
More women step forward to accuse Ali Zafar of sexual harassment

More women step forward to accuse Ali Zafar of sexual harassment

In a statement on Twitter yesterday, Meesha Shafi alleged that Ali has sexually harassed her more than once
Updated 20 Apr, 2018

After Meesha Shafi took to Twitter to accuse Ali Zafar of sexual harassment more women have come forward with similar allegations.

Makeup artist/painter Leena Ghani tweeted in support of Meesha Shafi, thanking her for her bravery and shared her #MeToo story:

"[Ali Zafar's] behaviour shows a clear lack of respect for women. Inappropriate contact, groping, sexual comments should not fall In the grey area between humour and indecency. Comments that would make your skin crawl and make you feel objectified are not to be reduced to 'a joke'[...] In most cases, women like myself run from a situation and hope to God you never cross paths again. And when by some misfortune, you do, you hide from him. Hoping that his sleazy eyes and hands don't find you again. His hands don't run up and down your waist or hold you too tight while you desperately try to wiggle and run [...] The memories of the times when Ali thought he could get away by saying vulgar things still disgust me."

Other women to have spoken out include blogger Humna Raza, who recounted her experience of being inappropriately touched when she met Ali at a public event.

Maham Javaid described an encounter her cousin had with the singer and commends Meesha Shafi for reminding her that women's stories should be voiced out.

A Twitter user by the name of Sofi alleged that a volunteer was molested by Ali during a fundraising event in Washington DC.

This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.


