
21 Sep, 2016

Uh oh, seems like Fawad Khan has ruffled some feathers across the border.

A senior Indian journalist and popular blogger, Soumyadipta Banerjee has written a rather confusing and harsh open letter to the Kapoor and Sons star, urging him to return to his homeland.

The letter, which was published on Bollywood Journalist, states, "Fawad, I don’t think you can deny how much love we have showered on you over the past few years. We have given you more money in two years than what you could have possibly earned in Pakistan in 10 years."

"We have given you recognition that you would have never been able to earn sitting in Karachi. We made you act in great movies, we helped you endorse brands. And hey, we also made you a bigger star in Pakistan."

"Though you are a supporting male lead in Bollywood movies, you are now a mega superstar in Pakistan," he adds.

Ouch. And it only goes downhill from there.

After extensively reminding Khan of all that Bollywood has supposedly done for his career, the writer blames him for all that has gone awry between the two neighbouring countries. He goes on to say: "We have watched in pain how you have chosen to look away when your country is inflicting pain on us."

"Fawad, you lack courage. You lack conviction. You lack the guts to stand up against the Jihadists of your country."

Banerjee later tweeted the following, unapologetically trying to justify his actions by calling it a 'form of protest':

Read the entire letter here.


Akash Sep 21, 2016 04:27pm
I don't agree to journalist. It's good that an actor steers clear of all controversies and focuses on his and politicians has already created a lot of hatred. Let there be some positive connections via artists working in each other's countries.
Syed Abbas Sep 21, 2016 04:35pm
This is crap. Om puri recently worked in Pakistani movie and he was loved and respected everywhere. This shows Indians small mentality at least some of them. Grow up guys. It's a globe market. People work everywhere and as long as he abides by your law. Your can not throw such silly stuff on it. You are just jealous of his fame.
GShock Sep 21, 2016 04:39pm
Please ignore this .Fawad plz continue the good the work .Majority of us do not agree with him
gaurav Sep 21, 2016 04:40pm
No one knows this journalist even in india and i dont think many people have read what he wrote. So dont worry. Bollywood is south asian center for movies so any Asian is welcome to work
Shoaib Sep 21, 2016 04:42pm
You didn't gave him all the benefits on platter he earned his name in your country and well deserved for all this. money is not the matter we love him all the way
TQ Sep 21, 2016 04:42pm
I am sure his producers must have earned billions and billions because of Fawad Khan. Why not ask the Indian producers to stop signing Pakistani actors and singers.
fazal Sep 21, 2016 04:42pm
The journalist is fogetting that it is Pakistani viewers who also made bollywood richer all these years and gave lot of love to so many indian flim actors and actresses. We are trying to mix politics again here. Either we should finally decide that till the time both countries are over with their differences no cultural interaction will be allowed or continue as it is. Fawad is not just benefiting alone it is two way. Indian flim makers are making money because of him.
madhusudan Sep 21, 2016 04:52pm
Fawad will work as long as people wants to see him. Its people who will decided if they want him or not.
GA Sep 21, 2016 04:53pm
Bollywood, from a country of 1 billion, approached Fawad. Not the other way round. He could have refused like some other actors. He didn't.
Indian Sep 21, 2016 04:56pm
I don't agree. Artists should be kept away from all differences.
Harmony-1© Sep 21, 2016 04:58pm
@Akash - Nicely said. For good talent and hard work 'sky' is the limit.
Ashwin Sep 21, 2016 05:27pm
Wheather Fawadji will work or not, it can be decided by him or Bollywood. Who the hell is this journalist to decide. Actors and artists are not bound by boundaries of countries. So it's only low mind to see them through this view.
Rohith Shetty Sep 21, 2016 05:48pm
The journalist belies his upbringing.If any industry, company, film , city or Country becomes great it is because talent converges from all nooks and corners of the world .So Fawad ,you are welcome !
Khan USA Sep 21, 2016 05:51pm
