
Pakistan reacts to Qandeel Baloch's shocking murder

Pakistan reacts to Qandeel Baloch's shocking murder

Tributes pour in as news of the Facebook celebrity's death surface
Updated 16 Jul, 2016

In a shocking turn of events, social media sensation Qandeel Baloch was murdered by her brother in Multan Saturday morning in the name of honour killing, according to local police.

The famed celebrity was known for uploading provocative content on her social media accounts. Reports state she had been receiving threats from her brother owing to her pictures and videos on Facebook.

Qandeel Baloch had earned herself quite a reputation in Pakistan and abroad. Though many find her acts objectionable, her death is a blow that has reverberated throughout the country.


Sudhanshu Swami Jul 16, 2016 12:14pm
Run Away. Run Away. Run Away.... Run Away and save your life. Run Away if you want to survive
Suren Sahni Jul 16, 2016 12:21pm
Some still are living in the Caves Rip
Arun-KS Jul 16, 2016 12:21pm
No one knew her brother. Now he is known. Qandeel has gifted fame to her brother in return of her murder.
Naila Jul 16, 2016 12:21pm
Killed by mufti....sorry it isnt honor killing
Kumar Jul 16, 2016 12:26pm
Sad to see this.
Truth Jul 16, 2016 12:28pm
I was not a fan or anything of her but how can you kill a women? Pakistan and its people who are moderate and doesn't support this, that there is a very big majority of people who even support this and happy on this. We should understand that one day we can be killed under the name of Honor and of Blasphemy law. If you do something different from the culture you will be killed. This kind of issues will never help Pakistan to move forward.
Neel Jul 16, 2016 12:31pm
I'm really sad to know. She was weird. Her behavior was outrageous. But she doesn't deserve to die. She might be an attention seeker & pretentious. But do you think we are angels? She was taking stand against male chauvinism. May her soul rest in peace. Neel, Mumbai
kavita Jul 16, 2016 12:32pm
Won't the murderer be punished by Pakistan?
Khan Jul 16, 2016 12:34pm
@Sudhanshu Swami - I wish she had run away, hope others like Qandeel keep themselves save or run away for safety
Muhammad Omer Jul 16, 2016 12:36pm
We need a stronger police force. We need to find this culprit and execute him. Examples have to be made out of yhese culprits otherwise they will keep wreking havoc in society. We are an overpopulated and undereducated society. We need an exceptionally bigger police force, more cctv cameras and drone surveillance of the streets along with a civil intelligence agency that has a very high budget to check movement of arms and suspicious personnel. This is a very sad event. Such killings are happening at a frustrating frequency. Let sadness be our catalyst. Belts need to be tightened, work needs to be done.
Dipak Singh Jul 16, 2016 12:39pm
Very sad day for Pakistan freedom of speech & Pakistan entertainment industry, it is just like cut your tongue if you talk your own mind.
Dawood Jul 16, 2016 12:41pm
This is total nonsense, My heart asks melancholy " Aren't we Intolerant bunch of People?".
Kavita Jul 16, 2016 12:47pm
Pakistan is safe for none.
Srini Jul 16, 2016 12:51pm
Very sad. She wanted security - she was killed by a police officer who was her brother. What irony.
Ghulam Nabi Malik Jul 16, 2016 12:55pm
Shocked and saddened over this barbaric act.
Rajesh Punjabi Jul 16, 2016 12:56pm
such a intolerance in pakistan, how can a brother kill his own sister?
Ghulam Nabi Malik Jul 16, 2016 12:56pm
Saddened and shocked over this barbaric act.
Zala Jul 16, 2016 01:00pm
She was killed because she exposed the maulvis.
harjeet Jul 16, 2016 01:01pm
Such type of model should leave PAK.
Mahmood Jul 16, 2016 01:02pm
I never heard of her until just last week. For all I can gather, she was only shot to infamy for her racy videos and provocative and suggestive selfies. What big loss is that? How did she contribute to betterment of humanity? While people expressing grief and deep sorrow, may even idolize her, and may even collect her controversial pictures, they somehow will think of her for far longer than Abdul Sattar Edhi - who also passed away in peace, just last week. That to me, is the saddest commentary on the shallow standards and priorities of this society.
Pff Jul 16, 2016 01:07pm
I couldn't believe it when I read this. I always found everything about her very amusing. There was naivety in her risqué antics. Turns out her brother was the one who really disgraced the country. How can people define moral conduct and more importantly expect women to adhere to it. Western countries are not liberal because women can wear revealing clothes or do things that 'cultured' girls don't but because they are not judged. And what's with the sudden rise in 'honor' killings in Pakistan?
Abdulla Hussain Jul 16, 2016 01:08pm
Poor soul caught between have & have not. RIP. I support Sharmila Farooqi's point of view.
Irfan Jul 16, 2016 01:08pm
Such a sad state of our society...the cost of human life is nothing, well unless you belong to the rare elite section here...otherwise one can lose their life for no reason at all, or worse for insane and ancients beliefs of a few...
AdHawk Jul 16, 2016 01:11pm
Lesson for Pakistani women: nobody will gift you equal rights on a platter. Every inch of freedom will have to be paid in blood.
