
Urwa Hocane claps back at Veere Di Wedding star for calling Pakistan a 'failing state'

Urwa Hocane claps back at Veere Di Wedding star for calling Pakistan a 'failing state'

"What do you expect from a state which is run by Sharia Laws?" said Swara Bhasker of the ban on Veere Di Wedding
Updated 04 Jun, 2018

Swara Bhasker clearly did not learn anything from Saif Ali Khan's 2015 blunder, but it's okay we've got Urwa to school her.

In a recent interview with CNN News18, film critic Rajeev Masand asked the Veere Di Wedding star about the ban of their film in Pakistan. She responded by calling the country a 'failing state'.

"For some reason I have to keep answering for that. I don't know why people think I'm a spokesperson for the Pakistani government. What do you expect from a state that's run by Sharia Laws?," said Swara.

"They're a nonsecular state. I'm not surprised at all. Why should we hold up Pakistan, which is a failing state -- I don't understand why we keep taking pleasure and feeling a sense of self-worth from all the silly things that happen in Pakistan. Apologies to all my Pakistani friends right now... Rest assured, Pakistanis have way worse vocabulary than we do. I know."

Urwa Hocane immediately called out the Bollywood star for her flip flopping statements and ignorance.

Funnily enough, Swara had visited Pakistan in 2005 with a friend and when she came again in 2015, she narrated tales of her first visit on show Mazaaq Raat saying she was absolutely smitten by Lahore.

"My friend and I came here and found that the state which is often viewed as the enemy state, is absolutely not like that at all. The amount of love we have received here. I have travelled to a lot of places, London, New York, Paris, Istanbul, they are all nothing compared to Lahore."

Her current statements though have caused a frenzy on social media and Swara's (ex) Pakistani fans are having none of it.


