route to riches and success. This results in people who demand a price, usually sex for women and money from men, in exchange for that quick success. It is quite possible to be an excellent actor and be recognized early on with giving up anything. She is advising the newbies to be professional in outlook and to work hard for their success rather than looking for easy ways which may attract sexual predators. Quite a sensible statement.
Saad Ali Dar Oct 29, 2018 12:45pm
I respect everyone who is coming forward with their stories about abuse and inappropriate behavior at work place. I would like you and everyone else to clarify how can we prove it, in the court of law, we need evidence of what actually happened. Why we do not believe the alleged predator if he/she out-rightly refuted the allegations? Why is not he considered innocent until proven guilty?
gp65 Oct 30, 2018 01:18am
Nowhere is she victim blaming. She is giving advice for conducting yourself in a manner which reduces likelihood of harassment. It is common sense advice and nothing wrong with it. "If a woman is interested in the benefits that come with showbiz, she is still not "asking for it" and should not be objectified or harassed or assaulted." If you are looking for perks early on and willingly exchange sex for perks - there is nothing wrong with it, but that is NOT a good example of MeToo. @FIDA SAYANI "Hypocrite." What was hypocritical about her statement?
Jackson Oct 30, 2018 02:30pm
Nothing 'problematic' with her statement.
James Oct 31, 2018 01:29am
She is not insulting anyone. She is supporting the movement but at the same time warning women not to get exploited by the sexual abusers. Also, when the question was asked she was not in a proper state to answer it and the shock is seen on the face of the actress. I don't find anything wrong with statement. May be she didn't get the proper words to explain the situation and her intentions but she is of course in support of #metoo. She is just telling the other side of the movement. We cannot give interpretation without knowing her actual intentions. The only thing required is she should be more clear with statements. She is a women with dignity and we should respect her views because her words are not insulting anyone.