Shehroz Jul 16, 2016 01:22pm
@kavita It will be.. If he gets caught, he'll be granted capital punishment.
Ayesha Jul 16, 2016 01:23pm
@Kavita if 1 person or 2 or few others do murders of their own family members,then it doesn't mean that whole country is represented by only those murderers...i know killing someone in the name of honour is not justified in any circumstances but such cases do happen in other countries ,so u can't say,"Pakistan is safe for none".
chanthu Jul 16, 2016 01:24pm
Not Run Away...But send her away for ever...
sultan pervez Jul 16, 2016 01:25pm
When and how many more poor girls will pay such a price before it all comes to an end??? Enough is enough, Stop all this nonsense and let the LAW OF THE LAND do the talking.
Altaf Jul 16, 2016 01:25pm
Sorry to learn the death of the lady. She was out spoken but not the characterless. RIP
SHAH Jul 16, 2016 01:29pm
She paid a heavy price for women freedom and empowerment.
BHAVESH PATEL Jul 16, 2016 01:31pm
Higher and Higher I want to fly You won't be able to stop me, u may try You may kill me or strangle my voice But i won't look back,once i have made a choice You may lead pious life , my life is celebratory I speak with open heart , it sounds to you derogatory Stupid you are to cage a young rebellious free soul I embraced whole universe , Stupid you tried to shove me into a cubbyhole. RIP QANDEEL BALOCH. You' ll ROCK wherever YOU are.
Mehran keshe Jul 16, 2016 01:35pm
This is terribly sad. I could never understand why men are so scared of a powerful woman and femininity that the only way to deal with it is to kill. Woe is man and the day of judgement is here, thanks to the internet, the real book of revelations is about to be opened and there is no religion you can hide behind.
Sohail Jul 16, 2016 01:37pm
@Sudhanshu Swami, running away is not the solution, a cowardly act, we need to work hard to sort our issues.
Ben Jul 16, 2016 01:39pm
What a sad and tragic end to a wonderful life. A very sad and dark day indeed for women empowerment in Pakistan. I hope she finds peace in afterlife.
BHAVESH PATEL Jul 16, 2016 01:40pm
@harjeet ....Sorry sir but its not correct to judge her,least to kill her ,its gross.
Mehmood Jul 16, 2016 01:41pm
What good is it if you cannot tolerate even your own people. No liberty .. just murders galore!! I think it is simply too much...
Shaukat Ali Khan Jul 16, 2016 01:42pm
No one should cross limits of societal norms; no one should murder for any reason too.
Showket ali Jul 16, 2016 01:44pm
Barbaric murder of a young daughter
Showket ali Jul 16, 2016 01:46pm
Barbaric murder Very very sad
Civilian Jul 16, 2016 01:46pm
Will the real representatives of the people please stand up??? We need to legislate to rid ourselves of this menace. Train and equip the police and create a deterrent by virtue of which we eradicate such acts of violence. Additionally, we need to develop an ideology and ensure that it resonates with the people of Pakistan. We need inclusive policies, not exclusive!
adeel Jul 16, 2016 01:47pm
Our society is responsible for this. We ourselves dont have any idea as to which society we belong to. Some are status conscious, some are honour conscious, some are self conscious, some are not conscious at all. There is no identification to our schools of thoughts because of which everyone has his own conscious leading to the such actions.
adeel Jul 16, 2016 01:48pm
@kavita The murder will be punished if he is a part of the general public. If not then he will get a clean chit.
yogi Jul 16, 2016 01:53pm
I read about her..just tears envelope...RIP..
The Ravian Jul 16, 2016 01:53pm
The conservative mentality, wherever is this prevailing, better to flee or conform with. If failed then this is the very fate one has to meet unfortunately. Feeling sorry for departed soul. RIP
Calypso Jul 16, 2016 01:56pm
What is "Honurable" in killing a person? RIP Qandeel. I am feeling so sorry for her, though I never knew her (being far away from Paksitan). The poor girl was killed by a person, who should have protected her. The following verses of Elton John´s Candle in the wind (very old song writen for Marilyn Monroe): .... Though I never knew you at all. You had the grace to hold yourself... ...And it seems to me you lived your life. Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to. When the rain set in ... Your candle burned out long before. Your legend ever did As a Pakistani man I demand MORE POWER FOR WOMEN in our country.
Haseena Jul 16, 2016 01:57pm
As a Pakistani woman I'd recommend all girls from this godforsaken country to get out as soon as you can. There's nothing left here anymore
Pawn of Pindi Jul 16, 2016 01:58pm
Seriously ? A anti honor killing bill ? Like that is what is stop the crazies.
Abdus Samad Jul 16, 2016 01:58pm
Killing of any body is bad. You cannot commit a crime by taking justice in your own hands. However you must all understand that our society is culprit itself. You may observe that crime wasn't committed instantly but people around him may have provoked him into committing the crime. Our Society doesn't forget it easily and is very unforgiving under all such instances. To understand it you have to put yourself in victim's brother's shoes. Provoking questions of neighborhood, friends and family. What if you have family and kids of your own specially daughters? She may have gone abroad but what about her family? A living hell. We and our Society is causing a great harm to our religion Islam. We can minimize such incidents by grooming our children and ourselves according to true teachings of Islam.
