
Hamza Ali Abbasi is back on Pemra's bad side for his remarks about Pakistani passports

Hamza Ali Abbasi is back on Pemra's bad side for his remarks about Pakistani passports

The authority feels "airing of such derogatory remarks amounts to spread of hatred, provokes anti-Pakistan sentiments”
08 Sep, 2017

The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) and Hamza Ali Abbasi/BOL News don't exactly have the best relationship.

And it seems like there's trouble yet again.

Read: #ISupportHamzaAliAbbasi: Twitter is furious about PEMRA's ban on the Ramazan host

Pemra has issued a notice to the private television channel for its show HQ Debate, in which Abbasi, who hosts the show, made "derogatory remarks about Pakistani passport."

Pemra shares that the channel violated their code of conduct
Pemra shares that the channel violated their code of conduct

The authority states that "airing of such derogatory remarks can spread hatred and provoke anti-Pakistani sentiments". Other than that, the media watchdog also said that the show has also been found in violation of several clauses of the PEMRA Ordinance 2002 as amended by PEMRA (Amendment) Act 2007 and Electronic Media Code of Conduct 2015.

The authority has directed the management of the TV channel to furnish a reply within a week for the violation. Additionally, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the channel has also been called by PEMRA to appear for a personal hearing before the authority’s committee on or before 13 September. If the channel fails to comply with their demands, Pemra has indicated that they may take legal action.

So what exactly did the actor say to get on the authority's bad side?

It all started amidst an intense discussion Abbasi was having with PML-N’s Jan Achakzai regarding Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, during which he implied that a Pakistani passport isn't really the most valuable piece of paper to have.

We kinda get it a little, especially every time we need to apply for a visa!


