
Fawad and other Pakistani artistes given 48 hours to leave India

Fawad and other Pakistani artistes given 48 hours to leave India

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) has threatened to oust the actors from their country
23 Sep, 2016

Pakistani artistes find themselves in trouble as nationalist party Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) seeks to eliminate the presence of Pakistani talent in India.

Indian Express reported that the film workers association of Raj Thackeray's party have given a 48-hour period to all Pakistani artistes to leave their country otherwise they will do it themselves, forcefully.

“We gave a 48 hour deadline to Pakistani actors and artists to leave India or MNS will push them out,” said Amey Khopkar, MNS Chitrapat Sena.

Following the friction between the two countries over Kashmir, some in India have started opposing the work of Pakistani artistes in their country. Earlier, one Indian journalist penned a letter to Fawad asking him to leave the country. stating the war on Kashmir as an issue: "We have watched in pain how you have chosen to look away when your country is inflicting pain on us." he wrote.

However, others do not. One fervently wrote a counter letter arguing that "Fawad is an actor and not a politician... Let’s leave the politics to our politicians."

She added, "We’ve showered love on you because you deserve it (and also because of your dreamy eyes) not because you are from Pakistan."

This isn't the first time Fawad and co have received threats from India's nationalist parties. In October last year, Shiv Sena activists had threatened Fawad Khan and Mahira and announced plans to hinder promotions of the actors' upcoming movies, Raees and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. There have also been several protests by Shiv Sena against the performance of ghazal singer Ghulam Ali in India.