Sri Jul 16, 2016 01:59pm
@Mahmood your comment makes me think many more like you may step.back from condemning her killing in the least
Atif Jul 16, 2016 02:01pm
Even a murderer can't be murdered without the due process of law leave aside a helpless women. No justification in social, moral, religious or any kind of law for this.
only Jul 16, 2016 02:01pm
This is the real black day for pakistan.
ali Jul 16, 2016 02:01pm
@Mahmood Nobody is talking about loss. Her videos were certainly not the most enlightening. What everyone else is complaining is; Yes we did not agree with her views and antics. Does that mean we should kill her? Should we kill anyone who does not agree with us or conform to our way of living?
Waseem khan Jul 16, 2016 02:02pm
I dont know why but m feelin like crying even though I wasnt a fan of hers but it just breaks my heart that we are nothing but really a 3rd world state with no rule of law and democracy and freedom of speech. I think now I definately believe what American reports tells about our country. We definately have some problem in our country if not in country then in our minds and hearts. We HAVE TO CHANGE it our it will be TOO LATE.
Calypso Jul 16, 2016 02:04pm
@Mahmood Dear sir, I gather from your name that you are Muslim. Please tell me what punishment is forseen in Islam for murdering a person! Who gives anyone the right to kill God´s creation? What can you think of a society, where a sister fears her own brother? Who can count on Pakistan at international level, when we justify a murder of our own family members? This is not Islam I grew with!
Ramakrishnan Jul 16, 2016 02:07pm
In the name of honour such people bring shame to the country and to whole humanity. Unfortunately even in India such incidents do happen.
Naveed Jul 16, 2016 02:07pm
@Sri Imagine if she was your sister? Would you be here commenting on her??
Aun Jul 16, 2016 02:12pm
Qandeel baloch murdered
Amit Jul 16, 2016 02:18pm
R.I.P. From India .
Amit Jul 16, 2016 02:20pm
Dipak Singh Jul 16, 2016 02:21pm
@Naveed your comment shows your double standard, your type of people love to watch hollywood, bollywood & porn movies but if any Pakistani girl do the lil bit of like that you start feeling unsecured. you start feel ashamed on her etc etc.
Aimal Jul 16, 2016 02:24pm
Why can't we let a woman be a woman. Why must the society dictate? Anguish, deep anguish.
Azmeen Jul 16, 2016 02:29pm
It is shocking. I condemn this murder. One who cannot respect his sister, cannot respect any other human relation.
Amal Jul 16, 2016 02:30pm
are you serious? What did she do to deserve this? one day she is alive and the next day gone. I know respect and honor is very important. Apparently she did something that ruined her own reputation and her family's. The solution is simple...dissociate yourself from them if they keep on doing bad....don't kill them! And if she ruined another's reputation, ask God in prayer to protect your reputation. By killing her, the killers have not practiced their deeen and have missed the whole point of respect/honor in the first place!!!!
Harmony-1© Jul 16, 2016 02:30pm
Her brother should not be spared. When will this incompetent government make some strong laws? Does this government have any 'honour' left?
Dv Jul 16, 2016 02:33pm
Does anything happen to the murderers in such cases.
Rashid Sultan Jul 16, 2016 02:33pm
Savage minds producing savage results. We live in a male dominated relgiously regressive society. Shame on us all.
Wajahat Jul 16, 2016 02:37pm
I am not a fan of Qandeel Baloch but as far as humanity is concerned 'honour killing' is obnoxious and a heinous act which should punished by death sentences.
K KARMA Jul 16, 2016 02:48pm
Society will liquidate you if you do not follow the social norms, conditioning , values and culture. This is a scenario repeated everywhere in South Asia. There is no tolerance, if you are in conflict with the society you either run , keep quiet or else you will get bashed hard and be put in a loony bin if you speak your mind. Qandeel had courage to stand alone and she got paid with her life. RIP .
Deep Jul 16, 2016 03:03pm
Media should stop reporting these hate crimes as honor killing. It is only helping the perpetrators and all others who supports such murders. May her soul rest in peace!
Simple boy Jul 16, 2016 03:06pm
@Truth that's not true my dear
Simple boy Jul 16, 2016 03:12pm
@Kavita pakistan is save country fr everyone , who belong to an religion, any class. But those person who spoild our islamic rules. We kill them all, even they are Muslims. Our beloved religon Islam, our culture and our society are very different and greater than u.
Syed Hussain Akbari Jul 16, 2016 03:14pm
She was a respectless woman. But no one had the right or authority to kill her. It is only judiciary which can decide whether a person is a criminal or not in the light of the law of the country. Only the judicial can decide about the nature of punishment. Remember the case of a prostitute in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.) whose funeral prayer was lead by him on the instruction of the Almighty God who pardoned all her sins just because of one good deed she did. She gave water to a seriously wounded puppy.