Fawad had earned more for his profucers through his movies than he has earned for himself! Fawad is a talented actor and he was not looking for work but world was looking for his talents . Lata and Kishore and Rafi were not looking for work but we thank that the world found them !
saurabh singh Sep 21, 2016 06:21pm
flow of good human beings should continue. Persons like Fawad remind us that hope is always there in Pakistan, and all are not alike in a disturbing region.
Masood Hussain Sep 21, 2016 06:41pm
What about the hard work Fawad has put to earn the honour and respect,and money. This journalist should have addressed this open letter to the producers and directors of these films
saeeds Sep 21, 2016 06:59pm
I am with journalist whoever he is. People should stand against the things which they don't know and stop doing things in which they are good. Kohli should stop playing cricket which everyone love and start doing something about Kashmir which no one care.
Haroon Rashid Khan Sep 21, 2016 07:01pm
He became a star in Pakistan, India only offered him once he became a super star.
Rkhan Sep 21, 2016 07:03pm
Let Actors like Fawad khan and Ompuri saheb play their roles dissiminating love respect among people of both countries besides roles in their movies.
Pakistani Sep 21, 2016 07:07pm
Let me remind the Indians that fawad was already a star in pakistan before going to India so plz stop saying u made him a star....we are not very pleased with his Indian projects because he deserves better. Bollywood paid him a few pennies but in return earned more from Pakistan so it's always a give and take....
Asif A. Shah Sep 21, 2016 07:15pm
I expected better from an educated journalist like Banerjee. It is unbecoming of him to take a shot on an artist like Fawad Khan. It is a low blow. Everybody has biases. The artists are not immune from it, However, a good artist and a great piece of art belongs to all mankind. Fawad Khan is just an artist who has no role in the tensions between India and Pakistan. If anything, he is trying to be bridge between India and Pakistan. Mr. Banejee! open your heart and mind which is expected of a journalist.
Ratnam Raj Prakash Sep 21, 2016 07:29pm
I do not agree with this journalist. He is definately not our voice. In fact we can use the film industry of both the countries to bring some sense in our politicians. The film industry is a good medium. And lastly we love Fawad. He has worked very hard to reach where he is today. Nobody has given him anything in charity. He has earned every bit of it. God bless him,
Farhan Sep 21, 2016 07:30pm
Why peoples like you spoiling Indians reputation all over the world.
RIZ Sep 21, 2016 07:30pm
To make it clear you didn't give him money he earned it and because of him being in the movies your movies made lot of money.
Faps Sep 21, 2016 07:43pm
@GA That is not the way it works. His agents approached producers in Bollywood for work.
Malik Sep 21, 2016 07:47pm
This type of letters or posts won't bring any sort of peace or harmony to either Pak or IND. This will only create more hate and disharmony to both the countries and their people. There are good and bad people everywhere, so; please don't judge the entire nation (any nation) with one act of a minority group or any one incident that infact does not represent the whole country or nation. And yes Thanks India for providing great opportunities to many Pak actors / singers. IND is a big country with huge population and great fan following for cricket and bollywood. I live in Canada and have many good friends from IND and believe me we never talk about any hate or disharmony, we always wish these two govt can resolve all issues and bring the nations closer. Common people don't hate each other,
khan Sep 21, 2016 07:49pm
And where else he is going to make big money?
Sameer Chaudhry Sep 21, 2016 08:00pm
Artists have no boundaries except their art and ability
PSR Sep 21, 2016 08:19pm
There are some idiots on both sides. This journalist is obviously one of them. Just ignore his personal views. Keep politics away from our sports and art & culture.
VPSingh Sep 21, 2016 08:59pm
He is nice person so he is popular in India.
Syed Ahmed Sep 21, 2016 09:07pm
@GShock. Thank you we are same our nation name diffrent
sujeetz Sep 21, 2016 09:10pm
only few indian can agree with this unknown journalist, we indians welcoms pakistani artists
Imran MJ Sep 21, 2016 09:35pm