Chooran band Apr 20, 2018 11:02am
Dude, Ali, aka Teefay, you are in trouble my friend!! Channo ki aankh mein aik nasha hai, is that your pickup line Teefay??
Alanore Apr 20, 2018 11:17am
Shame on him
Shah Apr 20, 2018 11:18am
Time for more women to expose men who take advantages of our sisters and daughters.
Khurram Apr 20, 2018 11:19am
Ali Zafar for sure is guilty. I've seen there are many people who are criticizing Meesha Shafi that she has no proof, she is doing all that for publicity etc. First of all, Meesha does not need this negative publicity. It was really bold of her to expose and name the person who is such a big celebrity. You need real guts as Ali Zafar is very well connected and can cause real harm to meesha Shafi's image. So she had everything to lose if she did this just for publicity. Secondly these things like touching someone without permission cannot have proof. But when you have several people from different background saying the same thing, it means there is something wrong with the person they accuse of. Harvey Weinstein was judged guilty based on that. Tailor Swift just won a case against a photographer who touched her just based on the fact that Ms Swift had nothing to gain from this accusation so she must be saying the truth. Take away your biases and look at this objectively.
Mr.T Apr 20, 2018 11:32am
The Real TEEFA...
bozo Apr 20, 2018 11:40am
wow , this is turning real bad for Ali Zafar. The fire has spread already
Zia Ur Rehman Apr 20, 2018 11:40am
Wasn't expecting this from Ali Zafar. The fact that you are a bit good looking doesn't give you right over all the women!!
Ganesh Kailasam Apr 20, 2018 11:42am
Why is he not arrested yet ?
Ali Apr 20, 2018 11:42am
This can be investigated. But it is really difficult to draw a line in showbiz business. As relations can break and love can change into jealousy.
Lastdrag Apr 20, 2018 11:44am
Ali ahmed Apr 20, 2018 11:50am
Seems like this guy has a problem with keeping his hands off of women .
Rameay Apr 20, 2018 11:52am
and mind it you are fooled by men and you dont even know.
Apache Apr 20, 2018 11:54am
Here we go again
Anand Apr 20, 2018 11:59am
As I said this man suffers from Bill Clintonitis
Dr. Malaria Apr 20, 2018 12:03pm
Teefa in some very serious trouble
MK Apr 20, 2018 12:04pm
Its really easy for a Women to allege harassment from anyone, no solid evidences sometimes. It must also be regulated as is with other acts of crime. No women should be permitted to spoil one's integrity/professional career without any solid evidence and the factors of triggering them to do so.
Mahmood Apr 20, 2018 12:05pm
When it rains, it pours. Let the flood gates flung open... Paksitan's very own Harvey Wiesnstein affair begins!
Nasir A. Apr 20, 2018 12:09pm
Well done ladies. You have shown great courage to come out with this and hope that you show the light for all others to follow. This behaviour is not okay at all.
Vijay Salem Apr 20, 2018 12:25pm
Salute the woman.
HonorBright Apr 20, 2018 12:25pm
AZ, i wish all this about u is not true; but if it be, i don't think u will have shame enough to confess..
umar makhdumi Apr 20, 2018 12:26pm
This is a very serious charge in a country like ours and hence should be properly investigated.
Harmony-1© Apr 20, 2018 12:28pm
Good to expose such misogynist.
Bipul Apr 20, 2018 12:29pm
Good to see that women at least found a place to voice themselves. It's really hard to live with a harassment concealed within throughout the life. Next step would be an action against such perverts in the society.
HonorBright Apr 20, 2018 12:29pm
At the risk of being considered nasty, i hv no soft corners for those grownup victims who went on normally about their business after being harassed, hiding behind the curtain of their drowsy conscience thus allowing the predator to go unhindered.
Srehman Apr 20, 2018 12:32pm
Looks this guy is a serial abuser ,I hope this case comes to court and all these women turn up in court and give evidence ,and he gets the punishment he deserves because he will never admit to this .
Halfis Apr 20, 2018 12:32pm
Really shameless guy
Ali Raza Apr 20, 2018 12:37pm
Its time for his downfall.
Anil Desai Apr 20, 2018 12:52pm
This is getting way out of hand now.
Salman Rehman Apr 20, 2018 01:04pm
I stand by Ali Zafar in this. Small instances of flirtation happen everywhere in the world but these should in no way be used to malign a male for the sake of some personal vendetta or an overall anti-male ideology (misandry: the opposite of misogyny). If these women had any legitimate issues with Ali Zafar, they should have gone to the courts of law the day he supposedly/allegedly "sexually harassed" them, rather than waiting for years and then one day on someone's sudden instigation tarnishing the man's reputation on all of social media. They are like Ayesha Gulalai who had no proof against Imran Khan but sent shockwaves merely to tarnish Imran Khan's reputation and in return gain some cheap publicity...
Madeeha Apr 20, 2018 01:10pm
Shame on you Ali Zafar!!
xeerak Apr 20, 2018 01:22pm
Pathetic! Ali has lost his status. He isn't a role model celebrity anymore. I request the companies who have signed him in their ads to immediately replace him with respected role models.
Faisal Rana Apr 20, 2018 01:40pm
Ali Zafar deserves a chance to present his side of the stories. And with a movie coming out, no press is bad press.
Alanore Apr 20, 2018 02:05pm
Just because he is little good looking, did few good songs and few movies in Bollywood he thought he can touch any girl. I dont know abut him but his movie Teffa In Trouble is in trouble.
Naxalite Apr 20, 2018 02:11pm
How will Ali face his wife and kids now?
Parvez Apr 20, 2018 02:12pm
The power of Social Media .......... good ?........bad ?
S Apr 20, 2018 02:16pm
This is serious my friend and needs a proper investigation. Money and fame does not allow you to exploite people around you.
MH Apr 20, 2018 02:36pm
Teefa in trouble
arbabalijimmy Apr 20, 2018 02:44pm
His career is over
ahmad Apr 20, 2018 02:45pm
As an ordinary citizens we cant assume how actors live their lives. Many a times they flirt around openly and have their own way of meeting with women. Women actress also dont mind. They mingle with each other openly and go to late parties. So i guess its very difficult to draw a line between harassment and no harassment.
Zak Apr 20, 2018 02:50pm
he will deny everything of course.
SyedChaudhryGangaDinKhan Apr 20, 2018 02:55pm
Nothing new or surprising. Gather evidence and put him in jail.
Yasir Apr 20, 2018 03:21pm
If AZ has not done it then he should file a case against Meesha Shafi for defamation. If he has done it, then let the floodgates open.
fz_zaheer Apr 20, 2018 03:22pm
How disgusting this man is!
Asim Apr 20, 2018 03:28pm
Unfortunately, we do live in a world where women do face such problems. But, at the same time we also want to believe what a women says, no matter if its wrong. A women alleged about something and everyone wants to believe it but at the same time a man is denying nobody wants to believe him. It could be a cheap stunt n she is playing a woman card & at the same time she does felt harassment. Atleast we should put both the things in front before judging honestly. We forget that before man & women both are humans and both have respect.