Hamaad Jul 16, 2016 03:15pm
Murder is a crime whether it is committed in a house by family or on streets by rogues. Perpetrator must be found and punished. Lawlessness must end. Justice for all, no exceptions.
I. Khan Jul 16, 2016 03:23pm
Government of Pakistan can be held accountable for the killing of Qandeel Baloch, she asked Choudhry Nisar to provide her protection as she felt her life is in danger and Choudhry ignored her request.
Raj Jul 16, 2016 03:27pm
Just a week back i watched her on aik din geo k saath, she is a good person unlike what we see her do.
fakih Jul 16, 2016 03:34pm
@Kavita why?
Adib Jehan Jul 16, 2016 03:44pm
Very sad, and shocking news. Couldn't believe. RIP.
Alok Jul 16, 2016 04:09pm
Very shocking news,there is no future of women's in Pakistan.
Varun Jul 16, 2016 04:27pm
It is beyond any justification for a brother to take away the life of his own sister ..He does not deserve to live a life of prominence after spilling his own blood . Let not Pakistan slip to stone age .
Zak Jul 16, 2016 04:28pm
Unbelievable. Wish they sent her abroad.
Ajay vikram Singh Jul 16, 2016 04:30pm
Where is honor in killing your own sister? if you really are honorable....stay by her side forever, educate her, help her becoming a better, stronger person. That's honorable. This male insecurity ...and being called honor. An absolutely false notion.
Abbas Naqvi Jul 16, 2016 04:35pm
The issue of "honor killing" will continue to haunt our society unless the state steps in to provide safeguards through effective legislation and examplary punishment to those who violate the law. It is also the result of social and religious contradictions present in our society. We need to educate minds, create awareness and Introduce a culture of tolerance in order to bring about a change in the rigid and dogmatic approach and behavior of those committing such heinous crimes. We need to project a progressive, moderate and tolerant image of Pakistan to earn respect, dignity and credibility in the international arena. The Multan murder deserves strong condemnation.
Hassan Jul 16, 2016 04:39pm
"Nothing is good in this society. This patriarchal society is bad," Qandeel had said in a recent interview with Images. So true Qandeel. Our society is really patriarchal and male dominated. Thye cannot see anyone living on their own. so shameful.
kharbindersingh Jul 16, 2016 04:56pm
Payal Jul 16, 2016 05:02pm
@Mahmood what big loss?? Are you not a human being??? Any death is a loss!! And it's because of people like you that we have this mindset. Obviously, Mr edhi was great but that doesn't take away someone else's right to live by saying they didn't contribute to society!! This is barbaric and saddening that even today women are killed in the name of honor . And your mentality even more so
PakCanuck Jul 16, 2016 05:48pm
Really sad and shocked
Toor Jul 16, 2016 05:55pm
@Ayesha You are absolutely good
Raza Jul 16, 2016 06:13pm
@Mahmood what is wrong with condemning the murder of a fellow human being no matter how bad was she. Respect for the life of other human beings is what makes us humans.
Anna Jul 16, 2016 06:25pm
@Sudhanshu Swami So agree with you ..I have never seen such barbarism
Arabinda Chakravarty Jul 16, 2016 06:47pm
@Kavita Yes, Kavita especially for women.
irfan Jul 16, 2016 07:25pm
@Ayesha ok - so people who follow the rules of the society have nothing to fear in Pakistan. I did say "rules of the society", not "rule of law". See the problem?
rao Jul 16, 2016 07:32pm
People hate QB for her bold acts on media.. the same people watch all Bolloywood dances and perfom them in weddings etc etc... what a double standard society..
Dr.Mumtaz lakhani Jul 16, 2016 07:34pm
I did not know who Qandeel Baloch was until the selfie and even i didnt understand the selfie until i saw Luqman s live show in TV where he had invited her and Mufti. Both of them seemed very indiffferent in their answers.i fel that she was an insecure young woman who can probably benefit from therapy. With all her immaturity, she did not deserve to die. She could have been helped.But instead of rehabilitation, about which probably brother had no idea,he decided to kill her in the name of honor.For God sake, stop this barbaric honor religion , culture or humanrights endorses it.
Ankur Singhai Jul 16, 2016 07:40pm
1 question for qandeel's brother : are you going g to heaven now ?
ANNA Jul 16, 2016 07:42pm
@Muhammad Omer what can police do when brothers kill sisters? #shame
Shujaat Khan Jul 16, 2016 07:44pm
She died because she lived in a primitive society.
Indian Jul 16, 2016 07:52pm
@Rajesh Punjabi read Indian newspaper. It's flooded with such news where father kills his own daughter or brother kills his own sister
brar Jul 16, 2016 08:02pm
@Mahmood You mean those who do not contribute to the society are like mosquetos and flies and deserve no sympathy and as regards BABA Edhi we have great respect for this noble soul and such persons dont, born every day .
brar Jul 16, 2016 08:11pm
@Ayesha Such incedents happen in India too, a canadian citizen Jaswinder Jassi was killed by supari killers and her mother and maternal uncle hired the killers because she wanted to marry a boy whom she liked.