Pak and india are countries full of talent, be it sports, movies, music, education and technology...we should work together and remove all terrorism, bad politics and hate which are being constructed for us to get distracted from success. Go and look around the world. Every country, every where people from these two countries work and live together as brothers and contribute for those countries big time.
Ali Agha Sep 21, 2016 09:53pm
The simple rule of hiring in any industry is to first see what benefit the organization gets out of that one individual. Rather than asking Fawad to go back, ask Bolly wood that how come they always look at Pakistani stars as promising actors to boos their industry ? Can't they find some decent looking guys (actors and singers) to bring the same flavor. it's not about an open heart of India but rather looking for a right talent to do the job -- which you may consider unfortunate, but the fact remains on the big screen, that 1 billion people in India love to see decent handsome Pakistani guys and willing to buy the tickets to watch their enemies . As a Pakistani, I equally fail to understand these double standards of our neighbouring country.
cyrus Sep 21, 2016 10:36pm
Indians are more civil than that, there is always that someone who feels entitled to speak for the entire country... Journalism has no boundaries so this journalist is only speaking for himself.
Rashid Sultan Sep 21, 2016 11:20pm
comments by a volatile Bengali babu must not be taken seriously. Fawad is an an artist and a good one at that. He is popular and loved by most Indians. Fawad should stay put and continue in pursuit of his career.
Shailesh Sep 22, 2016 12:28am
this journalist is only try to get some cheap publicity. Fawad has every right to stay and work in India. There is no law which says he can't. Only the public can decide whether he should get a job in Indian movies or not.
Sid Sep 22, 2016 03:57am
Not cool, blaming artists and common people for sins of others. Sorry Fawad, hope you know the difference between emotionally driven bigotry and genuine appreciation u get for your work.
roger Sep 22, 2016 04:35am
Reading all comments, i can see there is unity,sympathy and love between people of two great countries... both countries have great future ahead .... we love Fawad and that's only reason we go to cinema to watch bollywood movies now a days.. from india
Saleem Siddiqui Sep 22, 2016 05:15am
I am very happy to see the comments from our Indian friends. Thank you for being on the right side. We all need to get together and stand against all such people who try to divide us.
GA Sep 22, 2016 05:28am
Heartening comments from Indians which I did not expect at this time of tensions. We Pakistanis and Indians need to stick together against the war mongers amongst us.
De facto singers Sep 22, 2016 07:27am
Artists actors actresses celebrities keep away from politics,and pay your devotions towards work.
Kumar Sep 22, 2016 08:26am
From the beginning this journalist is good at making controversial comments, dear Pakistanis take his tweets lightly.
Shafiq Sep 22, 2016 10:08am
good to see sensible indian brothers comments here
ali Sep 22, 2016 11:23am
If you and other Pakistanies have self-respect, come back.
Akhand Bharat Sep 22, 2016 12:05pm
Fawad should leave Bollywood. Not because of the political reasons, but due to the fact that he isnt getting great roles matching his calibre.
Gajendra Barad Sep 22, 2016 01:17pm
@GShock Pakistan Has already been Ignored
SAB Sep 22, 2016 01:21pm
It's a job he's doing. He's an artist. I didn't know art has boundaries or borders.
Khalid Rahman Sep 22, 2016 01:39pm
If you showered praises and gold on Khan, it was in return for his excellent performance and talent. Do you think in return he should turn against his own country? Come to your senses! Use your common sense to make the two neighboring countries build peace instead of making war. Your harsh and sentimental tone express your hatred against Pakistan where so many people live in peace and want peace with India. Yes, they have sympathies with Kashmir. Millions of Indian soldiers are occupying Kashmir against their wish. Why do you want Kashmiris killed and blinded by army? When you do not say a thing against your armed excesses against the Kashmiris, why do you want Khan to support your side? Have you lost your senses???
krishankant Sep 22, 2016 01:40pm
Arts are beyond national boundaries. Fawad is there because of his talent. And people to people interaction must continue. Let governments discuss and handle other issues.
Adv Waqas Sep 22, 2016 05:50pm
