
Updated 24 Oct, 2018

Actor Hira Mani was recently in the spotlight for glorifying cheating in relationships and now her husband Mani has sparked a controversy too.

Last night, the TV host/actor put up his unsolicited views about #MeToo, particularly at the expense of the movement's founder Tarana Burke.

Let's ignore the fact that Mani doesn't quite get how to fit images on Instagram but thinks he knows all about women's struggles. Just for a sec.

In his post, Mani encapsulates the misogynistic view that attacks Burke for her looks rather than listen to her story, completely ignoring the fact that many instances of harassment and assault are about power and dominance and not satisfying lust.

He also seems unaware of his responsibility as a celebrity. If he can't provide empathy or support to survivors, he should just stay quiet, like how women have been for decades.

To mock a sexual assault survivor is a pretty low move and we expect better from our celebrities who often represent us on global platforms and are meant to be role models for their fans. And we're not the only ones who think so. Mani did not get as many 'hahahas' as he was hoping for.

Instead, he is facing a lot of backlash over his post, with many calling him out on misogyny and bigotry.

Mani has since removed the post and issued an apology on behalf of his PR person whom he blames for the mishap.

We do wish Mani was more responsible about #MeToo and hope he understands what's at stake when he mocks the voices of thousands of women.


Amarnath Oct 24, 2018 01:44pm
It is worth a while to wonder this: It is not fair for the world expect intelligence from every person on this earth, what kind of viewpoints/environment does a person sees around him/her amongst family, friends, colleagues that makes a person hold such insensitive view as this?
Gamal Oct 24, 2018 01:55pm
More than anything, what Mani said was racist. Pathetic attempt for cheap fame because he became irrelevant a long time ago.
Mehr Oct 24, 2018 01:57pm
How is he even considered a celebrity? Shameful comments. Both husband and wife are wanna be celebrities.
Faisal Naqvi Oct 24, 2018 02:09pm
I think he is an ignorant person. He is not a bad man. He needs education.
Shafiq Khan Oct 24, 2018 02:21pm
In all honesty, I never heard of this chap called Mani. I suppose living out of Pakistan and only reading newspapers, one is not likely to know a great deal about the low life in our country. What I read is disgusting, if it is true, then it reflects on the people who employ these people to host important media programmes. These people are virtually ill-educated and have very little person skills. The nation of so many millions can find better replacements.
Omar Oct 24, 2018 02:25pm
That was racist to mock african lady for her sexual assault.
Shazia Bangash Oct 24, 2018 02:35pm
It is important to censor people like Mani
ahmad Oct 24, 2018 05:24pm
Actor Hira Mani? actress?
Waheed Khan Oct 24, 2018 06:52pm
Mani is a big time loser
Ayan Oct 24, 2018 09:05pm
The two most important aspects include: Get some basic education so that you would able to manage Instagram account with out some one who can think, type and post on your behalf. Secondly, stop fabricating a lie. Your PR guy without your consent may post either your divorce or #MeToo confession.
El Cid Oct 24, 2018 11:32pm
@Shazia Bangash On the contrary it is important that all should be heard. Censorship is unhealthy. Selective censorship is deadly, malignant.
Chaudry Oct 25, 2018 03:18am
Was funny though
farouq omaro Oct 25, 2018 04:56am
Celebrities are like any of us. There are dumb ones among them.
Farhan Oct 25, 2018 01:52pm
This is pathetic but it exactly represents how our society thinks.