Ahsan Gul Jul 16, 2016 08:19pm
Pakistan is a country full of animals when it comes to rights of women, I am Pakistani saying. No wonder we are so behind economically and mentally for if our mothers are not educated , don't have confidence what we can expect from our children's.
Amir Jul 16, 2016 08:22pm
No tweet from our very prolific tweeter, Marium Nawaz ??????
Rajiw Shrivastava Jul 16, 2016 08:27pm
What kind of country is this?
Mani Jul 16, 2016 08:28pm
@Mahmood you don't have to make some "contribution to society" to not be murdered for being yourself. If people don't like her photos or posts, then don't look at them. But shameless, hypocritical men in your mullah dominated society blame women for men's own thoughts and desires and make women responsible! That is the sign of a fearful, immature and little mind. And so long as you Pakistanis keep making it ok to murder a woman who dared to speak her mind and be herself, just because in your estimation she didn't "make a contribution to society," you will remain a little people, a shallow people and remain stuck in your own fetid filth. Not everyone has to be an Edhi to have their right to life and expression be respected.
Vik Jul 16, 2016 08:32pm
Geeez... You know I thought this poor girl would be harassed for being bold and speaking her mind, but murdered? Really too low even for Pakistan's standards of tolerance
S. A. M. Jul 16, 2016 08:49pm
@I. Khan yes I ask that ch nisar explains why he did not pay any attention to the request for protection from qandeel. she was a celebrity. is security only for the politicians who do no good for the country.
Nadeem Jul 16, 2016 08:58pm
Where does this 'honour' go when such a woman is a child? Why dont these 'honourables' educate and train them then?? This is brutal and sad :-(
Jalaluddin S. Hussain Jul 16, 2016 09:00pm
She did not deserve to die. Even one brainwashed mind can do the job. It is not justifiable on any count.
Sid Jul 16, 2016 09:02pm
@Mahmood The difference is thta one dies of natural causes while the other was killed. Not seeing the difference between the two situations is hypocrisy. This is the typical reasoning used by folks justifying terrorism - one life is less significant than another, and therefore can be taken with impunity.
Ambreen Jul 16, 2016 09:10pm
She is( i am sure everyone will agree ) is not a role icon name for modest popularity but yet I believe she is a female actress with a mother title.She deserved to live more and not just shot death by her own family.What could I say more!
INDIAN_PUNJABI Jul 16, 2016 09:20pm
Such a sad news. Time and again it has been proved that there still exist a huge gap in parity between male and female in South Asian Societies. All forward thinking people in Pakistan should raise their voice and do something about this.
Pff Jul 16, 2016 09:22pm
@harjeet Well, she's gone.
Pff Jul 16, 2016 09:26pm
@Simple boy You represent everything wrong with Pakistan.
Talkn Parrot Jul 16, 2016 09:37pm
Funny that the killer is doing the honourable thing! Pakistan needs to seriously look at itself. It is becoming a joke at many levels.
anant mittal Jul 16, 2016 09:50pm
@Waseem khan You are right bro! It's high time! Grow up PAKISTAN!
Anuj Jul 16, 2016 09:55pm
@Harmony-1© a society gets the government what it deserves.
karur Jul 16, 2016 09:58pm
It is an uphill task to change society and therefore the only option for non-conformists is to leave such a society. If anything, Pakistan has become more conservative and women have a rough time May this young lady be spared now!
Kaushal Joshi Jul 16, 2016 10:29pm
Please raise your voice in Pakistan otherwise next number will be yours or yours beloved one. We are living in 21st century, such barbaric and primitive act is a slap on Pakistan's society and stain of the face of islamic and fanatic society.
AbrEGurezaan Jul 16, 2016 10:30pm
If only she had been a male. Men who have done much more than her are celebrated and become role models, including many current politicians in Pakistan. Sadly what gets men labelled as studs gets women labelled as sluts in the subcontinent's society- especially in Pakistan where delusional notions of virility have a key place in a nation's psyche built on imagined descent from conquerors.
MA Jul 16, 2016 10:34pm
Sad. But this tells stay in your limits and nothing will happen
Roussou Jul 16, 2016 10:46pm
I never liked what she did but to kill her for that never entered into my mind. Only a sadist person can think like that.
Mushtaq Kaw Jul 16, 2016 11:06pm
Societies develop and humans progress. However, the post-modernists term it a disillusioned progress for it drives humans away from the age-long ethico-moral traditions, so dear to the people of Asian civilization . In Qandeel's murder, I find fault in parental schooling , to which her murder brothers are part of.
Maria Jul 16, 2016 11:10pm
@Zala very true
nasr Jul 16, 2016 11:43pm
I had my reservation about her projection against our moral values. I saw it coming. But unfortunately this is not the way to change immorality into morality. This killing should be condemned as much as it can be and punishment should be handed over to the committer of this crime. I would also say that overblowing her image by the media also played a very important role for her to meet her fate in the end.
anon Jul 16, 2016 11:47pm
@harjeet ...leave Pak? The naive woman was mocking the people who went to India.