Why do not you call our cricketers in IPL and be so generous? You people have earned million by selling his face. He had already been a star by his dramas on Zindagi t.v channel.
Naveed Asghar Sep 22, 2016 06:33pm
I am v much moved by the comments of the Indians.Kudos!!sensible people u are.From Pakistan.
Fawad Khan Fan Sep 23, 2016 04:33am
I think this journalist has got out of mind. I don't know when people will stop pretending that they are the ones who give a big name to someone.... Fawad is not a beggar that you tell him to leave. I can say the same thing about the Bollywood celebrities working in Hollywood if you justify this case for Fawad.
Krish Sep 23, 2016 05:17am
Soumyadipta, You are an insult to journalism and to my country of birth. Shame on you to drag an artist and innocent human being to a controversy.
javed mahmood Sep 23, 2016 06:13am
This journalist has shown narrow-minded approach. Fawad Khan earned money, name and fame in India because of his talent in showbiz. Why this journalist could not earn much more than Fawad Khan in India? Why India is making movies in Urdu language _ the national language of Pakistan? How many Indian artists raise the issue of Indian extremists/jihadists who have killed more than 64,000 Indians since 1996 in separatist movements/attacks? Artists should not be blamed for the biased approach of the decision-makers, rulers and extremist politicians on both the sides of the border
deven Sep 23, 2016 06:30am
If he has any self respect he will just catch the next flight to Pakistan. Better to leave than to be kicked out.
deven Sep 23, 2016 06:31am
@TQ Have they ?
Shahriar Sep 23, 2016 06:56am
Mr. Journalist, How lowly you mentality is! You Indian stop terrorism and occupation before telling Pakistan about it.
Siva D Sep 23, 2016 07:07am
All I can say is that no country can monopolize idiocy. We have our share .
Shakir Machchiwala Sep 23, 2016 07:46am
@Sameer Chaudhry If that's the case, why have Pakistani "artists" tweeted their sympathy towards the Kashmiri cause? If you're an artist, stick to your craft. The moment you dabble in politics, you fail to be an artist and become an ambasdor for your country's agenda. Bollywood was thriving without Pakistani artists in the past; their exit will be a patch on its existence.
SIAK Sep 23, 2016 08:45am
....and these A-list actors of ours rub their noses up get silly roles like K&Sons and face the indignity of being treated like B-list actors in India....Shameful
Indian Sep 23, 2016 09:57am
Take care, Fawad, and don’t let some random journalist ever tell you to leave India. Lots of love.
ZAFAR Sep 23, 2016 05:03pm
Fawad is desperately trying to get Indian citizenship, but looks like his roots are being a barrier to that. If Adnan Sami can do it, then Fawad can too along with his wife and kids.
New Distric Hunza Sep 23, 2016 05:20pm
@TQ Well Said Bro
shami Sep 23, 2016 09:50pm
who is this journalist. must be jealous of fawad success.
Yasir Sep 23, 2016 11:26pm
We loves fawad, i'll watching ae dil h mushkil just bcoz of fawad..ignore them ,lots of love from india
Smithf700 Sep 24, 2016 01:04am
Very nice post. I certainly appreciate this website.
Marigold Austin Sep 24, 2016 04:05am
It is ridiculous for this writer to pick Fawad to heap his protest. In fact, Fawad does a great job of remaining completely neutral. His countrymen can also criticize him of the same thing. Let the arts flourish between the two countries and keep politics out of it. Fawad can go back if he will give us another 'Humsafar' instead of making inane Bollywood movies :)
Lafanga Sep 24, 2016 02:28pm
This is the immature India
Iqra Sep 24, 2016 06:13pm
He deserved that if you tink you gave him love..Koi muft mein pyaar nai bantana shuru huwa hota..
Vkp Sep 24, 2016 09:11pm
I fully agree with this ..
Manoj Sep 25, 2016 12:41pm
All the pakistani actors must go back to Pakistan. No more place in India
Indian Sep 25, 2016 09:45pm
@Malik well said...
POLITY Sep 26, 2016 08:09am
It's the right time to come back.
vikas Sep 26, 2016 10:40am
Pakistani can see the comments of Indians on this news. most of the Indians do not agree with the views of that journalist.
Dipen Sep 27, 2016 07:55pm
I'm an Indian and this is the first time I'm hearing of this "Senior" journalist! :) In these unfortunate times anyone with a blog and vitriolic message gets covered on national news channels on both sides. Plz ignore! as for bollywood (not a big fan) -- ppl decide who stays on silver screen and in their instagram feeds and not MNS. Peace!