
Hamza Ali Abbasi's Facebook account banned for three days over Kashmir post

Hamza Ali Abbasi's Facebook account banned for three days over Kashmir post

The actor has befallen in hot waters again with the social media website
Updated 23 Jul, 2016

Hamza Ali Abbasi is known for his robust outbursts on social media, but it looks like Facebook is not having any of it.

The Pakistani actor's Facebook account has now been banned for three days following his post on Burhani Wani, a deceased separatist commander killed by Indian forces in Indian-held Kashmir.

Hamza Ali Abbasi's personal account on Facebook has been banned for three days.
Hamza Ali Abbasi's personal account on Facebook has been banned for three days.

The actor tweeted, "Banned again for 3 days. Now FB will tell us who is and isn't a terrorist."

Earlier his account was suspended by Facebook for touching upon the sensitive topic of the Kashmir seige. "It's absurd how the flag bearers of "Freedom of Speech" act in this way for raising a voice for victims of aggression," said Abbasi while speaking to

However, his account was later restored after the post had been removed but it seems like Facebook is keeping a close check on his doings on the social media platform.

Abbasi's praise for Wani comes at a time when the disputed valley of Kashmir is rocked by violent protests and a severe crackdown is underway by Indian forces against the media and its Muslim-majority population.

Pakistan had also condemned what it termed the 'extra-judicial' killing of Hizbul Mujahideen separatist commander Burhan Wani by government forces in IHK.

Wani, from the new generation of separatists in IHK, and had used social media as an effective platform to further the cause he was fighting for. He had become a rallying point for the youth in IHK, and following his death, the valley has been rocked by daily protests and curfew, a situation which has led to hundreds of injuries and tens of dead.

Abbasi is no stranger to controversy and is vocal on social media regarding politics and social issues. In his previous run in with Facebook, his Facebook status was removed following the Charlie Hebdo attack.


Zealot Jul 23, 2016 12:53pm
I think we should start our own social network.correct me if i am wrong facebook and youtube are banned in china so why cant we ban facebook atleast
hassan Jul 23, 2016 12:56pm
he is a man of corage!
Divesh Jul 23, 2016 01:20pm
I am an Indian and I support Hamza's freedom of speach.
Rajat Deshpande Jul 23, 2016 01:24pm
Kudos Facebook, you stand for non violence and peace.
Naxalite Jul 23, 2016 01:44pm
Shame on Zukerburg for such Hypocrisy.
Nadeem Jul 23, 2016 01:49pm
Pakistan should seriously consider banning Facebook over FB's Kashmir policy.
Lafanga Jul 23, 2016 01:50pm
Its under pressure from so called largest democracy of the world with smallest mind and heart.
Liberal Jul 23, 2016 01:58pm
I had reported this photo. Wow! They responded very quickly and notified me that the photo has been removed!!!
saqib mughal Jul 23, 2016 02:19pm
Pakistanis should resort to another social media platform to protest FB
saqib mughal Jul 23, 2016 02:20pm
Yes ban Facebook. Why should Pakistanis pay them anything towards their advertising revenue
Taimoor khan Jul 23, 2016 02:23pm
Ban Facebook in Pakistan, create a Pakistani own version of Facebook hosted inside the country. Problem solved. This is exactly what Chinese have done. Facebook??? What Facebook.
سے Shaam Jul 23, 2016 02:48pm
Good-job Facebook!
good idea Jul 23, 2016 02:56pm
I think I have a good idea. We can make our own version of Facebook which we can only operate with our NIC number! i mean besides being linked to an email address. That way we can't make more than 1 personal account, low risk of harrassment as only genuine people will use it and everybody will know everybody :) as for the kids below 18 if they really have to use it they will be allowed to be linked through parents id card. Just like they are linked on nadra system. I mean each head of family will be allowed to have as many supplementary pakbook accounts as many under 18 year old they have. Any IT entrepreneur reading this ?
Koki Jul 23, 2016 03:00pm
@Liberal you are against liberty
Shankar Jul 23, 2016 03:04pm
Only 3 days !!!
Ketan Jul 23, 2016 03:04pm
Where were everyone who said he doesn't know what to say when his show was banned by pamera for speaking about minorities. Almost all commentators were against it. World is in trouble because of this double standards.
me Jul 23, 2016 03:22pm
This is not harming his popularity instead he gets more favour from people.
Ali Jul 23, 2016 03:25pm
Shame on you face book!!!!!
Lafanga Jul 23, 2016 03:32pm
@Rajat Deshpande Its Kashmiris who are non violent and Indian forces that are anything but. FB is taking a stand against Kashmiris so how exactly is FB standing for non violence? Please explain.
SSG Wazir Jul 23, 2016 03:47pm
I'm his big fan now. Not because he's an actor. But he's right in case of kashmir. Salute to u Sir.
Desi Dimag Jul 23, 2016 03:52pm
It means the world don't give any importance to Pakistani voice regarding Kashmir.
Adil Jul 23, 2016 04:01pm
Free-speech without respect and sensitivity to other cultures has no meaning... FB seems to be having a tough time upholding the ideals of free-speech as it seems vested interests governs its day to day policies
Iftikhar Husain Jul 23, 2016 04:40pm
The truth is always bitter he has said the right thing.
alamin Jul 23, 2016 05:16pm
@Zealot Yes we should start our own social media
alamin Jul 23, 2016 05:16pm
We should start our own social media
Naxalite Jul 23, 2016 05:57pm
@Rajat Deshpande Silence on Oppression is not peace
Asif Jul 23, 2016 06:29pm
Truth is always bitter. I support freedom of speech.
ahan Jul 23, 2016 07:52pm
@Rajat Deshpande very well said
Shabedeh Jul 23, 2016 08:38pm
@good idea I am a Canadian Pakistani Systems Programmer. I can get some contacts/sponsors here to create Facebook like communication platform. I just need a great team of Pakistani programmers.
Shabedeh Jul 23, 2016 08:40pm
@Ketan agreed 100 percent. I am a Pakistani by the way.
Amir Cheema Jul 23, 2016 08:43pm
I feel sorry for the Kashmiris. India is suppressing their voice by brutal crackdown. Several Kashmiris killed. Raids on local media offices. Curfew for days so the people can't protests on streets. What a democracy. USA and the West are not willing to condemn Indian oppression in Kashmir because of their buisiness interests.
Thoroughthinker Jul 23, 2016 09:15pm
Hamza, you are making too many mistakes in hurry! Remember, there is no short-cut to wisdom.
BENA Jul 23, 2016 09:39pm
@good idea still no one will stop using the Facebook
ART kp Jul 23, 2016 10:00pm
Mark zukerburg is a half wit, he stole the idea ,he didn't invent Facebook.
Sri Jul 24, 2016 09:19am
When his tv show was banned I didnt see as many people coming out in his support..?? Why..?? No freedom of speech needed there?
p r sharma Jul 24, 2016 12:04pm
@saqib mughal ; Unfortunately Pakistan does not possess the strength and ability to start a social networking site like Facebook but wishing is OK
Picasso Jul 24, 2016 10:54pm
We all say Burhan Wani is a martyr and his martyrdom will take freedom for kashmir... By banning our accounts they can't deny the reality.
Rup Jul 26, 2016 10:14am
@saqib mughal Please do that