AMK Jul 16, 2016 11:52pm
A dishonorable act committed by a moral less person. Two very serious questions: Why only women are subjected to honor killing in a society where men outpace women in dishonorable acts? Although it is pervasive in other provinces too but Why Punjab is the epic center for such brazen and sensless radical acts?
maryam Jul 16, 2016 11:57pm
there are times like this that I'm more than ashamed in calling myself a Pakistani. what the hell just happened? why is it a shooting range here? this is why we are failing as a society. we would rather justify something inhumane than support something that is a little bold and "feministic"
anon Jul 17, 2016 12:05am
@Haseena Best and correct advice!
anon Jul 17, 2016 12:06am
@only This is the reality of Pakistan.
Syed - Canada. Jul 17, 2016 12:41am
ss Jul 17, 2016 01:00am
He will spend rest of his life in jail, well that is if justice is done. Is that an honour for his family? Does our culture allow this?
Javed Jul 17, 2016 01:15am
@Naila She should not have provoked the Mufti who probably was framed. By this provocation the foolish girl incensed the man to madness. All that Mufti had to do without lifting a finger himself was to shame her brothers who are from his hometown and the mission was accomplished.
noorilhuda Jul 17, 2016 01:16am
Didn't even watch news the whole day - so am shocked. She crossed the invisible line when she showed a mullah making an utter fool of himself - that's the real reason. All else is an eyewash. Someone must have said to the brother, that she disgraced Islam when the mufti showed his true colors).
hakim Jul 17, 2016 01:22am
Individuals writing to Dawn are a minority of a minority. My suggestion is for each contributor to this column to talk to atleast 1 person who is not educated. It could be your driver, your watchman, your mechanic, your maid and more importantly the imam of your mosque that you go for prayers hopefully many times a day. Spread the thought with people that this is wrong, it starts with your sisters, mothers, daughters, send them to school, let them get employment, let them follow their dreams honorably with your guidance, shout to everyone, there is no honor in honor killing, it is against Islam only cowards take rights away from women. Give example of the prophet when he abstained from punishing the people who were abusing him, praying that one day may be their offspring will be pious and accept the faith as it is supposed to be accepted. Tolerance and peace to all.
Azka Jul 17, 2016 01:33am
Does the code of honor apply to only women? Its not just the female celebrities who are the victims, all women are subject to this criterion established by our society (rather established by men). How about women killing philandering male relatives? Will that be okay? This is a question for men in general and aalims in particular.
NegroDamus Jul 17, 2016 01:40am
Why the hell hasn't the world riled up and annihilated these countries that stick to these archaic ways and practices. We have no need for this ancient mindset in a modern world. We must end these societies that still practice this. Tolerance must end.
independentthinker Jul 17, 2016 01:46am
@Khan - Another alternative for her to not go out of her way to be different! There are many things that we all wish we could do, but don't - because it is not normal.... Why must we go so desperately out of the norm, just to prove that we want to live our life on our terms.
Sid Jul 17, 2016 01:48am
Not a fan of baloch as she talked all the crap most of the time...however killing someone isn't justified in any sense regardless what she was...same time one must follow the cultural you live in...if you don't like that culture either leave or meet the values your culture asks you....if you try to stand out that's what happens...Pakistan may have changed lots still a big majority of it is still old choice is yours...
Tahir Awan Jul 17, 2016 02:31am
The Legend has been silenced The upload is a black out The women power is no more Is this a kill for honor Or it is a remedy to stay in control May Qandeel Baluch's soul rest in peace.
Afia Jul 17, 2016 02:47am
@Mahmood as u said, "what big loss is her death. How did she contribute to soceity", my question to u is, if u are not contributing to soceity, should u be killed because u are of no use? Should u be killed if u want to live your life the way u want? Should u be killed if u want to use your body the way u want???But I think with the strong bond and togetherness, there has to be some passion and love
gary waraich Jul 17, 2016 02:50am
What a shame. Thanks God I came out of countries like India and Pakistan in time where people are killing their daughters, sisters and wives in the name of "HONOR". I have two daughters of my own and I shell honor them a free and respected lives. Live in piece Qandeel Baloch you are in good place now.
Hari Har Jul 17, 2016 03:13am
Her sacrifice will produce millions of her types to end male dominance and exploitation of women in Pakistan and India. He was brave and courageous to have come so far in life. God bless her soul. RIP
JSingh Jul 17, 2016 03:44am
Any act to compromise the human life(male or female) irrespective of age reflects the mental instability of a person who commits the heinous act. The recent rise of the heinous crimes committed by dysfunctional uneducated families can potentially give rise to mistrust between family members and in turn is dangerous to the most important trusted bond in society - Family. The ridiculous foolish uneducated elements of society that intimidates the family members and promotes the dis-integration of family are dangerous to the society and the country. Let's bring back the faith in most trusted bond in society and instead of breaking the trusted bond let the society help build strongest trusted bond - Family Slogan: "Reform Yourself than Reforming Other" - "Live and Let Live"
RNiz Jul 17, 2016 03:47am
@Mahmood That is absurd. You cannot compare the two. She did not simply pass away, she was murdered. For not conforming to the norms. What she was doing was not harming anyone. It speaks to a much greater issue of intolerance and moral superiority in Pakistan.
