
10 Feb, 2017

The second season of PSL kicked off in Dubai last night in all its glory.

From some of our popular singers taking the stage to an impressive display of fireworks, no stone was left unturned to ensure that the opening ceremony was a night to remember.

But while some of the night's line-up had us going 'ooh' and 'aah', some failed to impress. Here's a list of what we loved and didn't at last night's show:

What worked

1) The grand fireworks display

This makes it to the top of the list, for obvious reasons, the stylised display and colours lit up the sky in the PSL colours.

They lit up the sky and we were in awe. Photo: Instagram/ carl_mac86
They lit up the sky and we were in awe. Photo: Instagram/ carl_mac86

In our opinion, the fireworks were possibly the best part of the opening ceremony (sorry Ali, Shaggy and Shahzad!).

Even Bilal Ashraf thought so:

PSL OPENING FIREWORKS!!! #psl #cricket #ashrafbilal #lahoreqalandars #bilalashraf #jazz

A video posted by Bilal Ashraf (@ashrafbilal) on

As did the crowd:

Part 2 of fireworks. #psl

A video posted by Farrukh Bashir (@farrukhbash) on

✌🏻️#fireworks #psl #openingceremony #islamabadunited

A video posted by هبة محمد علي (@hiba_mohd_ali) on

In fact, we wanted more -- they ended too soon!

2) The 'flying drummers'

Drummers performing while hanging from the top. Screengrab
Drummers performing while hanging from the top. Screengrab

You have to admit, suspended from atop, drumming away wearing 'lit' clothes while the crowd underneath cheers in excitement is quite a feat, not to mention thrilling.

#abkheljamayga #hbl #psl #psl2017 #openingceremony #cricket #pakistan #mydubai #iphonegraphy @lubz911 @maiman1

A video posted by Naveed Ahmad (@naveedindxb) on

Watching the famed 'Flying Drummers' on telly was exhilarating, we can only wonder how the performance must've been in person.

3) The cultural dance

Though we're all rooting for teams of our respective cities, the cultural dances/songs of each province were a uniting point during the ceremony.

Dancers representing all four provinces gathered in the middle of the stage for the final dance. Photo: Instagram/ desi_things
Dancers representing all four provinces gathered in the middle of the stage for the final dance. Photo: Instagram/ desi_things

Songs in the four provincial languages were played, as dancers in traditional wear took center stage. The ground was lit with an assortment of lights while men and women danced in unison.

Province acts... so proud of every single one of you. 💜#sharmiladance #psl #openingceremony

A video posted by Sharmila Dance (@sharmiladance) on

4) Ali Zafar singing the PSL anthem

For his last performance of the night, Ali Zafar changed into his jacket (highly reminiscent of the one he wore on Coke Studio last season) and belted out tunes to the PSL anthem he composed.

The performers pointing towards the National flag on screen after the performance. Photo: Instagram/ mediaraymagazine_
The performers pointing towards the National flag on screen after the performance. Photo: Instagram/ mediaraymagazine_

During the performance, dancers took over the surrounding stage area clad in white tees and denim and immediately busted out moves, everyone beautifully synchronised.

Here's an up-close video of the dancers on stage:

What a night for my dancers and for me.. bravo to all of you. Hats of to @Ali_zafar a true artist. @sharmiladance #psl

A video posted by Sharmila Dance (@sharmiladance) on

What didn't work

1) Shaggy's outfit

Shaggy wearing clothes for all seasons just in case it rains, you know.
Shaggy wearing clothes for all seasons just in case it rains, you know.

Layers are en vogue but we couldn't make sense of what Shaggy wore for his performance.

The jacket, the white shirt/kameez/still-figuring-out-what-it-is, the purple knee high boots, the accessories. Our best guess? He wasn't sure whether it'd rain or he'd freeze to death so he decided to wear it all.

2) Ali Zafar promoting his upcoming film at the PSL

Ali Zafar wearing a jacket which reads 'Teefa in Trouble'. Photo: Instagram/ fromnewyorktolahore
Ali Zafar wearing a jacket which reads 'Teefa in Trouble'. Photo: Instagram/ fromnewyorktolahore

We know Ali's Pakistani film debut is around the corner but must one wear a bomber jacket with the film's title screaming on the back to promote their film?

In our humble opinion, it looks tacky and promotional (and not in a good way).

3) Fahad Mustafa screaming 'Dubai'

Dubai, because it's Dubai and we're always fascinated by Dubai.
Dubai, because it's Dubai and we're always fascinated by Dubai.

We get it. The PSL is taking place in Dubai but you needn't advertise 'Dubai' on the microphone after each second. After the first few times, it became tedious and desperate.

4) Length of the opening ceremony

The hour and a half long ceremony started strong and ended on a good parting note, however, the line-up in the middle wasn't as entertaining.

Like we mentioned earlier, the fireworks were the best part of the night and we wish they had run longer than the time allotted to them. Instead of having Shaggy and Shahzad Roy perform, the ceremony could've focused on Ali Zafar performing the PSL anthem, with dancers going all out on the ground ending with the fireworks to call it a night to remember.

Overall, the ceremony was a lavish affair, however a few tweaks here and there could've made it even better.


guzniabbas Feb 10, 2017 04:46pm
Agreed with all comments from 1 to 7. Bravo
Jim beam Feb 10, 2017 07:12pm
Good going PSL. Wishes for many more seasons. Should move to Pak next year.
exlim Feb 10, 2017 08:04pm
For such an important and promoted event, the quality of pictures shown here is subpar.
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