S. A. M. Sep 23, 2016 06:00pm
secular and so called educated india. come back to Pakistan Fawad you are very much loved in Pakistan.
Muhammad Sep 23, 2016 06:23pm
Pakistani actors and actress were invited by Bollywood. Its not themselves looking for opportunities. So there is a big difference. Further Indian movies are doing great business in Pakistan and earning in millions. This means we should stop Indian movies in Cinemas? Better not to involve politics...
umar khitab Sep 23, 2016 06:54pm
A case of self respect...If these artistes can for a change stay and enjoy exhibiting their talents in the home country
Kaliraja thangamani Sep 23, 2016 07:02pm
I strongly condemn the MNS party of Maharastra state for threatening Pakistani Artists who are our guests . MNS people have no rights to force our friends to leave. They are friends of us as we are Indians with equal rights like MNS. I request Governmnent of Maharastra to take care the security of our Pakistani friends and prove that we Indians follow Mahatma Gandhi and not Bal Thackeray.
Furkan Awan Sep 23, 2016 07:11pm
Seriously Fawad Khan and all other artists are much loved and popular in Pakistan then why they go greedy and wishes to join Indian entertaintment. Why they love to humiliate themselves there when they already have the fame in Pakistan.Better to come back to Pakistan instead.Be a Pakistani and tell them and show the INDIA that you people stand with Pakistan in terms of Respect and honor.
stargazer Sep 23, 2016 07:31pm
Thanks for your hospitality, shining india beacon of democracy
Sovereign Sep 23, 2016 07:34pm
@S. A. M. What will he do there?
Yousefzai Sep 23, 2016 07:36pm
The common measurement of Indian patriotism is like "how much you hate Pakistan". Dear Indians a patriot should be know for how much he loves his own country it shouldn't be based on hate.
Arisha G Sep 23, 2016 07:37pm
here we go again,...
anusri tripathi Sep 23, 2016 07:46pm
@Muhammad no problem. stop indian movies if you can.
Nazish Sep 23, 2016 08:29pm
@Kaliraja thangamani Nice to hear that :) Its a shame how governments manipulate people
Nazish Sep 23, 2016 08:32pm
@anusri tripathi This is so typical of war mongereres . even when someone says someything sensible its met with grandstanding . Its easy enough to stop Indian movies . Those who will suffer are the producers because they wont get the ticket revenue and ofcourse their product will be watched for free. Similarly there are just as many Indians who watch Pakistani dramas .. Try and stop that .
jay Sep 23, 2016 08:39pm
why the pak actor dont work in pak
Iqbal Hadi Zaidi Sep 23, 2016 08:44pm
Why the hell Pakistanis go there where they are threatened?
Vaibhav Srivastava Sep 23, 2016 09:23pm
To all readers of Dawn...... Such Things are not new . . .It happens After Every Attak . Pakistani Artists Are Invited By our Film makers. Indian film fraternity is fully responsible for their safty. Right Now entire india is on boil after attack on soldiers at 5.00 a.m when were in camps ...
Changez_Khan Sep 23, 2016 11:18pm
The Pakistani actors must come back to Pakistan, these threats are serious and extremely dangerous to lives of Pakistanis. Do not wait for them to harm physically.
replybyanalyst Sep 23, 2016 11:34pm
@Muhammad INDIAN film industry doesn't depend on your peanuts from friend. We can't be paying your actors "millions" and having our soldiers killed by "other" Pakistanis in border. Take back your artist...or keep it simple..GET OUT FROM INDIA>
Payal Sep 23, 2016 11:38pm
Dawn please also mention that Mumbai police has given the statement that they will protect all the Pakistani artists. MNS makes all such threats all the time, they're trying to start relevant. We Indians are very loving, and on the whole broad minded, few will be silly everywhere. And to correct many here, the actors came to India to act, and via their Managers and have given auditions just like Indian actors. One they become known I guess directors will offer them roles!!!
Abhishek Sep 24, 2016 12:21am
@Muhammad Please please.......Stop all Indian movies in Pakistan....We are not gonna loose a penny....You anyway watch pirated copies....
qaiser Sep 24, 2016 01:05am
They should have not been there in the first place.
saeeds Sep 24, 2016 02:13am
@S. A. M. He is making handsome money and living there without fear it's mean that majority of India still on path of secularism. In Pakistan minorities always living in fair take care of them first than call him back
Ram Nath Satya Sep 24, 2016 02:30am
No patriotic Pakisatni would work in India period! Salute to Shaan Shahid. He refused several offers from Mahesh Bhatt.
S. A. M. Sep 24, 2016 02:44am
@Sovereign I don't owe you an explanation. sorry.
ROHIT PANDEY Sep 24, 2016 03:15am
I don't think the Pakistani artistes should leave. I feel as bad as any Indian about the killing of 18 soldiers in Uri, but, this is not done. It just vitiates the atmosphere and makes things worse all around. I think Pakistani artistes as a public relationship measure dissociate themselves from the violence in the valley.( I suppose that is easier said than done!) But, in the long run, sentiments will turn against them if they choose to remain mum. If Arundati Roy can speak for Kashmiris the Pakistani artistes should speak for India and its embrace of Pakistani artistes? Fair enough?:)