RNiz Jul 17, 2016 03:51am
@Ayesha at least there are repercussions for it in other countries. Here men get off scot free
Ibrahim Jul 17, 2016 03:53am
@Mahmood agree with you
Vham Jul 17, 2016 04:02am
@Naveed what do you mean? We do not need to be brother or sister to empathise with a person. Even animals in a herd protect and take care of each other. Imagining:/feeling the pain of others even tough we are not directly in the situation is what differentiates mammals from other species. Looks like religion is taking us reverse track in evolutionary biology.
dr. mohammad Jul 17, 2016 04:06am
Why???? For haven's sake why did they kill her???? Who has given them this right???? How long will such killing go on???? For God sake stop this butchery, this atrocity, inhuman behavior. Oh GOD please, please, please stop this.
Vham Jul 17, 2016 04:06am
@Simple boy your reply cleary shows your religious bigotry.
Sami Jul 17, 2016 04:12am
Just look at the country standing on the outside, from the eyes of others, then tell me what "honor" remains there in your society that you are trying to protect??!! I left when it was a decent place, a progressive Pakistan. Look what 40 years have done to the land of the pure!!!
Sami Jul 17, 2016 04:18am
@Mahmood -- The kinder and gentler Pakistan that I left 40 years ago is no more. It is a sick country and you Mr. Mahmood, you are a sick man.
Sami Jul 17, 2016 04:21am
@Naveed -- Control freak! No mater what your sister does in her own life, you have absolutely NO RIGHT to take her life. PERIOD! That is God's law.
Tariq Mahmood Jul 17, 2016 04:26am
That mullana who had a picture with her few days ago and Pakistan media particular TV anchors who projected it are responsible for her murder.
My Name Jul 17, 2016 04:38am
@Arun-KS ; Qandeel's murder has now brought dishonour to Pakistan, just on the heels of the woman stoned to death by her family "for honour"! The killer has brought INFAMY to Qandeel Baloch's family and nation. Will her brother be pardoned by Pak "Justice" under Sharia?
Paxton Roy Jul 17, 2016 04:44am
@kavita : Question is : WILL the murderer be punished in the land of the pure?
Paxton Roy Jul 17, 2016 04:50am
@Rajesh Punjabi ; Don't be shocked, It is a common practice there --- to kill family for "honour"! Now a beautiful woman is dead. Her brother's life is over. A nation is tarnished AGAIN for barbaric killings.; A governor, a social worker, a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor, a great & much loved Qawwal. How can people in this nation claim to be proud under these circumstances?
Paxton Roy Jul 17, 2016 04:55am
@Mahmood : Qandeel Baloch was a HUMAN BEING--regardless of how she lived her life! Unlike her mufti, policeman brother , she was NOT hellhound a criminal!
Raza Jul 17, 2016 04:56am
Truly sad day ! Not condoning Qandeel's murder but it is sad that there is more outpouring of grief for the 'Qandeel' types than there is for respectable and decent people who are far more mercilessly slaughtered every day. The country in particular and the world in general have lost their moral compass !!
Canadian Jul 17, 2016 04:57am
Where the protectors become killers, where would you go.
Paxton Roy Jul 17, 2016 04:59am
@Ayesha ; You have already forgotten ALL the people killed in Pakistan ; Qawwal Sabir, Ms. Mehmood, the pregnant woman stoned to death, Mr. Taseer, the doctor.... on a on ! These are CRAZY and WANTON murders in Pakistan! Yes, murders happen everywhere, but these ones have a Pakistan brand! Solution: Quit minding other people's lives!
Paxton Roy Jul 17, 2016 05:10am
@Simple boy ; YOU, Sir, are SIMPLE alright!
Jamal Jul 17, 2016 05:14am
@Mahmood well said
Qandeels DAD Jul 17, 2016 05:21am
GOD rest your soul Beti....May all who wished evil for you in the name of ISLAM and took your life spend time in HELL for following an erroneous BELIEF with is founder!!
Sk Jul 17, 2016 05:33am
@Sudhanshu Swami only coward runs and clearly you're one of them!
Cassandra Jul 17, 2016 06:33am
@Mahmood you are evil as much as you are ignorant. would the prophet agree with this?"
Arabinda Chakravarty Jul 17, 2016 07:25am
@Simple boy You are a stupid and you should be arrested at once for provoking criminal acts.
Hinna Jul 17, 2016 07:31am
@Mahmood A lot of attention is coming due to the fact that it's an honour killing - it doesn't matter if she was contributed to betterment to society or not, doen't matter if she was "valueable" or not, that's not the point. The point is that women are being killed in the name of honour for breaking against cultural norms and boundaries. And anyways, who are you/we to decide who is and isn't "valuable." Many may argue that she was valuable, that her struggle (in her family, abusive marriage etc) gave power or hope to other women in similar situations. You may not have agreed with her but just respect her as a human and let people mourn her death. Hopefully something will be done about honour killings now.
HelloWorld Jul 17, 2016 08:22am
Any woman who wants to lead a dignified life without being vilified and murdered by the fanatics should leave Pakistan.
