
7 times Qandeel Baloch was an unapologetic rebel

7 times Qandeel Baloch was an unapologetic rebel

Qandeel was unabashedly bold and claimed to fight for women's rights in Pakistan
17 Jul, 2016

Qandeel Baloch was a rebel and will be remembered as such. Her Facebook posts and Instagram updates are proof.

Her tragic death yesterday has left many at a loss for words, but she had plenty to say about herself and society.

Here's a list of the social media celebrity's boldest statements that prove she wasn't afraid to speak her mind:









wellwisher Jul 17, 2016 11:25am
the greatness is now realised.
Saif Jul 17, 2016 11:28am
She was a girl who wanted fame, by hook or by crook. She got it, by death, so to speak, Long live girl, you got your way.
taju Jul 17, 2016 12:03pm
@Saif she was brave , she was strong. She is winner. You are not.
gs Jul 17, 2016 12:06pm
Rebel without a cause. Who has not heard this phrase? We also have heard that teenage is a difficult age. When people are young and lucky enough like many to have somewhat easy life, they see it fit to rebel against every tradition, every mode people are obliged to follow as there are not many alternatives. Once people enter into practical life they have to do what others are obliged to do and follow thus come to their senses and out of their age of rebellion
Reprobate Jul 17, 2016 12:15pm
@Saif What kind of sick comment is this? If you are suggesting that she would give her life for fame then you are a sad excuse for a human being.
lmk Jul 17, 2016 12:17pm
@Saif How callous you are. She managed to make a decent living for all her family. She wanted out of gutters life like everyone. Whether you agree with the means or not, give it to her, she was a brave fighter, in a very cruel harsh unforgiving Pakistan.
skandan krishnan Jul 17, 2016 12:34pm
You talk of democracy. what type of country is this when a model is murdered just because she used to take some selfies.
Anon Khan Jul 17, 2016 12:37pm
The civil society and intelligentsia must mobilize the public, to build a pressure on our legislators to do something solid to foil the incidences of honor killing.
DÊLHÏÎTË!! Jul 17, 2016 02:07pm
Poor soul.. killed for being honest and brutal towards the oppressive society. And sadly, killed by her brother! RIP. The same people who would comment bad about her a week ago have changed their opinions, suddenly. It's so terrifying that we learn our lessons only when that person dies. Sad truth about the subcontinent. RIP, brave girl. Wish more gutsy women stand up against suppression.
ABC Jul 17, 2016 02:51pm
Her killing is to be condemned..but there is no good reason to represent her as a big loss.I think media should respond maturely and professionally.
thatguy Jul 17, 2016 03:08pm
@Saif She had more guts than you ever will. Go back to your box.
whocares Jul 17, 2016 04:23pm
@gs and you have to follow the laws you swore to uphold. the obsession and stalking of this girl is easily shown..but keep trying.
Thoroughthinker Jul 17, 2016 06:50pm
@Saif : Never talk bad about dead. She was a reality and the biggest lesson she gave was, never cross the red-lines. Unfortunately, with her lack of experience and guidance, she adopted her own means and devices which ultimately back-fired. Even if the Government had provided her security that she demanded, it would not have been against her own family.
Hoot Khalid taj Jul 17, 2016 07:33pm
قندیل بلوچ نهیں تهی قندیل پنجابی تهی اس کا اصل نام فوزیه عظیم تهی
MAK Jul 17, 2016 07:34pm
A rebel, an anti heroine, many would cringe on her thought, she knew she was playing rash in a chauvinist society. Her biopic will be a great success may even be award winner
Iqbal Hadi Zaidi Jul 17, 2016 07:50pm
Without going into as to what could be the reasons for killing her, I totally oppose killing in any case simply because each and everyone gets one life so none should snatch away the life, in any case. Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Kuwait/
Ashutosh Mishra Jul 17, 2016 08:09pm
Good girl. She wanted to be famous in a good way. That desire is realized !! And she will find peace at the Lord's feet!!!
Shaukat Ali Khan Jul 17, 2016 08:22pm
We have changed meanings of bold. I thought bold meant brave but now I have learnt that bold means vulgar.
Masood Haider Jul 17, 2016 08:29pm
One hopes that the role model for Pakistani women is Malala not Qandeel although her brutal murder was despicable.
farid Jul 17, 2016 08:30pm
@Saif You are ignorant. It is because of people like you that Pakistan is living in sixteen century.
Rukh-e-Zehra Jul 17, 2016 09:10pm
Nothing justified this girl killing she was treated unjustly in a very young age .In our society people have double standard but the way she was adopted to fight for women rights was unethical was not respectful at all there are others respectable ways she could as well
ShManzar Jul 17, 2016 09:16pm
I do not condone her murder at all. No ne should take the law into their hands. Never. What I object to is teh author's word at the introduction of the article "she was bold" .. NO! She was immodest and shameless. Bayhaya. that is the truth and immodesty and shamelessness should not be portrayed as boldness....
Kamlesh Gautam Jul 17, 2016 09:50pm
@Saif She was brave and courageous enough to chalange orthodox ,do you have that courage?
dr, nasir bhatti Jul 17, 2016 10:05pm