Bilal Sep 24, 2016 03:15am
Isn't MNS a terrorist organization ??
laura khan Sep 24, 2016 03:22am
you killed 19 innocent family and you expect them to watch your acting. pakistani people have weird expectations
Muslim Medina Sep 24, 2016 04:14am
I will not blame the people who ask Pakistan Artists to leave. I will blame the artists who for money and temporary fame go out to India for working in films and shows. They have no patriotic feeling and forget that it is the Pakistan T.V. and film Industry that has put them on the path of fame.
Mukul Sep 24, 2016 04:40am
@Muhammad of course they were looking for opportunities to be in an indian movie means you become world famous since Pakistani movies are not watched internationally
Onkar Parmar Sep 24, 2016 06:17am
Under no circumstance should these hate-mongers be allowed to succeed. We love Ghulam Ali since decaded, even before this MNS etc was born. And they aren't ruling us! Did Modi ask any of pak stars to leave, nor he'd dare/care to. We chose Namo to rule, not Shiv Sena!
tanweer Qureshi Sep 24, 2016 08:14am
That's ridiculous! Our actors have not gone to India , we have good film industry here in Pakistan ,why they have to go, self respect and integrity is more important than money
Anir Sep 24, 2016 09:21am
@Muhammad Pakistan keep banning Indian movies on and off. Phantom was not against Pakistani people but against terrorism. Still it was banned.
Bilal Zubair Sep 24, 2016 09:53am
@Sovereign uhm fawad is known for his work in pakistani dramas. He was doing good and he still is so yeah what he'll do isnt a big issue tho
Dipak Singham Sep 24, 2016 10:18am
@Kaliraja thangamani I agree with yours comment what is you said
Joe Sep 24, 2016 10:27am
@Kaliraja thangamani Thank you Sir you are True Patriot and true friend
Joe Sep 24, 2016 10:36am
Modi please BAN MNS terror organisation
Ram Sep 24, 2016 10:47am
@Kaliraja thangamani maharashtra follows BAL thakre more than anyone. give a try.
Bakhshu Sep 24, 2016 10:53am
And you say Pakistan an extremist country !!!!!!!!
D.K. PAMNANI Sep 24, 2016 11:34am
It will be better if Fawad and other pakistani artistes go back to Pakistan and act in their own country.
D.K. PAMNANI Sep 24, 2016 11:36am
Boycott the movies of Pakistani actors in India. Take a pledge that no indian will see their movies even if other khans of india are acting in these movies
techscribe Sep 24, 2016 12:03pm
As long as these artists go back home safe I am fine with it. It's unfortunate.
Ali Sep 24, 2016 12:08pm
They should come home before the harm comes!
Anonymous Sep 24, 2016 12:18pm
I don't understand how Pakistani actors and actresses have the patience in them to still continue living in India.I in accordance with the rest of my country believe that our friends from our neighbouring country should leave by themselves,carrying their pride and dignity along.
Adnan AJ Sep 24, 2016 01:00pm
Artists are the ambassadors. If someone has threatened them, must be condemned at edge. However, the Pakistani artists need to plan out for a parallel like industry of Indian film industry, establishing the best advanced infrastructure in it and bring Pakistani industry in competition to Indian film industry. Pakistan has the best of talent but lacks infrastructure and technology in the field. Investors can be curved to this sector. Stars like Fawad Khan, Mahira Khan and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan can play a vital role.
Kaliraja thangamani Sep 24, 2016 01:13pm
@Ram A wrongly guided short sighted group in Maharasta can not decide the affairs in India. We strongly disagree with MNS.
gogo Sep 24, 2016 02:37pm
@S. A. M. But he needs more money which Pakistan cannot provide.
gogo Sep 24, 2016 02:38pm
@umar khitab Where would they? There is hardly anything there. Less than ten films in a year.
Baldev Singh Sep 24, 2016 03:24pm
Bad manners !!!
Sonam Sep 24, 2016 04:43pm
@Muhammad ...Bollywood movies are released all over the world,
Atticus from India Sep 24, 2016 04:59pm
Realistically speaking... there's a strong anti Pakistan sentiment in India at present. However, most people do not oppose any Pakistani actor or professional in India. There are bigger concerns about insurgency that are bothering us. MNS and Shiv Sena have been maginalised in maharashtra. They keep stoking such flames but have more nuisance value than any real threat. This is also causing youngsters to stay away from them.
Ahsan Gul Sep 24, 2016 05:53pm
All Pakistani actors should volunteer to Leave India before a humiliation done to them. If they got their start up to be an actor in Pakistan and India accepted them based on their good work then they have talents and no reasons to further stay in India. Money should not be more important than self respect.
Amjad Hussain Sep 24, 2016 05:57pm
The indian Film Industry and others are generating high revenue from Pakistan and through utilization of pakistani talent . so why nationalist parties are against us despite we are added feature to their National Economy growth .
