
Celebrities are not public property, says Hania Amir

Celebrities are not public property, says Hania Amir

The actress took to Twitter to speak out against sexual harassment from "men disguised as fans"
13 Aug, 2018

In recent months, the entertainment industry has been quite vocal about the pervasiveness of sexual harassment in Pakistan.

The latest actor to speak up is Hania Amir; the 21-year-old took to Twitter to post a thread about harassment faced by celebrities at the hands of "men disguised as fans":

"Being a public figure does not mean that we are public property and meant to be harassed by men disguised as fans. How can one call themself [sic] "a fan"; if they reciprocate our love with rewarding us embarrassment, discomfort and psychological trauma," she wrote.

She continued: "We step out of our comfort zone to be with you (the fans), spend time with you and live some moments amongst you; but acts like these force us to reconsider and doubt our decision to meet fans in public places."

"Nothing justifies the objectification and harassment of any other individual. It is sad that in spite of the country progressing, better education; women are still merely an object of desire for some. It is because of such individuals that women are scared to step out of their homes, not work and live their lives in fear. Respect all women as you'd expect the women of your own households to be respected."

She concluded with this little heads up: "So if you come across a video of me swearing out of my mind, just know it’s a woman putting a disgusting man in his place. And next time you want to make a move? Don’t hide in the crowd because I’ll show you what women are really made of! A**HOLE!"


Alanore Aug 13, 2018 05:55pm
I agree with Hania.
Ehsan Aug 13, 2018 06:30pm
Be strong Hania
El Tigre Aug 13, 2018 07:49pm
All we owe the public is a good performance. - Frank Sinatra.
Ashutosh Divecha Aug 13, 2018 08:49pm
Brave girl - hats off to her bravery
shahid Aug 13, 2018 09:28pm
Being a man I support your comments. I highly respect our STARS because they are producing the best Dramas giving us the name and respect internationally. we need to appreciate and encourage them. It will be great if all us stand up and support our STARS...
Bupi Aug 13, 2018 10:19pm
Line should be drown as public figer has ones own life to.
ABDUL RAUF WARRAICH Aug 13, 2018 11:54pm
Jawab Dey Aug 14, 2018 02:46am
It happens all over the world from Bollywood to Hollywood.Its not just the case of Pakistan.
Farooq Sheikh Aug 14, 2018 03:29am
So here's the deal. Men and women will always be a desire for each other BUT it has be consensual. No one must be allowed to take advantage of their vantage to make uninvited advances on each other (especially the men on women) When a women says no , then its a NO ..Sane and rationale men & women understand this etiquette and social protocol and will use good judgment in conformance with the society's values in their engagements with each other. As far as celebrities are concerned especially the attractive ones, I don't know how this can be policed in the public domain but the people in the industry (especially men ) must respect their fellow female coworkers with utmost respect and professionalism. At work women should not have to feel defensive or threatened for their security
helping hands Aug 14, 2018 09:49am
Agreed but Hania neither are the other citizens of Paksitan your public property. Hint: the aeroplane selfie incident some time ago!
Zeb Aug 14, 2018 07:27pm
Didn't she take an unsolicited selfie of a man who was uncomfortable with it? Also, nobody says that celebrities are public property. Most people are comfortable with celebrities claiming to be the moral voice of the masses. As can be seen from this series of tweets, celebrities only show fake affection for the people to garner ratings and monetary gains Their relationship with the viewers is entirely transactional. Masses should stop worshipping these fake class of narcissists who pretend to be someone else for money.
jarnail singh chahal Aug 16, 2018 07:22am
Hania saying right.