
Meera wants you to know that she just modelled in Dubai

Meera wants you to know that she just modelled in Dubai

In case you missed this on your Twitter feed
Updated 24 Jul, 2016

Meera may be one of our more evasive celebs, but when she's doing something cool, she's not shy about it.

This weekend, she splashed our Twitter feeds with photos of her most recent Dubai experience. (She's done this once before, by the way).

The Hotal actor had a ball of a time in the City of Gold, where she was invited as showstopper for designer Tejas Gandhi at India Fashion Week.

Meera was clearly delighted to be back in the spotlight:

Her excitement did her good - here she is glowing on the runway:

Meera's probably gone through the grind a hundred times, but she took us through the process of becoming a showstopper nonetheless.

Here she is getting coiffed up:

Her makeup team had a fan moment with her:

She's giving her 100% at rehearsals - look at that smoulder:

All that work paid off - she looked like a true runway queen:

So what if she doesn't have the crown?
So what if she doesn't have the crown?

Meera also made sure Dubai didn't forget she's visiting:

There was also this other secret to her smile:

Now, who can deny the joy of retail therapy?


Fawad A Khan Jul 24, 2016 03:34pm
Meera is a beautiful woman. She might not have alot of class but she is true to her profession. In this world of keyboard warriors the poor soul has been overwhelmed with undue mockery and criticism. Good going meera.
Maqsee Jul 24, 2016 04:25pm
The role of media.....some to be glorified while others to be mocked!!
Goga Nalaik Jul 24, 2016 05:15pm
Waoo Meera You are our Star and we love you
RizH Jul 24, 2016 06:23pm
Not sure why she was asked to be a model. She is fat
Guruji Jul 24, 2016 08:40pm
@RizH: So you think only thin girls with bones sticking out are good for modeling. To me she looks perfect.
Hamid Shafiq Jul 24, 2016 09:25pm
So much work for makeup ?
Rationalist Jul 25, 2016 12:39am
@RizH She looks great The modeling industries standard of ultra-thin girls is too artificial. Her look is more natural and hence beautiful.
Shakir Jul 25, 2016 05:43am
Meera has very very short legs. She cannot carry herself in anything that shows her feet, either in heels or bare.
Faisal Jul 25, 2016 06:44am
All the best Meera.
AdHawk Jul 25, 2016 08:29am
So, now we know.
ak Jul 25, 2016 11:26am
"Its was lots of fun" :D. Really!!!!!
elma peter Jul 25, 2016 01:01pm