Najum Apr 20, 2018 03:35pm
It would be a shame if he's endorsed by brands now. Boycott brands that still maintain any kind of business relationship with him.
ukasha Apr 20, 2018 03:43pm
Many other big ships like weinstein will sink soon.
Zahid Apr 20, 2018 04:02pm
.Well done to all women
SAB Apr 20, 2018 04:07pm
As Ali has decided to go to court, all his accusers should do the same.
Insaafian Apr 20, 2018 04:37pm
man i am so disappointed - i feel like you threw away your career and you were so talented. Hope you are made an example of.
Dr. Doctor Apr 20, 2018 04:44pm
Despicable if proven. But please don't subject all parties to a media trial. There are forums to address such issues. Too much media reporting and commenting introduces bias, feeling of haplessness, untoward incidences and copy cats to jump in. This is a problem identified in every society and country. Awareness is most welcome but don't expect overnight results especially after media trials. The change is already in effect but if permitted to spread unchecked, a conniving party can wreak havoc when following a deep-rooted malicious agenda.
Nadeem Apr 20, 2018 04:46pm
Must pay the price
Amjad Durrani Engineer USA Apr 20, 2018 04:49pm
Thank you Meesha Shafi & media for making it possible for others to expose this con artist who has been treating working women with disrespect by taking them to be a sex object,he can assault and get away with.This change is most welcome because it gives a voice to the weaker sex & will certainly provide them a right forum & platform from where they can vouch for their fundamental right to be treated with dignity & respect which is qualified by the religion as well as constitution of the country.This evil as a matter of fact exists in all societies but the difference is that in western societies such behavior becomes costly when it is settled through an injunction of a court of law.On the contrary,our women have been enduring such harassment by not timely exposing these exploitation because of fears of repercussions by the influence and reach of the assaulter or by fear of being stigmatized by the community as being morally corrupt.Working women must be treated with dignity & respect
PopnRolla Apr 20, 2018 04:51pm
Hold on before jumping into conclusion. We don't know what exactly constitutes as sexual harrassment not what these women presuppose as sexual harrassment before making accussations. I'm not saying he didn't do it. But we need to look closer and know more about the issue before tarnishing the man's image.
Syed Shahzad Bukhari Apr 20, 2018 04:58pm
Ali Zafar better to explain the accusation if innocent or should seek pardon for his inappropriate behavior with women who alleged otherwise will loose his stature as celebrity in Pakistan especially in youth!!!!!
Changez Khan Apr 20, 2018 05:25pm
Do not believe these accusations.
Zak Apr 20, 2018 05:27pm
No one is guilty under proven so. However, women don’t make frivolous accusation like these. They are serious. Ali you are legend, you must clear your name and where there is misunderstanding, then apologies. But don’t let your fans down. Deal with it before it becomes a floodgate scenario.
Chanakya Apr 20, 2018 05:34pm
Small success makes some persons think like they are the king of the world.
Arshad Hussain Khan Apr 20, 2018 05:56pm
Why "Social Platforms" are used? You people are big people with power, why don't you go to court? Cheap Tactics.
M Wasim K Apr 20, 2018 06:03pm
stop the pop culture altogether
Arslan A Tarar Apr 20, 2018 06:05pm
He should be banned and shamed from the industry and given harsh punishment of jail. This guy does not deserve to have fame.
Arshad Hussain Khan Apr 20, 2018 06:16pm
@Vijay Salem Salute the man that he says he will go to court. Not social media.
SaeedS Apr 20, 2018 06:17pm
Molested a high-schooler in US! People go to prison for such a crime in US. Better not go there.
Shah Apr 20, 2018 06:21pm
But Ali Zafar seems to be such a nice guy...
Mansur Ul Haque Apr 20, 2018 06:38pm
Bravo! Meesha. You must have saved many girls becoming victim of Ali Zafar. Country, community and opressed girls are thankful to you. People have two faces . They talk humanity and education and inside from their heart they are ugly. Few years ago I saw renowned singer trying to take advantage of his position. Well done you are hero of opressed women.
Mujahid Ali Khan Apr 20, 2018 07:19pm
A great game against Ali Zafar. I am disappointed to see electronic media's role in the matter. The issue may be settled at appropriate forum i.e. Court.
Pakistani Apr 20, 2018 07:19pm
Thanks, brave ladies for exposing true face of this celebrity.
Indian4rmblore Apr 20, 2018 07:21pm
Shame , so caled a actor.
Jamal Apr 20, 2018 07:22pm
I just want to add that I personally see this as a personal vendetta from these females. I support Ali in this and media is completely biased.
Talal Apr 20, 2018 07:23pm
Ali is a great guy. Obviously these women were not getting what they need from him so decided to revolt. Ali...give them what they need...hard
Siva D Apr 20, 2018 07:40pm
Emergence of a pattern lends further credence to the accuser.
imran Apr 20, 2018 08:08pm
Sounds like Ali Zafar is the desi version of Donald Trump.
Riaz Uddin Apr 20, 2018 08:30pm
Allegations are serious! An independent mandatory in order to separate sheeps from the goats!
JODH Apr 20, 2018 09:11pm
no woman would speak openly. i appreciate some innocent and encouraging ladies do it. I appreciate it and more must come out and help the cause if they think they have been violated.
Rukhsana Rishi Apr 20, 2018 09:34pm
May be some people are trying to fail your film.plz you must clear all.dont worry if you are in a right path.
Zak Apr 21, 2018 01:34am
@Madeeha but not proven guilty yet.
Bilal Apr 21, 2018 10:13pm
@Asim and there is another possibility. Meesha thinks she was harassed but Ali did not think he harassed her. Because for each the boundaries are at different places. Who is right?
Samyukta Apr 27, 2018 10:50pm
This is so painful at many levels as a fan of both from Bangalore. BUT: women in Aouth Asia have #MeToo encounters every single day and statistically most are women and not men: I believe her, and we can neither excoriate her nor vilify Ali until it is proven AND after that I hope both become beacons of light for men of this sub continent. People are asking why she did not speak earlier? Because it is so ubiquitous and pervasive and needs courage and sorry I still don’t have it. Throughout my own life and career, I know and dreaded those men, and even now, wish i can simply list them down knowing it destroys their families. We stay quiet because we lack the courage. But often we stay quiet because we do not want to upset the apple cart and have collateral damage on our hands