Sikander Ali Jul 17, 2016 08:34am
Sad news it was to me, She was just struggling to take revenge from the society we live ,on other hand she supported her family financially.
Soumya Jul 17, 2016 08:39am
@Kavita do not blame whole pakistan for this. Honour killing even happen in our part also. With such a fame , no one will dare to do that...that is only difference..
Soumya Jul 17, 2016 08:45am
@Sudhanshu Swami why run away ? if u want to change the society u have to face it...if people can kill or die in name of religion, let few people scarifies there live for woman empowerment...if u love the continent stay and face it..RIP... love and love and love
Sudhanshu Swami Jul 17, 2016 09:04am
@Sk In cultural world, word Cowardliness or Bravery are for Soldiers and police not for a kid, a woman and that too an acting person (either kid or woman or actor is not ought to fight, she was three in one, means most vulnerable and weakest person in social hierarchy ) . Thank you for calling me coward. You can abuse more if that relieves your frustration.
SANE MIND Jul 17, 2016 09:34am
@Ayesha Reply honestly, after this incident, will you feel safe?
Starzan Jul 17, 2016 09:36am
QB/FA, 26-yo, beautiful & lovely Lioness of Pakistan, A brilliant light of hope and struggle for dignified existence! QB/FA, and millions of similarly situated, was victimized by pathetic, unmitigated, oppressive ignorance of the collective societal mindset of corrupt society of patriarchal hierarchy. Forced and non-consensual arranged "marriages" are forced slavery into prostitution until death. The preachers and men will be first ones to be shoved into hell-fire on a VIP (Very Ignorant Persons) Cruise-ship to hell. InshaAllah! Islam is very simple: after the Kalema, then do good!
Tariq Jul 17, 2016 09:58am
One hope the killer will be brought to justice,
javaid Jul 17, 2016 10:36am
She was killed, because she did not matter her life did not matter, her honor did not matter, only the honor of the male family member's mattered. That's how it is and that's how it will remain in that society.
Kandarp Jul 17, 2016 10:56am
Many in Pakistan consider her brother a hero for this act... People dont like a woman who is outspoken, bold and stupid enough to deviate old principles, rules and beliefs she considers useless and biased.
Chris Roberts Jul 17, 2016 11:45am
Since when is it honourable to kill someone because you are not in agreement with what he or she is doing? All the restrictions imposed on women are psychologically and emotionally damaging. Pakistan really needs more women like Qandeel to shake things up
Chris Roberts Jul 17, 2016 12:13pm
Since when is it honourable to kill your own sister? Pakistan must adopt a zero tolerance policy for this very primitive so-called 'honour killing'. The way women are treated and dictated to is psychologically and emotionally damaging. Pakistan needs many more women like Qandeel to really shake things up a lot. Hopefully her very tragic death will not be in vain but will pave the way for women to carry the torch and not be intimidated into submission. A healthy society is one that encourages diversity while respecting each one's individuality. Thank you, Qandeel for sharing your story and for being you.
adeel Jul 17, 2016 12:19pm
@Simple boy Simple boy .... first take out time and read a book....then put forth your intellectual views
adeel Jul 17, 2016 12:35pm
@Tariq We hope and look forward to all catagories of killers and murderers in our country to be brought to justice. All of them and not just some.
Ajay vikram Singh Jul 17, 2016 12:39pm
@Rajiw Shrivastava - Not very different from India.
anonymous Jul 17, 2016 06:27pm
@Mahmood edhi enjoyed and lived his life the way he wanted to live he had a long life and died with age related natural cause so his death cant be compare with kandeel bloch..
naveed iqbal Jul 17, 2016 07:59pm
Change is far away. Tell PTI as well. Honor killing will be persistent will social foolishness will be heading until these bunch of guts is kicked behind the bars.
Riaz Jul 17, 2016 08:03pm
I was never in with her antics, but to murder this young girl is unbelievably sick! What kind of brother would do this shocking and shameful,act. May the murderer rot in hell! We Pakistanis must speak against this sort of violence against women.....cowardly act, where is the chivalry.
Uzma Jul 18, 2016 02:14am
Qandeel was a bold lady no doubt...nd this was her personal matter nd lyf also.. his brother shoud be hanged coz no body has right of murder any one...
Truthful from USA Jul 18, 2016 05:29am
The killer is a dishonorable man himself, what he is talking about honor, he doesn't know what honor means
Altaf Ali Jageerani Jul 18, 2016 12:02pm
Very sad news. May Allah Rest her soul in peace.
Shahida Malik Jul 18, 2016 03:55pm
No one has right to kill no matter how wrong she is, she was the responsible for her own deeds but this is violation of human rights. i really condemn her death.
Roger US Jul 19, 2016 12:43am
@Mahmood : by doing what made her happy and above all she never hurt you or any one. She paid a very heavy price for being outrageous and being happy.
illawarrior Jul 19, 2016 10:18am
@Arun-KS Fame for being a murderer is hardly a gift - it is a curse!
SALIM AHMED Jul 20, 2016 01:59pm
@kavita her brother should be sent abroud to a US jail - in the one of tjhe Southern