Prateik Sep 24, 2016 06:54pm
Pakistan cine stars should not visit India till the Kashmir issue is resolved.
S. A. M. Sep 24, 2016 09:03pm
@saeeds it's not that I'm pressing Pakistani artists to come back to Pakistan. they had work in Bollywood so they had gone to india but when Indian politicians are threatening these artists why take such risks. it's better to come back to Pakistan and here also these artists can make really good money. it won't probably be equal to Bollywood but still they will make very good money.
S. A. M. Sep 24, 2016 09:05pm
@saeeds I agree he's making good money in india but what about the high risk posed by the politicians. they can gather mob in no time so life is more important then a few bucks more.
Jayramon Sep 24, 2016 09:33pm
@Kaliraja thangamani - well said.
Sarwat Sep 24, 2016 10:59pm
Why did they go there in the first place.
kris Sep 25, 2016 01:51am
People take advantage of secular countries the world over.. They take it for granted. ... and abuse and play the system.. When it's crunch time they act as innocent victims...
rahul tiwari Sep 25, 2016 02:52am
@Yousefzai mns just wants to hog limelight don't worry everyone loves fawad here in India...this would soon settle...
Zara Sep 25, 2016 03:14am
Potato potahto. We are one and the same and just boundaries divide us. We should work together and not again each other.
Human Sep 25, 2016 04:47am
Pirated copies generate $0 for the producer.
ozzy Sep 25, 2016 04:58am
@replybyanalyst you can start by leaving a pakistani news website, put your money where ur mouth is
Harisingh Sep 25, 2016 08:07am
I think we Indians need to stop and calibrate for a little bit. Patriotism and nationalism are not the same things. Patriotism is loving your own country while nationalism is thinking your own country is above someone else. How is it just to hold artists responsible for what happened in Uri? We really need to learn to differentiate between nationalism and patriotism.
mbkhan Sep 25, 2016 05:51pm
pakistani actors and actresses should not stay one more minute in India if they love their country. Show Indians we donot need you to succeed.
SKC Sep 25, 2016 06:20pm
many more pakistani artists are willing to come to my beloved country INDIA but for political issues, keep them back in PAK
Pakistani Sep 26, 2016 01:17am
@jay they do, for your info mahira khan serial is starting on hum tv don't forget to watch she is looking beautiful
Pakistani Sep 26, 2016 01:21am
@Abhishek Indian movies have nothing left to be watches look at the standard of your movies you should be thankful that some of the pakistani still watch them
Pakistani Sep 26, 2016 01:33am
@Mukul nusrat fateh ali khan and abid parveen are world famous and don't owe bollywood for their fame. And can you tell me except sha rukh khan how many indians are actually world famous outside of the sub continent. Abroad only people from sub continent follow them goras have no idea who shahrukh or amitabh is. Forget world how many people in South India follow bollywood.
Ali Sep 26, 2016 01:58am
This is called Cowardice by the Radical Indian Party to threaten the Actors. It shows the wrath of those trying to be called tolerant. Shame on such people...
khurram khan Sep 27, 2016 01:33am
I am not sure why dont they make a concrete policy to stop Pakistani artists then? After any incident, we would hear this "hue and cry" from across the border.After sometime, they have a memory loss a d they foget everything.If U want to ban, the way U have banned our cricketers , ban 'em.Do some action and lets just bring this episode to conclusion.We are sick and tired by listening the same record again and again.
TK Sep 27, 2016 12:23pm
I am hardly a hawk but I support asking Pakistani artists to leave. You have to understand it's a difficult situation for India. War is risky but it has to do something in retaliation.
SAIKAT Sep 27, 2016 08:07pm
Why should Fawad leave India? He holds a valid VISA. Just because there are some narrow minded and mentally corrupt people....these people have no locus standi in India. I'm an Indian and I feel there art, music should never be used for narrow political gains and losses. I'm not a Bolly film fan. But Fawad please stay back and show that you're a true human being. No one is going to do anything to you.
Kishore R. Sep 28, 2016 10:31am
India-Pakistan relations would have been excellent, very cordial characterised by booming cross-border business and robust cultural exchange, if and if only, the partition had been done methodically and systematically in 1947, with both sides not putting any compulsion on people of any community to move from one side to the other and ensuring safe passage and settlement for those who did want to move. Obviously, this would have entailed staggering the movement of people over many months and probably a few years as well. Most importantly it should have been without any bloodshed whatsoever. The British rulers of the time should have provided the requisite leadership and governance for this exercise. Alas, that was not to be.