She was a bold girl living in a cruel harsh society of my Pakistan. There are many many such girls exactly in the same like circumstances, beautiful enthusiastic courageous with tremendous potential but in a poor backward family married to a hopeless absolutely worthless relative without her consent and willingness because her parents gave her away. The so called husband would simply burn with jealousy because he would not be able to imagine her to be with some one else. For get it why to bother about her or similar girls like her who can not simply be chained into their house. Yes help out of the way IF YOU COME ACROSS ONE LIKE HER.
I Saeed Jul 17, 2016 10:54pm
@gs agreed!
I Saeed Jul 17, 2016 10:58pm
@lmk she abandoned her own son what family are you taking about ?
Masood Jul 18, 2016 01:23am
GS and SAIF: both of you have lived in the Gulf countries and you are still licking their feet. You animals need to go back over there and be an Arab-slave. You are condoning the killing of a BRAVE WOMAN. She had more guts and resolve than a hundred like you. Pakistan is a very unlucky country where people like Malala, Qandeel and Eidhi are treated as second class citizens where as crooks and thieves are crowned as 'the saviors.'
Narinder Dogra Jul 18, 2016 01:40am
She could have became a politician and no body would have given a hoot and she may have said any thing all day along.
Azhar Iqbal Jul 18, 2016 03:07am
@skandan krishnan, India is called the largest democracy in the world and also enjoys the distinction of having the highest rate of rape in the world. India is the only country in the world where people are killed for eating beef. India is truly a crazy country. So before criticizing others, just look inwards and you will not have the courage to criticize anyone else.
Kate Jul 18, 2016 04:54am
Long live Queen Qandeel
Kate Jul 18, 2016 04:57am
@ABC her life is a great loss to many who never met her - you are a sad excuse for s human being.
Kate Jul 18, 2016 04:59am
@ABC her loss is great to many of us who never met her. Your (lack of) compassion is also a great loss to the world.
Shan Jul 18, 2016 07:03am
@Saif Agreed with you SAIF, you purely analysis about her actions. Though she was brave, strong and she is winner but every thing she wanted fame and always make points scoring. She lost her life like same way. Though, I am agreed with all that she was Great, Strong and different from us. But what was her main goal in life? Fame and need popularity and she got it.
Namlas Jul 18, 2016 08:16am
@ABC I agree with ABC, her murder is a very very sad incident. It reflects our society anyone can take any life as there is no accountability. But please stop presenting her as a role model for the nation to cross any boundaries for fame and money. Our media is losing logic and maturity.
Namlas Jul 18, 2016 08:24am
@DÊLHÏÎTË!! What opression? Her killing should be condemned at very level. honour killing is a curse in our society which has taken so many lives and dont know how many more will be wasted. But if you talk about oppression then dressing up decently, live and act decently is an opression then you really need to check your moral values. Any religion, any society in the world does not support vulgarity.
I Saeed Jul 18, 2016 12:02pm
@I Saeed it is truly amazing to see so much support for a woman who became famous just because she was wearing indecent clothing and was good at uploading vulgar videos . Her murder is to be condemned just as the murder of anyone else should be condemned. Is she were a fighter, her fight was against the moral thread of Pakistani society.
RIP Qandeel Jul 18, 2016 01:48pm
Don't just Blame Pakistan or Pakistani society to be that conservative towards woman only. I think if any man would do the same like QB did over internet to become the sensation there will not be any change in behavior of general public who condemn, criticize and abuse him too. In no way QB represents the "Girl Power" and those who seems too much touched with her Family incidents/ marriage/child and other things must realize that these things were not publicly known to anyone because she hided that intentionally and we all just come to know these details hardly two weeks back on revelation of her ex-husband. In no way her murder could be justified but on the same time you can't start viewing her as a woman rights champion. Media should stop debating over her character (right or wrong ) and stay focused on the brutal murder, condemn able any where in the world in the name of humanity.
SHAH Jul 18, 2016 01:52pm
Male domination patriarchy is a curse in our society. Jirga System where a group of illiterate decide your future. With Orthodox and illiterate mindset we are heading towards stone age and barbaric culture where man kill woman and has no remorse and shame!
umair Jul 18, 2016 06:30pm
@ABC great comment,media is trying to make a story out of it,she wanted fame,she got it,but her killing is to be condemned.
Trapped Jul 20, 2016 06:24pm
Pakistan need such rebels who could unite women power and liberate women from orthodox value system. Ms. Qandeel you have planted the seeds and next generation of women will reap the benefits. Your sacrifice will not go in vain.
Solani Jul 22, 2016 05:26am
Orthodox mind set people has to get rid, your country will never progress, just think about orthodox in Canada or US, yes there is no orthodox mind people over there and no body wants to listen to them.
Kamran Jul 24, 2016 08:32am
As a matter of fact qandeel baloch life is a race against time. I think her life and death has all the colours of our primitive and conservative society. Her passion dreams ambitions and tragic end is the true reflection of Pakistani society. Really feel sad for her. Can and will pray for her