Asif naeem bhatti Sep 08, 2017 04:13pm
I fully agree with Hamza
Ali Rizvi Sep 08, 2017 04:18pm
Yes! Absolutely needed! Not the first time he has done something like this! Plus why is it so that recent controversies are popping up from the same channel. First Amir Liaqat and now Hamza!
Anuj Sep 08, 2017 04:31pm
He spoke the truth which Hassan Nisar has repeated before several times.
jawad Sep 08, 2017 05:19pm
Freedom of speech
Hasnain Haque Sep 08, 2017 05:20pm
He is right, Pakistani passport is not valuable, I would say it is actually an hindrance. If you want the Pakistani passport to be valued then improve Pakistan's image, democracy, root out corruption and then people around the world
Irfan Sep 08, 2017 05:47pm
It's a true statement. Thanks god I am Canadian citizen too.
SAlman jAN Sep 08, 2017 06:04pm
I think it he is right. Prema seem to be engaging in freedom of speech of citizens rather that working on it true mandate.
Ashwin Sep 08, 2017 07:19pm
A nation's flag, national emblem and passport are respected things, these things should not be discussed in abusive language. May be it is difficult to understand for outspoken people.
Seedoo Sep 08, 2017 07:38pm
Do these people in power have absolutely nothing better to do? Where is the right to free speech, especially when someone is speaking the truth? I would rather have our government worry about it's citizen's welfare and provision of tangible services like water, electricity, education, sanitation, healthcare, law and order, etc. than the sentiments of the public. I think we are grown up kids and will learn to control our sentiments.
abdul khaliq Sep 08, 2017 09:19pm
We should avoid controversial discussion always. Pakistan is progressing and we have to see it progressing. If somebody does not like Pakistan in any way he/she may consider to move from Pakistan to a place where he/she is respected more than Pakistan
TM Sep 08, 2017 09:29pm
@Irfan Yes. Thank God and thank your Pakistani education too which must have helped somewhat.
Adnan Sep 09, 2017 12:50am
AW Sep 09, 2017 01:35am
Hamza spoke the truth. Why speaking the truth is construed as spreading hate? Speaking truth and acceptance of truth is what is badly needed to move forward with introspection and corrective actions.
Karamat ullah Chaudry Sep 09, 2017 03:01am
He is quite arrogant and rash and at times ill mannered. If a Pakistani Passport is a bad document, he should give up his Passport and go live in some other country. I am proud of my Pakistani Passport and have never had any problems with visas.
imdad ahmad Sep 09, 2017 03:04am
come on guys! it is just a piece of paper and NOT some sacred article.We don't need to be so emotional about every thing related to Pakistan. Freedom of speech is something worth fighting for.
chal-be Sep 09, 2017 03:40am
@abdul khaliq : youth is trying to move
omar Sep 09, 2017 04:50am
He's just stating the facts. If you don't like the face in the mirror, its not mirrors fault!
natey Sep 09, 2017 06:17am
problem is pakistani citizen...when they go overseas they hide n work in that country illegally..they dont even spare 3rd world countries like south africa or thailand..pakistani want to work illegally even in these u expect european or other developed rich country to give visa to pakistani passport..south asian passport are all useless...they all want to live illegally in other countries..well majority
Be honest Sep 09, 2017 07:31am
If Pakistan will not have a strategy of self reliance and if it will not create jobs, people will try to move out of Pakistan for the sake of work legally and illegally. Many Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sir Lankans and Indians seek asylum in other countries for the sake of work. If the governments will improve livelihoods of their citizens, they will not over stay illegally in other countries, ultimately image of the nations will improve.
FaRzana Sep 09, 2017 07:50am
@Irfan A third rate citizen in Canada!!! Canada should be careful of citizens like you, who are not trustworthy and when bad times are on the horizon go for greener pastures. Pakistan's education must have helped you get this citizenship.What a looser.
Atif Khan Sep 09, 2017 10:32am
He has not said anything wrong
Ahmad Sep 09, 2017 11:03am
Truth is bitter , hamza abbasI is right, if you don't believe travel around the world and find out yourself you will be ashamed mr. Absar alam how they treat pakistanis at the airports , stop dreaming and Face reality . Stop worshipping Nawaz sharif.
Aamir Sep 09, 2017 12:48pm
Although I agree with Hamza as i lived in Germany and has faced many situations which are not remarkable for being a Pakistani.. but i would say we must always respect our Flag, Passport and Country which will help us to remain united.
BlueBear Sep 09, 2017 01:29pm
@Seedoo Don't tame the fact , there is limit and selection of words that should be monitored such slang like Thookna that he utter out of his emotional immature mouth is that example he set for our new generation . not justified . Truth is more important than national integrity. it never happens around the globe where is disgust your national identities in a way that you ridicule them openly , only in Pakistan.
BlueBear Sep 09, 2017 01:31pm
@Karamat ullah Chaudry agree with you Sir, at least some people have got their facts right. me as an expat and nationalist condemn this arrogant immature co called host who is trying to pop out of bottle to gain ratings and fame .
Anwaar Rabbani Sep 09, 2017 05:55pm
PEMRA please face the reality....the truth is alway bitter but one can't overlook...facts ate facts....
Kashif Sep 09, 2017 06:04pm
Freedom of speech at the cost of one's national pride.
usman malik Sep 10, 2017 12:39pm
@Asif naeem bhatti Then leave it
Alanore Sep 11, 2017 12:08pm
This man is crazy, he should be banned from tv.
N abidi Sep 12, 2017 09:16am
Humza point was good in respect to the population , he was talking about!at least, the media should talk about people living in their country, should be given some kind of solution . They can not go back,is a very important point!
Armughan abbasi Sep 12, 2017 09:30am
There is no point in blaming Pakistan the people who have done this to Pakistan are the one's who should be blamed. Hamza may have spoke the truth but it shouldn't have been spoken on TV as this is our own problem and we should not give our rivals more reasons to make fun of us and degrade us especially like India. He should be called for inquiry.
Iffi Sep 12, 2017 02:11pm
Whatever he said may be right or wrong, but whatever the case this guy is a BIG shokha. He takes himself too seriously.
omFL Sep 12, 2017 08:15pm
The only time I was pulled out of the immigration line at the airport at Switzerland, and made to wait in a room was when I had the Pakistani Passport. Hence proved.
Naved ul haque Sep 13, 2017 06:44am
@Karamat ullah Chaudry If you never had any problem getting visas to other countries, then you are a very lucky man. I am born in Norway, I was a Pakistani citizen (Pakistani passport holder only) I had problems getting visas to other countries, despite having Permanent residency in Norway. After 9.11 incident the immigration officers of other countries used to look at me as I was from outer space In 2003 I decided enough is enough, since I could apply for Norwegian nationality, I did.