Ahmad Kainth Jun 03, 2018 10:34am
the worst came out of her, no matter how much she tried to hide it but her hypocrisy could not be hidden for so long. What she said is illogical and pathetic and her understanding is reckless. Believing that Pakistan is a failing state, she has spread hate. It's our duty to correct her. Commenting that Indians have good vocabulary, she embarked on a path to prove that they are a superior nation. Once in a Pakistan she believed that Pakistan is not an enemy country, but in order to get limelight and appreciation from Hindu ideologues, she spread hatred. She deserves to be criticised. Worked in two or three movies in which her performances were below avg, she considers herself a superstar while she does not deserve to be appreciated on her performances.
Prateik Jun 03, 2018 10:34am
Hope Urwa understands that Swara is loosing money if the film is banned in Pakistan because the film is essentially for Punjabi audiences.
Pure ind Jun 03, 2018 10:50am
Lol Swara just did a shahid afridi.
Kunal majumdar, gurgaon Jun 03, 2018 10:55am
Quite an irresponsible statement by Swara Bhaskar. In recent times, she's making statements like an activist. Typical JNU syndrome.
Varun Jun 03, 2018 11:06am
Swara Bhaskar comments "Pakistan a failed state" if its not, then why so much reaction.
IKE Jun 03, 2018 11:12am
This proves one thing: India is not a friend and can never be friend. Indians are enemies and can never be friends.
Humza Jun 03, 2018 11:13am
I think Pakistanis only have themselves to blame since they insist on watching 3 rd class Indian movies instead of developing and supporting their own films and media. Indian culture is different and reflects their values but it doe not represent Pakistani culture.
PAK puck Jun 03, 2018 11:15am
Truth is always bitter.
Ahmad Kainth Jun 03, 2018 11:16am
@Varun if public figure from our side spreads hatred and vitriolic statements , do you remain silent ?
Emerging Pakistan Jun 03, 2018 11:16am
@Varun There is always a reaction to every action, please keep that in mind Pakistan is in our blood and we will defend it of every action whether it is verbal or physical that comes from across the other side or any other part of the world.
Mujeeb Rehman Jun 03, 2018 11:32am
Swara Bhaskar: For one, Pakistan does not have all Sharia Laws. Second, if Pakistan did have Sharia Laws in place and your movie was allowed, then its OK with you. Just because Pakistan imposed ban on Indian Movies, you are fuming fire. Mind your mouth, you have no right to criticize any kind of law that Pakistan chooses to practice.
Ayesha Tariq Chaudhary Jun 03, 2018 11:35am
@Varun Please collect your award for "The most absurd comment of the day". Congratulations btw!
Pak-UK Jun 03, 2018 12:26pm
This is laughable.. absolutely shambolic comments.. she earned a lot of respect in Pakistan but now she will be trolled for the rest of life here.. ignorant and pathetic comments.
Shah Jun 03, 2018 12:31pm
I stopped waching Indian movies years ago and have never looked back. What's the fun in waching a 55 year old man falling in love with a 20 year old girl over and over and over again.
Youth Jun 03, 2018 12:32pm
This is the venom regularly injected to indians by their government against Pakistan. India is a mean country.
Neo Jun 03, 2018 12:46pm
Well done Urwa!
Sherin Bakhsh Jun 03, 2018 12:51pm
Full marks to Urwa for standing up for Pakistan...what can u expect from Indians talking about our country. The actress seems frustrated that her movie is not being watched in Pakistan.anyway who wants to c vulgar and rubbish films..
Ahsan Gul Jun 03, 2018 12:57pm
Her statement is a clear reflection of her inferiority complex. Blaming other things to cover her own weakness.
Neo Jun 03, 2018 01:09pm
This film looks like its gonna flop.
Neo Jun 03, 2018 01:15pm
@Pure ind. Afridi never called India a failed state. He just implied that Indians have smaller hearts which judging by your comment...;-)
Changez Khan Jun 03, 2018 01:56pm
Swara Bhasker's anger against Pakistan clearly demonstrates her intelligence, first love for Pakistan then hate, oh well Pakistanis won't forget this. Urwa Hocane, we Pakistani are proud of you. Keep it up and keep the ignorant people in-line.
Akil Akhtar Jun 03, 2018 02:14pm
Indian minds are being poisoned by relentless propaganda against Pakistan in their country under BJP.....
Raj patel Jun 03, 2018 02:26pm
It is your fault when you take these actors seriously when they speak other than their profession. When she praised Lahore and you are ga ga over her. Now she is critical of Pakistan and you are offended.
Vijay B. Jun 03, 2018 03:01pm
Swara Bhaskar is a loose cannon and not very well liked in her own country and I am definitely not a fan of hers. As far as Pakistan's banning of the film "Verre Di Wedding" is concerned, Pakistan has the right to ban it and yes, it does contain obscene language and vulgarity. But with all the blasphemy laws in effect in Pakistan, one would have to concede that it is ruled by Sharia Law. And on "the failed state"part is , I will reserve my opinion for now.
Vijay B. Jun 03, 2018 03:14pm
I am assuming that besides "Veere Di Wedding" the other recent Bollywood box office hit "Raazi" is also banned in Pakistan because of its story content. That is a Rs. 20 crore loss in revenue for each of those films. Right or wrong, the anger of the people directly connected with these films is to be expected.
Khan Jun 03, 2018 03:33pm
If we ban your movie then we are failing state and if you could fetch a couple of crores then we are your favorite state ! Bravo !
Observer Canada Jun 03, 2018 05:45pm
Appropriate response from Urwa and others. This Indian actress is not emotionally immature person but also has no clue what she is saying. Better be shunned!
ali Jun 03, 2018 06:23pm
We should ban all indian movies, they are bad influence to our youth plus India does not allow Pakistani movies and TV dramas so why should we allow them.
Imran Sheikh Jun 03, 2018 06:30pm
So she fell out of love with Pakistan in just a few years of her visit. Ohh, how soon the fans forget....! And she is upset about her film not garnering royalties for her from Pakistan, or boosting her image. Entirely understandable, no? What I don't get is the night of the long knives that seems to have descended upon her from ex-fans. Nothing she says matters anyway, but she is always entitled to her opinion in our democracy .
Mann Jun 03, 2018 06:30pm
Please don’t watch the movie. In fact you should ban all Indian movies and content. We will barely miss you.
jawwad Jun 03, 2018 06:35pm
I have been watching Pakistani movies lately and was pleasantly surprised to see Pakistani movies are in fact better to watch in terms of acting, story line etc. It is only matter of time when just like our dramas and music we will leave Bollywood behind. Living 40 plus years have taught me one thing. Nothing remains forever.
Rahul Jun 03, 2018 07:06pm
I appreciate how Pakistani celebrities immediately sprang in support of their country. As Indians we need to demand the same level of nationalism of ours.
Islamabadi Jun 03, 2018 07:48pm
This Bhaskar needs to look at India and Indian society first....India is culturally a failed state....their new generation cannot complete one sentence in Hindu....Look at the way the characters in this film are dressed...they have abandoned the Indian sari...all are wearing western clothes....speaking a western language.....their music is a copy of english music.....their culturally a failed state....this movie might have been released inhollywood and it would not be out of place as it has nothing indian in it....
conspiracy_theory Jun 03, 2018 08:23pm
@Shah - Not everyone in your country thinks so. The distributors and theater owners do have some reason to speak against the ban!!
Khan Jun 03, 2018 08:27pm
I am waiting for a time when all Indian movies are banned in Pakistan !
Iqra Sana Jun 03, 2018 09:07pm
@Raj patel We are humans . We run on emotions. She appreciated us we loved her for that. She has spit venom now and we are disliking her for that. Dont forget every action has a reaction
Must learn Jun 03, 2018 09:19pm
Pakistan censorship board successful banned the shameful film, that's enough for all those frustrated for expecting business from Pakistan audience. Pak has its own parameters of morality, and under no circumstances our board can allow vulgar materials or vulgar dialogues by celebrities in film. Remember a good film is that which a family together can see & enjoy, a better decent dialogue, better songs, no violence, no hate preaches, and a satisfying end. And last but not least Pak is a sovereign country it has its own laws & traditions, hence it can't approve any vulgarity for its people.
Asma Ali Jun 03, 2018 09:57pm
I was to watch this movie when released in the US but not anymore. I will request my Pakistani friends here as well to boycott and not watch this movie.
Sharad Jun 03, 2018 10:02pm
Not all Indians are anti-Pakistan. I, for one, am not. But I do know plenty of Indians who are like that. So, I don't really know where that puts me?
R Sultan Jun 03, 2018 10:47pm
@Akil Akhtar Not strictly true. The electorate in many constituencies in India are electing non BJP party members to assemblies and parliament.
pc amin Jun 03, 2018 10:56pm
@Emerging Pakistan i think you in pakistan and indians in india need to focus the human problems in our own backyard. one can defend or help his own country just by verbal anger at other nation citizens. indians and pakistani have lots of work to do at home than fighting on twitters. hope no offend to you.
Hammad Siddiqui Jun 03, 2018 11:26pm
Why are Indians so odd? It is difficult to understand. maybe its the social engineering of their media, works of their right wing secular Modi goverment and the mix of illiteracy to blame. To draw a comparison, look at Chinese people. Humble, friendly and peaceful people.
Shafiq Shah Jun 04, 2018 12:11am
Urwa a good girl. good job, love you.
Neo Jun 04, 2018 12:42am
@Hammad Siddiqui. Well said!
Hamad Zaheer Jun 04, 2018 02:25am
An attempt to gain cheap publicity by being controversial.
Nimi Jun 04, 2018 02:36am
Perfect response by Urwa. This Movie should be banned forever which is based on vulgarity and gross stuff.
Udayan Mitra Jun 04, 2018 08:05am
She is entitled to her opinion...
concerned Jun 04, 2018 08:53am
thanks Urwa
Jawaid Islam Jun 04, 2018 08:57am
Banned for the right reason; it has vulgar dialogues, unsuitable for young minds.
IrAf Jun 04, 2018 09:47am
Even those people who disliked the ban would now appreciate it.
Manoj Jun 04, 2018 09:58am
As an Indian i feel what Swara said is wrong. Every country has right to choose or censor a movie based on their culture and values. To be frank when I first saw the trailer of Veere Di Wedding, I was quite taken a back to see the offensive language used in the movie and didn't liked it. So it's a personal choice. As an actor she should have been modest and not say wrong about an entire country just because they choose to ban her movie.
k k tiwari Jun 04, 2018 11:36am
Every country has her own ethics I don't support Swara .
raj kumar Jun 04, 2018 11:46am
@Khan" I am waiting for a time when all Indian movies are banned in Pakistan !"did we beg to restart it or was it done to save your cinemas? However it is your country and pls go ahead and ban everything Indian.
Junaid Ali Jun 04, 2018 12:06pm
Wellsaid Urwa hocaine you’re Indeed a true patriotic Pakistani
auginpk Jun 04, 2018 05:21pm
How can I disagree with Ms Urwa.
auginpk Jun 04, 2018 05:25pm
All the good Indian movies are watched by Pakistani friends. Though money goes in someone else pockets.
mona Jun 04, 2018 06:54pm
Urwa gave a stupid reply without realizing what Swara actually tried to say. Swara was criticizing the Pakistani govt who make these decisions and not its people who love Bollywood and Indians. In the past she was also critical of right wing parties in India who had delayed the release of Padmavat. Her comments actually meant that any nation governed by religious laws like Sharia or Hindutva turns non secular and begins to fail.
N abidai Jun 04, 2018 07:01pm
Pakistani critics are to blame, first they do not know how to review movies,second they compare pak movies and artists of BW and HW ! Pak artists are doing a great job and making a great films, because they know they are emerging,and learning! Pak needs all hands on deck to build pak films industry emerge ! Support your pak films, give them a strong base ,the world will think twice about what they say!
Aamer Jun 05, 2018 03:10pm
@Vijay B. Veer di wedding was a very bad movie and no way its a hit. They tried to copy Sex and the city movie.